Last updated a year ago
Pain : Play & earn are based on un healthy and inflationary tokenomics + Web3 games are not gathering enough people
We are trying to leverage staking in order to create a healthy in game economy.
AdaAid: A traceable platform fostering transparent donations and community engagement. Promotes verifiable, impactful initiatives for a sustainable world.
This is the total amount allocated to AdaAid – The Cardano Charity Hub - Digital Giving, Real Change.
William Edgell
We have decided to outsource developer hours/development for our project because it offers several significant advantages, that we have already seen by utilizing our partners:
By outsourcing developer hours/development, we are confident that we can leverage external expertise, scale our development resources, and optimize our project delivery, ultimately leading to the successful implementation of our review system.
Our team brings extensive expertise in full stack development, with several years of experience in building robust software solutions. Additionally, we have gained valuable experience in developing on the Cardano platform for the past year. This experience has allowed us to become familiar with Cardano's unique ecosystem, tools, and development practices. With our strong technical background and in-depth knowledge of Cardano, we are well-equipped to successfully execute this project and deliver high-quality results.
Project will be fully open source.
SDG goals:
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG subgoals:
Create sound policy frameworks at the national, regional and international levels, based on pro-poor and gender-sensitive development strategies, to support accelerated investment in poverty eradication actions
By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status
Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, in particular developing countries
Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Pro-poor public social spending
Proportion of informal employment in total employment, by sector and sex
Proportion of people living below 50 per cent of median income, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
Primary government expenditures as a proportion of original approved budget, by sector (or by budget codes or similar)
Proportion of population satisfied with their last experience of public services
Number of countries reporting progress in multi-stakeholder development effectiveness monitoring frameworks that support the achievement of the sustainable development goals
The proposed solution is the AdaAid, a platform for promoting and hosting donations for Cardano's charitable projects. With an interface facilitating seamless interaction, individuals are empowered to uncover and support causes harmonizing with their altruistic inclinations. The platform enables native cryptocurrency payments, beginning with ADA, ensuring seamless and secure donations. It incorporates a vetting process and scoring system inspired by SCATDAO to evaluate charities and projects based on impact, sustainability, financial management, and governance. The hub also fosters community engagement, encourages partnerships and collaborations, and provides educational resources on philanthropy and impact measurement.
The proposed solution addresses the challenge by creating a platform that promotes and facilitates charitable donations within the Cardano ecosystem. By providing a user-friendly interface and leveraging native cryptocurrency payments, it removes barriers to donating and encourages more people to interact with the Cardano blockchain. The vetting process and scoring system ensure transparency and trust, giving donors confidence in the impact and effectiveness of their contributions. The platform's educational resources empower donors to make informed decisions and measure the outcomes of their donations. Overall, AdaAid strengthens the ecosystem by driving adoption, fostering community engagement, and facilitating positive social impact.
Development Phase:
Short-Term Phase:
Long-Term Phase:
To ensure transparency, accountability, and robust community engagement, the project emphasizes effective communication and sharing of outputs and results. Key strategies include:
By implementing these strategies, the project aims to ensure transparency, foster community engagement, and effectively disseminate valuable knowledge and achievements within an inclusive and supportive environment.
Our capacity to deliver projects with high levels of trust and accountability is underpinned by a combination of our robust operational measures, extensive track record, and a commitment to innovation. As an small part of the Cardano ecosystem, Kirkstone has consistently demonstrated resilience and dedication, even during challenging economic times.
One of our significant achievements, the development and implementation of the Kirkstone Rental Model (KRM), serves as a testament to our innovative approach and technical prowess. The KRM has laid a solid foundation for the majority of our front-end and back-end infrastructure, with its Cardano implementation in progress. Furthermore, our successful NFT sale, Initial Stake Pool Offering (ISPO), and token delivery have further bolstered our credibility.
Simultaneously, we prioritize and uphold trust in every project, recognizing its crucial role. To enhance this trust, we implement stringent security measures to protect user data and funds, comply with industry best practices, and perform regular security audits. Our vetting process and scoring system ensure that reputable charities and projects are featured on the platform, thereby enhancing accountability.
Moreover, transparency is a key aspect of our operations; hence, we provide regular updates, financial reports, and impact assessments. Our team comprises experienced professionals with a track record of successful project delivery. We commit to upholding the highest standards of trust and accountability throughout our projects, as seen in our work on AdaAid. Therefore, our blend of innovative techniques, diverse skill sets, and unwavering dedication underlines our capability to deliver with high trust and accountability.
