Last updated a year ago
Cardano Community lacks a permanent physical location for community engagement in São Paulo, the largest and wealthiest city in South America.
Establish a co-working style physical location in São Paulo for the Cardano community, addressing the problem of lacking a consistent engagement space, fostering collaboration and networking.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Lounge by BrazilPool – A Cardano Dedicated Coworking and Events Venue in São Paulo.
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
SDG Goals
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG Subgoals
8.2 - Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
8.2.1 - Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
By establishing a dedicated co-working-style location, we aim to provide a central hub for collaboration, networking, and knowledge sharing.
This unique solution will benefit the Cardano community members in São Paulo, fostering connections, facilitating idea exchange, and promoting Cardano-related projects.
Creating a physical presence for the Cardano community in São Paulo is essential for strengthening the local ecosystem, attracting more individuals and businesses, and contributing to Cardano's success and adoption in South America's most populous and economically significant cities.
Why São Paulo?
Entrepreneurial City Index
São Paulo leads the overall ranking of the best cities to undertake in Brazil. The capital is the largest financial center in the country, and stands out in the infrastructure indices - especially in the areas of interurban transport and urban conditions that are more appropriate and favourable to business development - and Access to Capital, being the champion in terms of venture capital received relative to GDP. In 2022, the average time to open a business in São Paulo was 1 day and 5 hours, with an average of approximately 9,865 calls per month for opening a business.
Startup ecosystems
São Paulo advanced 3 positions in the global ranking of startup ecosystems between 2021 and 2022, now occupying the 28th position. It is the only city in Latin America in the Top 30. SP has been standing out in technological entrepreneurship, mainly with Fintechs and Proptechs. It houses 12 of the 22 Brazilian unicorns. It concentrates a total of US$ 13 billion in venture capital funds, almost triple the global average. Access to public policies to support startups and funding programs are factors that encourage location in the city.
University institutions
São Paulo is the city with the most higher education institutions in Brazil, having 166 institutions, an amount higher than that presented in 24 of the Brazilian states. In 2021, the city's institutions served more than 893,000 students, with 34,331 teachers in practice. Approximately 28% of higher education institutions in São Paulo have a grade equal to or greater than 4 in the Preliminary Course Concept (CPC).
Graduates in higher education
More than 142 thousand higher education students enter the job market each year in São Paulo. The field of “Business, Administration and Law” is the one with the highest number of new graduates. In 2021, there were 52 thousand graduates, 37% of the total. “Health and well-being” and “Education” are also quite representative.
Creative economy hub
The creative economy plays a growing role in generating value and jobs. The city of São Paulo has great relevance on the national scene, concentrating 15.7% of the formal jobs in the sector in Brazil. The average salary is also a differentiator in the city, 73% higher than the national one.
Industrial hub
São Paulo is an economic space that houses practically all divisions of activities listed in the National Classification of Economic Activity (CNAE), from clothing manufacturing to administrative support services, from retail to legal and accounting activities, from pharmaceutical products to information technology services. Still with a strong presence of industries in its territory, São Paulo remains a hub for complex sectors of the industry, such as chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
Source: Negócios SP (
This proposal will address the following Challenge:
The events held in the Cardano Lounge aims to bring Cardano community together, foster collaboration and networking.
Once Cardano Lounge is operational, community itself will bring value to Cardano by using this proposal infrastructure to collaborate and output great projects, forming a strong and engaging community.
To mesure the success of this proposal we will keep track of
Outputs will be made available in BrazilPool's channels:
Project Manager:
Caue hosting "introduction to Project Catalyst" workshop in CardanoRio - 2022.
Caue Chianca: Ideascale, DeWork Github and LinkedIn]
Project Manager is a well known community member, contributing in several projects, such as: Catalyst Swarm, Swarm ATH, Swarm-Press, CatalystBrasil, and single Stakepool Operator at BrazilPool.
We have all capabilities and community support to deliver this proposal and, most important, provide physical infrastructure and in-person networking.
The main goal for this proposal is to establish a permanent physical location for Cardano Community to engage, collaborate and network providing a safe space with infrastructure in a coworking style.
This proposal will be validated by tracking the use, numbers of visitors and events held in the space.
Milestone 1 (month 1 - 3)
Timeline: 3 months
Milestone 2 (months 4 - 7)
Timeline: 4 months
Milestone 3 (month 8)
Timeline: 1 month
Total events: 35
total estimated working hours provided to community: 10.000
Milestone 1 (month 1 - 3)
Milestone 2 (months 4 - 7)
Milestone 3 (month 8)
Timeline: 1 month
Milestone 1 (month 1 - 3) - 131,395.00
Timeline: 3 months
Lounge (recurring): 13,875.00
Operations (full time team - recurring): 36,450.00
Basic Lounge Infrastructure (one time): 81,070.00
Milestone 2 (months 4 - 7) - 82,100.00
Timeline: 4 months
Lounge (recurring): 18,500.00
Operations (full time team - recurring): 48,600.00
Events (each event is associated with a marginal cost (food and beverage, cleaning, visitors' registration, access card issue, etc): 15,000.00
Milestone 3 (month 8): 19.275,00
Timeline: 1 month
Lounge (recurring): 4625
Operations (full time team - recurring): 12150
Events (each event is associated with a marginal cost (food and beverage, cleaning, visitors' registration, access card issue, etc): 2,500.00
The cost of establishing a dedicated physical space for the Cardano community in São Paulo represents excellent value for money as it provides a hub for collaboration and innovation.
By fostering stronger connections and enabling face-to-face collaboration, the project brings immense value to the Cardano ecosystem. The costs are justified by the long-term benefits, including increased community engagement and a stronger community that drives the growth and development of Cardano.
If funded, this project will not only establish a dedicated physical space for the Cardano community in São Paulo but also work towards becoming self-sustainable.
Project Manager
This is an operation in the legacy world, therefore it will require some mesure as: compliance to local legislation (labor, civil, tax, etc...). In order to have a smooth operation we will form a team of these professionals: