Last updated a year ago
Location Based smart contracts and NFTs tickets for IRL events. A platform on Cardano with no rival on other blockchains, offering ticketing and location-based solution for events and non-crypto users
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Beam - GPS based Assets.
Elcio Chiquinato
Vlad Mikirtumov
Kieran Simkin
No dependencies
The following libraries have been open-sourced when building Cardano Beam
Additionally, the team at Dynamic Strategies has actively contributed to the cardano-serialization-lib for the web and for the mobile and documented how to get started with it on the Developer’s portal
In this project, we will open-source one more library that has mature enough to be released to the public:
The remaining code of Cardano Beam, which has not been released as open source, is primarily related to the Web2 part of the app - the front-end, the database and the back-end that syncs the state between the different apps.
As a company, we generally open-source Web3-related code that helps advance the knowledge in the community and we do not open-source Web2 code which helps us avoid breading cheap copies.
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
SDG subgoals:
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
8.9 By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
8.9.1 Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP and in growth rate
8.2.1 Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
Cardano Beam is our Catalyst-funded platform that allows anyone to place an Asset on the World map by specifying the GPS coordinates (link:
A smart contract locks Assets on the Cardano blockchain; to unlock them, someone must pass at that GPS location. Once the user passes at the location where the Asset was locked, the smart contract unlocks the asset and gets transferred to the user’s wallet.
This platform facilitates value transfer without payment terminals, without prior agreements, so long as the person receiving the payment is physically present at the specified location and conforms to the other conditions of whoever placed the Asset there.
Hundreds of users have already used the Cardano Beam platform, many of them from outside of the Cardano ecosystem, where their introduction to Cardano was through our app. The improvements will make the onboarding smoother and improve the user experience.
View of the world map with Assets placed globally using Cardano Beam at over 300 locations
We have also built an Events Marketplace that brings event organizers and Cardano Beam users together. We plan to offer this marketplace to businesses to host their events and advertisement campaigns
We will use the funds from Fund 10 to make five key improvements to the app:
Integrate proof of presence by leveraging the technology built by Kieran Smith. The proof of presence is an additional physical device that sends a message through a decentralized network such as Helium of World Mobile and records the location of the physical tower transmitting the message - making it possible to prove the location from where the message was sent.
Events Market Place
Cardano Beam lets event organisers publish their events and sell tickets to them. All in one place, thereby simplifying the user experience. Users can see the events around them in our Cardano Beam Mobile App and purchase tickets with ADA or Credit cards.
At the Event, the user shows the ticket as a QR code, and the event organiser scans it to let them in. The event organized can also leave POAP certificates in a GPS-enabled Smart Contract, which the user collects when at the event.
Each event organizer curates their event to their liking. Some create Treasure Hunts, others Sports events. Some have multiple checkpoints from where ticket holders can redeem prizes; others check the ticket at one location to grant you access.
Events are listed on our Events page and in our Mobile app.
Cardano Beam is an innovation that helps the ecosystem reach its potential and helps improve the systems we use across the world for organizing and managing IRL events and for any application where rewarding for being at the right place at the right time is important. It will bring a sizable new user base to Cardano, as shown by the number of events successfully used over the last 12 months and the growing user base.
Cardano Beam is a new use case for the blockchain. It targets a specific area where blockchain can improve logistics and change how a part of the industry operates. The uptake of this innovation can attract a new and untapped user base to the Cardano ecosystem. Millions of small businesses worldwide are looking for an edge that allows them to reach customers in engaging, innovative ways. Therefore, a slight uptake of these use cases would increase the transaction volume on Cardano by a substantial amount.
It increases the number of products and integrations that offer new solutions for people to interact with and benefit from using Cardano.
The proposal directly addresses the challenge’s focus areas of “Creation or improvement of different products that provide value to the Cardano community and wider ecosystem.” by being a unique product on Cardano and other blockchains that creates GPS-enabled smart contracts with a ticket system for event managers.
It also offers Integrations with other existing services as has been used by several event organizers on Cardano and there are also several proposals in Catalyst Fund 10 that plan to use the Cardano Beam platform in their project:
This shows the adoption and familiarity with the platform by the Cardano Community
This product is suitable for execution right now and the Cardano ecosystem has the right technical requirements. Smart contracts and the eUTXO model are very convenient for location-based events as guarantee 1 person per 1 UTXO - so queues can be managed effectively. A fiat on-ramp to bring non-crypto users has been implemented in Cardano Beam, making it accessible for the general public.
We received our funding from Catalyst Fund 8 and developed the platform to its current state over the second half of 2022 and the first half of 2023.
A list of events that used Cardano Beam since its roll-out in 2022 and 2023
Prospective engagement
In addition to events, the team has rolled out unique features that advanced the platform and the Cardano ecosystem
We received positive feedback about the capabilities of our technology and how it helps to solve real-world problems. Decision-makers from most walks of life understand its use cases. The platform was featured in the Portugues business journal as the up-and-coming start-up solving real-world problems
Cardano Beam is a new solution for people to interact with and benefit from using Cardano.
We expect to Increase the number of users and events hosted on the Cardano Beam app. We are looking for a 5 to 10x growth in active users and several events hosted on the platform at the end of the project. And significantly more in the long term.
Because Cardano Beam supports Credit Card payments, it creates a seamless onboarding for non-crypto users into the Cardano Ecosystem. During onboarding, each user receives a Cardano Wallet that they can use to interact with other apps in the Cardano ecosystem.
App statistics to date and target on project completion
The project will result in new features built for the app. This will be visible through the apps:
Projects will be shared on the platform’s Twitter and Discord channel:
Video tutorials will be created for the new features and added to our youtube channel:
Additionally, we will monitor the following KPIs and report back to the community through the monthly progress reports
Build KPIs
User engagement KPI
Stability KPIs
The Cardano Beam platform has been operational since the end of 2022 and has been trusted by over 200 users and 10+ event organizers to run their events.
The go-live of the platform was called out in the October 2022 edition of Cardano 360: featured it in its series on Marlowe smart contract language showing how it could be used for innovative use cases: team has already delivered 2 out of their 3 previously funded catalyst projects, with the third one progressing at pace.
The same team will be implementing the enhancements in this proposal.
The project’s goal is to grow the user base for the Cardano Beam app and onboard new users to Cardano. We will simplify the UI and create a user experience familiar to the mass market.
During the first part of the project, to improve the UX and UI, we will work closely with the existing users and event organizers and run focus sessions to test new ideas before releasing them to production.
During the second part of growing the user base we will use the following indicators to validate growth:
There will be 6 milestones over 11 months. Each milestone is expected to take approximately 2 months to complete
Milestone 1: UX/UI
A new layout for the Web app and the Mobile apps, including colour schemes and a first pass on the changes to the screens for improved UX. This work will be done primarily by the designer and the Web2/Web3 developer. A focus group of users will conduct tests; feedback will be collected and incorporated into the design.
Expected time to completion: 2 months
Milestone 2: Business Development
A slide deck will be prepared, approx 10 slides highlighting Cardano Beam’s capabilities and how it brings value add to different type of businesses. Organize a pilot 90-minute training session on the basics of blockchains for the local business community in Portugal and showcase what Cardano Beam can do for them at the end. Follow up on existing business leads and schedule a trial
Expected time to completion: 2 months
Milestone 3: Ticket Validation Feature
Consumable tickets for physical events. An event organizer should have the option to make their event ticket to be consumed when scanned at the event, to ensure that the ticket can only be used once. For this, the ticket metadata will be extended to include a new field in the NFT 721 standard to specify if an NFT is consumable or a record will be made in the central database if the ticket is consumable. Create a table in the centralized database to track which tickets have been consumed. The throughput needs to be very fast to accommodate use cases where hundreds of people are validating their tickets per minute; therefore, at this stage, this will be recorded in a centralized database with the possibility to migrate to a scaling solution on Cardano once it matures (e.g. Hydra). The new ticketing functionality will be tested on the testnet before releasing to production.
