Last updated a year ago
Let's face it - regular folks are still far from understanding, let alone adopting, blockchain tech, mainly due to L.o.F - Lack of Fun! Most dApps being built, while foundational, lack fun-factor!
I'm developing a Cardano Game called "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle!" Fund 10 focuses on "Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns" For regular folks, GAMING is the best way to drive Cardano Blockchain adoption!
This is the total amount allocated to "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" is a Fun, Engaging Cardano Blockchain Game featuring collectable Game-Asset NFTs! Free-To-Play, Play-to-Earn!.
No Other Applicants
No dependencies.
There will be numerous creative elements in the game such as its environment, characters, narrative (story), music, style, etc. When combined, these elements form a unique IP. As a business owner, my intention is to nurture and grow this IP into something substantial, which I feel obligated to protect as proprietary. Certain technical elements of the game may be intrinsically and inexorably connected to these proprietary, creative elements and must also be protected in kind. There will likely be core game mechanics that make the game unique in the field, and it would be commercially self-destructive to share the code for these elements by making them completely open source.
An external, unscrupulous team could, in theory, gain access to the entire code or even the more sensitive proprietary elements of it. This could enable them to beat us to market or create competition such that FlutterBuzzerz: Battle might appear as the copycat game and be driven out, when in fact it was the original! In this nightmare scenario, any Project Catalyst funding would be wasted. As owner, it's my responsibility to ensure that doesn't happen, protect the proprietary elements of the game, and safeguard any investment or grant capital that may be attained.
However, I also have a deep love for Cardano and its community, and I do intend to share game code on the game's GitHub repository (link provided above) as much as it can help other Cardano developers develop their own games, from their own ideas. I would love to see a robust gaming community rise up on the Cardano blockchain! Given Cardano's innate security and efficient, inexpensive transactions, I believe it provides an excellent environment for game developers. I intend to interact with and help developers within the Cardano community as much as I can. If funded, consider this intention a pledge. I hope that soon game designers will use the Cardano blockchain not just because they love Cardano, but because it's earned a reputation as the best game in town!
SDG goals:
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
SDG subgoals:
By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature
Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
By 2020, promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally
By 2030, combat desertification, restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by desertification, drought and floods, and strive to achieve a land degradation-neutral world
By 2030, ensure the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including their biodiversity, in order to enhance their capacity to provide benefits that are essential for sustainable development
Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity and, by 2020, protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species
By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species
By 2020, integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into national and local planning, development processes, poverty reduction strategies and accounts
Mobilize and significantly increase financial resources from all sources to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity and ecosystems
Mobilize significant resources from all sources and at all levels to finance sustainable forest management and provide adequate incentives to developing countries to advance such management, including for conservation and reforestation
By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters and that progressively improve land and soil quality
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture
Progress towards sustainable forest management
Coverage by protected areas of important sites for mountain biodiversity
Mountain Green Cover Index
Red List Index
Proportion of countries adopting relevant national legislation and adequately resourcing the prevention or control of invasive alien species
(a) Number of countries that have established national targets in accordance with or similar to Aichi Biodiversity Target 2 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 in their national biodiversity strategy and action plans and the progress reported towards these targets; and (b) integration of biodiversity into national accounting and reporting systems, defined as implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting
(a) Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; and (b) revenue generated and finance mobilized from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments
(a) Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; and (b) revenue generated and finance mobilized from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
Restatement of Problem:
"Most people arent interested in how a stereo works... they just want to listen to the music!"
Blockchain Tech and specifically the Cardano Blockchain, is a relatively new technology. Not only is it new, it is also one that aims to dethrone the existing technology in its space (and its a big big space). While we, the Cardano Faithful, see the inherent value in having decentralized internet, decentralized finance/commerce and decentralized communications, the average internet user does not. And even if they do see the value in it, simply seeing that value is not enough to get them to switch from 'the way they've always done it'!
We can't assume people will adopt blockchain just because its better! We have to make them WANT it!
While many of the dApps and programs being build on the Cardano Blockchain are incredible, foundational, essential, and frankly, much more important than a mobile game, they dont offer the user any Fun-Factor, High Motivation reasons to use them. They solve problems, provide utility, create/innovate the Cardano Blockchain and/or provide the security of decentralization. While I would personally like too thank all these developers and state emphatically that I am both grateful for and stand in awe of their brilliance... we have to acknowledge that most of the projects being built up to this point don't provide the user with good, old-fashioned F-U-N! As such, they lack the ability to draw in new users en masse (users who, unlike us, have not fallen madly in love with Cardano already).
