Last updated a year ago
Inclusivity and community engagement are extremely important for the success of any project. Rookiez is the first decentralized motorcycle racing platform and we need a proper community supporting it.
By transforming Cardano's
Conference Marketing and Presence with a Captivating Fairy Show,
Disruptive Marketing, and Real-Life Engagement from a ESG aligned
This is the total amount allocated to Revolutionizing Cardano's Marketing: The Fairy Show Unleashed - Disruptive Innovation and Social Engagement.
Molly Richardson Tinkerbell
Third-party Conference Events:
The successful execution of third-party conference events
is a key dependency for our project. These events serve as the platform for our Fairy Show
interviews and engagements with cryptocurrency and blockchain enthusiasts and experts. It
is essential that these conferences take place as scheduled, without any cancellations or
major disruptions. Our project's reach and impact heavily rely on the participation and
availability of these conferences.
Travel Logistics: As our project involves a world tour, travel logistics play a critical role in its
success. While we have implemented measures to mitigate potential challenges, such as
allowing ample time at each destination, we acknowledge that there is still a level of
dependency on travel companies and services. Timely and smooth travel arrangements are
crucial for adhering to our tour schedule, conducting interviews, and delivering the Fairy
Show experience to our audience.
We have outlined strategies to manage and mitigate the risks associated with these
dependencies. We will closely monitor the status of conference events, maintaining open
communication with event organizers, and staying informed about any changes or updates.
Additionally, we have established strong relationships with travel providers, ensuring clear
communication channels and contingency plans to handle any unexpected situations.
By recognizing these dependencies, we aim to secure the necessary Catalyst funding to
successfully execute our Fairy Show World tour. Our project team is committed to proactively
managing these external factors to ensure the smooth delivery and overall success of our project
project will be fully opened sourced. Much Love
SDG Goals
5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access
to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG Subgoals
16.10 - Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in
accordance with national legislation and international agreements
16.5 - Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
16.b - Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable
5.2 - Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private
spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation
5.3 - Eliminate all harmful practices, such as child, early and forced marriage and female
genital mutilation
5.4 - Recognize and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public
services, infrastructure and social protection policies and the promotion of shared
responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate
5.5 - Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at
all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
5.4.1 - Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age and location
5.5.2 - Proportion of women in managerial positions
16.b.1 - Proportion of population reporting having personally felt discriminated against or
harassed in the previous 12 months on the basis of a ground of discrimination prohibited
under international human rights law
16.10.2 - Number of countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or
policy guarantees for public access to information
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI)
146.212 Take special measures aimed at increasing the participation of women in public and
political life (Serbia);
136.144 Implement measures to reduce the gender pay gap and strengthen women’s roles
in leadership and managerial positions (India);
86.55. Adopt targets of 40 per cent representation of women on public and private sector
boards (Norway);
86.74. Adapt its legislation to ensure greater security for women and children ( Switzerland );
86.78. Implement a national action plan to reduce violence against women and children
136.143 Continue to promote gender equality and increase representation of women in
public services (Lao People’s Democratic Republic);
86.99. Develop a national pay strategy to monitor pay gaps mechanisms and establish a
comprehensive childcare policy, as recommended by the Committee on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination against Women ( Israel)Employment
2017 inquiry into gender segregation in the workplace, and also recommends that it:
(a) Reinforce measures to address industrial and occupational segregation and establish a
national policy framework to implement the principle of equal pay for work of equal value
with a defined target date for pay equity;
(b) Implement the recommendations contained in the report of the Australian Human Rights
Commission, entitled “Supporting working parents: pregnancy and return to work national
review”, including by imposing a duty on employers to reasonably accommodate requests for
flexible working arrangements;
(c) Introduce a code of practice regarding the legal obligations of employers with regard to
pregnant employees and employees with family obligations, and raise awareness of those
obligations among employers;
(d) Guarantee a minimum of 26 weeks’ paid maternity leave, which should be remunerated
at the mother’s actual revenue level, introduce at least an additional four weeks of paid leave
to be taken by the supporting parent, and count the entirety of such periods of leave towards
superannuation benefits;
(e) Conduct a gender-impact analysis of the superannuation system, taking into account
disparities linked to the role of women in the provision of care, to eliminate disadvantages
affecting women.
