Last updated a year ago
Conflicting interests regarding confidentiality, IPR, cybersecurity and liability make access and life-cycle-managing of IoT devices & Digital Twins very difficult. AI is increasing the challenges
A platform to Settle Interest Rate Derivatives on Cardano and onboard 1 large bank to do a pilot. Rates Derivatives is the largest market in the world with $ trillions in daily volume
This is the total amount allocated to TradFi - Interest Rate Derivatives on Cardano.
Sergio Rodrigues
Vlad Mikirtumov
No dependencies.
The smart contracts will be open-sourced after the initial testing phase with the financial industry participants.
SDG Goals
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
10 - Reduce inequality within and among countries
16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG Subgoals
10.5 - Improve the regulation and monitoring of global financial markets and institutions and strengthen the implementation of such regulations
16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
3.d - Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks
8.10 - Strengthen the capacity of domestic financial institutions to encourage and expand access to banking, insurance and financial services for all
9.3 - Increase the access of small-scale industrial and other enterprises, in particular in developing countries, to financial services, including affordable credit, and their integration into value chains and markets
9.a - Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
8.10.2 - Proportion of adults (15 years and older) with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider
9.3.1 - Proportion of small-scale industries in total industry value added
9.3.2 - Proportion of small-scale industries with a loan or line of credit
10.5.1 - Financial Soundness Indicators
16.6.2 - Proportion of population satisfied with their last experience of public services
We aim to bring Traditional Financial institutions - Banks, Financial Institutions, Funds and Retail that use financial products onto the Cardano blockchain.
Our mission is to Democratize the Interest Rate Derivative Market by making these products affordable for Small Corporates and Retail Customers through:
We are in talks with two banks and aim to do a pilot with one of them at the end of the project.
Recent interest rate hikes highlighted the risk of relying on cheap financing for too long and what can happen when interest rates increase rapidly. Sharp increases in interest rates can cause an unplanned increase in mortgage payments and much higher refinancing rates on every type of credit.
Consumers' current lack of access to the interest rates markets also limits their options for protecting against further rate increases, leaving them in a difficult position - exposed and without options.
We plan to bring interest rates markets onto the blockchain, so consumers and small corporates can access the same instruments as the large banks and large corporations.
The first step in the journey is to bring the markets onto the blockchain by offering existing banks a system that lets them manage the daily payments on these products (the settlement). The second step is to bring liquidity from the main financial players.
The target state is to lower costs by up to 100x for consumers and banks.
We plan to bring trading and settlement of Interest Rate Derivatives onto the Cardano Blockchain and make this market accessible to thousands of small companies and individuals.
Interest Rate Derivatives are a multi-trillion dollar daily market, with most trading between large financial institutions, corporations, and asset managers. Corporations use them to hedge their interest rate risk on loans, bond issuance, and other liabilities. Asset managers use them to express views on the direction of interest rates.
Small corporates and private individuals are often priced out of the Interest Rate Derivative market because they don’t have the back-office staff required to perform daily margining on these trades. Not doing daily margining comes at a significant cost. On trades without daily margining, financial institutions with whom corporates trade demand extra fees to cover additional risk and the additional capital costs imposed by banking regulators on such trades. Those small Corporates who can afford the high fees and the financial institutions servicing them are in a painful situation. Both face higher credit risk, higher operational risk and higher costs. Given a choice, both sides would prefer to have all trades margined daily. A win-win that is being held back by the operational burden of managing daily margin effectively.
BlockMargin - the code name for our product, solves this by bringing daily margining on the blockchain, turning a complex and large back office operation into a few clicks of a button. BlockMargin delivers the power of a large Corporation to the fingertips of any small business or individual. Monitoring the market value of their positions and corresponding margin requirements in a dashboard, users have full visibility of their positions 24/7 with the option to manually or automatically post and redeem margin from their crypto wallet.
BlockMargin automatically monitors daily market prices, contract conditions, margin requirements and settlement, removing risk and simplifying trading.
Why Margin Matters?
Interest rate derivatives are financial contracts between two parties whose value can change throughout their life. Their value can become positive or negative at any time. And to avoid defaults and the other party simply walking away when the contract is not going in their favour, there is a need to post margin to ensure that even if one of the parties walks away, the other receives compensation for this.
Margin posting also avoids litigation, as each party can walk away from the contract and leave their margin with the other counterparty. This left margin covers any adverse market move for the next day and gives the remaining party enough time to find an alternative hedge.
The margin posting also tends to be a small fraction of the total contract size, which is convenient for risk hedging and avoids putting up the full amount as collateral. This is standard practice in traditional financial markets.