In order to jar the average user out of their comfort zone and get them using a new technology, we need to entice them with something that is actually going to trigger some dopamine release in their brains! We need to give them something Fun!
Enter, "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns!"
My Solution to the Problem:
Let's take a little step back for a moment so I can explain what is going on:
"FlutterBuzzerz: Battle!" is a Cardano-Based Mobile Game that will be available to users on their android or iphones. It will be a decentralized, 1v1 (1 real-life user versus 1 other real-life user), play-to-earn modeled game on the blockchain where in-game assets can be minted as NFTs and used perpetually in the game by the user, or sold to other users in the in-game marketplace. Once minted, the user can also take the asset off the platform and sell (or rent) that asset in any number of third party dApps from Cardahub to Opensea.
Because "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle!" was such a large and complex project, somewhat beyond the scope of a single funding cycle (Fund 10), I have broken the games creation into 3 parts or "PHASES".
PHASE 1: FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - The Crystalline Caverns!
PHASE 2: FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - The FlutterBuzzArena!
PHASE 3: FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - The Mobile Game!
I have Designed Phases 1 and 2 to act as their own "Game within a Game" projects, each with their own hands-on, playable, adoption-driving deliverables!
"But... what even IS a FlutterBuzzer? What the Heck is actually going on here?"
Let me explain... Please endulge me for just a moment:
"In the world of Z'earth, battling FlutterBuzzerz in the International FlutterBuzzArena is the height of entertainment! To provide some context for those of us here on Earth, we are talking the World Cup combined with the Olympics combined with a healthy dose of the Academy Awards! Young and Old, Rich or Poor, watching FlutterBuzzer Swarmz battle it out is a pastime beloved by all, and one steeped in a rich sporting history! The best BuzzWranglerz in the world are, by default, the biggest celebrities and when the newest broods of FlutterBuzzerz are hatched, the eyes of the world are glued to their screens to see how powerful the newest FlutterBuzzerz might be... (and also, who will be the BuzzWrangler lucky enough to find and add them to their swarm!)
What is a FlutterBuzzer, absolutely no one from Z'earth might ask? A FlutterBuzzer, as it would appear to us here on Earth, is a combination of a Bee and a Butterfly - a Bee Body (and Bee Stinger!) with Big Beautiful Bright Butterfly Wings, the shape and color of which will indicate the type of powers the FlutterBuzzer has. FlutterBuzzerz have two great joys in life: 1. to join a Swarm and 2. to have that swarm engage in 'battle' with other FlutterBuzzer Swarmz! (disclaimer: FlutterBuzzologistz are quick to point out that no harm comes to the FlutterBuzzerz and that 'battling' it is an essential part of the FlutterBuzzerz lifecycle.)
Spawned from the mysterious Crystaline Caverns, no two FlutterBuzzerz are exactly alike. Some might possess the powers of the elements: Fire, Frost, Water or Z'earth. Some might be born with raw physical Strength. Some may have been imbued with electrical or poison abilities. Some might have even more mysterious powers - magical abilities to aid or heal their fellow swarm-mates in the heat of battle! FlutterBuzzerz are spawned every few days and there really is no telling what kind of power or combination of powers they will possess (or how potent those powers might be)! The only thing that IS certain is that every BuzzWrangler worth their salt will be there, searching with all their might for the best and brightest!
So whaddya say? Feel up to joining one of the illustrious BuzzWrangler Guildz? Who knows, if you show skill and dedication; if you are able to find the best FlutterBuzzerz faster than your competitors and deploy them in battle more strategically than all the rest, we might just see YOU one day posing for pictures outside the FlutterBuzzArena!"
"FlutterBuzzerz: Battle!" will have two main gameplay elements:
"FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - PHASE 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!", like all parts of the game, will be decentralized and live on the Cardano Blockchain exclusively!
PHASE 1: The Crystalline Cavernz, while a part of the whole, will be a full fledged game in and of itself.
If funded, from the end of September, 2023 to the end of June, 2024 (9 months) I and my team will build the Crystalline Cavernz on the website. Users can go and interact with the Cavernz to find FlutterBuzzerz! New FlutterBuzzerz are spawning all the time and not even the dev team will know what kinds will emerge! Some may be very ordinary and weak - users likely will not want to mint these (though, they can - ANY FlutterBuzzer spawned can be minted). Some FlutterBuzzerz, though, may be very rare and have special abilities or powers. These rare finds the user will likely want to mint, otherwise the FlutterBuzzer will expire after a certain amount of time!
