Last updated a year ago
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Respond to the problem of insufficient information and training in the rational management of waste in Nyiragongo territory. This project consists in training the populations of Nyiragongo.
Amina Itongwa Merveille
Nelly Uwase
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
In this project, we meet the following sustainable development objectives:
SDG 4: Ensure that all can pursue quality education in quality conditions and promote learning opportunities;
SDG 6: Guarantee access to water and sanitation for all and ensure sustainable management of water resources;
0DD 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts;
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.
The challenge we are responding to in this project is the lack of information and training in the rational management of all kinds of waste by rural and peri-urban populations in Nyiragongo territory. This project consists in providing information and training to the populations in the territory of Nyiragongo on the rational management of waste through recycling and recommendations of the latter to contribute to the hygiene and sanitation of the various villages of the said territory and thus fight against global warming and promote and protect the ecosystem and the environment. This being a need felt by the populations of Nyiragongo; UPDCI asbl comes to respond with its support through the financing of Project Catalyst.
Indeed, the activities proposed to explore the burning question is the organization of training workshops; community and/or public sensitizations throughout the project implementation period, 6 training sessions are organized, two per month; 3 sensitizations are carried out in different neighborhoods and 1 evaluation activities by recalling the objective and noting the impact of the project for its reinforcement and its sustainability within the grassroots communities. We have found that the role and value of research action in the study of the burning question is to help us have access to the various data to constitute the real need of our communities in order to provide solutions. radical and sustainable in order to contribute to the reduction of global warming; but also to create a kind of habit in the populations to have a good way of managing all kinds of waste.
This project involves much more young people who are in small community-based organizations in the territory of Nyiragongo. Considering what was said in the international conference on the protection of the environment, the cop27 held recently in Egypt; with regard to the PPP, public-private partnership; I quote: The report found that all the projects studied had a high cost to the public purse and posed an excessive risk to the public sector. They have resulted in questionable misuse of public funds, especially during the Covid-19 crisis in most cases. Some of the projects have also caused serious damage to the environment while others have had serious impacts on women in particular. All the PPPs studied lacked transparency and/or did not consult the communities concerned; end of quote. We will not behave like this because; the need presented here, in this project, comes directly from the target populations. And the impact of this project is great because it is directly in the community itself.
We intend to build relationships at the national level; given what is happening, needs that are paramount in almost landlocked communities are lesser concerns of the central government; reason why we will do what we can with the funds that will be granted to us to create a link or a channel thanks to the result obtained and in this case, our government will end up holding our hand to continue working in this direction.
We operate by our small means, we submit this request to make lasting and visible the impact of our objective and the objective of Cardano within the universe. After this grant, we will have already created a company for the collection, storage and processing of plastic waste into other materials and / or valuable and important objects for their reuse in different communities and we will integrate their information on the Cardano blockchain in order to have the security of our data.
This justifies the continuity of the activities of this project whatever the rupture of the grant, we are certain that the activities that we will have undertaken here will not be stopped. We may be able to make other requests due to new reinforcement and innovation. For example, major reinforcements in logistics. But with what we are doing as a request for funds here, we will be able to acquire the necessary means to meet the overall need at a very satisfactory period and even the opening of the wallets that are implemented on the Cardano blockchain to people who will be attending our activities.
In relation to the impact this project will have on the Cardano community; we want to inform rural and peri-urban populations about the use of the Cardano blockchain in social entrepreneurship and train them in relation to the creation and sale of NFTs through ( ) since we sell already some NFT thanks to this application because, we are part of the volunteers of the Token MITHR project ( )in the Democratic Republic of Congo which has already given us NFT and FT as gifts. It is in this sense that, thanks to the funds that will be sent to carry out this project and establish this small company in the territory of Nyiragongo, we will mobilize other local organizations to the knowledge of Cardano which remains known only in large cities of our country, Kinshasa and Goma. But, thanks to this project, we will reach more than 7 villages (peri-urban districts), each containing at least 4000 inhabitants; which would encourage young people living in this territory of Nyiragongo and local organizations to conduct even more research on the Cardano ecosystem.
Indeed, in this context to bring rural and peri-urban populations to the use of the Cardano blockchain in their social entrepreneurship; everything will have to start with the main target which is made up of 100 young students, entrepreneurs living in the territory of Nyiragongo and 2 local organizations which have the potential and a notion of the use of new technology. The target will first learn the basics of the Cardano blockchain, then they will learn what an electronic wallet is and finally, they will be introduced to the opening and use of wallets such as: ETERNL, NAMI, YOROI AND GEROWALLET…
After this step, she will learn what an NFT is, how and why to create it and finally how to create it and sell it on the market, because this is the market on which we have the experience selling tokens.
In addition to this, our target will learn even more about the opportunities that are on Cardano from the one that grants us ADAs by studying what this blockchain is and how it works; for example Lidonation with 'Jifunze upate tuzo' ( Thanks to this, we are convinced that our target will still have a great curiosity about the blockchain and they will try too hard to find out more.
Given that the theme to which this proposal responds is the protection of the environment in general, more particularly in hygiene and sanitation; we see an improvement in oxygen. From the database that we are going to put on the Cardano blockchain to secure our information, we will be expanding its use and we will be, at the same time, doing exchange sessions between our teams, exchanges that talk about the advantages and goals of the Cardano community, moreover, this project will be executed in a backward environment, which gives it a great impact and opens new windows to the Cardano blockchain.
With regard to gender consideration, we have been working in close collaboration with a women's organization for two years, made up exclusively of girls and women; she is always with us everywhere on the pitch. Religion, origin and other points such as differences of opinion are not subject to dispute within our organization, we treat each other as equals. Everyone finds their place according to their level and their point of view and ability because UPDCI asbl seeks to make everyone useful in the community. And for continuity, after this grant, we will have already created a company for the collection, storage and processing of plastic waste into other materials and/or valuable and important objects for their reuse in different communities which will be sold on the blockchain and in the long term, we will recommend the purchase of our goods and services through the ADA currency
Our ability to carry out and manage this project is our experience. In connection with the matter of trusting us; we are sure that you can trust us, because until now we don't have your trust, but we will earn it, it takes time, we have confidence in ourselves.
The main objective of this project is to raise awareness, train the rural populations of the Nyiragongo territory in matters of rational waste management and lead them to the use of new technology through the Cardano blockchain.
The specific objectives pursued by this project are:
Note: For training activities in the sound management of plastic waste; a report will be sent each month until the 6 trainings are completed. Meaning, they are concurrent activities; they will be being realized at the same time as some others will be too.
Total cost of activities: 53 500 ADA
Notice: All these amounts have been calculated on the basis of everything necessary to carry out each activity, including the motivations of the project stakeholders.
Graduated in rural development; in the Social Organization option. With 3 years of experience in design, development and management of projects in local organizations in the Territories of Rutsuru, Lubero, Walikale and Nyiragongo. He received new training on fandamentals on project management with @DisasterReady and notions on token business under the support of Token MITHR; he is also a partner member of Stakepool-Goma ( with his organization UPDCI_asbl which has its head office in the territory of Nyiragongo.
Telegram: @BaudMuvunga
Contact: +243 978 252 785
whattsapp: +243 972 462 372
Discord: Bboaz#5475
Boaz BANDU BALUME graduated in environment and development at the Higher Institute for Rural Development of the Great Lakes in the DRC. He is passionate about renewable energies and has knowledge of waste treatment and recycling with an experience of 5 years.