Last updated a year ago
Manual, non-scalable developer onboarding and differing regional needs complicate the growth and inclusivity of Wada and Cardano communities across Africa.
Educational institutes and e-learning platforms will be able to provide globally verified certifications. Users will have a public digital CV with the verified certifications they acquired.
This is the total amount allocated to Digital CV listing globally verifiable certifications.
Fragkiskos Chatziasimidis,
Michael Karasavvas
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
SDG Goals
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG Subgoals
16.10 - Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
16.5 - Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
4.4 - By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Acquiring a diploma or obtaining a skill is a tough process demanding effort, time, and money. The verification of those achievements is proven by the issuing institutions. In the case of e-learning platforms, there is usually a publication id and a URL pointing to the certification. In the majority of universities, the verification is acquired only by raising a question to the university itself. This costly and time-consuming process leads to a situation where the authenticity is not self-proven, damaging all sides participating:
Lifelong learning is a reality. The importance to have a spot where everyone can verify the authenticity of the diplomas and certifications is a concern of the institutions, the people that struggle to accomplish them, and those that need to make sure that those certificates are authentic.
Here comes our platform
We are the bond between the institutions and the learners. Upon certificate/diploma completion, the learner can acquire the verified certification. Users must complete information that serves as identity (for example an email or a public Cardano address that will receive the certification). In the case of email, if there is no Cardano wallet connected to this email, we will create a Cardano wallet on behalf of this user.
The institute will then send us the certification and we will upload it to a IPFS service. We will then leverage the power of the Cardano Smart contracts and the Cardano Native Assets support to mint an NFT representing the certification. If the requirements are met the certification will be transferred from the issuer to the user. Under the hood, we will create a web page for every user, which acts as a digital CV.
This page will show every certification that this user has acquired in a legit way. This is the digital CV of the user, which holds all verified certificates and serves as a globally verified CV. It can be presented to anyone interested, for example, employers or public services. Since the acquirement of the certification is represented by a blockchain transaction, everyone can verify the authenticity of this, by crosschecking among others, the issuer's public address and the policy_id.
The cost of publishing a certification to the blockchain, which is actually the NFT minting and transferring to the holder's wallet will be either carried by the institute or the end user. The latter case demands a smart contract that locks the ADA needed and the NFT and releases them only when the acquiring user has the necessary amount of ADA to obtain the NFT.
We are in discussions with both e-learning platforms and local universities to make this a reality, targeting real needs and providing a viable solution.
Those are the main sectors that the Cardano will benefit from:
Aim 1: Make it reality
Craftmanship is at our core, so our primary goal is to have a solution that works. This means that is stable, easy adoptable and cost effective.
Aim 2: Involve the community
Having accomplished this, we want to share it with the communality. We will be more than happy to see this forked starred and shared.
Aim 3: Bring it to the people
We are building software that solves real world problems. Adoption by the educational community is the key of success. Discussions with e-learning platforms and academic institutes will be held in parallel with the platform development.
We are a team of developers with at least 10 years of experience in software. Our formation is composed of both Back End and Front End developers which enables us to deliver fully working software.
Our entrepreneurial endeavor started with Pickslot, a software that provides appointment scheduling. We are privileged to be engaged in all levels of development, and thus we have a holistic notion of what it needs to bring an idea to life.
As engineers, we are experienced in all levels of development, from the initial vision and ideation to cloud deployment(AWS and Microsoft Azure) and CI/CD.
Although we haven't developed any dApp in Cardano yet, we are enthusiasts about the Cardano principles and foundations. In this aspect, we are constantly following the achievements of the Cardano ecosystem. Our academic involvement with Blockchain technology goes back to 2014. Μελέτη Στόχευσης Χρήσης και Ανάλυση Οικονομικής Δραστηριότητας στο Δίκτυο Συναλλαγών του Bitcoin - IKEE / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Library (
Develop an open-source platform that is dived into segments: The first one is to enable the user to acquire the verified certification upon course/diploma/challenge completion. The latter one is to have a web page where all those verified certifications are listed. The solution must be robust, cost-effective and easily used.
One primary aspect of the investigation is to search for other projects in the Cardano ecosystem that provide the functionality we are trying to build. For example the integration with the to create an NFT and interact with the wallet.
We also want to investigate the crossmint which already provides a remarkable portion of our functionality, but for the time being, not fully for the Cardano.
How to achieve them?
The team
Even the greatest idea can fail because of the people. Our primary asset is our team. We have collaborated on many projects for years, we know what to expect from the other teammate and how to communicate it.
The concept
The level of complication of the main idea plays a significant role in the feasibility of the product. As such we take extra care to define something that can work. Our idea of a digital CV with verified certificates is well understood. We have ditched unnecessary features and we have ended up with a project with well-defined starting and ending points.
We will not reinvent the wheel if unnecessary. The investigation comes before development. Continuous research for other projects that can provide the functionality we need can save us time and help us build more robust software.
The Development process
Having divided the concept into pieces, we can assign each piece to the most fitting member of the team. We provide guidance and feedback on daily basis, keeping the development process efficient.
Milestone 1: Project Initiation, Solution Design, Architecture, and Identity (Month 1)
This kickoff phase includes legal and accountant tasks, Architectural designs, and Brand/Identity.
For the Brand/Identity, we will need to collaborate with a Graphic designer partner.