Expected time to completion: 2 months
Milestone 4: Snap & Mint Feature
A new screen in the Cardano Beam mobile app that exposes the camera and lets users take a picture with their device. Upload images taken from the mobile app onto IPFS and mint it as an NFT. The mobile app users can lock assets from their wallet in a smart contract at GPS location. This will allow users to take a picture on their device and lock it as an NFT at their location for others to redeem.
Expected time to completion: 2 months
Milestone 5: Proof of Presence
The proof of presence hardware device is attached to an NFT on the Cardano blockchain. Pressing the button indicates the location of the owner of a particular NFT. We will mount a Helium hotspot which will be used to test transactions from the Proof-of-Presence hardware device. A working Helium hotspot. A test transaction is sent successfully from the hardware device to the HNT network. A Cardano Beam backend service monitors transactions on the HNT network and successfully picks up the transaction sent by the hardware device with the location from where the transaction is sent. This will be extended to the World Mobile Network on Cardano when it launches globally.
Expected time to completion: 2 months
Milestone 6: Release full feature set
The last month will monitor the platform and make final improvements. At this stage, monthly business development cycles will bring additional event organizers and, as a result, require more from the team to focus on supporting new clients. The platform will have been released with a handful of new features, which may cause conflict between the features and unintended behaviour. This will be addressed. The platform documentation will be updated, new video tutorials recorded, and the smart contract factory open-sourced.
Expected time to completion: 1 month
Milestone 1: UX/UI
Deliverables: A professionally designed UI in line with modern trends and an improved UX for the Cardano Beam Web and Mobile apps
Outputs: A simplified and intuitive feel for the platform
Intended Outcomes: Increased adoption by non-crypto users and the business community
Milestone 2: Business Development
Deliverables: A slide deck will be prepared, approx 10 slides highlighting Cardano Beam’s capabilities and how it brings added value to different types of businesses.
Outputs: Release an education session on Youtube showcasing how Cardano Beam can be used
Intended Outcomes: Interest from at least 5 businesses to discuss how Cardano Beam can benefit their commercial targets.
Milestone 3: Ticket Validation Feature
Deliverables: Enhancement to the Cardano Beam platform that allows event organizers to scan tickets and the tickets to be consumed once scanned. Currently, the ticket does not get consumed and, therefore, can be used more than once.
Outputs: A new feature that lets tickets be consumed once scanned.
Intended Outcomes: Use of Cardano Beam to control entry to gated events.
Milestone 4: Snap & Mint Feature
Deliverables: A new Cardano Beam mobile app screen that exposes the camera and lets users take pictures with their device. The picture is turned into an NFT and can be placed at the GPS location from the mobile device.
Outputs: A new feature lets users take a picture and lock it in a smart contract at their current location.
Intended Outcomes: Users take photos of memorable events and place them at the location for others to view and then go there to collect them (e.g a spectacular sunset, northern lights, championship goal …)
Milestone 5: Proof of Presence
Deliverables: A proof of presence hardware device is attached to an NFT on the Cardano blockchain. Pressing the button indicates the location of the owner of a particular NFT.
Outputs: Integrate the device with Cardano Beam mobile app and prompt the user to use the device to validate their location for high-value transactions
Intended Outcomes: Use for high-value transactions where physical presence needs to be guaranteed. Limit GPS-spoofing
Milestone 6: Release full feature set
Deliverables: Release all features to production and monitor for user feedback and bugs. Update documentation and tutorials
Outputs: Updated documentation and tutorials
Intended Outcomes: Fully functional new features on the mainnet
The budget is estimated based on 40 hours per week and 4 weeks per month.
Milestone 1: UX/UI (2 months)
Total $28,800
Milestone 2: Business Development (2 months)
Total $21,600
Milestone 3: Ticket Validation Feature (2 months)
Total $16,480
Milestone 4: Snap & Mint Feature (2 months)
Total $20,400
Milestone 5: Proof of Presence (2 months)
Total $21,200
Milestone 6: Release full feature set (1 month)
Total $24,400
Hardware costs:
The total budget $134,440
At a price of 0.3 ADA per USD
Total budget in ADA: 448,133
The project will onboard new businesses and users into Cardano. Every new use of the platform gets a Cardano wallet that they can use with other Cardano apps.