Constitutional and legal framework for gender equality
parties under article 2 of the Convention, the Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Fully incorporate the Convention into national law by adopting a charter of human rights
that includes a guarantee of equality between women and men, as required by article 2 of
the Convention, and prohibits discrimination against women, in accordance with article 1 of
the Convention;
(b) Recognize First Nations in the Constitution to enable indigenous women to claim their
(c) Harmonize federal, state and territory legislation against discrimination, on the basis of
best practices that are in line with the Convention;
(d) Implement the remaining recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of the Sex
Discrimination Act that were made in 2008 by the Standing Committee on Legal and
Constitutional Affairs;
(e) Strengthen the capacity of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights to
comment on bills, ensure that its assessments are systematically given due consideration
and allow it to conduct own-motion inquiries into legislation and broader human rights
43.The Committee welcomes the State party’s initiatives to work with businesses to increase
the participation of women in leadership positions. However, the Committee notes the
following with concern:
(a)That industrial and occupational segregation together account for 30 per cent of the 15.3
per cent gender pay gap;
(b)The lack of obligations on employers regarding flexible working arrangements, which
contributes to the overrepresentation of women in part-time work and lower-paid sectors;
(c)The lack of incentives for the reconciliation of work and family responsibilities, which
results in only 15 per cent of infants being breastfed up to the age of five months;
(d)That parental leave is paid at the minimum wage, for only 18 weeks and is not counted
towards superannuation benefits;
(e)That the average superannuation balance for men is 37 per cent higher than for women,
which puts women at a particularly high risk of poverty and homelessness in old age.
Constitutional and legal framework for gender equality
11.The Committee notes the following with concern:
(a)That, in the absence of a charter of human rights, the Constitution of the State party does
not contain a guarantee of equality between women and men or a general prohibition of
discrimination against women;
(b)The absence of constitutional recognition of the rights of the First Nations, as a result of
which indigenous women are deprived of their rights;
(c)The lack of harmonization of anti-discrimination legislation;
(d)Gaps in the effectiveness of the Sex Discrimination Act;
(e)The limitations on the role of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights.
r) the Committee acknowledges the efforts made by the State party to disseminate the
Committee’s previous concluding observations and requests that the present concluding
observations be similarly disseminated in order to make all people, including government
officials, politicians, parliamentarians and women’s and human rights organizations, aware of
the steps that have been taken to ensure the de jure and de facto equality of women, as well
as the further steps that are required in that regard r) the dissemination include the local
community level, including remote communities r) organize a series of meetings to discuss
the implementation of the present observations r) continue to disseminate widely, in
particular to women’s and human rights organizations, the Committee’s general
recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the
twenty-third special session of the General Assembly on the theme “Women 2000: gender
equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century”
c) the labour force, which continues to be segregated by gender; the persistence of the pay
gap with women working full time earning 18 per cent less than their male counterparts; the
caring responsibilities, which continue to affect women’s labour force participation and the
limited access to job opportunities for women with disabilities and indigenous women n)
despite the provisions in the Sex Discrimination Act, sexual harassment continues to be a
serious problem in the workplace w) the first paid parental leave scheme, which will come
into operation on 1 January 2011, but notes that it does not include superannuation, which
impacts on the major gender gap in retirement savings and economic security between older
women and men, that the leave is of limited duration (18 weeks), and that compensation is
limited to an amount equal to the federal minimum wage and subject to other conditions
c) the unacceptably high levels of violence against women that persist in Australia, with one
in three Australian women experiencing physical violence in their lifetime and one in five
experiencing sexual violence n) the lack of federal legislation or minimum standards for
protection of women against violence and domestic violence w) the establishment in 2008 of
a national council to advise on the development of an evidence-based national plan to
reduce violence against women and their children and the Council’s report, “Time for Action”,
presented in April 2009
r) take concrete measures to eliminate occupational segregation, including by removing
barriers to women in all sectors and to ensure equal opportunities for, and equal treatment
of, women and men in the labour market r) the Committee welcomes the Fair Work Act 2009
and urges the State party to develop a national pay strategy and establish a specialized unit
within the new wage-setting body of Fair Work Australia to develop and monitor pay gaps
mechanisms r) provide a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the Fair Work
Act in eliminating pay gap in its next periodic report r) adopt appropriate legislative
measures, as well as a preventive strategic plan, in order to combat sexual harassment in
the workplace r) the statutory independent review of the Paid Parental Leave Act gives due
consideration both to an increase in compensation and to the provision of superannuation on
paid leave in order to protect better women’s financial security and to encourage equal
participation of both parents in childcare r) develop a comprehensive childcare policy to
include out of school hours and vacation care and to increase the supply of affordable and
quality childcare
w) Australia’s endorsement of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples, and commends the Australian Parliament’s motion of apology to Australia’s
indigenous peoples for the laws and policies of successive governments that have inflicted
profound grief, suffering and loss w) the nomination and election of the first Australian
indigenous woman as a member of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
r) ensure the full and effective enforcement of the measures taken to protect migrant women
r) intensify its efforts to prosecute acts of domestic violence and to provide adequate support
services, including shelters for the victims r) take targeted measures to address existing
barriers to workplace participation of migrant women, to develop a policy of equal access to
effective job training and placement services that are not limited to traditional employment
areas r) develop a broad framework for health services for migrant women that will take into
account their specific health profiles r) the Committee draws the State party’s attention to its
general recommendation No. 26 on women migrant workers
r) as a matter of priority, to re-table the bill before the new Parliament as soon as possible
after the elections and to ensure that the bill takes into account the key recommendations of
the 2008 Senate report in order to ensure that the bill contains provisions that will provide
comprehensive protection against all forms of discrimination against women r) consider
expanding the mandate of the Sex Discrimination Commissioner to address all issues of
gender equality
c) despite a large number of policies and programmes adopted by the State party to address
underrepresentation of certain vulnerable groups of women, including indigenous women,
women with disabilities, migrant women, women from culturally and linguistically diverse
backgrounds and women from remote or rural communities, there has been slow progress in
ensuring their equal participation in leadership and decision-making positions, in public and
political life and their equal access to education, employment and health c) the State party
does not favour adoption of temporary special measures in the form of compulsory targets
and quotas to address the underrepresentation of women in decision-making bodies, in
political and public life and the persistent inequality of their access to education, employment
opportunities and health-care services
r) the Committee reiterates its recommendation in its previous concluding observations
(CEDAW/C/AUL/CO/5, para. 17) that the State party fully utilize the Sex Discrimination Act
and consider the adoption of temporary special measures, in accordance with article 4,
paragraph 1, of the Convention and the Committee’s general recommendation No. 25, to
increase further the number of women in political and public life and to ensure that the
representation of women in political and public bodies reflect the full diversity of the
population, including indigenous women and women from ethnic minorities
r) ensure the wide participation of all ministries and public bodies in the preparation of its
next report, as well as to consult a variety of women’s and human rights organizations during
that phase
r) adopt targeted measures, including temporary special measures with clear time frames, in
accordance with article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention and the Committee’s general
recommendation No. 25, to ensure the equal participation and representation of women in
public and political life, with a particular focus on Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander
women and women with disabilities
c) the Committee appreciates some of the measures taken by the State party to prevent
discrimination against migrant women and the initiatives of the Department of Immigration
and Citizenship, but notes with concern the prevailing high level of violence experienced by
migrant women, their low levels of participation in the labour market and their concentration
in low-paid jobs and their particular linguistic and cultural needs when accessing universally
available health-care services
w) the positive developments in increased women’s representation in senior ranks of public
office, that 30 per cent of all Australian parliamentarians are women, that women constitute
58 per cent of the public service and that three out of seven High Court judges are women c)
the measures taken to enhance the participation of Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander
women and women with disabilities in public life remain inadequate
In light of its general comment No. 2 on implementation of article 2 by States parties , the
Committee recommends that the State party redouble its efforts to prevent and combat all
forms of violence against women throughout its territory by , inter alia :
(a) Taking measures to facilitate the lodging of complaints by victims and to address
effectively the barriers that may prevent women from reporting acts of violence against them;
(b) Ensuring the effective enforcement of the existing legal framework by promptly,
effectively and impartially investigating all reports of violence and prosecuting and punishing
perpetrators in accordance with the gravity of their acts;
(c) Strengthening public awareness-raising activities to combat violence against women and
gender stereotypes;
(d) Increasing its efforts to address violence against indigenous women and women with
(e) Guaranteeing in practice that all victims benefit from protection and have access to
sufficient and adequately funded medical and legal aid, psycho social counselling and social
support schemes , which take into account their special needs, and that victims not placed
under the “safe at home” model have access to adequate shelters ;
(f) Further intensifying community - based approaches to addressing violence against
women , with the involvement of all relevant stakeholders
The Fairy Show: Proposed Solution:
Problem Perception:
We address crucial challenges: inadequate marketing, limited women recognition, inclusivity
gaps, blockchain awareness, free speech, online safety, and promoting peace over violence.
Innovative Approach:
We transcend online limitations by blending physical presence and engaging high net worth
partners. Our disruptive marketing campaigns leverage personality, characterization, and
neuromarketing, captivating attention in an attention-poor society.
Engaging a Wide Audience:
The Fairy Show engages conference attendees, a vibrant online community, thought
leaders, experts, and enthusiasts. We foster collaboration, exchange ideas, and explore the
vast potential of technology together.
Demonstrating Impact:
We'll measure impact through increased blockchain awareness, expanded Cardano
community, elevated discourse on ethics and inclusivity, empowered individuals exercising
free speech, and tangible progress towards sustainable peace.
Unique Solution, Cardano's Advantage:
Our innovative, viral Fairy branding and marketing sets Cardano apart in the competitive
blockchain landscape. Benefiting all, our solution fills the void of exclusive and captivating
marketing, spreading awareness of the Cardano brand and its transformative potential.
This solution fills the void of exclusive and captivating marketing, propelling Cardano's brand
awareness to new heights.
Our proposed solution, the Fairy Show, directly addresses the challenge of developing and
improving products and integrations in the social media category, offering high-impact use
cases for the Cardano ecosystem. By integrating the enchanting world of the Fairies with
Cardano's blockchain and ADA cryptocurrency, we create a captivating and magical
experience that drives adoption and engagement.
This project goes beyond funding the team; it brings immense value to the Cardano
ecosystem. By associating the Fairy Show with Cardano and ADA, we leverage the power of
publicity and gain ESG/CSR recognition. Human interaction, word-of-mouth marketing, and
the power of storytelling are key elements that make our approach more effective than online
advertising alone. This synergy between technology and the enchanting world of the Fairies
ignites curiosity, promotes brand recognition, and attracts a diverse audience to Cardano.
Quantifying the impact, we anticipate a significant increase in community engagement, with
a substantial influx of new users. Our project strengthens the ecosystem by providing a
unique and immersive experience that showcases the capabilities and potential of Cardano.
Through the games, raffles, and annual curation, we foster a FUN over FUD atmosphere,
creating positive associations with Cardano.
Moreover, the Fairy Show embodies our mission of spreading kindness, eliminating
corruption, and promoting inclusivity and sustainability. With alignment to Sustainable
Development Goals 5 and 16, we contribute to a nicer world. The long-term impact of our
proposal extends far beyond the project completion, leaving a historical monument for the
Cardano ecosystem.
In summary, our proposal combines technological innovation with the allure of the Fairy
Show, delivering a solution that not only entertains but also drives adoption, recognition, and
positive societal impact. By leveraging the magic of storytelling and human interaction, we
will strengthen Cardano's community, attract new users, and make a meaningful contribution
to the Cardano ecosystem's growth and success.
To measure the success of The Fairy Show project, we will employ a combination of
quantitative and qualitative metrics that reflect the project's benefits for the Cardano
Quantitatively, we will track the following metrics:
User Engagement:
We will measure the number of attendees, participants in games and raffles, and online
interactions to gauge the level of engagement with the Fairy Show. Increased engagement
signifies a strong interest in Cardano and its ecosystem.
Community Growth:
We will monitor the growth in the Cardano community, including new users attracted through
the Fairy Show. This will demonstrate the project's ability to expand Cardano's reach and
user base.
Social Media Impact:
We will analyze social media metrics such as the number of followers, likes, shares, and
mentions related to the Fairy Show and Cardano. These metrics will indicate the project's
influence in generating awareness and creating positive sentiment around Cardano.
Qualitatively, we will assess the following aspects:
User Feedback:
Gathering feedback through surveys, testimonials, and user interviews will provide insights
into users' opinions, experiences, and satisfaction with the Fairy Show. This feedback will
help us understand the project's impact on users' perception of Cardano and its ecosystem.
Brand Recognition:
Tracking the level of brand recognition associated with the Fairy Show and its connection to
Cardano will provide an indication of the project's effectiveness in promoting Cardano's
visibility and reputation.
Stakeholder Perception:
Engaging with key stakeholders, industry experts, and thought leaders to gather their
feedback and opinions on the project's impact will provide valuable insights into Cardano's
growth potential and the significance of the Fairy Show within the ecosystem.
These measures are realistic as they capture both the quantitative growth indicators and
qualitative aspects of user sentiment and brand perception. By considering a combination of
metrics, we gain a comprehensive understanding of the project's impact .
Effect on Cardanos Growth: (Short and Long Term)
In terms of innovation's effect on Cardano's productivity and growth, both short-term and
long-term impacts are anticipated. In the short term, the Fairy Show will spark excitement,
curiosity, and engagement among existing and potential users, driving immediate growth in
community participation and activity. The project's immersive experience will create a
positive ripple effect, attracting new users and increasing Cardano's adoption.
In the long term, the Fairy Show's association with Cardano will leave a lasting impression
on users, creating a strong brand connection and fostering loyalty. The project's emphasis
on inclusivity, sustainability, and kindness aligns with the values of Cardano, contributing to
its reputation as a socially responsible blockchain platform. This positive brand image and
user loyalty will fuel continued growth, attract partnerships, and drive adoption, ultimately
enhancing Cardano's productivity and establishing it as a leading ecosystem in the
blockchain industry.
By diligently measuring both quantitative metrics and qualitative user opinions, we can
holistically assess the project's success, its impact on Cardano's ecosystem, and its
contribution to productivity, growth, and long-term sustainability.
Plans to Share Outputs and Results:
We have comprehensive plans to share the outputs and results of The Fairy Show, ensuring
wide dissemination and maximum impact.
Our key strategies include:
Tour Annual NFT: At the end of The Fairy Show, we will create a unique collectible NFT in
the form of a "Tour Annual." This NFT will showcase highlights of the tour, including
captivating moments, interviews, and signatures of unique attendees, all designed in a
fairy-like manner. This NFT will serve as a tangible and exclusive keepsake, highlighting the
impact and memories created during the tour, whilst initiating new audiences to open a
Cardano wallet to collect one.
Prizes and Giveaways: Throughout the tour, we will run multiple prizes and giveaways,
interacting and connecting with our audiences. These giveaways will not only create
excitement and engagement but also allow us to gather contact information from
participants. These contact lists will be used for future marketing initiatives, enabling us to
share updates, opportunities, and relevant content related to The Fairy Show and Cardano.
Social Media and Online Platforms: We will leverage various social media platforms,
including Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram, to share behind-the-scenes content,
interview highlights, and audience reactions. By utilising these online channels, we will reach
a global audience and generate awareness about the outputs and impact of the project.
Note: Many of the design elements and writing have been undertaken for The Fairy Show as
it is something we have been adapting for a while, although originally planned as a tour for
another sponsorship/grant opportunity we are so excited to offer this exclusively to Cardano
first.Spreading Outputs over a Reasonable Timescale:
We recognize the importance of spreading the project's outputs and results over a
reasonable timescale to ensure sustained engagement and long-term impact. Our plans
Real-Time Updates: During the tour, we will provide LIVE streams and highlights through
social media platforms, giving participants and the wider community immediate access to the
latest content and insights.
Post-Tour Recap: Following the completion of The Fairy Show, we will compile a
comprehensive recap that includes key moments, interviews, and audience reactions. This
recap will be shared through our online platforms and distributed to relevant stakeholders
and any sponsors ensuring the outputs and impact of the project are widely
communicated.(Tour Annual NFT)
Ongoing Engagement: Beyond the tour, we will continue The Fairy Show, keeping some of
the themes from our tour and engaging with the Cardano community through regular content
updates, webinars, and collaborative initiatives. This sustained engagement will reinforce the
project's outputs and facilitate ongoing discussions and knowledge sharing.
Sharing Outputs/Impact and Opportunities: We have a multi-faceted approach to sharing the
outputs, impact, and opportunities resulting from The Fairy Show. Our target audience
Cardano Community: We will actively engage with the existing Cardano community,
sharing the outputs and impact through community forums, newsletters, and online meetups.
This will foster a sense of inclusivity, encourage participation, and strengthen the
community's bond.
Industry Professionals and Thought Leaders: We will collaborate with industry
professionals and thought leaders in the technology and blockchain sectors, leveraging their
networks to spread the outputs and impact of The Fairy Show. This will include sharing
insights, interviews, and panel discussions through industry-specific publications,
conferences, and social media platforms.
General Public: Through our presence at the conferences, interactions, with our online
platforms and social media presence, we will reach a broader audience beyond the Cardano
By creating accessible content, captivating highlights, and engaging narratives, we will
generate curiosity and interest among the general public, attracting new individuals to
Cardano and its ecosystem.
Using Results for Research and Development:
The results generated from The Fairy Show will serve as a valuable resource for further
research and development activities. We anticipate the following uses:Knowledge Sharing and Documentation: The insights and lessons learned from the
interviews, discussions, and engagement with thought leaders will be documented and
shared within the Cardano community. This will contribute to the collective knowledge base
and inspire further research and exploration of ethical technology practices.
Partnership Opportunities: The outputs and impact of The Fairy Show will attract attention
from potential partners, leading to collaborative opportunities for research and development.
By leveraging the reputation of Cardano and the Fairies' branding, we can foster strategic
partnerships that advance the ethical use of technology and contribute to the ecosystem's
Feedback and Iteration: The feedback and opinions collected from participants and
attendees will be carefully analyzed and used to improve future iterations of The Fairy Show.
By incorporating user feedback, we can enhance the project's effectiveness, address any
identified shortcomings, and continuously evolve our approach to meet the needs of the
Cardano ecosystem.
