Last updated a year ago
With the eventual tokenization of real estate. We will need an oracle to update and manage the historical sales, rental, and property data on the blockchain.
Refine and implement my protocol, API, and hardware device system for cold storage of private keys as well as public encrypted storage of QR code card representations of crypto wallet seed phrases.
This is the total amount allocated to EncryptVault, Cryptocurrency Wallet Seed Phrase (Private Keys) Encrypted QR Code Generator | Protocol and Cold Storage Device System. Safely, digitally store all your crypto seed phrases and passwords..
Alicia E. (Every) Santi PhD
Not at this time.
Project will be fully open source.
My solution to lost and stolen crypto wallet seed phrases and private keys for this phase of the product are as follow:
Please note: The endgame for this system is to cold store the functionality of the program into a cold storage, cell phone sized device. The device will remove the possibility of corrupted devices from hacking and divulging information through malware etc. The unit is intended to have front and rear facing cameras, fingerprint scanner, and face recognition. The unit will create safe QR codes on the rear facing (Green border) screen, while the unencrypted QR codes and data are exclusively on the user facing screen (Red border). The device will be compatible with security keys such as Yubikey and others. The idea is to broaden the types of authentication which can be used to gain access to your highly valuable self-banking information. It is our desire to follow the motto, “Never, ever lose access to your crypto seed phrases, no matter what*.”
For the purposes of this funding round, we are focusing on the program software, which is less than ideal due to the fact that it leaves high opportunity for compromised user devices to attempt to gain access to keys and information as it is being created.
The EncryptVault system will be created with Cardano and ADA as the backbone for blockchain storage. There is the hope to leverage the Midnight protocol for security and (possibly user assistance for key regeneration via M of N master key storage). When the wallet that stores wallet seed phrases hits the market, whatever blockchain it is founded upon, associated with, or leverages will benefit greatly. I intend to expand the functionality of EncryptVault to revolutionize self identity and user authorization. There is a great road ahead, and Cardano is at the center of that road.
If awarded, I measure success of this round with the following:
If awarded, I will use the funds frugally to hire programmers to debug and complete the program according to my specifications. If there is funding left over, I will hire web3 developers to integrate the program into the website and prepare the testnet. At this point we should have sufficient evidence to gain further funding. I will keep as much as possible open source for the benefit of the crypto community and have even abandoned my initial preliminary patent application. Unfortunately, we cannot draw any revenue until the product has been peer reviewed and properly tested. Though it would be much more expensive, it would be ideal and much safer to release the product with the proprietary device, as this would eliminate a myriad of potential hazards and breaches.
As the program team debugs, we will be pushing the revised code to GitHub which will be available for everyone to see and contribute. I can send our financial reports updates with a simple email signup on the website. Please note that post Covid, 75,000ADA (The max awarded) equates to about $21,662.775 today, that doesn't go very far in the programming world. I will do my best to be frugal and make the best design purchases that I can.
In the last two years I have spent over $60,000, in creating EncryptVault, soliciting funding, and building. I have over 600 lines of code which is publicly available on GitHub. I have been a business owner for over 20 years, and have been self employed for most of my adult life. I live and breath crypto. Just 3 years ago, I was not a technical person. I have studied thousands of hours in that time, created a crypto news aggregation site on LinkedIn, and have seen just about every news story on crypto in that time. I have personally interviewed Adam Lowe, of Arculus, John Linden of Mythical Games, and Himal Makwana of FIS. I am hard working and bull headed. I am currently enrolled for my BS in computer science, I am a master plumber and master hvac in 2 states. The service company that I own has nearly perfect reviews. I made EncryptVault because I need it, the crypto community needs it. When it is done and working, it will change everything.
These are very achievable milestones. I will go as far as I can until the funds dry out. Whatever progress that I make will certainly help for the next round of funding.
6-8 months, to frugally repair and finish the code for MVP, attempt to also create and implement testnet instruments, and if possible attach the program to the website for testing and comment.
If we can create adoption for the project which is funded and supported by Cardano, it will foster greater awareness and adoption of Cardano as well. The Cardano family will also have a new resource at their disposal for wallet seed phrase storage, as well as open source programming to assist other in the community in new directions.