Last updated a year ago
Africa is the world's youngest continent with 60% of the population below 25 years old. A Stakepool Alliance supporting single SPOs in Africa to promote decentralization of the network is lacking.
Develop the Africa Stakepool Alliance, open access database and framework for knowledge exchange, facilitating + increasing impact of mission driven SPOs operating in Africa and the diaspora.
This is the total amount allocated to Africa Stakepool Alliance.
Razali Samsudin
Cole Bartlett
Affendi Samsudin
A Samsudin Brothers Projek
Sustainable ADA
Impact Web3
Josh F - wada
wada team and hubs
Goma Stakepool Team
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
SDG goals:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
SDG subgoals:
4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
8.6 By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training
9.c Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020
11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage
Our Solution:
Formalizing and developing a framework for an Africa Stakepool Alliance.
Bridging the gap between the Cardano ecosystem of single pool operators, the impact investing world, and would be delegators.
Accelerating progress to an equitable and sustainable world supported by an impactful Africa Stakepool Alliance.
An Alliance collaborating, combining and sharing resources in order to provide a clear, coherent and understandable offering to diverse stakeholders.
An Alliance that will effectively communicate and demonstrate the opportunities for investors/delegators to not only make a return on their investment, but to also have a positive social and environmental impact via supporting mission driven, single pool operators, the change makers on the ground in Africa.
In order to drive change where it is most needed, and to ensure finances are optimally used for maximum positive impact, accurate and trustworthy data is necessary to make informed decisions.
Having said that, “statistics alone do not feed the hungry, create jobs or provide social services but they are critical in helping us to better understand the challenges, and to design more effective policies for inclusive, sustainable and resilient development.” - UNESCAP, 2017
What is Impact Investing?“Impact investing is not an asset class. It is an investment approach, across all asset classes, themes and geographies, and has a full range of risks and returns.”
Why Africa?
Africa is the 2nd most populated continent in the world, and the youngest continent in the world with 60% of its population under the age of 25 in 2019 (Statista, 2021).
With blockchain being the number 1 in demand hard skill of 2020, our proposal seeks to catalyze, cultivate and encourage the burgeoning interest amongst the architects and entrepreneurs of the future in blockchain and related technologies in the digital economy.
Business schools switch focus to people, purpose and planet l FT
“We face an analogous situation in impact investing. Business schools can help to fill the gap. Graduates who are not trained to understand the social impact of the great breakthroughs happening in technology, biology, physics and other essential areas are less likely to understand the risks and rewards of investing in these innovations to overcome poverty and climate change… If business schools can capture this essential interplay between profit and purpose, they will go a long way to teaching their students that impact and a strong focus on environmental, social and governance factors are not just nice things to have, but bedrocks of sound financial investments.”
Cardano and its stake pool operators operating out of Africa and Asia, the two most populated continents globally, are perfectly situated to drive Cardano towards impact purposes, and provide many services across multiple fronts such as education, financing positive social and environmental initiatives and helping to uplift communities from poverty to prosperity through economic security and financial and digital literacy and upskilling. Such mission driven SPOs should be on the radar of the impact investors coming out of business schools across the world.
“In order to effectively and efficiently ensure that impactful changes are made, it is essential that interventions are based on evidence rather than assumptions. Blockchain technologies can play a crucial part in establishing the required chain of evidence for environmental compliance: validating sources of emissions data, informing policy decisions, providing evidence of compliance, and monitoring impacts in a transparent and incontrovertible way.” -
Single SPO’s play an essential and integral role in ensuring Cardano remains a secure and decentralized network. Mission driven pools are also at the frontier of a paradigm shift in disrupting legacy systems and methods of directing finance to solve local and global problems.
Having said that, single SPOs everywhere have been struggling. A common theme pops up all around the community, the challenge of marketing a SPO and its benefits.
Simply put, they are failing to attract more delegators to their pool. This makes operating one economically challenging and unviable for many.
In the developing world, most people are unfamiliar with web 3.0, blockchain and Cardano. Many are oblivious to the potential benefits of blockchain, staking and what even is a SPO.
In the spirit of collaboration and collective intelligence sharing, cultural and knowledge exchange, we propose that a structured and organized Africa Stakepool Alliance can bring about many benefits to the Cardano community at large, the Alliance members, and provide a coherent and understandable message to would-be delegators, and potential impact investors.