The example below shows the margin posting during the first 15 days of a contract when a user buys an interest rate future at 3% on a 500k notional to protect themselves against further interest rate rises. This could be a hedge against the interest rate rising on their 500k mortgage.
Highlighting a few of the cashflows in the example:
So, the user gets a positive cash flow at the end of the contract as the interest rate ended above 3%. If, at any time in between, the counterparty was to walk away, the user would keep the margin equivalent to the value of the contract.
As you can see, there is a lot of back and forth of margin posting throughout, and in traditional finance, this is done with bank transfers, which are expensive and need a dedicated team to perform. Whilst doing this on a blockchain is a transaction using a web wallet, and even that can be automated
Traction with Financial Institutions
The BlockMargin idea has gained traction in conversations with financial institutions. We aim to make our first trade between a Financial Institution and a Corporate at the end of the proposal.
Building Blocks
BlockMargin has 6 main components that we call the “building blocks”. The team at Dynamic Strategies will build these over the course of 9 months.
Midnight Platform
We are currently in touch with two banks in the Netherlands who have shown an interest in exploring this idea further. They see the potential for a large cost saving and improved operational efficiency by moving part of their trading onto their blockchain. One of the high priority points on their wishlist is to ensure the privacy of transactions, as they do not want to expose their dealings with clients completely to the public.
Therefore, after delivering this project on Cardano mainnet, we will look to port it to the Midnight sidechain that is planned to launch on Cardano sometime in 2024
Our product will be the prime candidate for Midnight when it launches with an existing client base.
Marlowe Smart Contracts
We met with the Marlowe team at their product launch in Lisbon on 5th Jul 2023 and had a good discussion about the capabilities of Marlowe to support different financial contracts. Marlowe is also blockchain agnostic; therefore, it can be ported to run on Midnight once that goes live. Therefore, we will aim to use Marlowe for our smart contracts and troubleshoot with the Marlowe team the edge cases. More on what Marlowe is here:
Financial Derivative Contracts tend to require a programming language that offers sufficient flexibility to encode their multiple terms - and therefore, a Turing complete programming language such as Haskell is a desired starting point. However, since Marlowe was designed specifically for Financial contracts, we will test its ability to mould to different products. The Marlowe team has so far been forthcoming with explanations and examples of how it can solve certain edge cases. We look forward to leveraging their expertise throughout the project.
Looking further ahead
Looking further ahead, after delivering BlockMargin and doing a pilot trade with a bank, we will expand the products suite to create a decentralized exchange for these derivatives.
The decentralized exchange will let anyone provide liquidity into “interest rate derivative” pools against which users can trade. With this offering a market-making service in interest rate derivatives similar to what trading desks do at large banks:
Where BlockMarging is the platform that manages a derivative trade after it has been traded (what we call the settlement and daily margining), the initiation of the trades will be done through a decentralized exchange.
The proposal directly addresses the challenge’s focus areas of “Creation or improvement of different products that provide value to the Cardano community and wider ecosystem.” by being a completely new product on Cardano and other blockchains and can potentially bring the financial services industry onto Cardano.
This proposal targets the traditional finance sector and aims to bring some of their operations onto the blockchain and create a Decentralized Finance alternative (DeFi)
It will increase the Total Value locked, total number and active daily users. And it will bring the largest market in the world onto a blockchain.
This product is suitable for execution right now and the Cardano ecosystem has the right technical requirements.
The Interest Rate Derivative market is the largest market in the world by a big margin, with $250+ Billion daily volume between Small Corporates, Retail and Financial institutions. The overall market that includes large corporates is even bigger at over $5 trillion of volume per day.
Bringing the settlement of these derivatives onto a blockchain has the potential to open up adoption of the large financial sector on a blockchain and, over time, drive a tide of adoption to that blockchain.
The second effect is that settling these trades on the blockchain, reduces their operational cost drastically, making it possible for financial institutions to offer these products to smaller clients they overlooked in the past. This can lead to market growth as new participants enter the market
It will increase the number of innovative products available for the Cardano community and traditional businesses. It will enrich the ecosystem with new use cases and increase the number of integrations with the traditional financial and corporate sectors.
The proposal directly addresses the challenge's success criteria of "increasing number of products and integrations that offer new solutions for people to interact with and benefit from using Cardano." This is a completely new solution that is unique to Cardano and other blockchains.
The Cardano ecosystem has the right tools to permit this type of innovation. With the advent of Midnight later in 2024, the BlockMargin app will be a natural candidate for one of the first products to migrate to Midnight and offer the financial service industry privacy-preserving smart contracts for their financial transactions.
