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I will make a legal petition to the financial regulator of Colombia (Financial Superintendence) to establish regulation for cryptocurrencies, following the example of COINBASE who sued the SEC
This is the total amount allocated to COINBASE sues the SEC.
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
3 - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Working on clear regulation for cryptocurrencies in Colombia will benefit the 5 million crypto users in the country and the 10th-ranked country in global transactions, achieving better regulation at the Latin American and global levels
This is a legal product and therefore it is suitable to participate in this challenge. This project will help the CARDANO community in Colombia because CARDANO is the 3rd most traded cryptocurrency in the country
The success of this project will be measured by: 1) Conducting 3 legal studies, 2) submitting the legal petition to the financial regulator for clear regulation, 3) receiving a response from the financial regulator regarding the legal petition, 4) contributing to the legal regulation of cryptocurrencies in Colombia
In this project, we will conduct 3 legal investigations and submit a petition to the financial regulator of Colombia. Therefore, I will send you 4 documents: 1) a legal analysis of the Colombian Constitution, 2) a legal investigation of the Financial Statute of Colombia, 3) a legal investigation of the regulations that protect and contribute to innovation in Colombia, 4) the legal petition to the financial regulator of Colombia requesting the issuance of clear cryptocurrency regulations
I am a lawyer with a Master's degree and several years of professional experience, specializing in cryptocurrency regulation, and I also have experience in the Catalyst project. My LinkedIn profile is:
The objectives of this project are: 1) to contribute to the regulation of cryptocurrencies in Colombia, 2) to contribute to the CARDANO ecosystem, 3) to contribute with legal work to cryptocurrencies worldwide. I am going to follow the example of COINBASE, who sued the SEC to obtain clear regulation and help with the legal regulation of cryptocurrencies worldwide
This project has 4 milestones to achieve: 1) a legal analysis of the Colombian Constitution, 2) a legal investigation of the Financial Statute of Colombia, 3) a legal investigation of the regulations that protect and contribute to innovation in Colombia, 4) the legal petition to the financial regulator of Colombia requesting the issuance of clear cryptocurrency regulations
This project has 4 deliverables, 1 deliverable for each milestone: 1) a legal document with the analysis of the Colombian Constitution, 2) a legal document with the investigation of the Financial Statute of Colombia, 3) a legal document with the investigation of the regulations that protect and contribute to innovation in Colombia, 4) a legal document with the legal petition to the financial regulator of Colombia requesting the issuance of clear cryptocurrency regulations
To complete this project, the professional work of the main proposer, who is a lawyer, will be required as follows: 8 hours per day on business days for 3 months at a rate of 44 USD per hour = 8 x 60 x 44 = 21,120 USD (or approximately 70,000 ADA)
This project contributes with a high positive impact in Colombia and for CARDANO because regulation is a crucial and important topic for the entire crypto ecosystem and for a country that has CARDANO as the third most traded cryptocurrency and the 10th country in global transactions worldwide. It is also a low-cost project
This project will be entirely carried out by the main proposer: a lawyer specialized in cryptocurrency regulation with professional experience and experience in the Catalyst project. My LinkedIn profile is: