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Last updated a year ago

"FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" is a Fun, Engaging Cardano Blockchain Game featuring collectable Game-Asset NFTs! Free-To-Play, Play-to-Earn!


Let's face it - regular folks are still far from understanding, let alone adopting, blockchain tech, mainly due to L.o.F - Lack of Fun! Most dApps being built, while foundational, lack fun-factor!


I'm developing a Cardano Game called "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle!" Fund 10 focuses on "Phase 1: The Crystalline Caverns" For regular folks, GAMING is the best way to drive Cardano Blockchain adoption!

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to "FlutterBuzzerz: Battle! - Phase 1: The Crystalline Cavernz!" is a Fun, Engaging Cardano Blockchain Game featuring collectable Game-Asset NFTs! Free-To-Play, Play-to-Earn!.

Total funds requested
Project status:
Complete: 0
In progress: 0
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Proposer, Lead Designer, Project Manager: James Smith (aka Jim)

Hi! I'm Jim. And thanks so much for taking the time to read all this! Whether funded or not, I do want to take this opportunity to say thank you for your time and efforts... with so many proposals to go through and analyze, I know its no small task to sift through all this information. So sincerely... thanks!!

A little bit about me: For the last three years I have fallen in love with the Cardano Blockchain! While I wouldn't necessarily call myself a programmer or coder just yet, I have, over the last two years or so, thrown myself into studying/learning code, cryptology, blockchain, math and game design. I have made a study of Haskell (utilizing Robertino Martinez's IOG Academy Courses), Pinescript, Python, C# and The Unity Game Engine. Recently I earned a certificate in Nonlinear Dynamics: Mathematical and Computational Approaches (Spring 2023) from the Santa Fe Institute:

It was a fascinating course and really got my brain turning in new ways! It was one of those 'makes you look at the world differently' sort of experiences! Centered around chaos. nonlinear dynamical systems and how to write code to analyze, predict and visualize those systems, I think what I learned in the course will definitely help me in designing the BON3KR Randomizzer, which is the centerpiece of Phase 1!

But Let me introduce you to some other team members:

I'm happy to introduce Amy and Jason Mesick, an incredibly talented, creative married couple I have had the pleasure of collaborating with on several creative endeavors over the years. Together they own/operate an EEG Service Company in Southern California and spend the rest of their time creating offbeat, quirky art - Amy does Graphic Design and is a wiz with all things computers and Jason is one of the best song writers I've ever known! (Incidentally, Jason is very excited about my proposal as he is the only other person I know who is as excited about the future of Cardano as I am!) Here's a link to their Youtube Channel where they make educational songs/videos in the field of neurodiagnostics:

Amy Garrison Mesick: Graphic Design Consultant.

  1. Email:

I have worked with Amy for over five years professionally and at least fifteen on various creative projects. She is a top notch graphic artist, a big time computer nerd and gamer, and an incredible systems builder & troubleshooter. I have enlisted her to help with asset creation and she is excited about the project!

Jason Mesick: Singer/Songwriter; Recording Engineer


Like Amy, I have worked with Jason for about 5 years and have collaborated with him on musical projects. He is the best songwriter I know and well experienced with recording software and hardware. He's built his own recording studio in his house. He is very excited about composing a theme song and some other music for the game and the website.


Alex Sevilla,, Chief Engineer

Alex Kronk,, Project Team Liaison

I'm excited to have forged, over the last few weeks, excellent relationships at TopTal, recognized as one of the best in the business for providing clients with the developers they need to get projects done.

My mindset when I started putting this project together was that, considering we are talking about wallet integration, NFT game assets, native currencies etc, there really is no room for error as far as security goes. And security does not just mean explicit security protocols. Security is reliant of the quality of the code!

I'll be direct with you. I am not the owner/ceo of some big tech or gaming company, trying to save some money on development. I am a regular joe with a regular job who has a passion for Cardano and Gaming. As such, attaining SOLID professional help in this is absolutely essential - I dont have a staff on hand or 30 years worth of coders in my roller-decks!

The benefit of working with toptal is third party, built-in administrative oversite. Because they pride themselves on their reputation, if the developers they provide are not working out, they have a vast resource pool to draw from to ensure I immediately get the staff I need to continue the project without interuption. I asked Alex Sevilla directly if, after they set me up with developers, their workflow is to just disappear from teh equation, or if they are more hands on over the course of the project. They said it can be either/or, and that some clients want them out of the way and some don't, but if I need them to be available for additional help if there are any staffing issues. I told them, I need you to be there the moment there is a problem, issue or question and they said that is exectly what I will get!

This TopTal path is perfect for my project and provides a sense of security and assurance, hedging against unforseen complications when it comes to the team itself. Over the last few weeks and several meetings, I feel very confident with TopTal's experience in helping me find the right members for my team and their involvement will ensure there are no slowdowns or stoppages due to staffing issues throughout the course of the project.

All that having thoroughly been said, through my conversations with the Alexes, the team composition we've come up with, based on my needs for Phase 1, consists of three people. The first is a Game Designer, the role I will fill, though I will schedule a few hours of consultation with one of TopTals experienced designers in order to help get my vision completely in focus, such that I can convey that vision to the developers. The second and third team members are both developers - one a Game Dev and one a Blockchain Dev. Both of these individuals will work synchronistically on the front and backends of the game. For Phase one to see completion, I will need to engage both front end UI and also how the NFT assets (the flutterbuzzerz themselves) will interact with existing user wallets and the blockchain.