Last updated a year ago
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CARBONETZ : Platform
• Engage farmers
• Accurate measurements/data based on reliable monitoring & GHG standards
• Smart Contracts
• Data-Visualization transparent, monitoring and simulation.
This is the total amount allocated to CARBONETZ is a US based company focused on ascertaining/delivering data-driven, verified carbon credits to quality carbon registries worldwide. Primary development involves secure, source-up methods for measuring, reporting verifying CarbonCredits..
Steven Maloney
(in portuguese)
Associação de Fomento do Pequenos Agricultores Comercialmente Conectados
(in english)
Association for the Promotion of Small Commercial Farmers)
UN Sustainable Development Goals SDG met by CARBONEZ
CARBONETZ is building a global carbon-farming validation (for trade) platform from the ground up based upon four pillars:
• Engagement of knowledge labor starting with farmers in Mozambique
• Accurate measurements and data based on reliable monitoring methods and established GHG standards (Gold Standard, Climate Action Reserve, Verra, others);
• Smart Contracts in developing integrity and trust
• Data-Visualization (Digital Twins) for transparent, easy monitoring and simulation.
Working closely with experienced in-country partner organizations (starting with Mozambique based AFPACC), each farmer/project will be "onboarded" via our dApp and a digital-profile will be created in order that monitoring and data capture can commence.
CARBONETZ: establish a scalable IOG based DID (Lace, Cardano, ADA) based platform so all verified carbon-credits can be securley allocated and in turn traded via carbon registries in Compliance Carbon Markets (CCMs) and Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCMs) so that the majority of the earnings will be returned to the farmers.
We anticipate our easy to use, comprehensive and secure carbon-farming, tracking-for-trade platform will grow quickly across Mozambique, Africa and in time the world. Our technical partners will scale with us as we establish a level playing field for all who want to practice and profit from carbon-farming.
CARBONETZ: establish a scalable IOG based DID (Lace, Cardano, ADA) based platform so all verified carbon-credits can be securley allocated and in turn traded via carbon registries in Compliance Carbon Markets (CCMs) and Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCMs) so that the majority of the earnings will be returned to the farmers.
We anticipate our easy to use, comprehensive and secure carbon-farming, tracking-for-trade platform will grow quickly across Mozambique, Africa and in time the world. Our technical partners will scale with us as we establish a level playing field for all who want to practice and profit from carbon-farming.
We will measure the success of your project by testing out in-county partners (AFPACC-Mozambique) and our in-country personnel at how well they:
Our goal here is to specify all parts of our CARBONETZ platform and methodologies and insure we have oversight of all technology integration and required to interface interactions/elements/code designated in Functional and Technical Specifications.
The CARBONETZ team has years working in Securities Markets, building a focus on Carbon Credits and Exchanges. Our principals have held leadership positions at world leading media, interface and computer companies as well as mobile and digital onboarding/security companies. Our Mozambique team has deep experience in the Carbon Sciences, Higher Education and within the Mozambican Government.
Our AFPACC partners have been pioneering in teaching, training and implementing new farming methods and ways of building, organizing collaboratives for decades in Africa and South America with NGO's and others like TechnoServe, USAID, FINCA, DAI as well as global companies such as Starbucks, Chiquita and Tysons and others.
Mozambique Focused Goals
Focused Goals
We need to specify our team in Mozambique. We have key players designated but need to map out our requirements for validation teams, organizational teams and on the ground software teams in necessary. These teams and their capabilities should match our initial 10,000 farmers/projects in Mozambique and serve as another milestone. Likewise the resources to help scale AFPACC in order to work with them to train farmers on carbon farming techniques and methods but also on how they will be onboarded, monitored and ultimately rewarded using mobile phones (feature and or Smart Phones)to record and track all data.
CARBONETZ will develop systems for testing all aspects of their dApp to ensure end-to-end integrity and seamless flow whereby onboarding works with IOG's digital wallet (Lace) as it holds data that will ultimately manifest as carbon credits and be leveraged for a premium price on qualified registries and their attendant exchanges whereby ADA will be exchanged ₳-$-₳.
Our first Milestone will be to build our Milestones which requires partners (onboarding technology companies and IOG access to Lace, ADA, Cardano frameworks) and teams in the US, Mozambique (and elsewhere) spending time to map these out. It should take 3-4 weeks to have a complete set of milestones (part of the work) and each of the main tasks or activities to reach and develop the milestones plus the expected timeline for their delivery. This will include each forseeable milestone and their attendant tasks/activities/time.
CARBONETZ intends to fix a huge problem in the Carbon-Credit markets and that is verification and validation of permanent carbonn sequestration in proven amounts via the immutable data trusted independent CARBONETZ dApp, teams and methods documented according to accepted protocols.
The deliverables and intended outcomes of each milestone are the work of this phase of the project.
As it grows and diversifies, CARVBONETZ holds huge potential for IOG as the scale of this initiative grows and evolves tools for users across agriculture and other Carbon-Credits relative to carbon capture and storage (CCS) in biological carbon-sinks (agriculture, forestry, aquaculture).
"World registers hottest day ever recorded on July 3”
Reuters | July 5, 2023.
IOG will be an integral partner with CARBONETZ as we grow across Africa, developing and developed nations as we bring millions of farmers onboard to validate and trade their Carbon Farming efforts (relative to agriculture, forestry and aquaculture) across the globe.