Users will be able to connect their wallets to the website and store their FlutterBuzzerz as NFTs. FlutterBuzzer NFTs will be both digital collectables and usable, PLAYABLE Game Assets.
So, as you can see... we are creating a progression.
Once PHASE 2 is complete, users holding FlutterBuzzer NFTs can use them in battle in the FlutterBuzzArena!
Once PHASE 3 is complete, everything will be ported over to Mobile with a robust in-game economy, new & innovative game elements
But... one step at a time! Admittedly, its hard for me to not get ahead of myself as I have been wanting to build this game for awhile!
The reality is, "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle - PHASE 1: The Crystalline Caverns" has all the elements of highly successful Blockchain Games like CryptoKitties and HashMasks, but with the promise of exciting new things to come! Users will know that, while the game is engaging and fun, in and of itself, the NFTs they are minting will have actual utility! They aren't just collecting static (albeit, cute and beautiful) digital artwork, they are collecting Game Pieces that they can either hold onto and use once the game comes out, or sell on the open market!
The huge NFT Boom & Bust cycle that happened awhile back, occured because creators failed to understand that NFTs need to have a purpose in order for them to have value. The soon-to-be-made "FlutterBuzzerz Saga".... specifically Fund 10's project focus of "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns!" seeks to solve that problem and in so doing, work to solve the problem of Cardano Blockchain Adoption!
This is part of why I have approached the "Products and Integrations Challenge" the way I have - with a game! And not JUST a game - a game that has usable NFT assets.
Utility is key when it comes to NFTs!
I got swept up in the NFT hoopla just like everyone else a few years back, because I recognized just how cool NFTs were - how innovative a technology it was. But I also saw that people were creating (and in some cases spending WAAAAY too much) on... well, frankly... JUNK! It was in this time period where the seedlings of "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle!" began to form in my brain, because I wanted to create an ecosystem of NFTs with Utility! And what better way to do that, than with a game!
We'll talk more about this in the Proposal Points below, but in the meantime I'll close out this section by saying this - I'm obviously biased when it comes to "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns!", but sincerely... as an avid, lifelong gamer, the only reason I'm trying to get this game made is because I think it sounds incredibly fun!
I believe a game like FlutterBuzzerz is not just a good way, but rather the PERFECT way to drive engagement in the cardano ecosystem!
Blockchain technology, at the time of Fund 10, is not at all in the publics 'realm of everyday use'. In fact, it isn't even in the public's 'realm of understanding'. We, as Cardano afficionados and Blockchain early adopters, can easily forget how foreign these technologies can seem to a global population of people that have quite a lot on their plate just with trying to survive.
Some Gaming Stats for you:
Gaming is easily one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. It crosses demographics in surprising ways. If we want to promote adoption on the Cardano Network, we must look to Gaming as a Key Option to do so... and that is exactly what I am doing with my project "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!"
Success of this project will actually be easily measured. I will post and report to the community the exact engagment numbers of the game. Every new player is, in every way, a new user of the Cardano Ecosystem. While the game will be free to play, in order to really engage with the game - collect tokens, mint unique FlutterBuzzerz as player-owned CNFTs - users will need to download one of the compatable Cardano wallets. They will need to purchase or earn some ADA in order to mint their NFTs. statistics on or about the game's engagment will be reported regularly.
I'm a big stats person. In games I am not really happy unless there are stats being shown to me about the game. "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" will have plenty of stats for its players to see. and the project itself will have plenty of stats to peruse during and after completion!
The "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns!" project intends to be very active with the Cardano Community throughout the course of the 9 months the game will be built.
I'll go into more detail on specific timelines in the section on Major Milestones
Let me get real with you a bit and introduce who I am... and also... who I am not! (Because I think both are important!) (See also the Development Team Section of the proposal for some more information on me! :)_
First... Hi, I'm Jim!
I am a 45 year old who is no stranger to managing projects and teams... and absolutely no stranger to hard work! While I currently work in the field of medical diagnostic neurotechnology as an electroencephalographic technologist (finally utilizing some of my biology-based education!), I actually worked in the food and bev industry in Napa, CA for close to twenty years in both high-end restaurants and world famous wineries. All of my career has been spent in service of some kind and much of it has been spent in a managerial capacity.