Stakeholders from ecosystems currently external to Cardano, but who are open to innovative ways to support mission driven causes and actors, whilst making a return on their investment via Cardano’s innovative Proof of Stake model, will be targeted for onboarding into the Cardano ecosystem.
The Africa Stakepool Alliance can prove to be an inspiration for others globally, with others inspired to follow a path that may have previously been deemed inaccessible.
Alliances currently exist in the Cardano community and we seek to add value to this growing constellation of impact actors in the increasingly decentralized network, by providing a framework for geographically situated mission driven, single pool operators to receive support in finding their feet.
The alliance made up of single pool operators can also collectively explore the research published by IOHK that proposes the idea of Conclave, “... stake pools tend to increase centralization, since they are typically managed by a single party that acts on behalf of the pool’s members. In this work we propose Conclave, a formal design of a Collective Stake Pool, i.e., a decentralized pool with no single point of authority.” -
“One day I’d love to see Enterprise employees and shareholders voting on Cardano which MDPs to delegate ESG/CSR funds to for 12mth at a time.
Scores of SDG targets would be knocked down and many missions would be funded ad infinitum
#Cardano #Blockchain #Crypto #CardanoCommunity”
- David Taylor, Global Marketing Director, Cardano Foundation
With the Africa Stakepool Alliance, in tandem with other Mission Driven Pools/Alliances, with the support of this proposal the Africa Stakepool Alliance can cover the costs, time commitment and resources needed to produce:
These efforts can support Alliance members in being seen and potentially receiving delegations from:
Armed with the awareness and knowledge of the happenings in the Cardano impact ecosystem, external stakeholders as listed above, and those such as individuals who are either deploying or intend to deploy capital with an impact investing lens can arrive at an array of options offered by the Africa Stakepool Alliance.
Evidence that there is indeed a desire out there for such a service and information is demonstrated with news announced at the Cardano Summit 2021. UBX, the fintech venture studio and fund spun out of UnionBank of the Philippines, opened their own public stake pool. UBX became the first in the world to run a public stake pool as a regulated institution. UBX Staking provides Filipinos a reputable and trustworthy source to earn rewards on their ADA for helping to secure and operate the Cardano blockchain. -
More info on the UBX stakepool:
The Africa Stakepool Alliance will aim to include single pool operators as members from across Africa, representing Africa inclusively and reflecting its richness of cultural diversity.
Collectively the Alliance will work to improve the digital and financial literacy among its members and population, its delegators, and all those who stand to benefit from being part of this revolutionary Web3.0 digital movement, bringing power, ownership and value to all that wish to participate.
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
According to UN forecasts, Africa is expected to double its population by 2050, from 1 billion to nearly 2.4 billion inhabitants. Half of that population will be less than 25 years old.
World Bank figures show that young people represent 60% of the unemployed population in Africa. Among those who do have a job, the majority work in the informal economy. A report published in 2018, by the International Labour Organization (ILO) on the topic, indicated that 94.9% of people between the ages of 15 and 24 in Africa work in the informal economy. In West Africa this figure is as high as 97.9%.
DRC has the 7th youngest country in the world according to the UN. This presents a unique mix of challenges and opportunities.
The success of the GOMA stakepool in DRC as led by Genty and his team, is testament to the strength of the Cardano community with the support of the funded proposal :
GOMA pool, and others that will join the Africa Stakepool Alliance can and will prove inspirational to others as to what is possible.
As they say, where there’s a will there’s a way!
Why is it necessary?
Impact investing is at its nascent stage in Africa. Although it is now getting an increasing level of attention from various actors in the social investment ecosystem, there are only a handful of impact funds and foundations that are actually practicing impact investing.
The obstacles that are hindering impact investing from gaining traction in Africa amongst wealth holders, asset managers and their advisors include the perception that it will necessitate a trade-off on financial returns, a lack of an investment-ready pipeline, inexperience in managing a portfolio, and the complexities in defining and evaluating impact measurement. -
With the support of this Catalyst proposal and the Cardano community, developing the Africa Stake Pool Alliance, will enable, equip and empower populations across the world’s youngest and 2nd most populated continent.
The creation and formalization of this framework and Alliance will open up new pathways for stakeholders and impact investors from the world’s largest markets.
As a coherently organized Alliance, with professional, high quality materials and resources, the Alliance can approach and be approached by stakeholders from impact investing fellowships and networks and beyond.