We will consider the project to be a success if we build a platform that permits:
This will validate the use case of using blockchain for selling and managing collateral on interest rate derivatives and open up the possibility of building a DEX for trading these instruments in a decentralized manner.
We will share progress on our Twitter page and on the catalyst website through the monthly Milestone reports.
The app will have a front-end with all its functionalities open to the public. It will run on the testnet during the first 5 months, and community members will be able to connect with their Cardano web-wallets and test its functionalities.
At the end of the project, the app will be released on the Cardano mainnet for everyone to use.
Additionally, we will monitor the following KPIs and report back to the community through the monthly progress reports.
Build KPIs
User engagement KPI
Stability KPIs
The team has already delivered 2 out of their 3 previously funded catalyst projects, with the third one progressing at pace.
The project's technical details were discussed on the Cardano forum back in 2021
The key team members, Dmitry and Sergio, have decades of experience with trading and settling these types of Interest Rate derivative contracts and have worked together at a large financial institution in the Netherlands
Dmitry spent over a decade in Risk Management and Trading, managing multi-million dollar positions for the bank and the bank’s clients. Sergio is a banking professional with hands-on expertise in Regulation and bank-to-corporate interactions. They both have deep connections in the industry necessary to convince large financial institutions to do a pilot.
The team is in direct talks with 2 banks in the Netherlands and will raise the level of discussion to proposal level for the prototype if funding is approved and include 3 other banks.
We are in contact with the Marlowe team, who have been very responsive to the community and provided detailed explanations of the edge cases we need to cover in our build.
The main project goals are:
Delivering this project is a prerequisite for us to move into the next stage of building a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) for trading Interest Rate Derivatives in a decentralized manner where banks and hedge funds can provide liquidity.
Expand the solution to Privacy-preserving smart contracts when the Midnight launches in 2024 or 2025.
We will aim to use Marlowe smart contract language in our project. We will need to evaluate if it has enough flexibility to customize the financial products and payment profiles of the products traded by banks. Plutus and Aiken will be our go-to languages for the smart contracts which the team has experience developing - but a DSL language like Marlowe could be a viable alternative.
The deliverable will run over 8 months.
Milestone 1: Set up dev environment and tooling
The first month will be to set-up the Cardano infrastructure and the necessary chain indexes for the back-end and the front-end to read the state of the blockchain
Additional Web2 services will also be set-up for the back end
At the end of the month, it is expected that the team has the necessary tooling and APIs to build the rest of the deliverables.
Expected time to completion: 1 month
Milestone 2: Building blocks to trade a Synthetic Future on SOFR rate
The building blocks for settling Synthetic futures on the 3-month SOFR rates will be built. Most of this work will focus on the backend, sourcing and recording price information onto the Cardano blockchain
3-month SOFR futures contracts are traded on the CME
We will build a daemon that reads their settlement prices once a day, after the market closes, and records them onto the blockchain. A proof of concept of this has already been built and a trial ran where these prices were recorded as metadata back in 2021 using and
We will investigate the possibility of using Marlowe oracles, which already comes with a SOFR rate as explained in this article:
This will result in settlement prices on the 3-month futures contract being posted on-chain to test and run a pilot with a financial institution.
Our Regulatory Expert will investigate the need for licencing of the futures prices and the associated cost. This will be put forward for discussions with the banking partner during the pilot phase. If the cost of the futures feeds are prohibitive, then a beta of the SOFR spot price will be used as a proxy - which is published by the FED free of charge
The other deliverable is the Risk Engine and the Pricer. The risk engine will determine how much margin counterparties need to post for the transactions and revalue daily how much extra margin needs to be posted or if the counterparty can withdraw margin.
Interest Rate Derivatives are margined trades, where each counterparty needs to put up a margin at the start of the trade, which is typically just a tiny fraction of the notional amount. For example, on a 3-month Forward Rate Agreement with 10mn notional, the initial margin might be less than 5%
This margin will vary during the life of the trade, and a risk engine is needed to decide how much initial margin needs to be deposited into the smart contract by each of the counterparties and how much this margin will change over time.
The Pricer calculates the instrument's price for a given set of inputs and is a necessary component of the Risk Engine.
These will be deployed as backend services with an API
A smart contract factor will generate new smart contracts (its CBORHex and address) for each new transaction.
Smart contracts will codify the terms of Synthetic Futures. In addition, they will determine the tenor, term, notional, rate, and other elements of the term sheet.
