ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated a year ago

ExpertChain. Connect with Experts easily by 1:1 Calls using ADA


Window cleaning generates chemicals, cleaning detergents and waste water which negatively impact the global water table.


A platform for 1:1 calls connecting individuals with experts with the focus on blockchain. Payments for consultations are processed through Cardano, fostering a community of learning and growth.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to ExpertChain. Connect with Experts easily by 1:1 Calls using ADA.

Total funds requested
Project status:
Complete: 0
In progress: 0
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no

About this idea


Burak Sen - Mid Level Software Engineer. BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. MSc student in Computer Engineering with only thesis work remaining. 3 years experience in various companies as a Backend-heavy Full-stack Software Developer. Also worked with Cardano blockchain APIs, cNFTs, NFT sales, etc while working on Fund-8 project. Successfully delivered Fund-8 Coordinating Action proposal as a technical member of littlefish Foundation.

Erdem Celik - Junior Software Engineer. Senior Student in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. 1 year part-time experience as a Junior Frontend Developer using React, HTML, CSS.

Erdem will be able to develop code for well defined non complex tickets as a junior developer. He will also contribute to frontend testing.

Irem Gokdemir - Project Engineer: Civil Engineering Major. MSc student in Civil Engineering. 3 year experience as a project manager. Experience in the software development life cycle and agile methodologies.

Irem will guide us as a product owner. She will be able to work for 4-6 hours in a week which shold enough for project tracking and guidance for this project and team scale.

Serkan Celik - Metallurgical and Materials Engineering major. Self taught backend developer. Enthusiastic about blockchain technologies.

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Serkan will contribute similar to Erdem but for backend development.

Undisclosed team member - Mid Level Software Engineer. BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Works as a backend developer to a company that has millions of active users daily. Experience in Nodejs, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Amazon Web Services and etc.

The reason he is undisclosed is because of a work contract that binds him. He will create anonymous GitHub account to contribute to our project. Since our project is fully open-source tracking his contributions will be easy.