Last updated 8 months ago
Lack of sports betting applications developed on the blockchain platform, many bookmakers' apps lack transparency and do not guarantee that bettors’ reputation, property and identity are compromised
We are building a front end for users to mint and update a user profile using the Stoa contract Users can customize the NFTs datums such as display name, bio, social accounts, friends, and more.
This is the total amount allocated to Atrium Profile Minting & Customizing - User Account NFT.
Stoa Smart Contract Code Completion
Cost: ₳ 57,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Nov 2023
Stoa Smart Contract Simple Front-end Interface
Cost: ₳ 57,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Dec 2023
Stylized Front-end UI/UX Hooked up to Testnet Contract
Cost: ₳ 32,500
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
Stoa Smart Contract Testing w/ Front-end Integration
Cost: ₳ 15,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Feb 2024
Stoa Smart Contract Beta Launch - 50 Users + Stylized Front-End Integration
Cost: ₳ 28,500
Delivery: Month 5 - Mar 2024
Ben Darvill
The Stoa smart contract is being built by Kompact. This is the only organization we are working with that is crucial to the delivery of Stoa. They have been working for several months now and are close to completion.
This portion of the platform will be proprietary, however the underlying Smart will be open source.
Stoa is a groundbreaking new way for projects and community members to connect.
Atrium has nearly completed development of Stoa, a smart contract that allows users to create and customize a profile NFT. Developed by Kompact, Stoa will store users' name, bio, status, XP, customization options, connections, and more in the smart contract’s datums.
Stoa NFTs follow the CIP-68 metadata standard. They can be updated using our user-friendly interface, giving users and projects the ability to customize the appearance of their publicly facing profile, whilst recording activity and ‘level up’ with engagement, earning rewards along the way.
The opportunities for Stoa to evolve are endless due the way the datums interact with smart contracts, opening the door to a wide range of on-chain activity linked to the profiles.
This proposal is a key feature for User Account NFTs. This proposal will fund the backend needed to speak to the front-end, and the blockchain. Users will have options to customize their User Account NFTs, this data will be sent to our backend, and then minted by the blockchain.
Minting an NFT profile, starts with choosing whether to approach the platform as an individual user, or as a larger organization. Choosing an account name, display name, and including a brief about section.
User Profiles
For an individual profile, the user can add links to other social media accounts, and select profile tile visibility, in case you want to hide information from the profile. Options to change avatar, profile images and other theme customizations can be selected. The list of options will grow as profiles ‘level up’. More on that later.
Once the profile is created, users will be able to display their NFTs, tokens, staking stats and connections they make on the platform. They will also have a feed which is composed of posts made by the projects they own and the projects/users they choose to follow. Optionally, after accepting risk, users will be able to view posts from other trending projects with community moderation features built in to regulate sensitive material.
Stoa brings something unseen to the Cardano ecosystem, it connects everyone in an easy to use interface, it allows projects to engage with holders, followers, and delegates in a more direct way, whilst allowing them to incentivize and reward participation. This product will eventually grow to include gaming and other interactive features. It is a purpose-built social media platform for Cardano.
The completion of this proposal will see the Stoa Smart contract accessible via a simple, elegant front-end, making it incredibly easy for beginners to get started creating profiles.
The outputs will be a platform that lives inside Âtrium that allows users to create a profile NFT and update the NFT once it is minted.
Our core team consists of multiple decades of front end, back end and full-stack experience, security experts and award winning designers with experience working for some of the largest most recognized brands in the world. Our founder Peyton, is the operator behind Bloom, one of the largest stake pools in the ecosystem responsible for minting the 8th block on the Cardano blockchain. All team members are Cardano community natives, with a love for the community and a united vision in building products that serve the ecosystem.
The main goal is to finish the front-end for the Stoa smart contact which enables minting, and updating of datums with user supplied information. If users can do this, we will have succeeded.
Production will begin upon the completion of the Stoa Smart contract proposal, due to be completed around the time the funding period begins..
Milestone 1 (month 1):
Stoa Smart Contract Development
Milestone 2 (month 3):
Âtrium Account minting and updates front-end design
Milestone 3 (month 3):
Âtrium Account minting and updates front-end interface
Âtrium Account minting and updates back-end integration
Milestone 4 (month 4):
Âtrium Account minting and updates Testnet release
Milestone 1:
Stoa Smart Contract Development
Milestone 2 (month 3):
Âtrium Account minting and updates front-end design
Milestone 3 (month 3):
Âtrium Account minting and updates front-end interface
Âtrium Account minting and updates back-end integration
Milestone 4 (month 4):
Âtrium Account minting and updates Testnet release
UI and UX design: 8k
Front-end: 16k
Back-end: 14k
Connection to the smart contract: 7k
Testing: 10k
The benefits we see this bringing to the Cardano ecosystem are significant and product development can be very costly. We have been bootstrapping Âtrium for over a year now with our team of passionate community members, funded entirely from our own pocket. The amount of funding asked for here is the bare minimum needed to help support the large team of highly skilled developers and designers to bring this project to fruition.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Peyton: Âtrium Lab - Co-founder
Ben: Âtrium Lab - Co-founder and Creative Director
Brian: Âtrium Lab - Lead Developer
Nick: Âtrium Lab - Backend Developer
Angelo: Âtrium Lab - Full Stack Developer
Kyle: Âtrium Lab - Head of Security
Tylyn: Âtrium Lab - Social Manager
Monad: Kompact - Smart Contract Developer