An Africa Stakepool Alliance can capture external stakeholder’s attention and bring attention and real financial flow where it is needed, to who needs it, by providing capital and resources to those who are best placed to understand the problems and how to solve them, those on the ground. This in turn can catalyze a positive multiplier effect with new inflows of capital unlocking the potential of grassroots change makers and organizations, helping to accelerate their progress and giving them the means to scalably have the most impact on the ground.
This proposal will work to bring all interested members/SPOs in the ecosystem, to be part of the group of ‘founding members’, to lay the groundwork and continue building towards a common vision and mission of a better world for not just those in Africa, but the whole world!$1 Billion Impact Investor Explains How She Makes Money While Making The World A Better Place
Our proposed solution develops a framework for an Africa Stakepool Alliance, which aims to bridge the gap between the Cardano ecosystem of single pool operators, the impact investing world, and potential delegators.
This initiative will bring several further benefits to the Cardano ecosystem:
Accelerating Progress Towards an Equitable and Sustainable World: The Africa Stakepool Alliance will actively collaborate, combine resources, and provide a clear offering to diverse stakeholders. By supporting mission-driven, single pool operators in Africa, the Alliance will effectively communicate and demonstrate opportunities for investors and delegators to make a positive social and environmental impact while earning returns on their investments.
Fostering Impact Investing and Blockchain Education: With Africa being the second most populated and youngest continent, our proposal seeks to catalyze interest in blockchain technology and related fields among future architects and entrepreneurs in the digital economy. By showcasing the potential benefits of blockchain, staking, and single pool operator participation, we can attract impact investors and individuals interested in deploying capital with an impact investing lens.
Empowering Mission-Driven Stake Pool Operators: Single stake pool operators play a crucial role in maintaining Cardano's security and decentralization. However, many struggle to market their pools effectively and attract delegators. Through the Africa Stakepool Alliance, mission-driven pools will receive support and resources to enhance their visibility and attract delegations from financial institutions, corporates, philanthropists, venture capital funds, and other impact-focused entities.
Establishing Trustworthy Impact Investment Opportunities: The Alliance will develop an online presence, including a dedicated website and social media channels, along with external communication materials such as an Impact Investor Pack. These efforts will enable Alliance members to present themselves as reputable and trustworthy options for impact investors. Stakeholders from around the world will have access to information about the Cardano impact ecosystem and be able to explore investment opportunities offered by the Alliance.
Demonstrating the Potential of Cardano Impact Ecosystem: The Africa Stakepool Alliance can serve as an inspiration to other regions globally, encouraging the formation of similar mission-driven pools/alliances. By showcasing successful initiatives like GOMA stakepool in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Alliance will demonstrate what is possible and motivate others to follow a similar path.
Catalyzing Positive Change: Impact investing is at an early stage in Africa, and there is a lack of investment-ready pipelines and experience in managing impact portfolios.
The Africa Stakepool Alliance, supported by this Catalyst proposal, will equip and empower the continent's population, particularly the youth, by providing pathways to participate in the Web3.0 digital movement.
With professional resources and high-quality materials, the Alliance can attract attention and real financial flows to grassroots change makers and organizations, accelerating their progress and unlocking their potential.
By developing the Africa Stakepool Alliance and formalizing its operations, we will not only bring benefits to the Cardano ecosystem but also foster impact investing, economic development, and social and environmental progress in Africa and beyond.
The deliverable/s and KPIs will be:
The development and outcome of the project will be regularly published on our social media accounts and websites that will be created (we will explore creating a website on web 3.0 infrastructure using unstoppable domains that are yoroi wallet compatible and also a webpage and payment address all in one that bridges to other blockchain ecosystems).
We will also share and host AMAs in public town halls, such as the Africa Town Hall, and twitterspaces.
More about Capability & Feasibility
Our accountability and dedication to the Cardano community can be seen with all the efforts our small team has done in the past and is still continuing to build and support the ecosystem.
We have had a lot of success while growing Sustainable ADA over the last few years. We have been closely connected to the Cardano community through our Project Catalyst proposing experience.
Learn more about all of our past funded projects here:
Sustainable ADA has created: 48 individual stories on projects building in the Cardano community and making the world a better place.
More info here:
Sustainable ADA also created the Cardano Impact Report where they highlighted over 65+ Impact Project buildings on Cardano to make the world more sustainable and equitable for all.
Free Version can be found here:
More work we have taken part in:
Impact Measurement research:
Positive Blockchain Cardano Integration and Project Catalyst Support:
Partners, advisors and supporters:
Dr Mihaela Ulieru - Chief AI Alchemist SingularityNET | Former Head of Strategic Impact at IOG
Alex Ross - Talk to Loop Lead | Former International Director of Programs and Partnerships at British Red Cross
Sunny Basra - CEO of SoundRig
Affendi Samsudin - Co-Founder at Streets of ADA - A Samsudin Brothers Projek team
Alain "Fusion" Clapham - FRSA | Curator | Educator | Public Speaker | Facilitator
The self-professed ‘Transformative Storyteller’ has presented shows for MTV and Sky, hosted events at Wembley Arena, interviewed the likes of Beyoncé, Dr Dre and Marvel-mastermind Stan Lee, and shared his story on the TED stage.
An experienced public speaker, educator and creative producer, he is now a lead facilitator for YouTube, empowering thousands of young people to become better Internet Citizens, and helps award-winning CEOs discover their own stories of transformation.
The driving force behind creative currency initiative #IITSPIRATION and founder of BMT and BWT – an immersive live experience celebrating the ‘awesome everyday’ stories of black men and women - Alain takes on all challenges with irrepressible energy, curiosity and a desire to get to the heart of the matter.
Sarah Margono-Samsudin | International Development Practitioner - Education for Sustainable Development Section@UNESCO and Secretariat Member of Mission 4.7 Organisation -
Fabrizio Shao - Adaptive Athlete | Disability Advocate | Web3 Brand Ambassador - Cardano Summit 2021 Keynote Speaker
Participatory monitoring and evaluation from beginning to the end of the pilot project.
We will measure and have sign ups using google forms/sheets and have publicly accessible information that we will share via the website (soon to be made) and on the open access publicly viewable sheet
Number of sign ups that meet our criteria for the African SPO Alliance, to become listed in our open access database (google sheet)
3 month roadmap:
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
3 months: SPOs all completed their reporting and contributed significantly to the documentation, which is well received by the community.
Longer term vision:
6 months: Feedback gathered on both the program and the current state of SPOs in Asia, what their risk profiles are and how to address their main challenges.
12 months: Second iteration of project launched, with a focus on software tools, dashboards and data management to support a larger number of SPOs.
Project Management = 12 months x $1000 = $12000
Website 12 months + Maintenance = $2660
Marketing Campaign (to SPOs and projects) = $40/hr * 10 hrs = $400
Community Management = $50/hr * 40 hrs = $2000
SPO security review process = $50/hr * 40 hrs = $2000
Pool Network Coordination = $50/hr * 20 hrs = $1000
Communication Hub Management (Discord, Telegram) = $25/hr * 10 hrs = $250
Technology and infrastructure = $500
Resources: $6000
SPO incentives $10000
Total = 116,000 ADA or $36910 (ADA/USD = 1/0.32 - 17.7.23)
The cost of the project represents value for money as it enables the creation of the Operations for the Africa Stake Pool Alliance. By investing in this project you can unlock new possibilities for the Cardano community. Including a new way to onboard new people and projects to Cardano. The community will gain access to valuable insights, collaboration opportunities, and inspiration to drive positive change.
With the support of Catalyst funding and the Cardano community, this proposal would have enabled our team to have the resources and capacity to direct focused efforts that facilitate a significant inflow and redirection of ADA, and capital from stakeholders that were external to the Cardano ecosystem before the proposition of the Africa Stakepool Alliance.
ADA is now flowing towards and being staked with single pool operators in Africa and parts of the world that were originally marketed as the key beneficiaries of Cardano’s ambitious, innovative and disruptive solutions, including to bank the unbanked and underbanked.
The grand vision of Charles Hoskinson is a daily reality for millions more people across Asia and the diaspora.
Change makers are able to drive positive action with the support of a decentralized network of impact oriented actors and SPOs, all aligned by common values and connected by their passion and drive to build a better, equitable and sustainable world for all.
Team Info:
Boaz: A graduate in environment and sustainable development, this person assumes the role of team leader at the Goma Wada Hub and serves as a stake pool manager. His deep fascination with blockchain technology motivates his enthusiasm to actively participate in the captivating journey of Cardano. Additionally, he contributed as a co-proposer in F8 and F9, fulfilling the role of a NFT project coordinator in F9, and serving as a challenge team member in F10. And he is onboarding youth from Goma City in DR Congo on blockchain in general and Cardano in particular translating content in French. From March 2023 he is working on an analysis document for African stake pools.
