Last updated a year ago
Using Cardano's blockchain, we aim to democratize carbon credits, encouraging renewable energy use, reducing CO2 emissions, and overcoming traditional sector inefficiencies.
I want to create a website where all cryptocurrency users can perform the Howey Test on any crypto and find out whether it qualifies as a security or not, simply by answering a few questions from test
This is the total amount allocated to Howey Test.
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
My project will enable all cryptocurrency users worldwide to conduct the Howey Test on their cryptocurrencies and determine whether they qualify as securities or not according to the SEC. This will greatly contribute to legal regulation for each individual and cryptocurrencies as a whole.
This proposal is for all cryptocurrency users, allowing them to check whether their cryptocurrencies on hold are considered securities or not, and based on that, take actions, plan their future investments, and contribute to the legal regulation for everyone
This is a legal product that will greatly assist the Cardano community, the cryptocurrency CARDANO, and the entire crypto ecosystem worldwide, as it aids and contributes to the legal regulation of cryptocurrencies
The success of this project will be measured by the following: 1) conducting a legal study on the Howey Test, 2) making the test available online for people to take through a website, 3) this is a pioneering and novel project in the world, and its innovation upon creation should be considered as a success metric in contributing to the legal regulation of cryptocurrencies, 4) the number of users who use and interact with the created Howey Test
The legal study on the Howey Test will be conducted in 3 months, and it will be made available online through a website
I am a lawyer with a master's degree and several years of professional experience, specializing in cryptocurrency regulation with expertise in the subject matter. My perfil of Linkedin is:
The main objectives of this project are to contribute to the legal regulation of cryptocurrencies worldwide, assist crypto users, and innovate with a legal product for cryptocurrency regulation
The delivery schedule for this project is 3 months, and the milestones are as follows: 1) Conduct a legal research on the Howey Test, which will be documented, 2) Create a questionnaire with appropriate questions for people to answer when taking the Howey Test, 3) Develop a website and make the Howey Test available to the public, incorporating the previous two milestones
This project will be completed in 3 months and will have 3 milestones. To achieve milestone 1, a legal document on the Howey Test will be delivered. To achieve milestone 2, a second legal document containing the questions that users should answer when taking the Howey Test will be delivered. Finally, to achieve milestone 3, a website will be delivered, incorporating all the previous components and making the Howey Test available to the public
The budget for this project is as follows: 1) Legal consulting services from a lawyer for 2 months, working full-time for 8 hours per day on business days, totaling 8 hours per day for 40 days at $55 per hour = $17,600 (or approximately 52,800 ADA). 2) Website development by a company for 1 month = $2,000 (or approximately 6,000 ADA). 3) Advertising for the project over 3 months = $3,733 (or approximately 11,200 ADA)
This project is highly innovative, contributes to the legal regulation of cryptocurrencies worldwide, and is also a cost-effective initiative that will have a positive impact on the CARDANO ecosystem and cryptocurrencies in general
The team for this project is comprised of a lawyer specializing in cryptocurrency regulation with experience in the Catalyst community, who is the main proponent and will be responsible for conducting the proposed legal studies for this project, as well as promoting and advertising it. Additionally, I will hire a company to create the project's website, and I may also hire my brothers, who are members of the Catalyst community and programmers. My LinkedIn profile is: