ID: #1000023 | Status:
In progress

Last updated a month ago

Cardano blockchain course for hispanic speakers


Image file

There are scarce amount of educational resources accessible about Cardano Blockchain in Spanish.


To develop a user-friendly learning course with interactive tutorials, simulations, and tutoring opportunities.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Cardano blockchain course for hispanic speakers. 1 out of 3 milestones are completed.

Total funds requested
Distributed: ₳9,000
Remaining: ₳6,000
Project status:
Complete: 1
In progress: 1
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no

Monthly report

NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here

Progress report

Status: In progress
On track: Yes
Estimated completion date: -


  1. Martina Luna
  • Role: Project Manager, Teacher and Content Creator.
  • Responsibilities: Overall project management, coordination of team members, budget management, stakeholder engagement, and reporting.
  1. León Luna
  • Role: Technical Teacher, Content Creator and Developer
  • Responsibilities: Technical aspects of the project, including development of developer resources, coordination of technical activities, and providing technical guidance and support.