I managed a bonafide world famous Napa restaurant called Tra Vigne for several years. It's closed its doors now, unfortunately, but for two decades it build up a reputation as one of the best restaurants in an area considered top-tier in the world of dining. After Tra Vigne, I was sought out and offered the position of events manager for the Robert Mondavi Winery. I did that for several more years, managing large teams for their special events and summer concert series - huge events, one after another, all year long!
This project - creating a mobile game from the ground up - is all about management. Its about managing a team of real-life human beings. Managing people, which to me means choosing the right people for the job, identifying their talents, strengths and weaknesses and then aligning their efforts towards a unified goal, is something I know a great deal about!
There were times in my career where I managed teams of over a hundred people. These teams were comprised of staff of varying duties, skillsets and experience levels and included temporary staff, regular employees and assistant managers. In order to complete projects - often times under extremely stressful conditions - all of the individuals on my teams needed to be organized, inspired, (in some cases) taught and ultimately directed in harmony with each other and in harmony with the completion of the goal in mind.
Deligating effectively was absolutely essential for survival. And understanding that I was dealing with real people with real emotions, unique personalities and lives outside work and that they were not simply cogs in a machine was CRUCIAL for us to acheive our goals.
(And I'll also say, because I think its worth mentioning, understanding this was CRUCIAL also to keeping my soul intact - too often I have seen people lose or forget their humanity in pursuit of greatness or excellence. At the end of the day, how we treat other people, is how the universe sees us. How we treat other people, is who we are.)
Anyway, bringing it back :) ...
I got into the food and bev industry working my way through college while I was studying biology, psychology, art and, briefly, theology). Because I was good at the job, while still in college, I received many offers for employment. I must admit it was never my intention to have a career in the high-end service industry in Napa, but at the time the offers were difficult to pass up.
In 2018, owing to a bad back and knees (walking upwards of 20-25 miles a shift takes its toll!), I sought and was offered a position in neurodiagnostics. I have worked for NeuroTechnical Services for the last five years, seeing patients and administering neurodiagnostic electroencephalographs (EEGs) in both hospital and office settings. I worked all through the pandemic in this position, which as you can imagine presented many unique problems. Working through problems and adversity to get the job done is a cornerstone of my career and who I am, regardless what industry I have been working in. I will bring that same energy, tenacity and skill to THIS project.
Several years ago I began investigating Blockchain Technology and promptly fell in love with one blockchain in particular - Cardano. I appreciated so much their principled approach to technology and their people-first approach to business. It is a love affair that has only grown stronger over the years. So much so that I even started to learn how to code - Haskell at first (using Robertino Martinez's IOG Academy Course!) and Plutus, but I also made a study of Python and C#. While I may not be the worlds greatest coder, I am proficient such that I can manage and communicate knowledgably with the programmers I intend to hire to code "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns!"
Throughout my entire life, the one thing that has persisted regardless of circumstance is my love of gaming.
Zelda, Kings Bounty, Skyrim, World of Warcraft, The Caesar Sim Series, Heroes of might and Magic, Star Wars: The Old Republic, League of Legends... the list goes on and on and ON when it comes to the video games I have played avidly.
I also love tabletop games and have led several groups of eager adventurers through my own homebrewed DnD world.
I have dreamt for a long time of designing my own video game. Games, be they board games, family 'game-night' games, or video games offer us a singularily unique entertainment experience. Unlike passive forms of entertainment like movies, television or theatre (all of which I love as well, by the way) games allow us to participate in the the stories and worlds we engage. If you are reading this as a fellow lover of video games, you know what I'm talking about. Getting into a good video game is just... a unique experience all its own.
The point I'm trying to make is... I am PASSIONATE about games. I am PASSIONATE about Cardano. And I am PASSIONATE about tackling a project I care about and giving it everything I have!
I haven't been as excited about anything as I am about creating "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns!"! Over the last two years the idea for this game (always decentralized and envisioned as part of the Cardano Ecosystem, by the way - this is not a game I have simply ported over for purposes of trying to get funding. FlutterBuzzerz has always been a Cardano Project in my mind, even before I knew what Project Catalyst was!) has steadily grown, evolved and formed in my mind's eye. Over the last few weeks, as I have worked on this proposal and experienced the game morphing from a Beautiful Idea to an Actual, Living, Breathing Project that soon, if it get funded, I will be creating and guiding the creation of... its difficult to express to you in words, here on this computer screen, how INVOLVED and ENGAGED I am in this endeavor. I want to make this game so badly!! And I believe so much that it can and will do great things for the Cardano Ecosystem!
