Last updated 8 months ago
How fair is Cardano blockchain? Are there attacks like front running, censorship happening? The answer lies on the mempool analytics which is neither transparent nor accessible to normal people.
Mempool explorer is a visual explorer designed specifically for mempool analytics. Mempool analytics uncovers the evidence on fairness, censorship and other attacks happening on Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Mempool Explorer.
Operational setup and Data collection
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Nov 2023
Design and Development
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Dec 2023
Alpha/Beta release
Cost: ₳ 25,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Jan 2024
Project closing milestone
Cost: ₳ 15,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Feb 2024
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
Mempool explorer is a visual explorer like but specifically for mempool transactions. The explorers helps to uncover the questions like:
I believe it is important to let the community know what is the state of fairness on Cardano and what is happening on the mempool before the transactions are mined. A lot of people are unaware that certain attacks are possible and people of knowledge and access have higher advantage than others.
This proposal brings attention to this issue and hopefully if funded we'll provide the answers to the questions.
Besides the technical execution which we are confident on delivering, the success of the project largely depends on the cooperation of SPOs. To discover the overall state of the Cardano mempool, it is necessary to be connected to as many pools as possible which cannot be done without cooperation from our fair and honest SPOs.
Therefore, the most important metric for the measurement of the success is number of SPOs participating in the project.
The output is an open source mempool explorer which anybody can host and run analytics on. We'll also host a version of it so that community can find out the answers to the important questions mentions earlier in the proposal.
We're the team behind KuberIDE which is an online web IDE for complete Plutus smart contract development. During the development , we have extensively worked with Cardano node and networking. So, we are familiar with the node operation and how to extract mempool out it.
Furthermore, we have already done a PoC with two pools and prepared the basic code and scripts to extract memory pool information needed for an explorer. The funding on this proposal is to be able to build an explorer by turning those code and scripts into production and building a user-friendly UI on top of it. We believe we're one of the qualified teams to contribute such a solution to the community.
The main goals of the project are to answer the following questions visually on an explorer:
The approach is feasible because we have already done a PoC with two pools and obtained the mempool transactions from them. That out of way, the rest is normal software engineering and analytics which we can certainly do.
Milestone 1: Operational setup and Data collection
Key tasks:
Timeline: 1 month
Milestone 2: Design and Development
Key tasks:
Timeline: 1 month
Milestone 3: Alpha/Beta release
Key tasks:
Timeline: 1 month
Milestone 1: Operational setup and Data collection
Intended outcome:
Milestone 2: Design and Development
Intended outcome:
Milestone 3: Alpha/Beta release
Intended outcome:
Milestone 1: Operational setup and Data collection
Resources: DevOps, Backend developer
Timeline: 1 month
Budget: 30,000 Ada
Milestone 2: Design and Development
Resources: Frontend and Backend developer
Timeline: 1 month
Budget: 30,000 Ada
Milestone 3: Alpha/Beta release
Resources: Frontend and Backend developer
Timeline: 1 month
Budget: 30,000 Ada
Project Management (1)
Timeline: 3 months
Budget: 10,000 Ada
The project answer a few important questions regarding the fairness of Cardano blockchain which we believe is important for the community to be aware of and know about. While several studies and research are conducted on other blockchains like Ethereum, there is not much known on Cardano. Therefore, we believe this project brings value to the Cardano ecosystem by highlighting the overall state of the mempool and uncovering issues and attacks happening on the chains so that those can be addressed by Cardano core team or the community.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Sandip Pandey, Project Manager
Sudip Bhattarai, Lead System designer/DevOps
Rupan Chaulagain, Frontend developer
Nabin Kawan, Fullstack developer
The team consists of the members of the KuberIDE team with varying experience.