By effectively sharing the outputs, impact, and opportunities resulting from The Fairy Show,
we will not only celebrate the achievements of the project but also inspire further
engagement, research, and development within the Cardano ecosystem and beyond.
Capability to Deliver with High Levels of Trust and Accountability:
The Fairies, represented by Fairy Godmother and Tinkerbell, have a strong track record of
delivering successful projects and building a trusted community within the Cardano
ecosystem. Our diverse backgrounds and experiences, along with the following capabilities,
demonstrate why we are best suited to deliver The Fairy Show with high levels of trust and
Professional Management Experience: As former owners and managers of a large
cleaning company, we have demonstrated our ability to manage finances, oversee teams of
up to 15 employees, handle payroll, and execute project mapping. This experience instills
confidence in our organizational and management skills, ensuring efficient and responsible
use of funds for The Fairy Show.
Financial Services Expertise: Fairy Godmother brings years of experience in the financial
services sector, having undergone FSA training. This expertise provides a solid foundation
for managing project finances, budgeting, and maintaining transparency in financial matters.
Our financial knowledge enables us to ensure proper allocation of funds and adherence to
financial regulations.
NFT Project Success: We have already sold out two NFT projects on the Cardano
blockchain, demonstrating our ability to deliver and engage a community, even in
challenging market conditions. This success showcases our understanding of the NFT
space, effective marketing strategies, and our commitment to delivering valuable and
sought-after content to our audience.
Growing Engaged Community: The Fairies have successfully grown an engaged
community within the Cardano ecosystem. Our active participation in events such as
W3bxpo, Rare Bloom, CNFTCON, and webinars with The Cardano Foundation showcases
our commitment to Cardano's principles and the promotion of gender equality. This existing
community trust and loyalty will be further leveraged to attract and engage participants in
The Fairy Show.
Collaboration with UNHCR: We are currently in the process of partnering with the UNHCR
for a heartwarming initiative for their SPO on Cardano. This collaboration demonstrates our
ability to forge partnerships with reputable organizations and work towards common goals. It
showcases our commitment to impactful initiatives and our dedication to leveraging the
Cardano ecosystem for positive change.
Trusted Representation: We have represented Cardano at various industry events and
webinars, highlighting our role as major personalities in the ecosystem. Our consistent
participation and contributions to gender equality initiatives demonstrate our commitment to
ethical values and responsible technology use. This established trust in our brand and
reputation enhances the credibility of our project.
Steps and Processes to Manage Funds Properly:
We understand the importance of managing funds properly and maintaining transparency
throughout The Fairy Show project. To ensure accountability and trust, we will implement the
following steps and processes:
Financial Accountability: We will maintain detailed financial records and provide regular
updates on fund utilization, including income, expenses, and allocations. These records will
be made available to stakeholders and the Cardano community, fostering transparency and
Budgeting and Cost Control: We will create a comprehensive budget plan for The Fairy
Show, outlining anticipated expenses and allocating funds accordingly. We will actively
monitor expenditures to ensure efficient use of resources and prevent any unnecessary
Ethical Fund Management: Our commitment to ethical principles extends to fund
management. We will prioritize responsible use of funds, allocating resources towards
project essentials and impactful initiatives. Any surplus funds will be reinvested into
community initiatives, future projects, and the ongoing development of the Cardano
Regular Reporting: We will provide regular reports to the Cardano community,
stakeholders, and funding organizations. These reports will include financial updates, project
milestones, and the overall progress of The Fairy Show. By keeping all parties informed, we
promote transparency and maintain trust throughout the project.
By leveraging our capabilities and implementing robust financial management processes, we
are confident in our ability to deliver The Fairy Show with high levels of trust and
The main goals for The Fairy Show project are as follows:
Goal: Increase Awareness and Adoption of Cardano
Validation: Measure the growth in brand recognition, social media engagement, and
community participation related to Cardano. Conduct surveys and interviews to assess the
project's impact on increasing awareness and adoption.
Goal: Promote Inclusivity, Kindness, and Sustainability
Validation: Monitor feedback and sentiment analysis from users and stakeholders to
evaluate the project's success in promoting these values. Assess the level of engagement
and participation from diverse user groups.
Goal: Enhance User Experience and Engagement
Validation: Gather user feedback through surveys, interviews, and usability testing to
measure improvements in user experience. Analyze metrics such as average time spent,
repeat visits, and user satisfaction scores.
Goal: Establish The Fairy Show as a Leading Social Media Integration
Validation: Compare the project's social media presence, followers, and engagement
metrics with other similar initiatives. Assess the project's impact on increasing Cardano's
visibility and attracting new users through social media channels.
To validate the feasibility of our approach, we will:
Conduct a thorough feasibility study to assess technical requirements, resource availability,
and project constraints.
Collaborate with industry experts, advisors, and community members to gather insights and
validate the project's viability.
Develop a detailed implementation plan, including milestones, timelines, and resource
Regularly track progress against the plan and adjust strategies accordingly.
Utilize agile development methodologies and continuous feedback loops to ensure iterative
improvements and adaptability.
Engage in user testing and feedback sessions to validate the project's approach, user
experience, and functionality.
Benchmark the project against existing social media integration solutions, assessing its
unique value proposition and competitive advantage.
While some goals can be quantified through numerical metrics, such as increased
transactions or social media engagement, other goals like user experience improvement
require qualitative measurements. To evaluate these qualitative goals, we will employ
methods such as user feedback surveys, usability testing, sentiment analysis, and
comparative analysis against industry standards.
Our approach will involve a combination of strategic planning, iterative development,
stakeholder engagement, and continuous evaluation to validate the feasibility of our goals.
By leveraging the expertise and insights of the project team, community, and relevant
stakeholders, we will ensure that our objectives are effectively measured, achieved, and
contribute to the success of The Fairy Show within the Cardano ecosystem.
Milestone 1: Preparations and Promotions
partnerships with event organizers
Milestone 2:
Show, engaging with attendees making the conference magical for all
Initiation: Gather project team, define objectives, plan and organize social media content
calendars/plans and allocate resources accordingly.
Preparations and Promotions: Develop promotional materials, create and organize
scheduling for social media managers and campaigns, and establish partnerships with event
Conference Appearances: Participate in three conferences, showcasing The Fairy
Show's aspects and engaging with attendees. Producing enticing content to showcase and
highlight the conversations, raffles, games and interactions we have along the way.
Community Expansion and Influence: Conduct web series and social campaigns,
collaborate with influencers, and onboard new community members.
Regual Chats with The Town Hall etc
In our proposal for The Fairy Show, we have outlined milestones.
Let's describe the
deliverables, outputs, intended outcomes, and measurements for each milestone:
Milestone 1: Preparations and Promotions
Preparation of social media campaigns, initiation of Social Media managers, partnerships
with event organizers.
content throughout the tour, partly- launched social media campaigns and established
relationships with at least three event organizers.
the Cardano community and blockchain industry.
and engagement metrics on social media platforms, number of partnerships secured.
Milestone 2: Completion of Conferences
Fairy Show, engaging with attendees. Social Campaign promotion of merch and The Fairy
Show itself.
campaigns, positive feedback from attendees, increased brand recognition and interest.
industry, increased interest in The Fairy Show.
analysis, number of new contacts made at conferences.
This budget breakdown outlines the proposed work and resources required for our Fairy Show.
includes cost estimations for various elements mentioned in the plan, along with descriptions of
any third-party products or services utilized. The budget is aligned with the project's milestones
and objectives, ensuring a comprehensive and well-planned approach.
Publicity/Marketing/Promotion/Community Engagement:
Social media advertising: $5k
Content creation/NFT Creation (videos, graphics): $5k
Influencer partnerships: $2k
Community engagement events: $1k
Third-party services:
Influencer partnerships: Collaborating with influential figures from the cryptocurrency and
entertainment industry to promote The Fairies. Their reach and engagement will enhance the
project's visibility and attract a wider audience.
Project Management:
Project manager salary: $12k
Administrative support: $2k
Technical writer fee: $5k
Reporting Back to the Community:
Community feedback surveys: $1k
Content creation for progress reports: $1k
Professional Services:
Accounting services: $1k
Travel insurance: $1k
Conference and Event Attendee Costs:
Registration fees for conferences and events: $3k
Third-party services:
Conference and event organizers: Investing in registrations to participate in prominent blockchain
and cryptocurrency conferences, fostering networking opportunities and industry knowledge
Audio/Visual Equipment Rental:
Sound and lighting equipment: $2,7k
Third-party services:
Equipment rental company: Renting high-quality audio and visual equipment to deliver
captivating performances and engaging presentations during The Fairies events.
SIM Cards:
Purchase of SIM cards for international travel: $300
Third-party services:
Telecommunication providers: Obtaining SIM cards to ensure reliable communication and
connectivity while traveling internationally for project-related activities.
Merchandise production and distribution: $5k
Third-party services:
Merchandise vendors: Collaborating with trusted vendors to produce and distribute branded
merchandise, such as t-shirts, accessories, and collectibles, to increase brand visibility and
generate additional revenue.
