Last updated a year ago
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We will build a platform where every move the player makes will be recorded on the Cardano Blockchain and they can place Adas as stake to the game.
This is the total amount allocated to Stake to Play and Play to Earn Chess Games on Cardano Blockchain.
See Tho Yong Yang
While we do not have any dependencies to external organizations for this project, it is worth noting that we will set up connectors to a series of wallets. These wallets will function as escrow accounts for the players. Our gaming platform operates on the concept of “Stake to Play and Play to Earn”. As such, the platform will connect to the wallet so that users can put a stake in the game with Ada. Only an outcome from the game can decide where the Ada will go to next.
Not all the output of the project will be open source for security purposes. We will not reveal the code on how the platform connect to the wallet and how the payout will be made to the winner for security purposes.
No Applicable
Cardano needs more generic users to succeed in the Web 3.0 Space. One way to do that is to enable gaming capitalizing on Cardano Blockchain. This will attract NEW USERS to the blockchain, creating a NEW DEMAND for Ada. Having fun is a sure way to expand the Cardano Community.
Our team wants to do that introducing a “Stake to Play and Play to Earn” Chess Gaming Platform leveraging on the Cardano Blockchain.
Chess is one of the most widely played game in the world. According to United Nations, about 70% of the adult population (US, UK, Germany, Russia, India) has played chess at some point in their lives, 605 million adults play chess regularly. This will mean that there are no lack of players for this game, even among the Cardano community.
Chess Played on the Streets of Salzburg
Essentially, our platform operates on a “Stake to Play, Play to Earn” concept. Players will need Ada to play on the platform.
The mechanism of the platform as follows:-
The Parameters for playing the game on the platform is as follows:-
The operation of the Platform as follows:-
An example of how it will work is as follows :-
Various permutations of the game may exist. Including timed game, where the player who takes the most number of pieces or the highest weightage of the pieces will win. There can also be group games and sponsored games.
The concept of "Stake to Play, Play to Earn" in Chess is not a Gambling Philosophy because Chess is not a game of chance but a game of skill. Our concept resides on the idea of reinforcement learning, such as Q-learning. This learning pit the player against another player and if that player win, they get positive reinforcement from winning the stake pool. The losing player will lose what they invested on that stake pool. This is negative reinforcement.
Reinforcement learning and training sharpens the focus of the players and help them play with higher intensity. This can help improve their game by leap and bounce. In addition, the players will have a chance to see all their moves on the Cardano blockchain and learn to play better the next time.
Our team want to address the challenge in getting more people interact with the Cardano blockchain via gaming. We do so by building a platform for chess, one of the most widely played game around the world.
Kids learning how to play Chess
The team attempt to innovate with the idea that players play against each other in a "Stake to Play" format with a "Play to Earn" dimension for the players with the winner of the game taking the stake pool. As the platform operator, we take a small cut to keep the platform running and marketing the platform to chess players worldwide.
In order to play, the player has to have Ada to place onto the stake pool. Our team will inform players on our website of how they can buy Ada and how they can stake those Ada for the game.
With 605 million Chess players in the world, we believe our platform has the potential to bring in new users to the Cardano Blockchain in a fun and simple way while at the same, increase the demand for Ada.
Once these users are familiar with Cardano Blockchain, they will be inclined to see what other prospects and applications are available in the Cardano Blockchain.
We hope to bring new users to interact with the Cardano Blockchain. This will have a direct benefit for the Cardano eco-system in three ways: -
a. As players need to stake Ada, the value of Ada may increase. This is a function of supply and demand.
b. Many of these players will be new to Cardano They could be interested in what other opportunities and applications are available on the eco-system.
c. There will be more transactions on the Cardano Blockchain when more games are played on the platform. Each game is a transaction. Although each transaction is low in Ada, there will many games played.
In addition, Cardano will grow with more games played on our platform as each game is a transaction.
On our platform, we would show the number of registered players and the number of games played to date.
If the platform finds success in attracting a good number of players, we can improve the permutations on how the game can be played based on feedback from the players. We could in theory introduce other abstract strategy games to introduce even more users to the Cardano Blockchain.
Our team has built and delivered two prior projects in Fund 5 and Fund 8. These are complex ideas which we have developed solutions for.
