Last updated a year ago
Lack of social interaction and community engagement within the digital art/collectible marketplace
At Pond we have the knowhow to connect borrowers and lenders, using (N)FTs as collateral. We want to use this knowhow to create our own incubator, connecting ideas with the funds to realise it.
This is the total amount allocated to Pond - Pooled incubator with smart-contract loans.
Evan Foster (Nalu)
There are two main dependencies which will contribute to the continued existence of Pond:
The Pond platform currently runs on state-of-the-art infrastructure, which is essential to deliver the best experience when using our platform. In order to sustain this infrastructure monthly operating costs have to be made.
Development on the Pond platform is done by an external technical company, which has been responsible for both the first and second version of the Pond platform that has been delivered so far. This technical company is responsible for both the back-end and the front-end, while the overall setup and configuration is done by the Pond team.
Project will be fully open source.
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In the inception phase of a lot of projects, fund requestors have to . However, to establish these kind of connections a certain network is required - a network which is not available to all.
This is something we want to change, hence why we'd like to introduce our pooled incubator.
The goal of the pooled incubator is both to help fund requestors raise funds for the goal they have in mind, and to allow fund raisers to partake in several funding activities. Since these type of investments are usually based on trust, we're adding the layer of our smart-contract based loans on top of it - ensuring that collateral is provided by the fund requestors.
The funds that are requested are thus backed by the collateral, provided by the fund requestor, and can be filled in by an unlimited amount of fund raisers, until the fund goal is met. For every fund amount that is raised by a fund raiser, certain milestones can be set - as described in the fund request.
To ensure the funds are used to incrementally develop we propose to introduce a vesting mechanism. One where every new vesting period / milestone needs to be approved by a majority of the fund raisers within the pool, based on the progress of the fund requestor.
If the fund requestor fails to reach the milestone, then the fund is defaulted, and both the collateral and any remaining funds is returned to the fund raisers.
We believe that venture capitalist funding, and the possibility to partake in this is currently not available to everyone participating in the Cardano ecosystem.
By offering the pooled incubator we want to open up this possibility to everyone, both fund raisers and fund requesters.
There are several key metrics that we will use to measure the success of the pooled incubator:
All of these metrics could then again be combined into a weighed metric to report on the evolution of the pooled incubator.
Since we already have a vibrant community and active Discord server with several thousand members, we will use this Discord server to actively communicate on the progress of our project and the next phases of our journey.
Over the course of the past years we've already delivered different versions of our platform. From a small try-out application with a small subset of people, to our very first dapp, and more recently the launch of our beta version.
There's always another version being worked on by our team, and this summer we're expecting the launch of our next version, with another set of features to further support our community.
With the release of these previous versions, we've also come to have experience in budgetting, and have a very solid understanding of the funds needed to execute the steps to evolve from an idea to a working product.
To create a simple and accessible product for venture capitalists to provide capital and earn yield,
and for projects and startups to access capital to grow and expand.
Roughly there will be three deliverables:
Which leaves us a buffer of 0,5 month in our expected timeframe of 5 months.
With our smart-contract development we want to reach the outcome as described in the desired solution paragraph. This smart-contract will build on the components that have already been delivered for the Pond platform. As soon as this phase is finished, we will start - in parallel - the audit of the smart contract, ensuring there are no gaps or potential exploit of the contract itself.
Afterwards we will focus on the back-end of the platform, ensuring the technical components and technical infrastructure is installed. We'll also use this phase to create the different concepts as we call them (such as the fund raiser and fund requestor).
In the final step we'll focus entirely on the front-end of the platform, working closely together with both end users and UI/UX experts, ensuring that we can deliver the best fit between our user requirements and the technical capabilities of the platform.
The budget of 60,000 ADA will be allocated in the following way:
From the start Pond's mission has been to open up financial services to a broader audience, within the Cardano ecosystem. It was our main driver to deliver Pond as the first borrowing and lending platform on Cardano.
As our understanding of the ecosystem continued to grow, we discovered this additional gap of venture capitalist funding, and have the strong desire to continue our mission and also open up this financial service.
With our experience in releasing previous versions of our platform we've come to have a solid understanding of the budget required to deliver a working product. Therefor we believe that the requested budget will be sufficient to deliver this additional service, filling yet another gap in the current Cardano ecosystem.
Nalu -> co-founder -
narts -> advisor & community manager -
Blackbird -> responsible for technical team -