Last updated a year ago
UnFrack.It was originally released as a hobby and convenience tool for the Cardano community. It lacks documentation and features, let's make it better than ever!
Open source a NextJs repo with a payment processor and smart contracts to accept credit card payments for NFTs & other digital payments. Sell products to non-crypto users. A working demo is available
This is the total amount allocated to Pay with Credit Card on Cardano.
Vlad Mikirtumov
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
The ability for users to pay with a credit card is crucial for the large-scale adoption of apps in the Cardano ecosystem. Very few apps in Cardano accept payments with a Credit Card, thereby excluding many users.
Dynamic Strategies is a niche player in the crypto space that develops innovative applications to solve real-world projects. Cardano Beam is a prime example, an app that adds GPS coordinates to NFTs and other assets on Cardano.
When we first started building our app, we realised there was no open-source code to connect web wallets to apps, so we developed one and released it as an open-source repository on Git Hub. Since its release, the repo was forked over a hundred times and received hundreds of starts. Developers turned to it as a go-to repo to start their app journey. This was our first large open-source on Cardano, and it was very well received.
We propose doing the same with the Fiat on-ramp we developed for our Cardano Beam app. We want to open-source it for the wider community to use on their projects.
A project is required to dedicate time to isolate the necessary code from our working product and create a repo that developers can get started with quickly. For this, we will use the most popular full-stack framework, “NextJs” which is a combination of a “React” front end (a leading front-end framework) and a backend similar to the “Express” server (a leading backend)
Focusing on a framework familiar to most developers in Web2 ensures that the largest cohort of developers stands to benefit from this repo and creates a convenient road into Cardano for new developers.
The fiat on-ramp uses a cross-chain bridge which will also be released in this repo. A cross-chain bridge is needed because most payment processors prefer to operate on an EVM blockchain. Therefore when the user makes a payment with their Credit Card, the payment processor will convert that payment into a transaction on an EVM blockchain, and the developer will transfer the asset on the Cardano blockchain using a custom daemon which will be released with the repo.
Target Functionality:
The processing time takes between 1 and 2 minutes, and the transaction is seamless for the client. The client does not notice the difference that this is a Web3 transaction rather than a Web2 transaction.
The developer will have enough flexibility to show as little, or as much of the Cardano blockchain as they wish - to the point that the term blockchain might not be mentioned at all to avoid confusing the less tech-savvy users.
An open-source fiat on-ramp gives the developer community a starting point of how to charge their customers with a Credit Card. They will have a template in NextJs that they can add to their existing projects, or develop a new one from the repo.
This will increase the adoption of Cardano and bring non-crypto users into the ecosystem.
It will increase the knowledge in the developer community by providing an easy-to-get-started example of a Fiat on-ramp for their business or DAO
The proposal directly addresses the challenge’s success metric:
It also addresses the following Challenge Key metrics:
The benefits of open-sourcing this for the Cardano app developers are that they get an example code to get started immediately, a tested process that works and a payment processor that pays. The time between deciding to use and being able to accept fiat payments is less than a week.
The project will succeed if we get interest from developers in the ecosystem. Judging from our previous large open-source release, the first wallet connector for web wallets on Cardano, the popularity grew very quickly and we received great feedback from users.
We expect to receive 50+ forks and the same amount of stars on our GitHub repo within 6 months of releasing the open-source repo on Git Hub.
The code will be open-sourced on GitHub in the Dynamic Strategies account: where the community can monitor progress in real-time.
A report on the progress will be written monthly and available to the community.
We will monitor and report on the following KPIs:
This solution is already working in production on the Events page of the Cardano Beam app where users can buy NFT tickets to events, pay for them with their credit card and have the ticket delivered to their Cardano wallet:
The team has already delivered 2 out of their 3 previously funded catalyst projects, with the third one progressing at pace. The same team will be delivering this proposal. And the team has already open-sourced a number of github repos for Cardano:
The project's main goal is to provide developers in Cardano a template of how to integrate Credit Card payments into their projects in under a week.
