Last updated a year ago
We want to initiate speed and scalability improvements inside Bynet Protocol. We see: Slow DEX transactions on L1, lack of scalable and secure L2 products on Cardano, lack of real Hydra use cases.
I propose a property dApp Proof of Concept on Cardano for governments, businesses, and municipalities to securely store and authenticate property details using blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to Solve Property Industry Problems : Utilize Cardano for Water and Electricity Meter Locations and Secure Long-term Storage of Essential Property Information.
The dApp will utilize Blockfrost API or comparable services, such as those offered by The Hobby subscription, which costs 1348.75 ADA per year, offers ample time, resources, and affordability for the projec
The existing Meter reading, disconnections, and pretermination notices credit control apps are competing with other proprietary apps for tenders. These apps will remain closed source. However, all Cardano APIs and backend source codes will be open sourced, allowing others to apply similar logic to different government systems.
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
9.4 - By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, with all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities
Verify & Secure Water and Electricity meters installations using Cardano blockchain for the benefit of all governments, municipalities, businesses, and consumers.
The primary objective of this Proof of Concept dApp is to showcase how leveraging the Cardano Blockchain can efficiently tackle property-related issues worldwide. This initiative will bring benefits to governments, municipalities, businesses, and consumers, collectively.
Meter installations are typically not subjected to verification, and if they are, there is no subsequent check after the initial installation. Implementing onchain recording of Meter installation GPS along with images of meters would address this issue.(source:
Many individuals face exorbitant estimated charges on their utility bills, exacerbating the financial struggles of those who are already impoverished.
Meter reading companies, contractors, and municipal staff often encounter challenges related to their limited knowledge of the total number of meters in existence, the requirement for meters in newly constructed units, instances of broken or stolen meters, as well as cases of tampering or bypassing of meters.
City Power, the branch of the City of Johannesburg responsible for supplying electricity, currently has outstanding debts totaling R1.2 billion from individual households, businesses, residential complexes, churches, and other institutions that have unlawfully connected to the electricity supply.(source :,mounted%20transformers%20which%20eventually%20explode.)
This proposal aims to address this issue by eliminating traditional paper-based processes and introducing a tamper-proof digital storage system for meters on the blockchain.
The project offers several concrete benefits:
The project offers several concrete benefits:
A: Within a 2-month timeframe:
B: In the following 2 months:
C: In an additional 2 months:
From 2015 to 2023, I have dedicated myself to developing and operating web applications focused on credit control for municipalities. These applications cover tasks such as water and electricity meter reading, disconnections/reconnections, pretermination notice deliveries, and a meter location and verification system.
Through Tobb Technologies, the IT software development company I founded and serve as CTO, I have successfully produced and implemented credit control systems. These systems have been thoroughly tested across more than 20 districts, resulting in generating over 5 million in revenue.
My educational background includes a BSC in Computing, B Tech, and MCP certifications. Over the years, I have honed my skills in software development, working with over 15 different programming languages.
Since 2021, I have undergone Plutus Pioneer training led by Dr. Lars and received training from Gimbalabs. Additionally, I have obtained a certificate in Plutus Core from the University of Luxembourg and completed courses on Atala Prism. My experience extends to working with Cardano development tools such as Mesh, Lucid, Haskell, and Helios.
In terms of trust and accountability, I have actively engaged with various Cardano communities, taking on roles as a student, collaborator, tester, and trainer. I have successfully organized Cardano workshops with Nana, Kaelo, and Richmond, and established a Cardano Centre in Johannesburg, where we have supported over 100 students. Notable events I have managed include the Cardano Summit 2022, Boost Cardano in South Africa, WIMS-Cardano Girls Training, Plutus Core Hackathon, and CIP-1694.
With regards Cardano skills, I will work with Gimbalabs, IOG developers, Helios developer because I am already actively(2 years) involved in their projects(Plutus Core, Haskell, Mesh, Helios, Lucid). I will subcontract some on very difficult areas as we work together.
Bring efficiency to organizational operations. These are governments/businesses/municipalities and consumers.
Success will be seen in reduction or elimination of currently faces problems.