A. Storing images with metadata for AI training data on the blockchain: -
B. a baseline API to our SDK that leverages the immutable ledger and transparency of the blockchain as a public tool for AI/ML developers to train their AI/ML programs and algorithms on a decentralized network for better transparency and elimination of bias: -
Both projects were funded. We have developed both Proof of Concept projects and make available the tool as promised. Please refer to the following link: -
It is evident that our team has the competencies and abilities to deliver this project. Our track record speaks for itself.
With the objective of getting more users to interacting with the Cardano Blockchain, the project success matrix is measured on the number of players signed up to play on our platform and the number of games played on the platform.
These are measured on two parameters: -
a. The number of players signed up to play on the platform - 100,000 players in 1 year.
With the right budget, this is an achievable target. There are over 600 million Chess players in the world according to UN. We believe a fair portion of them will be interested with the idea of "stake to play and play to earn" with this game.
b. The number of games played on the platform - 200,000 games a year.
This is also an achievable target. The world number one chess playing website has over 10 million games played in a day.
These two parameters should increase in tandem with each other. We intend to seek a marketing budget to get new users play on our platform to achieve
1st Month | Workplan 1 - Planning and designing Frontend of the website where the platform is going to operate on. Designing the UI/UX of the interface.
1st Month | Workplan 2 - Code and the database wire framing for the platform and plan for server communication + API/SDK architecture planning to work with wallet providers (for escrow wallet function).
2nd to 4th Month | Workplan 1 - Front end application development including HTML development for web interface, optimized test for the latest browsers, testing, iterations and debugging.
2nd to 4th Month | Workplan 2 - Backend development including API integration from backend to 3rd party wallet solution providers, API integration from frontend to backend and notification setup and notification event behavior on web interface.
5th Month | Workplan 1 - Deployment of front end interface at development environment and integration to backend.
5th Month | Workplan 2 - Wallet communication framework deployment. Testing data acquisition layer to ensure game protocol communicates and works with wallet. Setup authorization protocol to ensure player's credentials and wallet is authenticated.
6th Month | Workplan 1 & 2 - Testing, Debugging and Deployment of Platform from development environment to production environment.
Extension - Marketing of platform to new users via social media and Search Engine Optimization as well as participation in selected blockchain events.
Our development can be verified by
1st Month - Mock up of UI and UX of the intended platform and documentation of backend wire framing including API/SDK architecture in communicating with the wallet.
2nd to 4th Month - Evidence of frontend development on development environment. Documentation of backend development and documentation of notification setup and notification event behavior.
5th Month - Video evidence of how wallet tool works according to the platform's logic in the development environment.
6th Month - Deployment of platform in the production environment, set up of social media account and start of marketing campaign.
What are we going to Spend the Money On?
Essentially, we are going to spend the money on two parts
Part A - Development of the Platform. As with all development projects, this will be budgeted according to man hours.
Part B - Promotion of the Platform to Chess Players and Attracting New Users to the Cardano Blockchain
Putting a Price on the Vision
We need a team that consist of 2 front end developers, 2 backend developers We will do all documentation work ourselves. The budget for this will be estimated at 40,000 a month
Budget for 4 Developers = 50,000 Adas x 6 months = 300,000 Adas
We need to push SEO and through Social Media that such a "Stake to Play and Play to Earn" platform is available on Cardano. We will spend 5,000 Adas a month on this effort over the next 12 months once the platform is launched. This will work out to about 60,000 Adas a year.
Total budget for this project is about 300,000 Adas, which is about US$87,000 at the time of writing. If Ada manage to rise in value in future, we will have more resources for marketing. The reverse is true if Ada drops in value.
For an estimated 100,000 players on the platform, this works out to an investment of less than U$1 per player.
This project should be highly valued for money for the Cardano Ecosystem as it endeavor to bring in each new user to the blockchain at less than S$1 per user. When realized, this would be the most cost effective way to bring new users to interact with the Cardano Blockchain in the history of Catalyst.
Our team is an experienced team involved in developing deep technology projects over the past many years. The key leadership of this project has been instrumental in programming and developing three generations of robots. Their expertise has allowed us to sell over a thousand robots in 48 countries and collaborate with numerous universities worldwide, including Stanford University, Cambridge University, among others.
The main role of the project leaders are to keep tab on how the budget is spent, maintain discipline on the development and deliver expected outcomes. As discussed, the team output is evident in the POC delivered for Fund 5 and Fund 8.