Last updated a year ago

Citaldoc Health Token + A.I. + Multilingual. Continuation of the successfully completed project at Fund8 Help2Health


Citaldoc HEALTH TOKEN + A.I. + Multilingual

Improve global health care efficiency and reduce costs to the patients by launching a health token, making Citaldoc multilingual and adding A.I. to guide patients

Health care needs A.I. and Blockchain


Launch a Health Token (payment, rewards and investment vehicle),make Citaldoc multilingual to facilitate the health access, lower costs & global presence. Incorporate A.I. assistant to guide patients.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Citaldoc Health Token + A.I. + Multilingual. Continuation of the successfully completed project at Fund8 Help2Health.

Total funds requested
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Cdor. Rodolfo Civale / CEO - Co founder

●      Former CEO GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) Cono Sur 2009 - 2018

●      Co Founder Citaldoc

●      Citaldoc 2019 - today

●       Ceo de Ahora Salud 2020 - today

●      Mentor of technology companies with medical and pharmaceutical orientation.

●      Reference of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Latin America


Dr. Jorge Nasanovsky - COO - Co founder  

●      Co Founder Citaldoc

●      COO (2015 – today)

●      Pediatrician (1992 – today)

●      Participated in the development of scientific software for health professionals. Electronic medical record, Growth and Nutrition, Pregnancy Control. 2002 - Today

●     Coordinator of the scientific development of the WebApplication and Mobile Applications of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics (2019 – Today)

●     Launch November 2022

●     Co-author of books for parents (0 to 12 months. Baby Instruction Manual 2003 - Arrorró mi niño 2008)

●     Former Secretary of the TICs Subcommittee of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics

●      Speaker at national and international Medicine Congresses

●     Current Coordinator of the development of the APP Argentine Society of Pediatrics

●     Pediatric Area / Medical Director. Moreno Pcia. Buenos Aires / Argentina

●      Author of books for parents and scientific publications on telemedicine & e-health

●     General Director of Zona Pediatrica (1999 / today)


Dra. Maria de las Mercedes Ruggeri (Co founder - Community and Institutional Relations Reference)

●      Co Founder Citaldoc

●      Pediatrician (National University of Tucumán- Hospital de Pediatría JP Garrahan)

●      Director of Pediatric Area Medical Care Center

●      Co-author of health education books for parents (0 to 12 months. Baby Instruction Manual 2003 - Arrorró mi niño 2008)

●      Participated in the development and testing of scientific software for health professionals. Electronic Medical, Growth and Nutrition, Pregnancy Control.

●      Online content for families on child health issue

●      Full Member of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics


Sofia Oddo / Community Leader

·        Community Leader at Help2Health Cardano + Citaldoc

·        Ex Community Leader at Innovatio

·        Medicine student at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)

·        Sofia is a young woman with extensive skills and knowledge in social media marketing and the dynamics of the Cardano Catalyst Community.



Daniel (Web3) Rodriguez / Mentor & Consultor BLOCKCHAIN AREA

·        CTO / Co-Founder de Token Mithrandir (MITHR) 

·        Blockchain Developer and Technical Trainer - Metaverse and NFT's Mr. Developer .NET & Mr. SQL server

·        Blockchain developer, enthusiast (specifically Cardano Network and ETH/Polygon) and community advisor at DAO ALDEA.

·        Independent Crypto Financial Advisor at BuenBit.

·        Investor, programmer analyst and development lead at Imperium, from the NextEarth metaverse.

·        Programming, Functional Analysis, Role of Scrum Master, Information Systems Architecture, Use of Agile Methodology, Implementation of Information Systems, Design, Analysis and Programming WEB IT, Project Leadership, Willingness for Teamwork, Capacity for Work and Compliance of Directives.

·        Appropriate Attention and Service Attitude towards the User / Client, Willingness, and ability to update knowledge.

·        IT recruitment and management of IT companies.

·        Excellent handling of Development Applications and Databases and Utilities, Design, assembly and repair of analog and digital electronic circuits.

·        Teaching in various institutes in Rosario and its area (where I currently reside).

·        English Language: Reading and Writing (Excellent) - Conversation (Upper Intermediate).




Certification ISO 9001 (Bureau Veritas) certified software development processes

Success case: Amazon Web Services 2022 and Digital Ocean 2023

Amazon awarded Euda as a success story case for the development of a telemedicine solution with exemplary technical implementation integrated with Amazon Web Services (AWS).

The recognition was given by the growth of +2,500% DAU (daily active users) during the COVID-19 pandemic, in which medical services' were still available to millions of people throughout the region thanks to the solid technological platform developed by Euda.



 Team in charge of the supervision and proof of reading of the TRANSLATION into Portuguese

The Translator Team Cardano LATAM

The Translator Team Cardano LATAM is a group with people and organizations from different parts of Latin America and the world that share the values and principles of Cardano LATAM.

They are contributing and coordinating their efforts with their skills (related to translation, curatorship and research) to the growth of this community. They are actively offering their services to the community and working on the translation of Catalyst institutional documents, such as PA Guide and Launch Guide.



English translation

Martina Nasanovsky

· Native English competence. Certificate of proficiency in English - C2 level - Cambridge 2018

·  Intern at the Argentinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a paralegal at the direction of international legal assistance since march 2022

· Advanced Law student at the University of Buenos Aires since 2018

· Teachers Assistant on the subject of Human Rights and Guarantees for the Travieso - Rohr Chair, from 2019 to 2021

·  Graduated from Ort Technical Highschool in 2017 with a technical bachelor’s degree in industrial design

·  Community Manager for Citaldoc from 2020 a 2022



Fernando Hönig / AWS CLOUD

Fernando is the Founder and CEO of StackZone, a next-gen multi Cloud Management Platform, disruptive from its core, who solves governance and reduce the cost of adopting best practices in public cloud.

He leads the vision for StackZone’s SaaS platform, which helps organizations focus in their customers and services.

As an entrepreneur and former CEO and Founder of Nubego and DeltaHost, Fernando built a professional career surrounded by customers and technology partners enabling them to understand and utilize public cloud according to best practices.


Mercedes Ruggeri
Mercedes Ruggeri
Rodolfo Civale
Rodolfo Civale