Milestones and Key Activities to be done:
A: Milestone ONE
a) Milestone Achievement Date
End of 2nd month after receiving Milestone 1 funds(sometimes funds face delays)
b) Milestone Funding Amount
30% of Project Funding( 63000 * 0.3 = 18900 ADA)
c) Milestone Outputs
i) Specifications report on municipality needs
ii) Project development plan report
iii) Report on the needs of the users.
d) Milestone Acceptance Criteria
At least 2/3 of these produced(67%)
i) Specifications Document
ii) Project development plan
iii) Report on the needs of the users.
e) Evidence Of Achievement
At least 2/3 of these produced(67%)
i) Specifications Document
ii) Project development plan
iii) Report on the needs of the users.
B: Milestone TWO : Project Development
a) Milestone Achievement Date
End of 4nd month after project commenced
b) Milestone Funding Amount
50% of Project Funding(63000 * 0.5 = 31500 ADA)
c) Milestone Outputs
iv) Project backend API
v) Admin Dashboard
vi) Front End
d) Milestone Acceptance Criteria(Add on Milestone 1)
iv) Project backend API(70% done)
v) Admin Dashboard(70% done)
vi) Front End(70% done)
e) Evidence Of Achievement
iv) Project backend API(70% working)
v) Admin Dashboard(70% working)
vi) Front End(70% working)
C: Milestone THREE(Blockchain integration) : Final Acceptance Milestone
a) Milestone Achievement Date
-End of 6th month after project commenced
b) Milestone Funding Amount
-15% of Project Funding(63000 * 0.15 = 9450 ADA)
c) Milestone Out puts
vii) dApp integrated with Cardano blockchain
viii) Test results report on consumers, municipality, contractors
ix) Report Feedback and reviews from users
x) dApp fully working and tested on Cardano testnets.
d) Milestone Acceptance Criteria
vii) dApp integrated with Cardano blockchain(dApp connected to blockchain and interacting with database)
viii) Test results report on consumers, municipality, contractors(Tests done on testnets-preprod/preview)
ix) Report Feedback and reviews from users
x) dApp working on Cardano testnets.
e) EvidenceOfAchievement
vii) video showing dApp working
viii) Pdf showing Test results report on consumers, municipality, contractors(Tests done on testnets-preprod/preview)
ix) Report Feedback and reviews from users
Deliverables, Outputs, Intended outcomes of each milestone and documentation
Milestone 1 - 2 months
a) Specifications report on municipality needs,
b) Project development plan report
c) Report on the needs of the users.
Milestone 2 - 2 months
d) Project backend API
e) Admin Dashboard
f) Front End
Milestone 3 - 2 months
g) dApp integrated with Cardano blockchain
h) Test results report on consumers, municipality, contractors
i) Report Feedback and reviews from users
h) dApp fully working and tested on Cardano testnets.
Cardano Property Solution dApp Prototype
A: Intern Developer rate 1400 ADA x2 = 2800/month x6(month) = 16800 ADA
B: 2 x Senior rate 100 ADA/hour
Below are estimate hours based on past experience:
Total (16800 + 15000+10000+9000+13000) = 63000 ADA
This project aims to establish Cardano as a leading provider of government/municipality/business IT solutions (web3). Its implementation will enhance adoption, foster stronger relationships with existing tertiary institutions, attract a greater number of IT developer graduates to join Cardano, and position Cardano's IT solutions in a favorable position for government/municipal contracts.
Bernard Sibanda (BSc, B Tech) is a Fullstack Developer and CTO. You can find his profile at
He is the founder of Tobb Technologies, a consulting company that has successfully implemented credit control web solutions across 20 districts, generating revenue exceeding 6 million rands.
With over 15 years of experience in the IT industry, Bernard has provided valuable consultancy services. He has developed solutions for backend, databases, and frontend platforms with great success.
Tobb Technologies primarily focuses on working with and offering internship opportunities to graduate students. As part of this project, Bernard plans to hire two IT graduates from the Cardano community for a period of six months. This initiative aims to tackle unemployment by providing job opportunities while also training the graduates in Cardano development.
Bernard has been an active participant in various educational programs. He was among the first Plutus Pioneers, working alongside Dr. Lars. Additionally, he successfully completed and graduated from the Plutus Core program with the University of Luxembourg. He has also participated in project-based learning at Gimbalabs and remains actively engaged with Mesh, Lucid, Haskell, and Helios Cardano languages.
For nearly two years, Bernard has been actively involved in training and working with Plutus Pioneer, Gimbalabs, Lucid, Mesh, IOG, and Helios Cardano projects.
If necessary, he will enlist the expertise of these to tackle complex and advanced problems, ensuring the production of high-quality Helios materials for aspiring Cardano developers.
He will collaborate with his fellow developers whenever the need arises.