Last updated a year ago
Most tertiary students aspire to be entrepreneurs but lack the resources and guidance for their dreams.
How do we create awareness among students that their dreams can be fulfilled through cardano
This project seeks to scout for student entrepreneurs in selected tertiary schools in Ghana and assign them to industry experts for incubation and onboard them onto the cardano community as well.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Campus Incubation Hub.
Nathaniel Dwamena, Atta Boamah Caleb and Barbara Ofosu
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
SDG 1: No poverty
SDG 2: Zero hunger
SDG 5: Gender equality
SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 10: Reduced inequality
This project seeks to scout for entrepreneurs in selected tertiary schools in Ghana by organizing opportunity summits for potential student entrepreneurs to engage with industry experts and further groom the students to unlock the potentials in them. Most students have projects that can solve humanity problems but these projects are not being fulfilled because of funding and some also lack the knowledge on how to go about such ideas. Cardano provides a lot of opportunities to individuals with ideas through its catalyst funding and collaborative communities in the ecosystem. The project will educate students on the various opportunities in the Cardano ecosystem through summits organised in the selected tertiary schools.
Description of Solution:
This project addresses the challenge by:
The success of this project will be measured using the following:
In order to share our outputs and results of our project, we will employ the following strategies:
We have a vibrant team capable of delivering this project with high levels of trust, transparency and accountability with inferences from several factors such as:
Goal 1: Through our summits and follow up online events, students would be introduced to cardano and project catalyst and educate them on the various opportunities in the community.
Goal 2: students would be guided to create wallets and all incentives for participating in the summit and the incubation program would be paid through their wallets
Goal 3: We will establish cardano incubation hubs after our summits to further groom participants to fully understand the opportunities in the ecosystem in order to have stronger campus hubs
Goal 4: We envision that about 70 percent of our training program get to submit proposals in the catalyst funding rounds
Milestone 1: Project Development, Planning and Setup
Milestone 2: Opportunity Summits
Milestone 3: Incubation Program
Milestone 4: Project wrap-up and and closing reports
Milestone 1: Project Development, Planning and Setup
Output: Detailed completed documented project plan to execute project
Outcome: Well defined roadmap for project among project team members with well laid down foundation for project implementation.
Milestone 2: Opportunity Summits
Milestone 3: Incubation Program
Milestone 4: Project wrap-up and and closing reports
Project Development, Planning and Setup:
Total - 1,800 ADA
Opportunity Summit:
Total - 7,600 ADA
Incubation Program:
Total - 9,430 ADA
Project wrap-up and reporting:
Total - 2,800 ADA
Project team fees - 1,200 ADA
By organizing Opportunity Summits in tertiary schools with the follow up Incubation Program will benefit the cardano ecosystem and project catalyst in the following ways;
Overall, the vision to expand the cardano ecosystem and its long-term viability among students can be aided by the successful completion of this project
Joshua Larweh Tetteh - Project Manager
He has a BSc. (Hons) in Agriculture from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. He has more than three years of experience in volunteer management and non-profit management. He served as the President for the YAFO Campus Hive where he collaborated with his team to organize student events on campus. Joshua is currently the Programs Manager for YAFO Institute and he has successfully organized student events in the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University of Cape Coast and Methodist University. As the Programs Manager, he also collaborated with the African Institute for DeFi and Blockchain (AIDBLOCK) to organize blockchain policy dialogues that promote free trade. He was part of the team at the Ashanti Regional Department of Agriculture which coordinated the activities of the Government of Ghana's Planting for Food and Jobs program in the region to ensure that there are checks and balances. He has been involved in catalyst since Fund 8 as a Community Reviewer and a co-proposer in fund 9.
Nathaniel Dwamena - Training and Logistics Manager
He has a B. A (Hons) in Geography and Rural Development and 2023 candidate for Bachelor of Law. He is a researcher and has more than seven years of experience in think tank development, non-profit management, and business development consulting. He was part of the team contracted by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ Ghana) to conduct a study on red tape for doing business in Ghana. He successfully completed think tank training in Nigeria and project management training in Kenya, which aided in his successful graduation from the Atlas Leadership Academy, Atlas Network (USA). He is a member of Wada and has been involved in Catalyst since Fund 7 as a proposal advisor and proponent who has successfully completed two projects.
LinkedIn :
Barbara Ofusu - Finance Controller
Barbara is a recent graduate of the university of Cape Coast and currently a campus Convener at YAFO institute, where she has been working for the past three years. During her time there, she has organized series of successful events at institutions such as the University of Cape Coast, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, and Methodist university focusing on various topics including entrepreneurship and blockchain technology, among others. Through her work, she has established collaborations with many organizations and campus offices, which she plans to utilize to ensure the success of this program, Additionally, Barbara has served as a proposal assessor in Fund 9. She has a strong interest in working with student groups and firsthand experience connecting with students and maximizing opportunities for them.
Telegram: @Ophosu
Atta Boamah Caleb - Students Coordinator
He is third year BSc. Agriculture student at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He is a certified digital marketer (Google), graphic designer with 3 years of experience, and the President at YAFO Campus Hive - KNUST. As the President he has built strong network and collaborations with other student groups and colleges on campus. He has been active in catalyst since fund 8 as a community reviewer