If it sounds like I'm laying it on kinda thick... well, I am... but I'm also being completely honest and transparent and real with you. I feel tremendously passionate about creating this game! But I'm also being as open about it because I also want to tell you what I am not...
I am not the CEO of an established Gaming or Tech Company. I am not a lifelong coder or developer who has worked on 748 different projects including Famous Game A or Famous Game B. I am not someone who, as part of his profession... Makes a Video Game... even though that is what I dream of doing! The good part of this is that I want the community to know and understand that I am not a gaming or tech business owner or insider who, hearing about Project Catalyst and all the free money its giving away, decided to save his company some R&D capital. The "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns!" project is not a title an established gaming company is trying to produce... its a grassroots brainchild of a life-long Gamer and Cardano Blockchain Early Adopter!
While I may not have the connections and experience some other proposers might have in this field, what I do have is a burning desire to get this project off the ground and flying high! What I do have is an intense desire to see it do exactly what we all want it to do - drive adoption of the best Cryptocurrency Project in Existence - Cardano. What I do have is a passionate need to bring this game from "some cool idea I had" to a game that will stand the test of time. Those games I mentioned early? Zelda... Skyrim... I want FlutterBuzzerz to be on that level! And I'm willing to work harder than I ever have (and believe me, that is saying something) to make it so!
While Project Catalyst was started to help promote, build, create, and drive adoption of the Cardano Blockchain and Ecosystem... I think that it also is about creating a Seeding Source for first time developers like me - giving 'the little folk' a chance to create, enhance and innovate within the Cardano Movement and contribute to its future and its evolution. I would also venture to say that if everything Project Catalyst funds is based on experience and industry establishment only as criteria, ignoring the Passion of the Individual, the Cardano Ecosystem as a whole will suffer as a result. I wouldn't presume to know another's mind, but if I had to guess, I think Charles Hoskinson would agree with me on that.
So what am I getting at with all this touchy-feely stuff? Just that... I hope I've been able to convey to you how passionate (there's that word again!) about this project and creating this game... and how much I really do care about Cardano and wish to contribute to its adoption by creating "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns!". And I also hope that as you make your decisions on who gets funding, you will take into account these things and give them at least as much weight as industry experience and connections. I wish I had a billion dollars in the bank! If I did making this game would be a snap, but unfortunately... I'm just a working man! And without funding, I dont know if I'd ever really be able to get this game off the ground. I'd still try but... while I'm a dreamer I'm also a realist and just putting this proposal together has made be see how intense and expansive creating a game like this is. So... I sincerely hope "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns!" and I pass the vibe check, because I'd really love to get the things made and bring a few million new users into the Cardano Ecosystem!
Overall Goal:
Secondary Goals:
Here's a breakdown of the Major Milestones for the "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" Project:
Major Milestone #1 - Project Lauch and Our First Week!
September 29, 2023
Major Milestone #2 - The End of Part 1 of the Project
December 17th, 2023
Major Milestone #3 - The End of Part 2 of the Project
March 29th, 2024
Major Milestone #4 - One week from the End of Part 3 and the Completion of the Project
June 21th, 2024
Major Milestone #5 - "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" Launch!
June 28th, 2024
In addition to these Major Milestones, the Community can count on regular interaction, communication and updates from me in the socials and on the website. I will make myself available to answer any questions community members might have regarding the game or our progress.
There will also be Official Updates at the end of each month along with blog posts and "Lore Dropz" where I provide the community a glipse at the World and History the FlutterBuzzerz inhabit. These updates will appear the last day of the month.
With that in mind, lets go through the entire nine months of the "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" project, focusing on the end of each month as a lense though which to view that months key activities. We will use the Major Milestones as anchor points and list our key activities, to get the project from zero to completion.
End of September, 2023
End of October
End of November
End of December - End of Part 1/3
End of January
End of February
End of March - End of Part 2/3
End of April
End of May
End of June - End of part 3/3 and Project Completion
Lets get specific about deliverables and outputs! As noted above, "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" Project will be divided into three (almost) equal parts, each culminating in a Major Milestone. There will also be a Major Milestone a full week after the project's Kickoff and a week before the Game's Launch, for a total of Five (5) Major Milestones. Here are the dates for each of the Five Major Milestones:
Major Milestone #1 - Project Lauch and Our First Week!
