ID: # | Status:
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Last updated a year ago

Catalyst Hackathon (Festival of Innovation)


There is a lack of interest from the students about Blockchain, which shows that they are not exposed to this world, especially through their studies.


Organize a Hackathon in an innovation festival in Switzerland to incentivize the people about the Blockchain world. The goal is to find ideas to integrate Blockchain in the education of the students.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst Hackathon (Festival of Innovation).

Total funds requested
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Liâm Bodin is a 19 years-old student in the University of Geneva, passionate by use cases of blockchain technology 

Liam has a Twitter account and a newly launched newsletter dedicated to Blockchain and has participated in several workshops or events related to Blockchain (i.e : Cardano summit in Lausanne)

His role :  will analyze and summarize the pools. He will also manage the work of the external developer, helping this person to adapt the website to the vision we had as a “dynamic and understandable” website.

Read more about him : 

Benjamin is a young student that is really interested in Blockchain, and that already participated in previous funds.

In fund 8 helped to do the marketing for an art project 

Got 3 funded proposals on fund 9 based on the education of students about Blockchain, and especially, Cardano and Catalyst.

Here is a link to the closing report and closing video of the proposals.  (Closing video and report already there)

Has also been a reviewer for fund 9 and could give his opinion on really interesting projects.

Read more about him : 

Both of them have been to the Cardano summit that was held in Lausanne, and had the opportunity to learn a lot and meet some amazing people.