Last updated a year ago
Commercial Real Estates are Illiquid asset, Inaccessible locally & globally, lacks transparency and is mostly unaffordable. Only institutional investors and High Net Worth Individuals can afford them
Sundae Labs, in collaboration with Yepple, will use their experience with Hydra to create a Point of Sale UI for CNTs, and MAV100 will work with their Cardano user base to test it in the real world.
This is the total amount allocated to MAV100: Creating a Point of Sale User Interface utilizing Hydra that supports ADA transactions to be used by local businesses and event venues. A collaboration by Sundae Labs, Yepple Labs, and MAV100..
Sundae Labs
Yepple Labs
"No dependencies."
"Project will be fully open source."
For the Cardano Network to reach it's potential as a functional payment rail system it needs to leverage layer 2 solutions. Without this the blockchain will be over-loaded with only a small population that wishes to use it as a financial settlement layer. One such solution is Hydra, and more development for specific use cases is necessary.
First we propose that we contract Sundae and Yepple Labs to create a point of sale application that allows holders of ADA to engage in transactions using Hydra nodes. While in development MAV100 will develop additional relationships with event venues and businesses that the growing community of ADA users in our pilot region have access to. The community will be educated on how to implement these Point of Sale tools from both the buyer and seller side. All transactions through the hydra nodes can be tracked showing-casing different metrics.
Hydra is one of the major tools that will bring scalability to the Cardano blockchain.
We will be taking this theoretical blockchain tool and show-case its implementation in the real world. By empowering multiple businesses to utilize Hydra backed Point of Sale software during high volume events we can test this technology in stages, gathering critical data for the entire Cardano community.
The testing of this open-sourced tooling will give other developers shoulders to stand on in creating and refining these products. It will also give a verifiable demonstration of ADA acting as a currency within a community.
We have multiple businesses interested in testing this technology first-hand already in our pilot region. We have several individual events already planned where it can be tested after development is completed in 3-5 months post funding. There are also several on-going use-cases that will be tested. Examples of both scenarios are local blue-grass festivals, county fairs, local grocery stores, and state park concessions. All of these provide potential for continuous use as well as instances where load should spike on holidays, giving us a variety of testing scenarios.
Describe, and where possible measure, the project’s benefits for the Cardano ecosystem, and why the measures are realistic in your opinion.
Measuring the success of the project will involve tracking different metrics. Performance on-chain (does it help reduce transaction fees and increase through-put), security, and user satisfaction. All of these can be monitored and improved within the scope of this project by the proposers using on-chain data and will be presented on our website to the community.
How will the innovation affect Cardano’s productivity and growth, in both the short and the long term?
Development of fast payment rails on the Cardano Blockchain will have dramatic implications for adoption, and should improve productivity and growth for the entire ecosystem. Developing open source tools that people in any region can build upon will be an incredible way to help spur that adoption. In MAV100's pilot region of Chelan County, WA, we have a solid testing ground where we have both a broad community earning Cardano Native tokens, as well as business venues that are interested in Point of Sale applications that can service these holders.
Currently there are 17,500+ students earning ADA through Associated Student Body Clubs in 5 school districts throughout Chelan County. By early next year ASB Clubs will have built up enough ADA rewards to use for a variety of applications. One will be testing events where students going on field trips to different venues can spend that ADA using this Point of Sale system. Students in different districts all attend similar events throughout the year, including the Waterville Fair, the Wenatchee Wild farm league hockey games, local museums, ect... Any of these venues could run this Point of Sale Dapp and give students the opportunity to use their ADA to improve the Cardano ecosystem.
After the 12 month period is complete and we have several successful tests of the application we will be making the project open source over the following 12 months. MAV100 plans to have additional chapters growing in Alabama, Oregon, Mississippi, Idaho, New York, Florida, California and anywhere else (international interest is welcome!) there is interest during this period, so there will be new regions to start bringing this Point of Sale application.
After testing we expect to continue working with Sundae Labs to refine the system, adding other Cardano Native Tokens to ADA as potential currencies. Our communities will be generating WMT, COPI, and potentially BOOK as well so these are all potential tokens that can be accepted at different venues.
First, concerning development of the smart contracts involved with the Point of Sale application, and the User Interface: Sundae Labs has proven credentials not only with large scale DeFi applications on the blockchain like Sundaeswap, but also has a successful track record with Hydra. They have been competent and honest managing the Sundaeswap protocol and have been an engaged member of the Cardano Community. They have the development resources available to successfully implement this by Q1 of 2024.
Yepple Labs has a solid track record providing front end work for blockchain applications. They have been successful with over 70 projects, and are skilled/familiar with the Cardano ecosystem.
Concerning testing in a real world environment:
MAV100 is a WA non-profit operating with different school districts in a rigid regulatory environment. Everything we do financially is not only open on the blockchain, but open to the public in local jurisdictions. Concerning management of funds the founder of MAV100, Cameron Smith, has been successfully running businesses in WA state for over 20 years. All these businesses have been in full compliance with the law, and he has been involved with most WA state regulatory entities throughout his time as an entrepreneur.
In addition the groundwork has been laid for several local businesses to accept ADA from students or other local Cardano users. Increasing the number of these businesses and driving understanding of the project with the local community will be critical in acquiring as much data for the Cardano Community as possible. Cameron's experience in schools over the last decade as well as the business community will prove important in making the testing of this project successful.