Milestone 2: Development of the Backend services (Months 2,3)
NFT minting module:
We will build a Backend service that will connect to cardano-cli. The cardano-cli will connect to a running and synced cardano-node.
The purpose of this module is to mint the NFT and bind it with appropriate metadata, such as the issuer name, publication date, holder's name, etc.
New Wallet generation module
This service will keep a wallet per every certification issuer and certification receiver. For newly generated wallets, it will connect to the cardano-wallet.
IPFS uploader module
The input of this service is the image representing the certification. The IPFS uploader, as the name suggests, will upload the image to the IPFS.
Identity manager
Users must place a Cardano address or an email to receive the certification.
When the input is a Cardano address, the Smart Contract analyzed below will be executed.
When the input is an email, the user must place the credentials to register/login. For new users, we will generate a wallet by calling the New Wallet generation module.
Having a wallet for the given email, we will proceed with the execution of the Smart Contract given below.
We will also investigate any potential adoption of Cardano SSI platforms, such as Atala Prism or
"Certification Receiver" Smart Contract
This Smart Contract is responsible to send the Certification NFT to the user that has granted it.
Transaction cost analysis
To transfer the certification from the issuing organization to the user, some amount of ADA must be paid.
Those are The Min-Ada Value, the Cardano network fees, and the middleware fees.
Milestone 3: Development of the Frontend services (Month 4)
NFT preview page:
React JS module that previews the NFT (image, details, etc). This page will also show the input (email/Cardano address) that the user must give.
Login page:
In the case of email, the user must give the credentials to proceed.
Digital CV page:
A page that will list all verified certificates that this user has received from our connected issuers.
Milestone 4: Support of FIAT payments (Month 5)
Our consideration is to provide a service that every user, even those that haven't heard of the Cardano or Blockchain before, can use.
In this direction, we will provide a way for the user to pay with FIAT by using a debit/credit card.
Milestone 5: Deployment and Integration Testing (Month 6)
Having built all those components, the final step is the CI/CD and the final tests (both integration and End-To-End)
Milestone 1: Project Initiation, Solution Design, Architecture and Identity
Outputs: Topoloy and communication diagrams.
Intended Outcomes: A well structured architectural analysis that will give the general view of the system by declaring fine grained components.
Milestone 2: Development of the Backend services
Deliverables: Several Backend services:
Outputs: An operational minting service, a wallet management service, an IPFS uploader service and an Identity management service.
Intended Outcomes: A BackeEnd infrastructure capable of performing the majority of tasks needed for the project.
Milestone 3: Development of the Frontend services
Deliverables: A Front End service implemented in some JS Framework, such as Angular JS.
Outputs: BackEnd is now connected to the FrontEnd.
Intended Outcomes: We have a holistic user experience. Our system can be validated and tested now.
Milestone 4: Support of FIAT payments
Deliverables: A Back End module that accepts payments and proceeds to the smart contract execution.
Outputs: User can now pay in FIAT
Intended Outcomes: Fully operational system easy accesibled by everyone.
Milestone 5: Deployment and Integration Testing
Outputs: CI/CD procedures
Intended Outcomes: Our project is finally on rails. Every new change is tested and deployed to the production.
Milestone 1: Project Initiation, Solution Design, Architecture, and Identity (Duration: 4 Weeks)
Milestone 1 budget: $10,880
Milestone 2: Development of the Backend services (Duration: 8 Weeks)
Milestone 2 budget: $21,120
Milestone 3: Development of the Frontend services (Duration: 4 Weeks)
Milestone 3 budget: $10,560
Milestone 4: Support of FIAT payments (Duration: 4 Weeks)
Milestone 4 budget: $8,960
Milestone 5: Deployment and Integration Testing (Duration: 4 Weeks)
Milestone 5 budget: $8,960
Infrastructure budget: $1,000
Development budget: $60,480
Total budget in $: $61,480
Total budget in ₳ at 0.3$/₳: ₳204,933
Cardano is a brave new world based on solid scientific foundations. Now is the time to promote Cardano as a general-use and easily adaptable solution. This is the place for teams like us and projects like ours. We want to bind the Cardano with the institutes and educational organizations and propose a solution that everyone, from the institutes to companies benefits.
We will investigate other projects within the Cardano ecosystem that we can use. There is an opportunity to contribute to the ecosystem by setting partnerships with other Cardano projects.
Finally, we will deliver an open source project, setting the pathway for other projects with the same direction to follow.
Asterios Bakavos - The Academic mind
Co-founder of Pickslot, with a more than 10 years in Software Engineering. Having involved in academic programs as researcher, Asterios brings the industry and the academic research together.
Fragkiskos Chatziasimidis - Our Back End and Blockchain trusted Engineer
Co-founder of Pickslot, experienced software engineer who has been solving software problems for more than 10 years both professionally and for fun. Fragkiskos combines enough experience from various business sectors with the enthusiasm of a newcomer in the blockchain technology.
Fragkiskos Chatziasimidis | LinkedIn
Michael Karasavvas - The web app specialist with the novel ideas
With 8+ years of software engineering and web industry experience, he is dedicated startup enthusiast for over 6 years. Co-founder of the, a successful startup that won a worldwide competition organized by Rockstart Accelerator in the Energy Efficient field. He brings a wealth of startup knowledge and expertise, transforming ideas into tangible products.