Last updated a year ago
The absence of practical adoption examples poses a significant challenge for the Cardano system. Developing a viable product based on real-world applications is imperative for sustained profitability.
Comprehensive legal guidance for Cardano projects in Brazil, empowering ADA holders to navigate the legal landscape effectively, enhancing regulatory compliance and fostering trust of Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Legal Research: Building the Foundations for Projects on Cardano in the Brazilian Legal Context .
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
SDG Goals
4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG Subgoals
4.4 - By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
4.4.1 - Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI)
n) measures taken to combat human trafficking, both internal and international, including accession to the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, and adoption of the National Policy for Fighting Trafficking in Persons by Decree No. 5948 of 27 October 2006 c) the scope of the phenomenon, the insufficient number and quality of support services providing specialized care and skill in dealing with victims
Our proposed solution addresses the lack of comprehensive legal guidance for Cardano projects in Brazil. By conducting in-depth research and providing a tailored legal guide, we empower stakeholders to navigate the Brazilian legal landscape effectively. This solution is important to Cardano as it enhances regulatory compliance, fosters trust, and facilitates the platform's integration into the Brazilian market.
To tackle this problem, we will form a research group consisting of Brazilian law students, graduates, and specialized lawyers. Their expertise will ensure the guide's accuracy and relevance within the Brazilian legal context. Through a rigorous review process, we will validate the guide's compliance with Brazilian legal requirements, providing reliable and verifiable materials for developers, companies, and organizations operating on Cardano in Brazil.
The beneficiaries of our solution are developers, entrepreneurs, and existing companies in the Cardano ecosystem. They will receive a comprehensive and up-to-date legal guide, offering clear and practical guidelines for navigating the Brazilian legal landscape. This knowledge will enable them to make informed decisions, reduce legal risks, and maintain regulatory compliance, ultimately fostering the growth and sustainability of Cardano in Brazil.
The impact of our solution will be demonstrated through the tangible outcomes of the project. The finalized legal guide, developed based on thorough research and validated by legal experts, will serve as evidence of our solution's effectiveness. By promoting legal compliance and providing a solid legal foundation, our project contributes to the long-term success of Cardano in Brazil, attracting more projects, and facilitating innovation within the local market.
Our proposal directly addresses the challenge of creating more use cases and driving adoption in the Cardano ecosystem. By conducting comprehensive legal research tailored to the Brazilian regulations and legal framework, we aim to provide clear and practical legal guidance for developers, entrepreneurs, and organizations. This will enable them to navigate the complex legal landscape, ensuring compliance when developing projects on Cardano within Brazil. Our proposal's impact extends beyond funding the team, as it brings significant value to the Cardano ecosystem by providing a solid legal foundation. By offering reliable and verifiable legal materials, our proposal reduces barriers to entry, promotes regulatory adherence, and enhances the trust and credibility of projects on Cardano, fostering growth and adoption of the blockchain protocol in Brazil.
The value of our proposal lies in its ability to solve a key problem by providing comprehensive and up-to-date legal guidance specifically focused on the Brazilian context. This will attract more developers, entrepreneurs, and companies to the Cardano ecosystem, providing them with the necessary legal support to navigate the Brazilian market effectively. By reducing legal risks, promoting compliance, and providing a solid legal foundation, our proposal contributes to the growth, adoption, and long-term sustainability of Cardano in Brazil, driving innovation and attracting more projects to the platform.
To measure the success of our project, we will utilize a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics that assess the project's benefits for the Cardano ecosystem in Brazil. Here are the realistic measures we propose:
By focusing on these measurements, we can evaluate the tangible impact of our legal research project on the Cardano ecosystem in Brazil. The utilization and adoption of the legal guide, coupled with community satisfaction and feedback, will provide insights into the level of interest, engagement, and practical application of the guide among our target audience. Additionally, tracking awareness and engagement metrics will help us assess the project's influence on Cardano's productivity, growth, and long-term sustainability within the Brazilian legal context.
For this proposal, we have devised a plan to effectively share the outputs and results of our project:
By implementing these strategies, we aim to make the project outputs easily accessible, engage a diverse audience, and promote collaboration within the Cardano community.
We have the capability to deliver this project with high levels of trust and accountability, supported by a team with a strong track record in the Cardano community. Our team includes:
With a team that includes a Catalyst funded proposer, a dedicated Catalyst projects manager, and experienced researchers, we are well-equipped to deliver this project with the highest levels of trust and accountability. We are committed to the principles of the Cardano community and will leverage our expertise and experience to ensure the successful execution of this initiative.
About Catalyst Brasil: aqui para o vídeo em Português.
The main goals of our project are:
To validate the feasibility of our approach:
By following this approach, we will validate the feasibility of our project and ensure that our goals are achievable. Feedback from legal experts and the Cardano community will provide valuable insights to refine and enhance the guide, while the utilization and adoption of the guide will serve as indicators of its practicality and effectiveness.
Milestone 1: Formation of the research group (Month 2)
Success criteria: Research group formed with a diverse team of Brazilian law students, graduates, and specialized lawyers.
Acceptance criteria: Confirmation of team members' availability and commitment to the project.
