Last updated a year ago
Difficulty in understanding, quantifying and comparing the impact generated by sustainable initiatives in Cardano. There is a lack of transparent guidelines, metrics, and criteria for impact.
Various quality of life improvements are required to make the game customer ready. This proposal is to provide the development resources to complete the game.
This is the total amount allocated to - the ADA word puzzle game.
No dependencies.
The whole code base will not be shared as a lot of resources were invested into the development of the project, to intended as commercial.
In order to complete the game to a customer ready standard the following required additions include:
Tx builder:
this will dramatically reduce the cost of playing the game. The current gameplay mechanism involves transactions that are sent by the users to the Scradabble engine, which then computes them and produces an additional transaction to send back to the users the resulting product.
For example a user sends a selection of NFT letters and gets back an NFT word.
With the new tx builder that we are proposing we’ll be able to create one transaction on the backend side that will be executed directly from the user, removing the need of two transactions.
In this way the cost to play (in transaction fees) for users is halved.
Code refactoring:
this will improve the performance of execution and will make the game capable of handling more users in parallel.
Improve testing:
this will simplify the development of the features in the future without introducing bugs and breaking changes.
At the moment the utility library that is used from frontend and backend contains tests for ~50% of the code and backend contains tests only for 10%. The goal is to reach 80-90% of tested code in the utility library and 50% for the backend code. We are not aiming to have full test coverage in order to reduce the budget request and have more chances of getting funded.
Scradabble is a word puzzle and collectible game.
Using the Cardano network players can collect and trade letter tiles that can be used to make words and combos of words. By connecting a wallet and purchasing letter bags players can then use purchased letters to mint words made up of those letters. Players earn Scradabble unity tokens that can then be used for a variety of purposes. Additionally the words players own can be traded on asset exchange marketplaces, sold or traded directly with other players and can be used to create a larger asset type of Combos of words.
Scradabble can be used as a teaching aim to show the real utility of Cardano NFTs. It’s a straightforward showcase of wallet integration, asset purchase, asset ‘melding’ through burning, and asset transfer between wallets. We feel that nothing like this exists in the Cardano ecosystem and offers a fun and simple way to teach and learn the basics of digital native assets.
The success of the project can be measured by:
The project is already in production at
The implementation of the “TX Builder” will be visible when released by any player, as they will be able to perform actions on the game in one transaction without waiting for a return tx from Scradabble engine.
The code refactoring will be demonstrated by showing the activity on the private GitHub repos.
The results of the additional test suites passing will be publicly released.
The main and more complex part of the project is already available and usable by users at, demonstrating the capability of the team to deliver a full working product.
The current product, whose development was fully financed by the team, involves a large set of specific skills.
The current current architecture includes:
The funds requested will be completely allocated for development and project management.
The main goals for the project are to lift the quality of the code base to be user ready and to reduce the cost to players which will enable greater playability and engagement.
Validation will be through the bug free operation of
Details about the TX builder:
At the moment the usual user interaction involves two different steps:
The whole process involves 2 txs and user has to pay (directly and indirectly transaction fees twice).
With the new approach:
Milestone 1 - Code refactoring
Milestone 2 - Tx builder release
Milestone 3 - Tests
Milestone 1 - Code refactoring.
The implementation will happen on private repositories and the activity of those repos will be published. The code refactoring that will involve the frontend will produce new releases that will be published on the main website.
Milestone 2 - Tx Builder
The implementation will happen on private repositories. Once the backend logic and endpoints will be fully implemented and also the frontend will be adapted, a new release will be published on and users will be able to interact with the new mechanism that will allow them to perform an action in one transaction without the need to wait for the engine to send the returning transaction.
Milestone 3 - Tests
The results of the test suites passing will be publicly released.
Developers - 330 hours @ $52/hour = 65000 ada
Code refactoring - 60 hr @ $52/hour = ~9000 ada
Tx builder - 180 hr @ $52/hour = ~27000 ada
Tests - 90hr @ $52/hour = ~13500 ada
Project Administration - 10000 ada
Monthly/Milestone Reporting $2000
Funds management
Close out report and video - $750
Total Budget - 74999 ada ($20,000 @ 0.267) (We decided to keep this exchange rate, used at the first submission of proposal, to protect from market fluctuation)
The money allocated for this project will enable the finalization of a dApp that will be available for the Cardano ecosystem, that will be finally ready for a big launch and the adoption of Cardano users.
Once ready and with a consistent user base, it will produce transactions and native assets on the Cardano network, triggering a virtuous mechanism which, by making the players pay the fees, will feed the network itself.
Phil Khoo - experience as an accountant, UI/UX frontend and graphic design and business advisor amongst numerous other pursuits. He currently has a lead position in the development and direction of Cardano AIM and is co-creator of the Community Tools. Was part of CGO F8 where he focused on oversight of Challenge Setting and Catalyst Parameters.
Lucio Baglione - is a developer with 9+ years of experience (mainly focused on web/mobile. Languages and frameworks: PHP, Javascript, Typescript, Python, Ruby - Laravel, Ruby on Rails, Wordpress, Angular.js, Vue.js, Node.js). CA and vCA, co-creator of the Community Tools (Proposer/CA/vCA/Voter Tools), involved in Catalyst since Fund 3.
Victor Corcino - is an active Catalyst Member, Community Advisor and Proposal Mentor, member of the 1st Catalyst Circle, leader of the Catalyst School, core member of the Catalyst Swarm, and has a strong professional and academic background in Engineering, Mathematics, Data Science and Machine Learning.