Last updated a year ago
There are around 3500 SPOs with no clear description and that are not well presented. New community members and even active ones don’t really know in which SPO to stake.
We want to create a simple website that references the existing pools and sort them by characteristics (climate, technological innovation…), with small descriptions as well as links to their website.
This is the total amount allocated to SPO 4 Life.
Benjamin Ben-Zvi
Udai Solanki
No dependencies.
Project will be fully open source.
Cardano users might find it difficult to stake since they do not know much about the different SPOs. There are around 3500 of them and on any Cardano wallet (Lace, Yoroï) there is no information about the SPOs. It only exists an exposition on the platforms without further information, which is in our opinion a break to staking since it is hard to find basic and easily accessible information about the SPOs.
Our solution is to create a simple website that will classify all the SPOs according to their characteristics. For instance, we will organize all the climate related SPOs together, all the technology related ones together, and so on.
In addition to that, we will provide small descriptions about each SPO as well as links to their websites for the users to have easy access to the information.
This website will be fully created by Udai that already have a great experience in the domain.
In order to realize this project, we want to send a form to every Stake Pool by email (that we would find on their website) that would gather information about them, this would include :
In our opinion, this will bring a lot more users to start staking since the information on “where you put your money?” will be very clear and accessible for everyone.
For the marketing and advertising of the website, we have a few ideas in mind :
“Kicking off Community based solutions to build SPO Tools & Platforms, to offer Services, Events, and Research”. This is what the success for the challenge looks like, and we clearly believe our idea fits in the challenge needs. We also believe that this project can be a really amazing SPO related initiative that will improve in the long run the Cardano Ecosystem.
Our solution will make it easier to understand and to choose where to stake. Staking is still a difficult thing to understand for new users and non-technical persons. Doing a website that is bringing them light on what it is, what impact it has, and why it could be interesting, would definitely allow the SPO community to grow as people would have more awareness of the advantages each one of the SPO has.
Moreover, the fact that we are doing it for the Cardano pools will lead the people that want to stake money in cryptocurrency to have more interest in this blockchain's ecosystem, and to make the Cardano SPO ecosystem more alive.
We will measure the success of the proposal based on several aspects :
We will share an Excel sheet with all the data gathered from our website (number of visitors, the most searched category,...)
We will also share information monthly through the reports as well as gather all the information on the closing report / video.
We'll collect feedback from SPOs and share it in a summary document.
The fact that the website is online and easy to access would also be an output itself.
The resources needed for this project are not too difficult to manage, and we don’t rely on big collaborations that could be difficult to have. Therefore, we can be really confident about the feasibility of our solution, and have a big level of trust on our capabilities to succeed.
Our development partner has developed multiple complex software applications and has experience in development on Cardano platform.
The two other proposers have a good understanding and experience in the Cardano ecosystem. Benjamin already has been funded in Fund 9, which bring some trust in his work.
The accountability will only be on Google Analytics which is a good tool to analyze data from our website, and bring the outputs to the light.
The mains goals are :
Allow community to understand easily staking and the solutions that do exist
To do so :
Being a reference for the Cardano stake pool choice
To do so :
Make the pools more visible and alive than what they are now
To do so :
Month 1-2 :
Month 3-4 :
Month 5 :
Month 6-8 :
Our first deliverable will be our website, since it will be public and accessible for everyone.
We will also provide on the final report links to the Excel sheet that we have made with all the SPOs and their basic info as well as the Google form that is sent to all of these.
We will also note and share all the feedback that has been given and how we used it to improve the website.
We will also show each Cardano Wallet that accepted to collaborate with us and that will show the impact of our project.
Also, through the answers of the forms, we can see if the SPOs are satisfied with our website, which is a really important aspect for the project to work well.
150 x 115 ADA = 17250 ADA
This could be a huge opportunity to improve the ecosystem of Cardano since it will incentivize people to do some more staking. This will be tru even for the new people that are discovering Cardano ; it will be much easier for them to start staking thanks to this website.
Staking is a really important part of Cardano and we think that by improving this situation, we could create much more impact than expected.
Liâm Bodin is a 19 years-old student in the University of Geneva, passionate by use cases of blockchain technology
Liam has a Twitter account and a newly launched newsletter dedicated to Blockchain and has participated in several workshops or events related to Blockchain (i.e : Cardano summit in Lausanne)
His role : will analyze and summarize the pools. He will also manage the work of the external developer, helping this person to adapt the website to the vision we had as a “dynamic and understandable” website.
Read more about him :
Benjamin is a young student that is really interested into Blockchain, and that already participated in previous funds.
In fund 8 helped to do the marketing for an art project
Got 3 funded proposals on fund 9 based on the education of students about Blockchain, and especially, Cardano and Catalyst.
Here is a link to the closing report and closing video of the proposals. (Closing video and report already there)
Has also been a reviewer for fund 9 and could give his opinion on really interesting projects.
Read more about him :
Both of them have been to the Cardano summit that was held in Lausanne, and had the opportunity to learn a lot and meet some amazing people.
Udai Solanki, a global technology Leader, Founder 20 years ago, served as CTO and since last three years as CEO.