Last updated a year ago
It is increasingly difficult for a new stake pool to bootstrap liquidity, provide a competitive return on ADA, and attract organic delegation. SPO Bonds help solve this through the power of DeFi
Optim's SPO Bonds are an on-chain DeFi product
SPOs borrow ADA delegation for fixed duration & interest rate
Funds subsidize interest costs for SPOs & drive liquidity
*Alternative to CF, IOG delegation
This is the total amount allocated to Optim SPO Bonds - a new, market-driven method to bootstrap pools.
Maksymilian Brodowicz
@zygomeb (twitter)- tech lead
No Dependencies
There is no "project outcome" that can be open sourced
The request for funds is not contributing to smart contract development
The funds will be used to subsidize SPO Bond liquidity for a market-driven delegation program
SPOs interested in bootstrapping a pool, proving operational competence, and ramping up marketing for organic delegation have no way to provide a competitive return on ADA as they scale.
Hundreds of millions- billions of ADA is delegated via Cardano Foundation and IOG delegation programs to help SPOs, but these delegations are short in duration and unpredictable.
An SPO has no control over participation.
SPO Bonds are the only tool SPOs have available to guarantee 1MM+ ADA delegation and a competitive return on ADA for delegators if they wish to scale and market their pool widely.
Also, SPOs who borrow delegation pay for it - they have skin in the game and are ready to leverage this delegation (a marketing cost) to attract organic delegation and participate fully in the community
This tool for SPOs is completely on-chain and trustless. Providing great benefit to both SPOs and liquidity providers who lock up their ADA and allow SPOs to delegate it to their pool.
Our project engages both SPOs & DeFi participants
Optim's system has been live for 6 months
We've served 10 SPOs who have successfully used bonds
We've engaged hundreds of DeFi participants who have supplied liquidity
We will prove our impact by on-chain analysis of how many SPO Bonds are successfully filled by SPOs
(this means the ADA is requested by SPOs, then supplied into smart contracts by liquidity providers)
Then we will measure how much organic delegation grows to SPO Bond issuers as SPOs leverage better ROA to build their delegation.
The challenge of giving SPOs market-driven tools to bootstrap tools is difficult.
To have people lock their ADA for an entire year for an SPO requires around 6% APY
Our SPO Bond subsidies both lower interest costs to SPOs and rise APY for lenders/LPs
This makes SPO Bonds more attractive for those looking to help small SPOs via locking ADA delegation to their pools AND makes SPO Bonds more accessible for SPOs by lowering the cost.
Cardano Ecosystem Benefits
Our SPO Bonds add to Cardano TVL, DeFi activity, engage new users in DeFi, and familiarize new participants with fixed income opportunities on the Cardano blockchain.
SPO Bonds also showcase completely new DeFi primitives that are unique to Cardano that can't be built anywhere else.
Our impact can be measured in a few simple ways:
Short-term SPO impact
Long term community impact:
Project Outputs
We will publish all results publicly
All on-chain data is easily quantifiable
The data will be published bi-monthly on Medium and Twitter
Additional Results
There is no default risk on Liquidity Bonds. Thus the difference between staking and SPO Bonds is the premium for smart contract risk and illiquidity for 6-12 months
Optim Finance is a Top 10 TVL DeFi protocol
We've built, audited, and shipped a novel DeFi product already
Team members have worked on other projects including Minswap, IOHK, and EVM protocols
The goals are to fund additional SPO Bonds and increase delegations to small single SPOs
Our approach has been working, we're trying to help it scale via this proposal.
The approach is feasible and has been proven through the issuance of 10 SPO Bonds already
Milestone 1
Milestone 2
Milestone 3
Milestone 4
The deliverables are simple:
We will measure deliverable using on-chain data
Each SPO Bond is 1,000,000 ADA delegation for 1 year
2% (20,000 ADA) interest subsidy per 1MM ADA SPO Bond
10 SPO Bonds x 20,000ADA
= 200,000 ADA Total
Value is to experiment with new ways of supporting market-driven SPO delegation programs
IOG and CF spend millions of ADA each year in rotating delegation to SPOs with mixed success
All ADA funds from proposal go directly into DeFi
(3% interest fee (6,000 ADA) goes to Optim DAO)
A new, experimental approach where SPOs can have skin in the game and get delegation on demand
is worthwhile for the Cardano ecosystem.
It also drives adoption and interaction with the Cardano DeFi. Familiarizing users with new primitives and concepts such as fixed income bond structures
Ethan - product lead
@zygomeb - tech lead
Experience - Minswap, MLabs, IOHK
The team has consistently delivered/shipped high quality DeFi protocols to mainnet with a proven track record of successfully delivering dApps that are widely used and reliable