September 29, 2023
Major Milestone #2 - The End of Part 1 of the Project
December 17th, 2023
Major Milestone #3 - The End of Part 2 of the Project
March 29th, 2024
Major Milestone #4 - One week from the End of Part 3 and the Completion of the Project
June 21th, 2024
Major Milestone #5 - "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" Launch!
June 28th, 2024
Here is what to expect from us at each of these Major Milestones:
September 21st, 2023
Major Milestone #0:
September 29th, 2023
Major Milestone #1 Deliverables:
December 17th, 2023
Major Milestone #2 Deliverables:
March 29th, 2024
Major Milestone #3 Deliverables:
June 21st, 2024
Major Milestone #4 Deliverables:
June 28th, 2024
Major Milestone #4 Deliverables:
Major Milestone #3 Deliverables:
Official Onboarding for the Closed Beta commences. Along with a limited playable version of the mobile game on the website. This initiation of Closed Beta Onboarding will consist of daily updates between Onboarding initiation and start of Closed Beta.
Major Milestone #4 Deliverables:
Here we have a working game with a viable ecosystem - A finished, if not yet thoroughly tested product. Open Beta Launch commences, exactly 12 months from funding announcment
I will act as both the Operations Manager and Game Designer and will not draw a salary.
The bulk of the budget will go towards skilled developers. At this time, my sites are on 2 primary developers working with me part time over the course of the 9 month project. Developer #1 will be on the GameDev side and Developer #2 will be the Blockchain Backend/Integraton side. While I am a frugal person by nature, in the field of developers, sometimes what you pay for is what you get. That is why I have forged inroads with TopTal to help me form up my team - at the time of proposal submission, I have had several productive dev meetings with Alex Sevilla, Chief Engineer of the TopTal team - they know my goals, what I need and are heads up ready to move on September 21st. Please Note: TopTal's fee is built into the developer's compensation so the figures below reflect both the cost of the talent and the talent's management combined.
Proposed Budget for FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! Phase 1: 93,000 ADA
Primary Project Resources: 72,000 ADA
Estimated Unity Software/Licensing Expenditure: 3000 ADA
Code and Security Auditing: 15000ADA
Website Cost/Design: 1000 ADA
Hardware/CloudHosting/Misc : 2000 ADA
Total Cost of Phase 1:
93,000 ADA
FlutterBuzzerz:Battle! Phase 1 ends on June 27th, 2024
"FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" is not merely one part of a video game, unfinished or unusable without the completion of Phases 2 and 3. Far from that, the end result of this project will deliver significant value to the Cardano Community in terms of engagement and adoption!
The deliverables associated with Phase 1 are on par with many successful blockchain projects like CryptoKitties and HashMasks, only much more so considering the NFTs we are going to produce will have Intrinsic Value as they will be usable game assets in the Flutter-Buzzerz: Battle! game itself. Phase 1, in addition to being a fun, engaging activity all on its own, will act as a herald of the game that is to come!
At the end of our nine month project, I will present to the Cardano Community a working NFT game call "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" which, in addition to being a dynamic and engaging piece of digital machinery all on its own, will be a primary component of the completed FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! game. "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" is a digital randomizer that produces NFT game assets - the actual FlutterBuzzerz themselves! These assets will be fully mintable and ownable for users with Cardano compatable wallets at the end of the Phase 1 project in June of next year!
For fun... here's some early concept art!
Here's a breakdown of value added to the Cardano Ecosystem by Phase 1 of FlutterBuzzerz: Battle!
Its worth noting, I dont plan on just slapping an ugly widget on my website, this will be a fun, bright, cool presentation, with Lights, Color & Sound! Indeed, while Phase 1 is technically the first of three Phases producing a game, it will, in reality, be like a game all on its own! And its gonna be FUN! he way I'm going to do it, its going to be Fun! Its a minigame that promises tremendous utility for the future! And the Return on Investment for the Cardano Commuity is SkyHigh!
Again, this widget, "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" game, will be fully usable by the community or anyone outside the community at the end of the 9 month project, and will act as a Herald for things to come! Considering what I intend to produce and the funds I'm requesting, I feel the return on investment for the Community is Fantastic!
Proposer, Lead Designer, Project Manager: James Smith (aka Jim)
Hi! I'm Jim. And thanks so much for taking the time to read all this! Whether funded or not, I do want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your time and efforts... with so many proposals to go through and analyze, I know its no small task to sift through all this information. So sincerely... thanks!!