Our main goal is to produce and test a Point of Sale application using Hydra that leverages isomorphic State Channels to reduce transaction fees and improve transaction through-put for the Cardano Blockchain.
Secondarily we wish to drive adoption in an enthusiastic community that is interested in the benefits of the Cardano Ecosystem for a variety of use cases.
Finally, we wish to open source this resource to the entire community, so that Cardano can generate the strongest alternative payment rail systems in the world.
By making student ASB Clubs the core of our local Cardano ecosystem it brings a powerful level of trust to any program associated with it as long as it benefits students. In our experience Blockchain/web3/NFTs/cryptocurrency, and other buzzwords associated with this technology often make people suspicious or even hostile straight out of the gate, but when we introduce it in the light of how it benefits students first through tangible examples, like telecommunications, people can't support it fast enough.
Point of Sale Application Milestones
Sundae Labs/Yepple/MAV100
Initial specification / whitepaper: month 1 [10,000ADA]
(collaborative discussions between each team, solidifying the vision/roles/establishing formalized communications, delivering a comprehensive whitepaper explaining the project for public consumption.)
Sundae Labs/Yepple:
Proof of concept smart contract: months 1-2 (1 full time developer) [150,000 ADA]
Final smart contract + tests: months 3-5 (1 full time developer) [250,000 ADA]
Off-chain infrastructure: months 1-5 (2 full time developers) [500,000 ADA]
Community preparation milestones:
Student stake pool delegation generating ADA rewards of 2000+ ADA/month: month 1
(Collaboration with Optim Finance in filling the first liquidity bonds, continuing student outreach, we should hit this mark by early Q4.) [20,000 ADA]
Number of vendors prepared:
10 vendors/venues: months 1-3 (1 full time student advisors/blockchain educators) [20,000 ADA]
20 vendors/venues: months 4-6 (1 full time student advisors/blockchain educators) [20,000 ADA]
30 vendors/venues: months 7-9 (1 full time student advisors/blockchain educators) [20,000 ADA]
40 vendors/venues: months 10-12 (1 full time student advisors/blockchain educators) [20,000 ADA]
(Continued community outreach, attending Rotary functions, coordinating with the school district: months 1-12) [20,000 ADA]
Deliverables/outputs for Milestones:
Initial specification / whitepaper: A comprehensive whitepaper explaining the Point of Sale system and how we will test it in the community.
Proof of concept smart contract: Built on previous work already done by Sundae Labs this smart contract will be made open source during the following year after project completion.
Final smart contract + tests: The final audit will also be made open source.
Off-chain infrastructure: A simple and intuitive User Interface will be delivered that also informs community users of the positive impact for students.
Student stake pool generating ADA rewards of 2000+ ADA/month to help in testing:
This is about adoption of a new generation that currently has very limited access to any blockchain. We will detail the number of students involved on-chain, and provide numbers through the website.
Number of vendors prepared:
Each school sponsor will be detailed and advertised on our website. Each new vendor added is a step in the right direction for adoption.
Sundae Labs - Smart Contract Development: 1 developer ($150/hour) 3-5 months : 400,000 ADA
Yepple Labs - Off-chain infrastructure: 2 developers ($150/hour) 3 months : 500,000 ADA
Audits: 30,000 ADA
Marketing/Promotion: Flyers, updated on-line resources, business/community meetings 20,000 ADA
Project Management/Coordination: 1 manager ($20/hour) 12 months 130,000 ADA
Documentaton/Reporting: 10,000 ADA
Legal: 30,000 ADA
Total: 1,120,000
Having a payment system that can demonstrate the power of the Cardano blockchain tested in an environment where adoption is at a combustible level would set Cardano Native Tokens in a league of their own. No other blockchain has the combination of both top notch security, stability, and the potential speed of Cardano with functioning Hydra nodes. it just needs to be proven in the real world. This project would offer that proof, and in the end the entire community will benefit from the open sourcing of these tools.
In addition, having a community with growing exposure to the Cardano Ecosystem that can also integrate a fast payment system will be an amazing example and template to bring to other communities around the world. This is right in line with MAV100’s mission of helping other Cardano enthusiasts build the benefits of Cardano into their communities and schools.
Project Manager: Cameron Smith MAV100
President: Waterra USA, Inc. 15 years :
Founder of MAV100 :
School Volunteer: 8 years
Duties: Community outreach, Business organization/education, Rotary coordination, School District Coordination, ASB Club Coordination.
Cameron has been involved directly with multiple school ASB clubs, coached different extra-curricular activities, and is actively engaged in the development of a school/community led World Mobile Network in Chelan County and beyond. Harnessing the tools of the Cardano ecosystem for communities is now a great passion for him and he is excited to kick-start an alternative payment rail system open-sourced for the Cardano Community.
Project Volunteer: Chris Geren
Owner Geren's Siding: website -
Cardano ecosystem promoter, Proud Cornucopias OG, World Mobile Believer/Enthusiast
Duties: Provides knowledge of the Cardano Blockchain and explanations of Hydra supported Point of Sale wallet interfaces with business owners.
Project Volunteer: Rachel Drolc
ASL Teacher at Cascade Highschool
Special Needs Paraprofessional Cascade Highschool
Duties: Transport of students during community outreach activities. Provides explanations of wallet security and the basics of the Cardano Network.
Smart Contract Developers: Sundae Labs
For information on the Sundae Labs team follow the link below.
Off-chain Developers: Yepple Labs
For information on the Yepple Labs team follow the link below.