Discord: Bboaz#5475
Impact Web3 & Sustainable ADA
Cole Bartlett and Razali Samsudin Co-founded Sustainable ADA and Impact Web 3, and have been shaping it into what it is today.
It all started with the initial idea for Sustainable ADA back on April 20th of 2021 (Sustainable ADA 2021). Together, we co-founded it in June of 2021. We have backgrounds, professional experiences, and knowledge in education, economics, sustainability, and how blockchain technologies can be harnessed for good.
Cole Bartlett:
Bachelors in Economics and Sustainability | Blockchain/Sustainability Researcher | Social Entrepreneur | Co-Founder of Impact Web 3 & Sustainable ADA | Positive Blockchain Contributor | Impact Measurement Expertise | Donation Officer for Yagazie Foundation | Blockchain Learning Center Core Member | Co-Founder of Vermont Fishing | Decentralized Lead Generation | UNITE 2030 Youth Delegate
Razali Samsudin: Co-author of Recalibrating Value, Identity and Impact Through the Blockchain Cardano Impact Report
15 years of experience as an interdisciplinary Educator from early years settings to postgraduate level, with a background in social sciences, humanities, and sustainability. Author, Writer, Editor, Digital Economy, Blockchain, Sustainability and Impact Measurements, Researcher (Research Lead Connecting SDGs to Project Catalyst and lead on the SDG Proposer Tool and SDG Search Tool with Cardano AIM #Blockchain4Good, #Cardano4Good, #NFT4Good). Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor.
Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA, Streets of ADA - A Samsudin Brothers Projek, Wada UN SDG and Education Coordinator, Contributor at Cardano AIM, PositiveBlockchain, Cardano4Climate, Catalyst School, Adafilms.
Catalyst Journey:
We joined Project Catalyst, Cardano’s decentralized innovation fund, during fund 4. After applying and learning from both funds 4 and 5 along with lots of support from Cardano community members and teams, we were able to construct a strong proposal together that focused on our goals and ambitions for Sustainable ADA, and the Cardano community’s goals. We submitted a proposal focused on helping Grow Cardano, and Grow Africa.
With this funding, we had more capacity to focus on researching and sharing stories from change-makers in Africa and the diaspora, who are engaging with Cardano, creating a better tomorrow, today.
Thanks to the Cardano community and the use of their voting power from holding and staking ADA, we successfully secured the funding we were seeking. This helped us to take significant steps towards fulfilling our vision and mission having secured these crucial and helpful funds.
Through our time in the Project Catalyst ecosystem, we have been able to create a lot of strong and exciting partnerships with projects and businesses all across the world. This has led us to develop new ambitions for the work we do and to expand beyond education.
More about the projects we have been involved in:
Experience and Expertise
The Sustainable ADA team has experience working with Figma, Canva, Wix, Final Cut Pro, Da Vinci Resolve 17, Adobe CC, Microsoft Products (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc).
Sustainable ADA has experience and backgrounds in Sustainability, Economics, Humanities, Social Sciences. Along with work with NGOs, Social Enterprises, Freelance journalism, and blogging.
The team has been a part of the Cardano ecosystem since 2020 and is very dedicated to the Cardano ecosystem. We created Recalibrating Value, Identity & Impact Through the Blockchain: Cardano Impact Report 2023”.
The team also has undertaken the first of its kind Cardano Impact Report.
The Cardano Impact Report is a comprehensive publication that aims to capture and showcase the positive impact generated by the Cardano community. It is designed as a book NFT (Non-Fungible Token) to leverage the unique features of blockchain technology, ensuring authenticity, transparency, and immutability of the content.
Sustainable ADAs community partners:
At A Samsudin Brothers Projek team, we have already developed an international network of partners, advisors and supporters from within the Cardano community and beyond, who believe in our vision and are down for the mission:
Affendi Samsudin: Co-Founder at Streets of ADA - A Samsudin Brothers Projek team and Lead Artist
Josh F - Wada Global Lead
WADA Stakepool
Up-To-Date Developers (DRC)
and wada team - Africa Stakepool Alliance Telegram chat