Last updated a year ago
I want to address the issue of online goods selling, which constantly involves reliance on third parties, is subject to ever-changing terms of service, lacks transparency, and incurs increasing fees.
A decentralized carbon trading platform where infrastructure-based carbon offset credits can be verified using existing underwriting protocols and verified with NFT and blockchain technologies.
This is the total amount allocated to CarbonNo Verifiable Carbon Platform.
Kostis Kleptogiorgos, Nikolaos Karagiorgos, Dave Llorens.
No dependencies.
The transparency of the carbon offsets WILL BE, by its nature, it needs to be.
We will also open source CarbonNo platform source code. However, all the inspection data for the energy efficiency projects will be open to individuals upon customer request due to privacy and compliance.
We envision CarbonNo as a platform with which individuals, business owners, energy efficiency project proposers, and implementers can engage. Participants can use our platform to verify carbon reduction projects, mint, and register carbon credits on the blockchain; then they will be able to trade those credits all in one CarbonNo platform.
Our goal is to provide a uniform, trusted, and straightforward platform where retail investors and businesses can exchange or invest in carbon credits effortlessly without worrying about the trustworthiness of the underlying credits.
CarbonNo ensures the above by ICP (Investor Confidence Project) verifying submitted energy-efficiency projects that would like their credits onboard to our platform.
All verified carbon credits are then minted as NFTs on the Cardano blockchain and directly linked to their source.
Project investors/users can open up the CarbonNo dApp and choose to buy carbon credits originating from various carbon reduction projects, including but not limited to energy efficiency, carbon-sequestering, reforestation, solar, nuclear, etc.
In the long term, we will release a native token of CarbonNo tentative called $CNC. $CNC is a fungible token used in all transactions in our system. It also lets us provide efficiency upgrade incentives that don't depend on energy utility companies.
CNCs will be earned as rewards through the Carbonno dApp in two different ways:
Voluntary carbon markets allow carbon emitters to offset their unavoidable emissions by purchasing carbon credits emitted by projects targeted at removing or reducing Greenhouse Gases (GHG) from the atmosphere.
Based on reputable sources, demand for voluntary carbon credits could increase by 15 or more by 2030 and up to 100 by 2050, and the market could be worth upward of $50 billion in 2030.
CarbonNo's mission is to democratize voluntary carbon markets for all.
Everyone should have access to an asset capable of reducing GHG's effects, so we are building CarbonNo to make investing in carbon credits friendly, approachable, and understandable for newcomers and experts alike.
CarbonNo will become a central point for carbon exchange and, at the same time, contribute to the mass adoption of the Cardano blockchain, raising people's climate awareness and making carbon reduction more tangible.
There are four aspects to measure the success of our project:
Following the 4 measurements from the previous section, we list the tentative outputs and results as following.
We have a diverse team, and founders have experience in different domains, which are critical to the success of CarbonNo.
Nik is passionate about innovation and reform that minimizes the carbon footprint. He has widespread experience working in the energy sector and was involved in billion-dollar solar projects such as the Genesis project in California and the Solano project in Arizona. Nik co-founded EverWatt, a leading Energy Service Company that provides energy-efficient lighting upgrades for commercial projects. Nik oversees the design, engineering, and manufacturing of energy-efficient products. Furthermore, he drives strategic partnerships, guides new opportunities, and manages the licensing relations in Asia and the United States. Nik first got involved in crypto in 2010 and Cardano, specifically in 2017.
Konstantinos (Koss) Kleftogiorgos
Computer Science Ph.D. researcher/ Software engineer. Koss has worked on security projects for The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR). Koss has studied cryptography and has a Master's degree in distributed systems/ networks. He has a passion for blockchain, while his main research focus is operating systems, cyber/ systems security, and reverse engineering.
The CEO of EverWatt Lights and an electrical engineer. Before EverWatt, started One Block Off the Grid and raised $6MM from NEA, which sold to NRG in 2014 for $120 million. Before that, had started, which sold to Solar Reviews, Inc.
Haskell/Plutus developer, second cohort Plutus pioneer, computer scientist. Cyrus has a Ph.D. with focus in programming languages, formal verification, and program analysis. He has developed artifacts in malware detection (data-driven and machine learning), binary verification (mathematical
logics), hybrid analysis of program transformation (synthesis), and published peer review papers on top of them. His ultimate goal is to help the world with secure and fair systems, and the blockchain technology is bringing his goal closer to reality.
Our ultimate goal is to build a platform where individual, business owner, energy efficiency project proposer and implementers can engage with each other seamlessly. Participants can use our platform to verify carbon reduction projects, mint and register carbon credits on the blockchain, then they will be able to trade those credits all in one CarbonNo platform. We already have achieved a MVP version on our current site, learning that overall goal is feasible, for this proposal, we mainly focus the following 4 measurable aspects mentioned in previous section:
Q4 2023
For the first 3 months, we would like to build up a new web UI and implement both fron-end and back-end:
We have some premiliary design as shown below:
Q1 2024
4. Month 4: ICP new energy project and list it on the web page.
5. Month 5: Develop carbon NFT minting page for the listing projects.
6. Month 6: Document/register minted carbon NFT as carbon credit.
Q4 2023
For the first 3 months, we would like to build up a new web UI and implement both front-end and back-end:
Q1 2024
4. Month 4: Verifiable energy savings data, clean and easy to interpret for the public.
5. Month 5: User will be able to connect with their wallet and mint carbon NFT directly to the wallet.
6. Month 6: Release out carbon credit registration legal procedures.
Usually we the UI desgin, front end and back end development requires different skill sets, we tend to allocate the resource as following
We are aware that a fully-functional dApp and carbon trading functionality requires considerable engineering effort and investment, Fund10 will provide us with funding to build the three core functionalities of CarbonNo platform: Carbon snapshot overview, project listing, and carbon NFT minting.
We list the main resource required for this particular proposal:
We have a diverse team, and founders have experience in different domains, which are critical to the success of CarbonNo.
We have introduced their background in the previous section, if you would like to know more, check out the link, thanks!
Nikos Karagiorgos, Co-Founder / CEO
Dave Llorens, Co-Founder / CEO
Konstantinos (Koss) Kleftogiorgos, Co-Founder / CIO
Cyrus Liu, Co-Founder / CTO