Execution of the smart contracts is guaranteed; once a trade is registered, there is no ambiguity on the dates and margin conditions. Margin is revalued daily, and if the counterparty does not post additional margin, then the contract is resolved, and the remaining margin is returned to each counterparty.
A front-end will be developed around this functionality to show the user the value of the positions, the value of the collateral they need to post, or can withdraw depending on how the market has evolved over the last days and options to post or redeem collateral into their wallet.
Users will be able to connect to the app with their web wallets using the wallet connector developed and open-sourced by Dynamic Strategies
Expected time to completion: 2 months
Milestone 3: Execute test trades on the testnet and fix bugs
A test trade will be done on the testnet to validate functionality and identify bugs. It will be run over five days to check the initial trade and daily collateral management functionalities. At the end, the trade will be closed out and cashflows exchanged
Any bugs will be logged and addressed.
Expected time to completion: 1 month
Milestone 4: Extend the functionality to Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs)
The app functionality will be extended to allow settling in Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs). These differ from the Synthetic Futures in that they have more flexibility to define the terms of the trades and can be as short as 1 day and as long as 1-year maturity - whereas the Futures follow a more standardized 3-month maturity.
FRAs are an interbank market and the prices are established by the market rather than by a centralized exchange as in the case of Futures. Therefore, the licensing of FRA price data is less strict than for futures and there are a handful of service providers who calculate the so-called “midmarket curves” that represent the FRA rates at different maturities (examples: & ). Our regulatory expert, in consultation with the bank partner, will identify the appropriate source of prices for FRAs
The Risk Engine, Price and Smart contract factory will be adjusted to accommodate FRAs and an interpolation method will be added to the pricer to derive custom starting dates for FRAs
The user will be able to choose in the front-end to deal in Synthetic Futures, or FRAs
Expected time to completion: 1 month
Milestone 5: Release “alpha” product to Prod
An “alpha” version will be pushed to production, and a limited user base will be invited to test the product in production with small amounts.
Any identified bugs will be logged and addressed. Audit companies will be approached for quotes to audit the platform infrastructure and smart contracts.
Expected time to completion: 1 month
Milestone 6: Establish a working group with a bank and a corporate
The banks with which Dynamic Strategies maintains a dialogue and that are being kept updated on the project’s progress will be requested to start preparing for a Pilot.
A working group will be established. The team's regulatory expert will be in close contact with the regulatory liaison from the financial institution and the corporate client. If deemed necessary, the regulator will also be briefed.
The trade terms will be agreed between us, the financial institution and the corporate client - preference will be given to shorter trades and small amounts.
Expected time to completion: 1 month
Milestone 7: Execute a Pilot trade between a bank and a corporate
A FRA trade is executed between the financial institution and one of its corporate clients. The trade is settled on the Cardano blockchain. There is an exchange of initial margin at the start.
The trade will be monitored daily and additional collateral will be posted or redeemed at the end of each day. Feedback will be collected and logged for future releases.
At trade maturity, both parties will redeem the final cashflows from the smart contract.
Expected time to completion: 1 month
Milestone 1: Set up dev environment and tooling
Deliverables: A working Cardano stack and Dev environment for Haskell and Marlowe
Intended Outcomes: The team has a sever and a dev environment to build the rest of the project
Milestone 2: Building blocks to trade a Synthetic Future on SOFR rate
Deliverables: Web2 full stack and smart contract that represent 3 months SOFR Synthetic Futures.
We will trial the Marlowe smart contract language for specifying this product and if successful, will use Marlowe for the rest of the project
Smart contract code will be open-sourced
Intended Outcomes: A working prototype ready to settle test trades on the Cardano preview testnet
Milestone 3: Execute test trades on the testnet and fix bugs
Deliverables: Execute a trade on the testnet and run the following tasks
Outputs: A successfully completed transaction and lessons learned
Intended Outcomes: The transaction is initiated and completed correctly
Milestone 4: Extend the functionality to Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs)
Deliverables: Extend the smart contract to FRAs
Smart contract code will be open-sourced.
Intended Outcomes: Initiate a trade, manage collateral and close a trade on a FRA on a testnet
Milestone 5: Release “alpha” product to Prod
Deliverables: Release product to Prod, execute alpha trades and fix any bugs
Outputs: Smart contracta and web2 stack running on the mainnet
Intended Outcomes: The same trades that were tested on the testnet can be run on the mainnet
Milestone 6: Establish a working group with a bank and a corporate
Deliverables: Establish a working group with a bank and a corporate
Intended Outcomes: The terms of the trade are agreed and receive a favourable legal opinion to do the trade.
