[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
[GENERAL] Email address of main applicant
Additional applicants
Dung Ho
Do Nguyen
Adela Mai
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language.
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.” .
No dependencies
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] If NO, please describe which outputs are not going to be open source. If YES, please write “Project will be fully open source.”
Project will not be open source.
The source code of mobile application will not be open source. We will provide links to the landing page, publish app into Applestore & CHplay, and links to social channels to check.
[METADATA] Category of proposal
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
You are an entrepreneur with many businesses and tired of using many paper business cards which are wasteful and unable to change or add more information.
You are a fan of Cardano and want to get news and updates about Cardano Ecosystem everyday.
--> CARDANO XCARD is definitely made for you.
Cardano Xcard is a digital business card with NFC technology to help you share your information anytime, anywhere in a Cardano-ish way. Both the NFC Card and Mobile App will be designed in Cardano theme and a "NEWS" Tab in the Mobile App will give you news and updates about Cardano Ecosystem everyday.
By completing social quest campaign, we will choose 3000 eligible questers to give away a total number of 3000 free Cardano Xcards. The eligible questers who provides Cardano wallet addresses will be given priority.
We will design the campaign using Gleam (https://gleam.io/). The social task template that participants need to complete is expecting as follows:
- Visit official website of Cardano: https://cardanofoundation.org/
- Follow Cardano on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cardano
- Join Cardano Telegram: https://t.me/CardanoAnnouncements
- Join Cardano Xcard Telegram
- Sign up in Cardano Forum Vietnam: https://forum.cardano.org/c/ti-ng-vi-t/191
- Suscribe to Cardano Foundation on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CardanoFoundation
- Join Cardano Community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CardanoCommunity
- Follow Tiktok Channel to see more videos about Cardano Xcard: https://www.tiktok.com/@xcard.network
- Share about Cardano Xcard on your Facebook
- Fill in your Cardano wallet (optional)
- Fill in your information for shipping Cardano Xcard (including name, phone number, address).
Facebook, YouTube and especially TikTok are the social media with the most web2 users. We are going to build
Due to the practical and daily uses of Cardano Xcard, more any more web2 people will have the chance to know about Cardano Ecosystem. The campaign will satisfy the community and definitely brings a long and lasting impression of Cardano to all Cardano Xcard's owners.
[IMPACT] How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?
Cardano Xcard is a proposal for the challenge of community projects and definitely will bring following benefits to the Cardano Ecosystem:
- Deep and lasting impression on Cardano Blockchain: There are many crypto communties in Vietnam but none of them has an physical cards which can be used daily as Cardano Xcard. Cardano Xcard not only simplifies exchange information method, but also popularizes Cardano ecosystem.
- Onboard and educate more web2 users about Cardano: At least 3000 fans will have physical Cardano Xcard and mobile app version with continuous news and updates about Cardano Ecosystem. The more people use XCard Cardano to share personal information in daily life, the more potential web2 users approach to Cardano. Moreover, completing all social tasks (using Gleam) to follow or share about Cardano Blockchain on Twitter, Youtube and Facebook will definitely make more people known about Cardano communities and Cardano Ecosystem.
- Increase the number of Cardano Wallets: Questers who give a Cardano wallets will be given higher priority to get free Cardano Xcards. With detailed instruction of how to create Cardano wallets on our website, questers can easily follow up and create their own wallets.
[IMPACT] How do you intend to measure the success of your project?
We intend to measure the success of our project in the following aspects:
- User Adoption: the number of people using Cardano XCard and mobile app (at least 3000 users) to share their profile information would demonstrate the success of this project because these users are possible to popularize Cardano community. In mobile app version, we will continuously post news and updates about Cardano Ecosystem so that Cardano fans will have a trusted channel to follow up.
- Web2 Users Converted Into Web3: the number of web2 users turn into Cardano community through an indirect method (Cardano XCard
- Partnerships And Intergrations: Other Cardano communities can use Cardano XCard as a reward or membership card. This cooperation can expand Cardano ecosystem, and unite Cardano communities worldwide.
