[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
[GENERAL] Email address of main applicant
Additional applicants
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.” .
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] If NO, please describe which outputs are not going to be open source. If YES, please write “Project will be fully open source.”
Project will be fully open source.
[METADATA] Category of Proposal
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
The team solution we will address for the proposal is:
1. Sharing knowledge, training, and evaluating projects in the Cardano ecosystem.
Our team will organize online and offline training and knowledge-sharing events to help new members of the ecosystem and new crypto investors evaluate projects in the Cardano ecosystem.
2. Reward individuals with outstanding achievements.
After each separate session, the training will have questions related to the problems and projects that day shared, and there will be special gifts given to the outstanding individuals who answered correctly and achieved the highest score.
3. Help newcomers make the right investment decisions.
Through our team-sharing training sessions, new members of the community can have their own research teams, making the process of learning and evaluating projects in the Cardano ecosystem faster and easier. There are also the right investment decisions for the projects that are still developing on Cardano.
[IMPACT] How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
1.Our team’s solutions to that challenge are:
- Create a community of knowledgeable individuals able to self-evaluate projects in the Cardano ecosystem, thereby increasing the number of investors in projects on the Cardano Blockchain.
- Help those who are new to the market get small rewards in the process of learning and evaluating projects on Cardano.
- Create a favorable communication environment for investors to make the most appropriate investment decisions for Cardano projects.
2. This will bring many benefits to the Cardano ecosystem, including:
- Strengthening participant confidence: With the knowledge and skills provided by the project members, users will be able to evaluate projects in the Cardano ecosystem more professionally and accurately, helping to strengthen their confidence in Cardano.
- Increase the ability to invest and trade effectively: Participants will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to effectively invest and trade in the Cardano ecosystem, helping to increase profitability and reduce risk.
- Increase the development of the Cardano ecosystem: With the help of the members of my team, participants will acquire the knowledge and skills to evaluate projects on Cardano, helping to boost the growth of the ecosystems.
- Create a professional investment community: the project will help create a professional investing community in the Cardano ecosystem, which increases the attractiveness of the ecosystem to investors and developers.
[IMPACT] How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
To measure the success of our team’s projects, we will use the following methods:
- Quantitative Assessment: Use quantitative metrics to measure the success of a project, for example, the number of project participants, the number of visits to the project’s website, the amount of enrollment and completion of the course, the quantity of positive reviews from participants, etc.
- Qualitative Assessment: Use qualitative assessment methods such as surveys and interviews to gather opinions and evaluations of the training participants on the quality and effectiveness of the project.
- Compared to the original goal: The goal of the project is to help participants get more rewards from learning. If the number of participants in the project increases and their income also increases, then the project can be considered successful.
- Comparison to similar projects: Comparison of project results with similar projects that have already been deployed to measure the success of the project
- Evaluation of development potential: Assessing the development potential of a project based on positive feedback from participants, market developments, and related projects
[IMPACT] Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
We have a comprehensive plan to share the outputs and results of our project with various stakeholders:
- Create a project site: The project team will create a site to share information about the project and the results achieved. This website will be designed to be easy to use and intuitive so that people can access and read information about the project as well as the knowledge that the team has accumulated. The projected number of visits to the site that can be achieved in 1 month is 1000 and will increase gradually in the 2nd and 3rd months; our team expects the site to reach around 3000 visits in 3 months.
- Publishing a report: The project team will publish a report on the results achieved during the project implementation process. This report will be published online, so people can access and read it on the team’s website. About 30 people are expected to be trained and shared, and they will form small teams together.
- Share on social networks: The project team will use the YouTube channel to share the results achieved in the project. This information will be shared publicly so that people can access it and contribute. It is expected that the YouTube channel will reach 100 followers after 1 month, 200 followers after 2 months, and after 3 months, about 300 followers.
- Online workshops: The project team will organize workshops to present the results achieved. These workshops will attract the participation of experts, researchers, and those interested in the field.
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?
1.Appropriate skills and experience to implement the project:
- Counseled by Cardano experts: With guidance from the Vcoincheck team (which has been funded several times in Fund 7, Fund 8, and Fund 9. Source: Lidonation), we provide content and ways to guide the community to evaluate reliably by thoroughly verifying information.
- Team members’ capabilities: All four members of our team also have at least two years of experience in the Blockchain field. Three members of our team have completed the Cardano Blockchain Certified Associate (CBCA) Alpha Program and Atala PRISM Pioneer Program certifications. Show our capabilities suitable for completing this project.
2. Our reliability and responsibility for the project:
- Transparency of information and communication: We will set up information channels and websites to inform stakeholders, as well as Catalyst, about updates and the progress of the project. Reports will be updated regularly and shared to ensure transparency, and the team will also be responsible for solving project information issues if the community requests it.
- Transparency of project costs: We will record actual costs in a spreadsheet and attach related invoices. Whenever Catalyst or the community requests verification, we will be ready to provide this detailed actual cost analysis table.
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?
1.The main objectives of the project are:
- Provide participants with the basic knowledge and skills of investment and project assessment in the Cardano ecosystem.
- Help participants evaluate and select projects in the Cardano ecosystem accurately and effectively.
- Create a professional investment community in the Cardano ecosystem.
2. To confirm the feasibility of the project, we will use the following methods:
- Market research: Market research to learn the needs of participants and the degree of interest in investment and trading courses in the Cardano ecosystem.
- Surveys: Conduct surveys to gather participants’ opinions on the quality and effectiveness of the training course.
- Interview: Interview experts and investors to assess the feasibility of the project and propose improvements if necessary.
- Practical testing: A practical test of the training course is carried out on a small group of participants (each team can select 2-3 people) to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of the project.
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.
Below are the important milestones of the project:
1.Milestone 1 (1st month)
Main task
- Make a detailed plan.
- Study the structure of the questionnaire.
- Create a community on the Telegram channel.
- Community interaction, answering questions.
- Announcement of team training.
- Create small groups of 6–8 people; each group will be led by a member of our team.
- Create a question.
- Create the criteria necessary to evaluate a project.
- Classify the proposed projects based on the criteria of classification.
- Start the first training course.
- Rewarding the first individuals.
- Assess the effectiveness of training.
- There are comments and adjustments for the next session.
- Starting the next online training.
- Create a guide website.
- Order gifts for offline sharing.
- There was the first offline sharing.
- Awarded for the first time.
- Evaluate the efficiency of offline sharing.
2. Milestone 2 (2nd month)
Main task
- There are training sessions both online and offline.
- Start setting up for students. How to present and share
- Correction, contribution, and discussion of the student’s mistakes
- Effectiveness after each training session.
3.Milestone 3 (3rd Month)
Main task
- There are training sessions both online and offline.
- Do the work as promised for all sources.
- Effectiveness after 3 months.
- Create project reports and share project results with the community.
The workload of our team is detailed: Source
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.
1.Milestone 1 (First Month)
The product:
- The content of the training course is complete, and there is a separate community.
- Our team’s first online training course on project assessment in the Cardano ecosystem
Head of Hope:
- Develop high-quality and complete course content. Generate interest and attraction from users.
- The course achieves the objectives of the project, and the first step is reached by the participants.
The expected result:
- About 30 people participated in our team’s training.
- Participating members can provide the most comprehensive way of evaluating a project.
- Report the results of the milestone column 1 document.
2.Milestone 2 (2nd month)
The product:
- There will be four online sharing sessions and one offline sharing session.
- Start setting up your own team site.
- The prizes are given to the students.
Head of Hope:
- The training courses meet the objectives of the project and are reached by a wider audience of users.
- Monitor course activity so that the students have the best possible assessment.
The expected result:
- Completion of the second phase of the project.
- Members of the training course start sharing projects and can evaluate a project by themselves.
- The community can learn more about training courses.
- Report results of milestone column 2: 1 document
3.Milestone 3 (3rd Month)
The product:
- There will be four online sharing sessions and one offline sharing session completed.
- The prizes are given to the students.
- The team’s guide website is completed.
Head of Hope:
- The training courses meet the objectives of the project and are reached by a wider audience of users.
- Monitor course activity so that the students have the best possible assessment.
The expected result:
- Completing the implementation of the project’s third milestone
- Members of the training course can share projects in a pure way and make the right decisions for themselves.
- The community can learn more about training courses.
- Report the results of milestone column 3: 1 document and 1 article.
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.
Milestone 1 (First Month): 14100 ADA
- Award fee: 200 ADA* 2 sessions * 4 groups = 1600 ADA
- Cost of training: 500 ADA per sessions * 2 sessions * 4 people = 4000 ADA
- Cost of creating a test questionnaire: 4000 ADA
- Offline cost: 1 session * 1500 ADA/sessions = 1500 ADA
- Cost of printing Cardano logo suitcases: 1000 ADA * 3 sessions (3 months) = 3000 ADA (1 print for all 3 months).
Milestone 2 (2nd month): 25700 ADA
- Award fee: 200 ADA 4 sessions 4 groups = 3200 ADA
- Cost of training: 500 ADA per sessions * 4 sessions * 4 people = 8000 ADA
- Cost of Website Instruction: 5000 ADA
- Cost of importing web data, making video tutorials, collecting data sources, and gathering information: 80 working hours * 100 ADA/hour = 8000 ADA
- Offline cost: 1 session * 1500 ADA/day = 1500 ADA
Milestone 3 (3rd Month): 25500 ADA
- Award fee: 200 ADA 5 sessions 4 groups = 4000 ADA
- Cost of training: 500 ADA per sessions * 5 sessions * 4 people = 10000 ADA
- Cost of importing Web data, making video tutorials, collecting data sources, and gathering information: 100 hours of work * 100 ADA/hour = 10000 ADA
- Offline cost: 1 session * 1500 ADA/day = 1500 ADA
Total of: 65300 ADA
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
With the total cost of 65300 ADA at around $16325 (with the level of ADA price slide calculated to the present time, 1 ADA is calculated at 0.25 $), such amounts as personnel costs and incentive rewards of this project are based on the average salary in Vietnam and Southeast Asia and have been reviewed and approved by experts to ensure compliance with the project.
[IMPORTANT NOTE] The Applicant agreed to Fund10 rules and also that data in the Submission Form and other data provided by the project team during the course of the project will be publicly available.
I Accept