Last updated a year ago
The entertainment industry has centralized intellectual property, which indie creators can't freely use and where fans end up with products that favour corporate greed over creativity.
Extend the transaction editor with collaborative transactions to also cooperatively create native scripts, providing a simple and always available service for users.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Native Script editor and Multisig-wallet.
I'm the single implementer
Koios REST API - The Elastic Cardano Query Layer!
This project is a service that runs on my infrastructure with some services being on a free tier and some that require payment. Because I have to run the infrastructure as a service I can't open source the project and allow others to copy cat it and invest on more marketing than myself.
This feature is part of my transaction editor desktop client, which is fully open source. There are no secrets there. You can do what ever you want there. However the web application, is a service I must run. The hard part is not creating the Native script, it the message synchronization between cooperating parties. It is creating an intuitive frontend, it is running the infrastructure constantly, it is integrating with various web wallets, it is running a backend to a cardano node.
SDG goals:
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
Support domestic technology development, research and innovation in developing countries, including by ensuring a conducive policy environment for, inter alia, industrial diversification and value addition to commodities
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Proportion of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value added
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
Cardano Native Scripts have 6 primitives which can be composed together in a flat, nested and even finite recursive form. This allows to create quite simple "smart contracts", like a simple multi-sig option, a treasury account, an escrow, time locked contracts. These contracts don't require advanced knowledge of smart contracts and programing, because they rely on composing them through simple logic.
I have already built the transaction editor as a web application and it allows for collaborative transactions. This project aims to extend it to also collaborate in crafting a Native Script. That is the easy part. A complete backend infrastructure is required to store all those Native Scripts, because if you loose your script, you won't be able to unlock the funds from those addresses.
As a firm believer in privacy, I must offer multiple options, and the most private by construction is the one I can't make money from. What perverse incentives of our society, we can offer privacy as a service because you loose it when you engage the service provider. In the same way that the transaction editor works, what can take place on your computer alone, is private and free, I don't want to know about. The native script editor itself is free of charge, and saving your scripts in your computer too.
The moment you need me to backup your script, I'll keep you anonymous, no need of email or any form of ID, a simple payment will match your wallet and give you an account. Now you have two storage systems your PC and my server. Once in the server you can engage in collaborative work, and have other people partake in your script building and signing.
Associated to a native script is an address. Your wallet does not manage this address, because up until today we only have single-signature wallets. Thus the editor must help you manage your funds on the script addresses. For this, I'll rely on the KOIOS REST API to gather information and load balance your use, also because that is a distributed service you'll have better anonymity compared to using a single service.
Every tool available enhances the ecosystem. Native Scripts are under utilized in the ecosystem, and they can be incredibly helpful for single users and even more for creating simple DAOs. Plutus smart contracts are highly complex, but native scripts are only 6 primitives and the combining them, you don't need advanced degrees to read them and use them.
Alone as the script editor this is a wallet enhancement, which is part of the challenge goals. Incorporating the collaboration option for these scripts. Now it unlocks: DAOs treasury, escrows, shared custody, which would be DeFi and Governance Systems also part of the change. And why not Legal, we make our own contracts. Contracts should be easy, anyone needs to be able to set them up. After all, it is about human collaboration.
A market has supply and demand, this project would have availability and usage. The first success is the features are there, what I have promised is delivered. The second success is from people using it, that takes more time and effort.
I can always measure traffic on my service, and track how much does it grow. There is the actual measurement on the blockchain itself on how many people move towards script addresses instead of single signatures. As we allow users to embrace new possibilities the richer the ecosystem.
This project is a web service, certainly in SaaS mode. It does contain certain service tiers. The free and most private one is the local service page application. It is the editor for scripts and local backup. The paid part of the service is once connected to my servers how to collaboratively share and edit those scripts with other parties.
Because build and they'll come does not work, I will accompany the development with YouTube video tutorials. As a developer I finally come to embrace the amount of effort it takes to popularize a tool. And that a big part of this project is educating people how to write their own native scripts to secure their assets.
I have participated in the Cardano ecosystem over the last 2 years. The community has recognized and rewarded my efforts funding my projects in Funds 7, 8 and 9. I have successfully delivered and closed all my projects, and the community can audit them. I completed 2 open source projects with little more than a month delay to my plan, 1 documentation effort completely according to plan, and 1 DApp project which challenged me beyond my initial proposal, forced my to redesign it, during implementation, readapt my infrastructure considerations due to the Vasil Hard Fork and how much testing it required, creating huge delays. On top of that I worked after consuming all my budget and in the depths of last year valuation collapse of ADA. Yet, I persisted to deliver the project feature completed with 8 months delay instead of calling it a failed project.
It is my experience and my persistence that show my capability. My ideas are valuable to be funded, and I have been honestly working to bring them to completion.
The main goal of the project is to allow any user of web wallets to embrace the use of native script addresses too. The native scripts are a feature of the Cardano Blockchain, people need simple tools to use them. To provide such a service, I need the editor for such scripts, a storage service locally to the user PC and one on my side as a service provider. Finally plenty of tutorials to educate users.
None of those goals are extraordinary, they just take time and effort and based on my experience as developer they are feasible.
Single page app, with a programing interface like the Scratch programing language, where people can compose the primitives together to build their scripts
Each script creates a new address where funds can be deposited. Because the user wallet does not recognize those addresses as belonging to the user, the service must be able to query the blockchain and display to the user the balance of such addresses.
User stores his scripts on his own browser. In that case there is no need for account management
User stores now connects to a service, that must authenticate him and assign storage space.
Because build and they'll come does not work. The project needs a substantial amount of YouTube tutorials to inform users about this possibilities.
Every list item is a tangible deliverable.
This project as all my previous ones remains small in scope and is an extra tool for the Cardano ecosystem. The main expense is compensation for my work time and effort, which I average out at a rate of 60USD/hour, making me a cheap software developer, an expensive video editor, an OK accountant and an undervalued project manager since I have brought all my projects to completion.
The timeline assumes me working part time on this project. Milestones propose 25 weeks of work. Out of experience, I'll budget 30% buffer for completion amounting to 32 weeks. That budget buffer leaves me opportunity to work around unforeseen problems.
I account for ADA price of 0.25 USD, that seems to have been the bottom in December last year and now. I imagine even with the 12 Million USD in sell pressure originating from this Catalyst fund, and amortized over a year, that it won't drop that much.
Final budget 25[weeks] 1.3 [buffer factor] 20[hour/week] 60 [USD/hour] 4 [ADA/USD] = 156000 ADA
Money is meaningless by itself, we use money to trade with one another. Many times too, we need to store our money with other people, be it shared custody, recovery and backup solutions, audit-ability, shared responsibility and many more. Previously, with the transaction editor, I opened the possibility for users to craft joint transactions. This new feature will extend those capabilities even more. People will be able to sign transactions that access funds of multiple custody, like what is expected of any organization.
The beauty of software is that you only need to pay it once, then it works. I will run into maintenance costs for the interactive part of the service. While users will be able to craft transactions, craft native scripts, and save them locally for free. The online, multiple wallet signature of transactions does have higher infrastructure cost and I expect to cover those as the project grows in use by service fees.
As stated previously, the budget is only compensation for my work where it averages me out into a cheap software developer, an expensive video editor, an OK accountant and an undervalued project manager since I have brought all my projects to completion. The Cardano ecosystem will profit from their treasury investment.
Oscar Najera (Jack of all trades, master of Software development)
PhD in Theoretical Physics, Software developer, Contributor to Cardano ecosystem. I let my work speak for me, with my Catalyst funded and completed projects
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