Last updated a year ago
Current monitoring solutions are too complex and complicated for many SPOs and therefore they do not have good monitoring at all.
I will provide an easy-to-use Monitoring Portal where all SPOs are able to monitor their Stakepool with an easy-to-use web interface and very detailed statistics as well as a notifications system.
This is the total amount allocated to Stakepool Uptime Monitoring and Health-Check Portal.
No additional applicants
No dependencies
Only what is visible in the Browser-Code will be open source.
I will provide a Monitoring and Cardano-HealthCheck Portal where all SPOs can Monitor their Cardano Node VPS/Servers etc. in a very easy and uncomplicated way. They get very detailed close to real-time statistics about all their nodes/servers/vps about the uptime as well as an extended health-check for the block-producing/minting-node (BP). In case that some relay goes offline or the BP node is not "on-tip" and correctly synced they get a warning notification and can choose from a variety of notification options like: Discord, Telegram, eMail, Webhook etc.
Currently, there is a barrier for a lot of SPOs to have a good Monitoring-System in place. It introduces extra costs for Monitoring Servers and a complex Grafana configuration and alert system can be very complicated for people who are not used to it.
By providing a free out-of-the-box solution for all SPOs Monitoring will become super easy and without extra costs for Monitoring Servers. We will have a lot of more correctly monitored Stakepools in our Ecosystem and therefore a more healthy network, which has an impact on the overall Cardano network performance and security.
We will have real numbers. We see how many Pools use correct and good monitoring. We also will be able to see how fast stakepool issues get fixed. Better monitoring means better awareness for SPOs and therefore faster problem-solving.
There will be a public/open Beta, closely after the project got funded and SPO can start using it and see the project evolving over time.
I am a professional and well-known in the Cardano Community for delivering many projects and help without any funding. You can check out https://Cardano24.Social as an example.
Here you can find also some reputational feedback:
A few things I am already known for in the Cardano EcoSystem:
✦ running a Pool from day 1
✦ running 50+ Relays worldwide (public&private)
✦ voted as Foundation Board Member of SPOCRA by hundreds of SPOs
✦ helped over 500+ Pools to see the day-light
✦ fixing bugs of pools, with even 60+M stake, to run correctly
✦ helping African pools by providing them with infrastructure (for free)
✦ Creator of (for free to support our Community, without any funding)
✦ Supporting/Dev-Testing other Community projects to improve them
✦ Former CTO/Tech Lead of LIQWID (bringing native Defi to our Cardano EcoSystem)
✦ Infrastructure Lead of DripDropz
✦ part of the Cardano Alonzo Blue Testnet, helping and testing, to bring us closer to Smart Contracts
✦ Offical Moderator in IOG's Technical Community Discord-Server
✦ Main Droperator of DripDropz
✦ Host of "We are Cardano"
Long story short: I am a professional and know what I am doing. The Cardano-Community knows me for delivering professional solutions.
Only me, Holger. Doing all the work. That's what I am known for in the Community: delivering solutions.