Last updated 8 months ago
Current Cardano wallets fall short in UI/UX quality when compared to more established blockchain wallets like Metamask and Phantom, creating a significant gap in the quality in user experience.
Minswap Labs will build an open-source Aiken-based Stableswap to enable Cardano DeFi users to trade stable assets in the most efficient manner. This will strengthen stablecoin liquidity on Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Minswap Aiken Stableswap Audit + Bug Bounty.
Audit of Stableswap Code + Educational campaign on Stablecoins & Stableswaps
Cost: ₳ 75,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Nov 2023
Addressing Audit Findings
Cost: ₳ 75,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Dec 2023
Share Audit Report + Open Source Contract + Bug Bounty
Cost: ₳ 75,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
Stableswap mainnet Launch + Integration into UI
Cost: ₳ 25,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Feb 2024
Liquidity Incentive Program
Cost: ₳ 25,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Mar 2024
Collecting User Feedback
Cost: ₳ 57,000
Delivery: Month 6 - Apr 2024
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source
Stablecoins are currently behind as far as adoption in Cardano is concerned. As of July 5th 2023, the Total Value Locked of Stablecoins on the Cardano DeFi ecosystem is of around $4.67mn, far behind other ecosystems. For an ecosystem such as Cardano focused on real world adoption and RealFi, it is imperative to be ready and to push for stablecoin adoption. Without liquidity and proper tools such as an open-source Stabelswap, it is hard to make a strong case for using and transacting with stablecoins on Cardano.
Stable assets, and especially stablecoins, are an essential part of a successful DeFi ecosystem. For example, Curve Finance is currently the 4th largest DeFi application in the Ethereum ecosystem with 3.6bn $USD Total Value Locked. A major part is locked in the “Tri-Pool” which contains USDT, USDC and DAI. This could be replicated on Cardano with existing Cardano stablecoins to create reliable and deep liquidity pools with stablecoins.
A stableswap is a type of DEX that is focused on stable asset trading with minimal slippage and more efficient trading for liquidity providers. It uses the Stableswap invariant, a better function for stable pairs where the curve is flattened, creating a range where prices remain constant. This flattened curve allows for swaps to occur with minimal slippage, even as larger trades affect a token’s liquidity.
Finally, the Cardano dApp ecosystem lacks open-source Smart Contract code. Minswap Labs is committed to open-sourcing the Stableswap contract. In addition, the Stableswap will be built on Aiken, a programming language and framework based on Rust that allows rapid development of Plutus v2 smart contracts with optimal performance and gas cost.
The benefits for the Cardano ecosystem of Minswap Labs building an open-source Stableswap are:
Two types of measures will be used to measure the success:
Quantitative Measures:
Qualitative Measures:
There will be 3 stages in the project and each will require a different strategy:
The Minswap Labs team is composed of several highly experienced Plutus engineers that have been working on developing Plutus-based Smart Contracts for more than 2 years. As such, Minswap Labs has established itself as a highly experienced and capable company specialized in developing DeFi tools in the Cardano Ecosystem.
To see an example of a product, kindly head over to and try it out!
The Minswap DEX is currently the Cardano dApp with most Daily Active Users and transactions. Data available at:
It is also currently the Cardano DeFi dApp with highest Total Value Locked. Data available here:
The audit will be performed by TxPipe, a company developing blockchain tools on the Cardano community such as Aiken:
The feasibility of the Proposal can be evaluated mainly in the current lack of an open-source Stableswap on Cardano and the low liquidity for stable assets.
As mentioned above, this project has several goals, they can be categorized into 2 types:
Product Goals
Everything related to the Stableswap product such as usage, liquidity and user feedback. The main goal is to increase DeFi usage on Cardano (mainly around stablecoins) and strengthen the liquidity in the ecosystem.
Development Goals
Everything related to the development of the Stableswap in the Aiken programming language leveraging Plutus V2 improvements, as well as its audit and consequent open source and bug bounty program.
As of today June 27th 2023, the Minswap Stableswap code has been completed. As such, the timeline commences with the start of the audit.
Month 1 - the Stableswap code will undergo audit. An educational campaign will begin regarding the importance of Stableswaps in collaboration with Cardano Spot featuring articles, twitter spaces etc.
Month 2 - once the audit has been completed, the audit findings will be addressed and the process will be started to integrate the Stableswap Smart Contract into the current Minswap DEX UI.
Month 3 - prior to launch, the contract will be open-sourced, the Audit Report will be published and a Bug Bounty program will commence.
Month 4 - once the Bug Bounty program has been completed, the Stableswap will be launched. The Stableswap Smart Contract will be integrated in the Minswap DEX UI.
After - Liquidity incentive programs will be launched to ramp up liquidity on the Stableswap making swaps efficient and with low slippage. The process of collecting user feedback and evaluating success based on the metrics highlighted above will commence.
Month 1 - educational campaign in collaboration with Cardano Spot about Stableswaps and their benefits for the Cardano community.
Month 2 - addressing the audit recommendations on the Smart Contract.
Month 3 - the Smart Contract will be open-sourced, the Audit Report will be published and a Bug Bounty program will commence.
Month 4 - the Stableswap will be launched and integrated in the current Minswap DEX UI.
After - Liquidity incentive programs and collecting user feedback.
The audit will be performed by TxPipe.
Audit Budget: $22,000
There will be 4 engineers for around 160 hours (1 month) working on addressing the audit findings and integrating the Stableswap Smart Contract into the current Minswap DEX UI:
Hourly rate: $80
Development Budget: $51,200$
Bug Bounty
Bug Bounty rewards will be distributed according to the severity of the found vulnerabilities (if any).
A more detailed document regarding the scope of the vulnerabilities of the Bug Bounty Program and how to submit a bug will be shared once the audits have been conducted. It will follow the same structure as Bug Bounties on Immunefi.
Bug Bounty Budget: $12,000
This educational campaign will be in collaboration with Cardano Spot (
This campaign will include a detailed article about Stableswaps and their importance for a mature DeFi ecosystem, Twitter threads such as the State of Stablecoins on Cardano, and a Twitter Spaces to answer questions from the community.
Education Budget: $8,000
Total Budget in USD: $93,200
Total Budget in ADA: 332,000 $ADA (converted on July 6th 2023)
The cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem for the following deliverables:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
The Minswap Stableswap is to be built by Minswap Labs, a team of developers and DeFi natives mostly based in Asia and Europe.
The co-founder Long Nguyen has appeared in several interviews such as the following with the platform De.Fi:
Minswap Labs built and open sourced the first version of the DEX after receiving Catalyst Funding in Fund 5, and it has since become one of the leading dApps in the Cardano DeFI ecosystem.
The Minswap Labs team counts with the experience and motivation to continue building tools for Cardano for the long term.