A little bit about me: For the last three years I have fallen in love with the Cardano Blockchain! While I wouldn't necessarily call myself a programmer or coder just yet, I have, over the last two years or so, thrown myself into studying/learning code, cryptology, blockchain, math and game design. I have made a study of Haskell (utilizing Robertino Martinez's IOG Academy Courses), Pinescript, Python, C# and The Unity Game Engine. Recently I earned a certificate in Nonlinear Dynamics: Mathematical and Computational Approaches (Spring 2023) from the Santa Fe Institute:
It was a fascinating course and really got my brain turning in new ways! It was one of those 'makes you look at the world differently' sort of experiences! Centered around chaos. nonlinear dynamical systems and how to write code to analyze, predict and visualize those systems, I think what I learned in the course will definitely help me in designing the BON3KR Randomizzer, which is the centerpiece of Phase 1!
But Let me introduce you to some other team members:
I'm happy to introduce Amy and Jason Mesick, an incredibly talented, creative married couple I have had the pleasure of collaborating with on several creative endeavors over the years. Together they own/operate an EEG Service Company in Southern California and spend the rest of their time creating offbeat, quirky art - Amy does Graphic Design and is a wiz with all things computers and Jason is one of the best song writers I've ever known! (Incidentally, Jason is very excited about my proposal as he is the only other person I know who is as excited about the future of Cardano as I am!) Here's a link to their Youtube Channel where they make educational songs/videos in the field of neurodiagnostics: Garrison Mesick: Graphic Design Consultant.
I have worked with Amy for over five years professionally and at least fifteen on various creative projects. She is a top notch graphic artist, a big time computer nerd and gamer, and an incredible systems builder & troubleshooter. I have enlisted her to help with asset creation and she is excited about the project!
Jason Mesick: Singer/Songwriter; Recording Engineer
Like Amy, I have worked with Jason for about 5 years and have collaborated with him on musical projects. He is the best songwriter I know and well experienced with recording software and hardware. He's built his own recording studio in his house. He is very excited about composing a theme song and some other music for the game and the website.
Alex Sevilla,, Chief Engineer
Alex Kronk,, Project Team Liaison
I'm excited to have forged, over the last few weeks, excellent relationships at TopTal, recognized as one of the best in the business for providing clients with the developers they need to get projects done.
My mindset when I started putting this project together was that, considering we are talking about wallet integration, NFT game assets, native currencies etc, there really is no room for error as far as security goes. And security does not just mean explicit security protocols. Security is reliant of the quality of the code!
I'll be direct with you. I am not the owner/ceo of some big tech or gaming company, trying to save some money on development. I am a regular joe with a regular job who has a passion for Cardano and Gaming. As such, attaining SOLID professional help in this is absolutely essential - I dont have a staff on hand or 30 years worth of coders in my roller-decks!
The benefit of working with toptal is third party, built-in administrative oversite. Because they pride themselves on their reputation, if the developers they provide are not working out, they have a vast resource pool to draw from to ensure I immediately get the staff I need to continue the project without interuption. I asked Alex Sevilla directly if, after they set me up with developers, their workflow is to just disappear from teh equation, or if they are more hands on over the course of the project. They said it can be either/or, and that some clients want them out of the way and some don't, but if I need them to be available for additional help if there are any staffing issues. I told them, I need you to be there the moment there is a problem, issue or question and they said that is exectly what I will get!
This TopTal path is perfect for my project and provides a sense of security and assurance, hedging against unforseen complications when it comes to the team itself. Over the last few weeks and several meetings, I feel very confident with TopTal's experience in helping me find the right members for my team and their involvement will ensure there are no slowdowns or stoppages due to staffing issues throughout the course of the project.
All that having thoroughly been said, through my conversations with the Alexes, the team composition we've come up with, based on my needs for Phase 1, consists of three people. The first is a Game Designer, the role I will fill, though I will schedule a few hours of consultation with one of TopTals experienced designers in order to help get my vision completely in focus, such that I can convey that vision to the developers. The second and third team members are both developers - one a Game Dev and one a Blockchain Dev. Both of these individuals will work synchronistically on the front and backends of the game. For Phase one to see completion, I will need to engage both front end UI and also how the NFT assets (the flutterbuzzerz themselves) will interact with existing user wallets and the blockchain.