- User Feedbacks: Positive feedback and users' satisfaction indicate the effectiveness and neccessity of our product. The more people satisfy with Cardano XCard, the more frequently they access to Cardano ecosystem.
- Trust and Reputation: Cardano XCard could raise the trust and reputation of the community through quality activities that meets people's daily demands.
Short-term goals: To increase Cardano' presence in Vietnam with following key metrics:
- 6K+ people completed Gleam social quests.
- 3K+ eligible questers receive physical Cardano Xcards
- 1K+ questers provide Cardano wallets
- 50K+ views on Cardano Xcard Tiktok channel (10 videos)
- 10K+ views on Youtube channel (10 videos)
Long-term goals: Serve other Cardano Communities
- We hope to cooperate with other Cardano communities to distribute more Cardano Xcard to Cardano Fans. The next community we want to cooperate is Cardano Japan with expectedly 5000 Cardano Xcards to distribute.
[IMPACT] Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?
To share the outputs and results of Cardano XCard project, we utilize our available resources including social network and traditional one.
- Landing Page: we already have landing page at https://xcard.network. We will regularly update general information about Cardano XCard.
- Social Media Channels: we established various social media channel consisting of Telegram, Facebook, Twitter , Tiktok, Youtube to share the outputs and results of Cardano XCard project.
- Links to share updates: All project progress, new features, user guides and especially the list of questers who are eligible to get free Cardano Xcard will be public in our following LINK
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?
Our capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability is based on following factors:
- Mobile App Ready: Our Xcard Mobile Apps are ready in both CHPlay and Apple Stores. (link) However, we will change the design to a Cardano-ish way for both NFC Card and Mobile App for all people who own Cardano Xcards.
- Have 23K+ Crypto Community: Our member Adela Mai is Founder of SKC Blockchain HR with more than 17K members and Hanoi Hold Coin Community with 6K+ members. We really want to onboard and educate these active communities to Cardano Ecosystem.
- Expertise and experienced team: our team is a mix of both web2 and web3 members. We have deep knowledge about community building and blockchain technology; therefore, we are very confident about converting users from web2 to web3.
- Transparent Development Process: we put transparent development process in priority. We would report our updates, progresses, outputs, and relevant statistics publicly.
- Market Research: we have connected with some NFC card providers and ordered to print some Cardano Xcard samples to check the quality and get advices about people's tastes.
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?
We determine 3 main goals for the project and implement some methods to validate the feasibility of the project:
Goal 1: Successfully develop Cardano-theme mobile app with updating news about Cardano Ecosystem.
- Our goal is to create an NFC Cardano XCard helping people share personal profile in one touch. Both physical cards and mobile app's UI are designed in Cardano theme with the main blue and white tone. People can easily check function of mobile app through Apple store or CHplay.
Goal 2: Successfully grow Tiktok and Youtube channel to advertise Cardano XCard project.
- Our goal is to develop this project in a sustainable way. So we try to produce videos weekly to introduce about Cardano and Cardano Xcards. Our team has experience in conducting videos with tens of thousands of views on Tiktok where web2 users are located.
Goal 3: Successfully deliver 3000 physical Cardano XCards for Cardano Fans in Vietnam
To promote the expansion of Cardano ecosystem in Vietnam, our team decides to give 3000 free physical Cardano XCard for fans in Vietnam. Starting from our two communities with more than 23K members and then we are planning to cooperate with Vietnamese Cardano community and other partner communities to disseminate about Cardano and Cardano Xcard.
Goal 4: Future Cooperation with other Cardano Communities
- If this project is carried out successfully, our next step is to distribute another 5000 Cardano Xcard to Cardano Japan community and then to serve other Cardano Communities.
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.