This project will package the working product into a separate GitHub repo for the developer community to use in their projects. The solution works in production in the Cardano Beam app and sells NFT tickets to events. Users use it to buy tickets to events with their Credit Cards.
The project has three milestones over five months.
Milestone 1: Front-end NextJs and Backe-end services
Set up the NextJS skeleton
Create back-end services:
Expected time to completion: 2 months
Milestone 2: Smart Contracts
Expected time to completion: 1 month
Milestone 3: Payment Processor Connector
Set up the payment processor
Refine and Fix bugs
Expected time to completion: 2 months
Milestone 1: Front-end NextJs and Backe-end services
Outputs: Code in a dedicated and open-source GitHub repo
Intended Outcomes: Developers should be able to clone the repo and launch the front-end and back-end service
Milestone 2: Smart Contracts
Outputs: A manual with code example showing how to launch the smart contract on an EVM chain using Remixn and perform operations to retrieve funds from the smart contract
Intended Outcomes: Developers can set up smart contracts on an EVM chain that reference Cardano assets
Milestone 3: Payment Processor Connector
Outputs: Documentation in the GitHub repo on how to onboard onto a payment processor and connect it to the front-end, back-end and smart contracts.
Intended Outcomes: Developers understand how to connect the payment processor to the infrastructure built in this proposal.
Milestone 1: Front-end NextJs and Backe-end services
Total $11,200
Milestone 2: Smart Contracts
Total $11,200
Milestone 2: Smart Contracts
Total $5,600
Milestone 3: Payment Processor Connector
Total $11,200
The total budget is 28,000 USD
At a price of 0.3 ADA per USD
Total in ADA: 93,330
The project will onboard new businesses and users into Cardano. It will give developers, artists business owners who choose Cardano as their platform an option to charge their clients with a Credit Card, something that few services currently offer on Cardano.
This will make onboarding non-crypto and non-Cardano users onto Cardano much easier and open up a large market of customers.
Project Lead & Senior Developer
Dmitry Shibaev is leading the project. Linked in profile:
5 years of experience in big tech delivering large-scale projects on the SAP system at energy companies in the south of Europe
15 years of experience in financial markets at an investment bank in London, Singapore, and Amsterdam. Built and delivered tools to manage the bank’s capital, balance sheet, and trading positions and led large investment projects.
Dmitry has a track record of building open-source community tools:
A wallet connector between DApps and Wallets gives the boilerplate code for new app developers. This is how the Cardano Beam Web App interacts with Cardano web-wallets, and has been open-sourced. The github repo has 100+ stars. The repo has been forked by IOHK
App demo1:
App demo2:
Dmitry is a Contributor to the Cardano Developer Portal with a quick start guide on how to connect the Web Apps to different Cardano web-wallets
A Public GraphQL endpoint with a web client letting anyone query the Cardano blockchain from their browser or API.
Staking Reward Calculator synced to the blockchain that shows how much payout can be expected from different pools and analytics around it
Cardano Wallet Functions that can be used in React Native apps to communicate with the cardano-wallet backend service
Dmitry is proficient in Web2 and Web3. He built the full stack behind Dynamic Strategies and Cardano Beam
Dmitry was part of the first cohort of Plutus Pioneers. NFT celebrating course completion:
Received recognition for building community tools at Adafolio:
He is part of a team that operates a Stake Pool on Cardano: Ticker DSIO registered in 2020 and previously received a delegation from Cardano Foundation on three occasions which are usually given for outstanding contributions to the community. Link with pool details:
Active on Cardano forum and Cardano Stack Exchange:
The team has already delivered 2 out of their 3 previously funded catalyst projects, with the third one progressing at pace.
Junior Developer
Vlad Mikirtumov
Aerospace Engineer by education. Experience project manager and test engineer at ASML microchips and HODL funds