Milestone 7: Execute a Pilot trade between a bank and a corporate
Deliverables: Execute a Pilot trade between a bank and a corporate
Intended Outcomes: The trade is executed, is monitored and the exchange of collateral takes place daily, the trade is closed at the end and a summary report is written
The budget is estimated based on 40 hours per week and 4 weeks per month.
Milestone 1: Set up dev environment and tooling
Total $8,000
Milestone 2: Building blocks to trade a Synthetic Future on SOFR rate
Total $28,800
Milestone 3: Execute test trades on the testnet and fix bugs
Total $14,400
Milestone 4: Extend the functionality to Forward Rate Agreements (FRAs)
Total $14,400
Milestone 5: Release “alpha” product to Prod
Total $14,400
Milestone 6: Establish a working group with a bank and a corporate
Total $14,400
Milestone 7: Execute a Pilot trade between a bank and a corporate
Total $14,400
Server costs @ $18/month for 9 months = $162
The total budget is 108,962 USD
At a price of 0.3 ADA per USD
Total in ADA: 363,206
The project will onboard financial institutions, new businesses and new users into Cardano.
Every new user will receive a Cardano wallet that they can use with other Cardano apps and therefore have a positive spillover effect by driving business to other apps in the ecosystem as new users experiment with other platforms in the ecosystem.
Trading in Interest Rate Derivatives is currently a very lucrative business for the banks because the volumes are very large (It is the biggest market in the world in terms of daily volume) and the banks can command relatively wide margins.
Moving this market on-chain will bring a lot of trading volume to Cardano in terms of the number of trades and also in terms of TVL
High-value transactions will justify higher fees on the Cardano tiered fee market when implemented. This will result in higher staking rewards to ADA holders and potentially higher ADA price as it grows in demand to pay for fees.
Discussion on the tiered fee market:
Additionally, Financial institutions and corporates will be inclined to move their trading of interest rate derivatives on-chain due to the cost advantages that this presents.
Based on our market estimates, banks currently add a markup of between 0.5% and 1.5% on top of the interest rate they charge to clients to cover their operational costs. We think that can be reduced to between 0.01% and 0.05%, which would represent a 20x to 100x cost saving.
We will trial the newly released Marlowe smart contract language for financial contracts and become one of the first candidate projects for the privacy-oriented Midnight side chain.
Project lead
Dmitry Shibaev is leading the project. Linked in profile:
5 years of experience in big tech delivering large-scale projects on the SAP system at energy companies in the south of Europe
15 years of experience in financial markets at an investment bank in London, Singapore, and Amsterdam. Built and delivered tools to manage the bank’s capital, balance sheet, and trading positions and led large investment projects.
He was part of the core team that opened a new bank in the Netherlands which was a subsidiary of a large British bank in 2016 and oversaw client transfers and the day-to-day management of the bank.
Built the full stack behind Dynamic Strategies and Cardano Beam
Dmitry was part of the first cohort of Plutus Pioneers. NFT celebrating course completion:
Dmitry has a track record of building community tools:
A wallet connector between DApps and Wallets gives the boilerplate code for new app developers. This is how the Cardano Beam Web App interacts with Cardano web-wallets, and has been open-sourced. The github repo has 100+ stars and close to 100 forks. The repo has been forked by IOG
App demo1:
App demo2:
Dmitry is a Contributor to the Cardano Developer Portal with a quick start guide on how to connect the Web Apps to different Cardano web-wallets
A Public GraphQL endpoint with a web client letting anyone query the Cardano blockchain from their browser or API.
Staking Reward Calculator synced to the blockchain that shows how much payout can be expected from different pools and analytics around it
Cardano Wallet Functions that can be used in React Native apps to communicate with the cardano-wallet backend service
Received recognition for building community tools at Adafolio:
Stake Pool Operator on Cardano:
Ticker DSIO registered in 2020 and previously received a delegation from Cardano Foundation on three occasions which are usually given for outstanding contributions to the community. Link with pool details:
Active on Cardano forum and Cardano Stack Exchange:
Received 5/5 marks and outstanding feedback from the community in our funded Fund 8 proposal. Fund 8 voting results and community comments are by the link below
The team has already delivered 2 out of their 3 previously funded catalyst projects, with the third one progressing at pace.
Regulations Lead and Banks Leason
Sergio Rodrigues
Sergio has 20 years of experience in systems implementation in Large International Banks. He is also a Banking Regulatory Expert with experience dealing with financial regulators across Europe
Quant Modeler
Vlad Mikirtumov
Aerospace Engineer by education. Experience project manager and test engineer at ASML microchips and HODL funds