Cardano Beam is a unique “value transfer system” for placing Cardano Assets at GPS locations and having people pick them up. Nothing like this exists today, and this is a potentially revolutionary blockchain application.
Similarly, there is currently isn't a ticketing solution on Cardano that lets event organizers sell tickets to end users using a credit card and then track their attendance and give rewards for showing up. Cardano Beam is unique to Cardano and to Web3 as a whole - no similar solution exists on other blockchains.
This is an enhancement to Cardano Beam, which already has more than 200 users, with over 300 locations with smart contracts and well over 500 transactions. The proposal is to make improvement to the platform and take it to the business community for wider adoption.
Developer and project lead
Dmitry Shibaev is leading the project. Linked in profile:
5 years of experience in big tech delivering large-scale projects on the SAP system at energy companies in the south of Europe
15 years of experience in financial markets at an investment bank in London, Singapore, and Amsterdam. Built and delivered tools to manage the bank’s capital, balance sheet, and trading positions and led large investment projects.
Built the full stack behind Dynamic Strategies and Cardano Beam
Dmitry was part of the first cohort of Plutus Pioneers. NFT celebrating course completion:
Dmitry has a track record of building community tools:
A wallet connector between DApps and Wallets gives the boilerplate code for new app developers. This is how the Cardano Beam Web App interacts with Cardano web-wallets, and has been open-sourced. The github repo has 100+ stars and close to 100 forks. The repo has been forked by IOHK
App demo1:
App demo2:
Dmitry is a Contributor to the Cardano Developer Portal with a quick start guide on how to connect the Web Apps to different Cardano web-wallets
A Public GraphQL endpoint with a web client letting anyone query the Cardano blockchain from their browser or API.
Staking Reward Calculator synced to the blockchain that shows how much payout can be expected from different pools and analytics around it
Cardano Wallet Functions that can be used in React Native apps to communicate with the cardano-wallet backend service
Received recognition for building community tools at Adafolio:
Stake Pool Operator on Cardano:
Ticker DSIO registered in 2020 and previously received a delegation from Cardano Foundation on three occasions which are usually given for outstanding contributions to the community. Link with pool details:
Active on Cardano forum and Cardano Stack Exchange:
Received 5/5 marks and outstanding feedback from the community in our funded Fund 8 proposal. Fund 8 voting results and community comments are by the link below
The team has already delivered 2 out of their 3 previously funded catalyst projects, with the third one progressing at pace.
Elcio Chiquinado is the founder of the design agency David and Golias, which has partnered with Dynamic Strategies to deliver the following elements for Cardano Beam:
Relevant projects that Elcio delivered previously
Brand Design of D-Orbit Fenix and Aurora Satellite control apps - Italy
Art Director for Vodafone Brand Design - Portugal
Note: Vodafone announced in June 2023 a partnership with NMKR
Art Director for Delta Cafes Brand Design - Portugal
Art Director for SATA Airlines Brand Design - Portugal
Brand Strategy & Design for Medbone - Portugal
Brand Design for RTP television channel - Portugal
Design of the book "Coletanea Direito 50 anos" for the government - Angola
Rebranding IMI International Media Ideas - Dubai
Before that, Elcio was the Art Director of a brand design agency in Portugal, Lisbon and a Teacher at the Lisbon School of Design (, where he taught courses in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign)
Senior Business Developer
Vlad Mikirtumov
Aerospace Engineer by education. Experience project manager and test engineer at ASML microchips and HODL funds
Junior Business Developer
To be hired to support Vlad with the business outreach
Hardware Technician
Kieran Simkin
Cardano developer with experience in Javascript/Typescript, React, Next.js, Nest.js, PostgresSQL etc. Familiar with generating transactions in Serialization-lib, including multisig minting, payments, smart contract interactions
Creator of the Hardware device that proves user location by sending a transaction on the Helium network where the location of towers is known