Milestone 1: Product development (1 month)
- Landing page update
- UI/UX Design for Mobile app with Cardano theme
- Cardano XCard final design
- Cardano Xcard sample printing
Milestone 2: Product development & Marketing (1 month)
- Mobile app Development & Testing
- Backend Development
- Video channel 5 videos (Tiktok & Youtube)
- Gleam campaign 1
Milestone 3: Cardano XCard distribution campaign 1 (1 month)
- Print 1500 Cardano XCard
- Packing and shipment of 1500 Cardano XCards
- Video channel 5 videos (Tiktok & Youtube)
- Gleam campaign 2
Milestone 4: Cardano Xcard distribution campaign 2 (1 month)
- Print 1500 Cardano XCard
- Packing and shipment of 1500 Cardano XCards
- Video channel 5 videos (Tiktok & Youtube)
[CAPABILITY/ FEASIBILITY] Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.
Here are the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone in Cardano XCard project:
Milestone 1: Product development (1 month)
- Deliverables: Updating Landing Page with more information about Cardano Xcard, UI/UX Design for Mobile app with Cardano theme, Cardano XCard design
- Outputs: Informative landing page, user-friendly mobile app's interface, Design of Cardano XCard
- Intended outcomes: Professional landing page provide information about project, mobile app design according to Cardano theme with blue and white tone.
Milestone 2: Product development & Marketing (1 month)
- Deliverables: Mobile app Development & Testing, Backend Development, 5 videos (Tiktok & Youtube)
- Outputs: fully functional mobile app, publication of 5 videos on Tiktok and Youtube to raise people's awareness about this project (5000 views/video, 1000 followers & 1000 subscribers/month).
- Intended outcomes: user-friendly mobile app to share personal profile, the increasing spread of Cardano XCard project.
Milestone 3: Cardano XCard distribution campaign 1 (1 month)
- Deliverables: 1500 printed Cardano XCard, 5 videos (Tiktok & Youtube).
- Outputs: Distribution of 1500 free Cardano XCards to users, publication of 5 videos on tiktok and youtube to demonstrate its usage (5000 views/video, 1000 followers & 1000 subscribers/month).
- Intended outcomes: physical Cardano XCard available to use, increased user adoption, spread the use of Cardano XCard through videos.
Milestone 4: Cardano XCard distribution campaign 2 (1 month)
- Deliverables: 1500 printed Cardano XCard, 5 videos (Tiktok & Youtube).
- Outputs: Distribution of 1500 free Cardano XCards to users, publication of 5 videos on tiktok and youtube to demonstrate its usage, feedbacks and trends (5000 views/video, 1000 followers & 1000 subscribers/month).
- Intended outcomes: increased user adoption, spread the use of Cardano XCard through videos.
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.
- Project Management: ₳ 13500
- Mobile App Development (Cardano theme): ₳ 5500
- Backend Development: ₳ 8000
- Landing Page (updating): ₳ 6000
- Testing: ₳ 2500
- Infrastructure (12 months): ₳ 8500
- Marketing Package: ₳ 8500
- Tiktok Video Channel: ₳ 5500
- Card Design and Printing (3000): ₳ 26000
- Packing and shipping fee (Vietnam only): ₳ 13000
Total: ₳97,000
Please see details in this link
In this detailed budget, we calculated ₳1 = $0.35. The price of ADA will have impact on the number of physical Cardano XCards. If price of ADA increases, we will give more Cardano XCards to the community.
[RESOURCES & VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
The cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem:
- Meet people's basic demand: Cardano XCard provide users, particular Cardano ecosystem users with a convient and unique way to share their profiles.
- Attract more people joining Cardano community: in this project, we also forcus on marketing activities, especially short videos on Youtube and Tiktok. The Cardano XCard distribution campaign integrates with short videos campagin helps to attract more new users to strengthen the Cardano community.
- Long-term benefits: Cardano XCard provides a new method of data sharing, which impresses users. By investing this project, Cardano community can pave the way for future advancements and enrich the ecosystem's capacities.
- Competitive advantage: By offering a unique and innovative way of profile sharing, Cardano ecosystem can differentiate itself from other blockchain platforms creating positive reception from users.
[IMPORTANT NOTE] The Applicant agreed to Fund10 rules and also that data in the Submission Form and other data provided by the project team during the course of the project will be publicly available.
I Accept