Raffle prizes for community engagement: $2k
Prize suppliers: Procuring attractive prizes for raffles and giveaways, encouraging active
community participation and fostering a sense of excitement and rewards.
Fairy Godmother and Tinkerbell Fee:
Fee for performers: $2k
Third-party services:
Performers: Hiring performers who will embody the roles of Fairy
Godmothers and Tinkerbell, adding enchantment and immersive experiences to The Fairies' live
shows and events.
Costumes and Props:
Costume creation and rental: $1k
Third-party services:
Costume designers and rental services: Collaborating with skilled costume designers and rental
providers to create custom-made costumes and acquire enchanting props, enhancing the visual
appeal and magical atmosphere of The Fairies performances.
Media and Filming Costs:
Professional videography and editing: $2k
Third-party services:
Videography and editing services: Enlisting professional videographers and editors to capture
high-quality footage of The Fairies events,
creating captivating promotional materials and documentation to share with the community and
attract broader attention.
Accommodation and Travel Expenses:
Dubai Travel for 3 people $10k
Melbourne Travel expenses For 3 people $3k
Total Cost for $67,000 ADA 157,000
The cost of The Fairy Show project represents exceptional value for the Cardano
ecosystem. While the proposed costs may appear significant, they are justified by the
substantial benefits and impact that the project will bring. Here's how we have determined
the costs and why they represent value for money:
and equipment. These costs ensure a visually stunning and captivating experience for the
suppliers to determine the most reasonable and competitive prices.
captures the attention and imagination of the audience. By investing in production quality, we
will differentiate The Fairy Show and ensure a memorable experience for viewers, thereby
enhancing the value proposition for the Cardano ecosystem.
collaborations, and targeted advertisements to reach a wide audience and maximize
determine an appropriate budget for effective marketing strategies.
viewership, and expanding the Cardano community. By investing in strategic marketing, we
can generate significant visibility, increase adoption, and attract new users to the Cardano
blockchain technology, specifically Cardano, to implement the necessary technical
components of The Fairy Show’s Annual NFT.
blockchain development space.
Annual NFT with the Cardano blockchain, enhancing user experience, and showcasing the
blockchain's capabilities. By investing in technical expertise, we can deliver a robust and
innovative project that demonstrates the potential of Cardano, attracting further interest and
The costs associated with The Fairy Show are proportional to industry standards and are
aligned with the value and impact the project aims to achieve. While the initial investment
may be higher than some projects, it is justified by the expected returns, including increased
adoption, community engagement, and branding benefits for the Cardano ecosystem.
Moreover, we have explored cost optimization strategies without compromising the quality
and impact of the project. This includes leveraging partnerships, seeking in-kind
contributions, and collaborating with community volunteers, which further enhances the
value for money proposition.
By carefully considering the costs and ensuring they align with industry standards and
project goals, we are confident that the investment in The Fairy Show represents exceptional
value for the Cardano ecosystem. The returns in terms of community engagement,
increased adoption, and positive branding far outweigh the initial costs, making it a prudent
investment for the long-term growth and success of Cardano.
The two directors of the project team for The Fairy Show hold a Current Australian Company
and Australian Business that is registered and active. Our Company consists of individuals
with diverse expertise and skills to undertake various aspects of the proposal's work.
Here are the team members and their roles for this specific project:
strategy, entertainment, and audience engagement. She oversees the overall direction of
The Fairy Show, ensuring a magical and captivating experience for the audience.
collaborations. She ensures high social engagement metrics and cultivates partnerships with
renowned brands. Also overseeing the direction of The Fairy Show and Creative
videography, and social media platforms. He captures and produces engaging content while
staying up-to-date with current trends.
community engagement. She manages communications, advises on community outreach
strategies, and occasionally takes on a creative director's role.
administrative tasks, including financial management, documentation, and insurance. She
ensures the smooth operation of the project.
Our accounting services are done by :
In addition to the core team, we will leverage the support (that has already been
extended) and expertise of community volunteers from Cardano and other
communities for roles such as community moderation and promotion. Their
involvement will enhance community engagement and ensure a broader reach for The
Fairy Show.
Future Team Members (to be hired):
All team members, both existing and future, will be engaged to ensure seamless
collaboration and coordination. We have already established connections with the relevant
team members and confirmed their availability and willingness to support the project.
Please note that consent has been obtained from team members to include their information
in the proposal, and appropriate consent will be sought before including any confidential or
third-party information.
Our team, consisting of intergenerational business experts, brings a unique combination of
wisdom, entertainment, social engagement, media expertise, and community management
skills. This well-rounded team will ensure the successful implementation of The Fairy Show
and contribute to the growth and impact of the Cardano ecosystem.