Main Goals:
The approach to achieving these goals involves leveraging a robust team with varied expertise in business management, software development, marketing, and financial management. A third-party development company specializing in cryptocurrency and blockchain will handle most of the Cardano integration, adding to the feasibility of this project. Furthermore, the use of widely accepted technologies like Next.js, React.js, and AWS Cognito for the platform's development will contribute to the project's feasibility. To validate if the approach is feasible, several measures will be taken:
Milestone 1: Planning Phase (1 month)
Milestone 2: Conceptualization and Design (2 months)
Milestone 3: Front-End Development (2 months)
Milestone 4: Back-end Development (2 months)
Milestone 5: Integration with Cardano Blockchain (2 months)
Milestone 6: Testing and Launch (1 month)
Milestone 7: Outreach and Onboarding Charitable Initiatives (2 months)
Total time for delivery: ~12 months
Milestone 1: Project Planning and Preparation
Milestone 2: Detailed Platform Design
Milestone 3: Front-End Development and AWS Cognito Integration
Milestone 4: Back-End Development
Milestone 5: Integration with Cardano Blockchain
Milestone 6: Testing and Adjustments
Milestone 7: Launch, Outreach and On-boarding Charitable Initiatives
ADA price we have assumed is $0.342298 - this is an average price of ADA since the close of Fund 9.
Milestone 1: Planning Phase
Total for Milestone 1: $2,500 or ~7,322 ADA
Milestone 2: Conceptualization and Design
Total for Milestone 2: $3,500 or ~10,249 ADA
Milestone 3: Front-End Development
Total for Milestone 3: $5,000 or ~14,644 ADA
Milestone 4: Back-end Development
Total for Milestone 4: $5,000 or ~14,644 ADA
Milestone 5: Integration with Cardano Blockchain
Total for Milestone 5: $8,000 or ~23,387 ADA
Milestone 6: Testing and Launch
Total for Milestone 6: $9,000 or ~26,317 ADA
Milestone 7: Outreach and On-boarding Charitable Initiatives
Total for Milestone 7: $5,000 or ~14,644 ADA
Overall project contingency amount: $2,000 or ~5853 ADA.
Total Budget: $40,000 or ~117,060 ADA.
The cost of the AdaAid project represents significant value for the Cardano ecosystem in several ways:
Given these benefits, the cost of AdaAid is an investment into the long-term growth, sustainability, and societal impact of the Cardano ecosystem, offering substantial value for money.
Cameron Milne - Project Lead: With a Master's in engineering specializing in dynamic modelling and experience in business analysis. Cameron will coordinate the team, oversee quality control, and ensure the project's milestones are reached on time and within budget.
William Edgell - Operations Lead: Leveraging his experience in operational management and mathematical modelling, William will handle operational aspects of the project. He will also contribute to the design of the platform's frontend, ensuring an optimal user experience.
Joe Kirkup – Quality Lead: As a Masters holder in engineering with a specialty in entrepreneurship and innovation, Joe will introduce innovative ideas to the project, enhance its value proposition, and leverage his Six Sigma qualification to implement quality control processes.
Hassan Al-ubeidi – Development Lead: Hassan will lead the development of the platform's backend, ensuring smooth operations. He will also work closely with users to gather feedback and continually improve the platform.
Gemma Milne - Design and Marketing Lead: Gemma will lead the design and marketing efforts for the project, developing marketing strategies to create awareness about the platform and managing communication with all stakeholders.
Emily Edgell - Financial Lead: Emily will manage the project's financials, overseeing costs, and ensuring financial efficiencies. She brings her expertise in cost budgeting, financial auditing, and sales to the team.
Jason Milne - Strategy Consultant: Jason will provide strategic guidance and handle the project's legal review, leveraging his extensive experience in business development, transformation, and strategic studies.
James Atkinson – Cryptocurrency Consultant: James will advise the team on Cardano blockchain integration, donation processing, and transaction management, drawing on his deep understanding of cryptocurrencies and extensive experience in project management and leadership.
Development Partner - They will handle the majority of the cryptocurrency and blockchain development aspects, ensuring a smooth integration with the Cardano Blockchain.