Last updated a year ago
taking a 3d model that is pavia_io compatible asset and a cnft . Giving utility to the buttons and componets within the metaverse. IMAGINE deENERGIZING a nft in the metaverse! trablazing!
funds will be used to continue with our amazing team of developers, to break down the walls of what a cnft can do!, within in the metaverse. take 3D to the next level. Interactive 3D UTILITY.
This is the total amount allocated to Development in pavia_io metaverse / 3D animation lets FURTHER blurr the lines of the METAverse and reality. we are continually pushing the boundries of what can and cannot be done! while working every job i can find to pay for progress. .
1- make button>de energize on 3d model cnft within the Pavia_io metaverse
2-make dials on 3d model cnft adjustment on lights within pavia_io metaverse
open source and document the programing , and developers , and add/include and update this information through this development ...and as always we are open to peer review, and suggestion from community! @paviasmetaexot1
yes , today it might just be a couple of buttons/minor adjustments on an nft, within the metaverse.
but, this may help BLOW THE DOOR off what an NFT is ! placing cardano nfts on another level of what an NFT can actually do....and be used for!
success will be:
a cNFT with animation within the metaverse. and an ability to de Energize that nft WITHIN the metaverse, as well as adjustments to lighting and volume on 3D animated model CNFT from avitar WITHIN the metaverse.
all developments will be documented on website as well as on twitter, as progress is made.
this 3D model is the 4th CNFT pavia metaverse compatible asset we have created, and developed. our project has maintained the highest level of integrity to this point . we have been fair ,honest ,and open on our social media sittes.
we currently have a paviasmetaexotics CNFT in the Pavia_io metaverse dev. playground .
we have developed many (pca) metaverse compatible assetts. we have had a verified asset collection on jpegstore for over a year now.
this project has overcome many obstacles/hurdles , done things that have never been done before!
GOAL interactive 3D utility within Pavia_io metaverse. Metaverses.
PHASE 1 (1 week)
have the right development team in three departmentts>
1-3d DEV /METAVERSE/PAVIA complete
2-Dev team familiar w/ javascript and incomplete
PHASE 2 (5weeks)
COORDINATE- between teams -breakdown of tasks/goals
team 1- breakdown of requirements for metaverse compatibility on c4-01 CNFT (1 week)
start/complete (PCA) requirements for c4 collection (week 5)
team 2- begin process of coding/ within the parameters of pavia_io metaverse compatibility (5 weeks)
make availablity to all needed intergrations/funding/personel
team 3- 3D artist s' available for continuous adaption and integration (9 weeks)
PHASE 3 (week 6-9)
meet all (PCA) requirements, minting on cardano blockchain/with crosschain capabilities.
team 2- tasked with /crosschain adaption
team 4- christobear-research/ meet minting requirements capabilities.(1week)
team4-MINT on cardano blockchain(3 weeks)
coordinate/all teams and departments on completion of tasks (2 weeks)
coordinate minting process with all teams and departments (4 weeks)
TEST - all teams - cardano blockchain/crosschain (2-4 weeks)
PHASE 1 documented research on "interactive 3D utility " on cardano blockchain. documentation /research will posted on >c4 tab.
PHASE 2 produce visual documentation in 3D format by (week 6) with peer to peer review at .updated in file and video format.
PHASE3 ,4, minted and tested in Pavia_io metaverse. (dependant on the progression and development in pavia_io metaverse) transfer of these non fungible tokens from wallet to wallet
verification of project on platform.
documentation of phases 1-5 on-chain
team 1- dependant? 10,000 ADA
team 2- 15,00 ADA
team 3 - 6,000 ADA
team 4-9,000 ADA
ALWAYS the main objective is mass adoption into the cardano blockchain. developing one of a kind NFTs that can be utilized in the metaverse... is a great way to achieve that. REAL NFTS that can be enjoyed in the metaverse, metaVERSE interaction.
bring as much of the eth. blockchain NFT ecosystem to cardano and the pavia_io metaverse.
Michael Selin coordination/creator/founder
mohamad mneimneh 3D artist (PCA) pavia_io specialist
Thirantha Karunathilake 3D artist/designer/ co NFT creator
Chris M. minting/cardanoblockchain