Milestone 2: Information gathering and analysis (Months 3-4)
Success criteria: Comprehensive legal guide developed, addressing key legal aspects for Cardano projects in Brazil.
Acceptance criteria: Completion of a draft version review of the legal guide and the final version published in Portuguese.
Milestone 4: Review, validation, and finalization (Month 7)
Success criteria: Legal guide translated and adjusted for an international context, close-out report elaborated, and close-out report video produced.
Acceptance criteria: Publication of the legal guide on GitBook, accessible to everyone in English with adjustments, availability of the close-out report and video.
Expected timeline for the delivery of each milestone:
Milestone 1: Formation of the research group (Month 2)
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 2: Information gathering and analysis (Months 3-4)
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 3: Development of the comprehensive legal guide (Months 5-6)
Milestone 4: Review, validation, and finalization (Month 7)
Intended Outcomes:
These milestones provide a structured framework for the project, outlining the specific deliverables, outputs, and intended outcomes for each stage. The completion of these milestones will contribute to the overall objective of conducting comprehensive legal research and providing practical legal guidance for projects on Cardano in the Brazilian legal context.
Detailed material about the budget in this proposal: here.
Budget Breakdown for Legal Research Project:
Research Team:
The research team, comprising 4 members with expertise in digital law and blockchain, will receive a monthly reward of $1250 per member. The total monthly cost for the research team is $5000, with a project timeline of 7 months, resulting in a total cost of $28,000 ADA.
Management and Communication:
The management and communication team, responsible for project coordination and communication, consists of 1 member. This team member will receive a monthly reward of $1500, making the total monthly cost for management and communication $1500. With a project timeline of 7 months, the total cost for management and communication amounts to $10,500 ADA.
Facilitation and Outreach:
In addition, the facilitation and outreach team, comprising 1 member in charge of organizing events and community engagement, will receive a monthly reward of $1000. The total monthly cost for facilitation and outreach is $1000, with a project timeline of 7 months, resulting in a total cost of $7,000 ADA.
The tools allocations will be used for acquiring and maintaining necessary software tools, will receive a monthly reward of $250. The total monthly cost for tools is $250, and over the 7-month project timeline, the total cost for tools amounts to $1,750 ADA.
Extra Expenses (specialized reviewers):
There are also extra expenses to consider, including expert services for the guide review and validation costing $2250 ADA, translation and review services costing $1750 ADA, and miscellaneous additional expenses totaling $4000 ADA.
Total Budget for the Legal Research Project: $58,250 ADA
The cost of our proposal represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem as it addresses a critical need by providing comprehensive legal guidance tailored to the Brazilian context. Our research group, consisting of Brazilian law students, graduates, and specialized lawyers, brings expertise in digital law and blockchain, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the legal guide. The proposed budget covers the necessary resources for conducting thorough research, validating legal materials, and disseminating project results through videos, events, and webinars. By reducing legal risks and promoting regulatory compliance, our proposal contributes to the growth and sustainability of Cardano in Brazil.
In summary, our proposal offers value for money by providing tailored legal guidance, leveraging the expertise of our team, and delivering tangible outcomes that benefit the Cardano ecosystem in Brazil.
Our project team consists of a research group comprising Brazilian law students, law graduates, and specialized lawyers who will undertake specific roles to accomplish the objectives of the project. The team members and their roles are as follows:
Research Team:
Brazilian law students, law graduates, and specialized lawyers.
Caue Chianca (possibly)
Responsibilities: The research group will conduct thorough research on the existing Brazilian legal regulations concerning operations on Cardano and other blockchains. They will gather relevant information and analyze it to address the key legal aspects of projects on Cardano within the Brazilian legal context. The group's expertise in digital law and blockchain will ensure the accuracy and relevance of the comprehensive legal guide.
Legal Experts:
Legal professionals with expertise in Brazilian regulations and legal considerations for projects on Cardano.
Responsibilities: The legal experts will review and validate the legal guide to ensure its accuracy, relevance, and compliance with Brazilian legal requirements. They will contribute their knowledge and experience to ensure the guide provides a solid legal foundation for developers, companies, and organizations operating on Cardano in Brazil.
Project Coordinator:
Experienced professional in project management and coordination. [Project Manager: Caue Chianca Ideascale, DeWork Github and LinkedIn]
Responsibilities: The project coordinator will oversee the project's progress, coordinate communication among team members, manage timelines and deliverables, and ensure effective collaboration. They will play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth execution of the project and adherence to project goals.
Skilled professional in translation and adaptation of legal materials.
Responsibilities: The translator will be responsible for translating and adjusting the legal guide for English, enabling wider accessibility and dissemination of the guide to a broader audience, both within and outside Brazil.
Facilitation and Outreach:
Responsibilities: Facilitate and document meetings, interacte and engaje with community and provide ways for community to interact with the team.
Our team members have expertise in their respective fields and a deep understanding of the Brazilian legal context. They possess the necessary skills to conduct comprehensive legal research, analyze information, validate legal materials, and coordinate project activities. This diverse team composition ensures that the project will benefit from a multidisciplinary approach and deliver high-quality outputs tailored to the needs of the Cardano ecosystem in Brazil.