Last updated a year ago
In the absence of well-streamlined resource materials on blockchain technology in African universities, how do we provide education on blockchain to students, while promoting project catalyst?
Develop an online student learning Centre with an incentivized mechanism that educate students on blockchain and the catalyst ecosystem. This will foster the onboarding of students into the ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Gateway To Blockchain ––A Student Learning Centre.
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source.
Using the SDG Proposer Tool, this how the proposal aligns with relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sub-goals, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Based on the nature of the Gateway to Blockchain - Student Learning Center proposal, here are some potential SDGs, sub-goals, and KPIs that can be incorporated:
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Our proposal focuses on the development and implementation of an incentivized learning platform, which will not only provide valuable educational resources but also reward students with digital assets on the Cardano blockchain as they progress in their learning journey.
This project is a continuation of a previously funded project in fund 9. According to the project implementation framework, a two-phase implementation timeframe was developed – a research-based phase and a content creation phase.We applied for funding for the research phase, as that was the only phase that was funded in Fund 9. Under the first phase, we embarked on four (4) main activities;
Research-based phase
• drafting and documentation of the registration of the learning platform per the laws of our country,
• research on content and target audience,
• website design and
• partnership formation.
With the help of our team's effort and external support, each activity has been successfully implemented with all necessary documents as evidence of project completion submitted to the cardano team and the community. As the structure of the project requires, this is the final phase of the project : the content creation phase. Ideally, the completion of this phase will transition the project into its official launch.
Research Recommendation
The research phase found that Ghanaian students are motivated to study blockchain technology because they see it as a way to acquire digital skills and become tech entrepreneurs. The project could consider providing certification and cryptocurrency tokens as incentives for course completion. Therefore, the project should consider providing certification and cryptocurrency tokens as incentive for course completion if possible. Both provides high motivation for course completion among students”. Generally, students are primarily motivated by incentivized learning systems. However, the challenge lies in the absence of a platform that does not only fosters engagement but also introduces students to emerging technologies like the Cardano blockchain platform that aims to bring financial and social inclusion to the world.
The central theme of the objective of the startups and student onboarding challenge focuses on startups and students. Education is the backbone of startups; therefore, ideally if students are well-informed about blockchain technology, it will transition into the generation of blockchain-based ideas. In view of this, instead of startups, our project focuses on providing an online education on blockchain technology, its benefits and potentials. Admittedly, there are several online blockchain technology learning platforms; however, what our platform presents is the missing pieces, especially in Africa where the inequality gap in education keeps widening. To bridge this gap, we’re convinced that an incentivized learning platform, which also serves as a library is what the required to drive students into learning blockchain technology.
The focus is to provide well-streamlined, standardized, and easy-to-understand web-based video lessons on blockchain technology and the cardano ecosystem that can easily be accessed by the student community in Ghanaian Universities. The ownership of smartphones by a significant number of Ghanaian students makes them a viable entry point for this project. The complex nature of the blockchain space is not an easy area for new users, especially secondary school or college students, which is why there is a lack of interest. Through this initiative, we intend to introduce the concept of blockchain and the cardano catalyst platform via a series of easy to understand, short theoretical and video-based lessons on blockchain technology to a large audience of young Ghanaian students who are new to the cardano network. This would also include a short assessment after which the completion of each lesson participants would be rewarded.
In addition to simple educational materials, we are planning to focus on more comprehensive guidelines for new users, developers, and start-ups, which will help increase their interest in Cardano. Students are often motivated by incentivized learning, therefore, this initiative would provide the motivation for students not only to earn but also to invest in the cardano coin and eventually increase the number of Cardano coin holders. The blockchain project presents a new way for students to navigate the blockchain space and earn value from their time and resource investment in knowledge acquisition through our platform. Our platform would provide users with a system of value that rewards them and makes it easier to onboard students who are new to the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.
Why an incentivized Approach?
This approach is an effective hand on and learning platform that focuses on simplifying the complex nature of the blockchain space via the provision of a video-based learning lessons. This is an efficient incentivized way for a lasting learning experience that will help onboard students into the Cardano ecosystem. We’ll create a web-based platform that will be accessible to everyone with a phone and internet. The platform will aggregate blockchain information, separating it into various areas of study in theory with attached short videos for each lesson. The content of the theory and video-based lessons on blockchain and the Cardano ecosystem will cover several areas (not limited to those listed below) such as:
• What is Blockchain?
• What’s the history of bitcoin?
• What is Cardano?
• How to create a cardano wallet?
• How does the Public Key and Private Key of the blockchain work?
• The concept of project catalyst and the various role?
• What is NFT?
• What is Smart Contract?
• What is DApp?
• What's DAO?
The project would focus on incentivizing the learning of basic areas of education for a beginner (student) who is new to the blockchain ecosystem and more especially for a person new to the Cardano ecosystem. The incentivized program would be divided into two categories: an Education-based incentive and Referral-based incentive.
Under the education-based incentive, we intend to provide educational lessons on ten (10) key areas of interest needed at an entry level into the Cardano ecosystem. The ten (10) areas would be a starting point, however, upon a successful implementation of this project per our milestone, we'd introduce users to more complex areas under the Cardano blockchain ecosystem. The essence is to transition our target audience into the Cardano community, onboard them and eventually make them active participants of each role within the Cardano community. For each of the area of study that the project seeks to provide lessons on, an amount of $1.5 in ADA would reward to participants for the successful completion of each assessment, with the total amount summing up to $15 in ADA ($1.5 per assessment). This reward would help students have a practical experience of the crypto space and also make the platform the best option for students who are willing to learn and invest in cryptocurrency.
The referral program would be designed to reward users for referring new users. As a marketing strategy, we would reward users with $2 of ADA for referring one new user. This reward will be subject to term and conditions. Users will only be rewarded upon completion of the educational lessons and the mandatory referral of just one person. This arrangement is to ensure that users don’t focus on just the monetary value but the knowledge acquisition.
• As part of reaching a large audience with this project, we’ll collaborate with the Opportunity summit, a platform that seeks to educate the Ghanaian student population on the Cardano Network. Under this collaboration, we’ll market our platform to the students at each event organized by the group. This will be done alongside our regular marketing both online and offline.
• We would also advertise the project via the various social media channels. Additionally, we'll create help centers in the form of social media channels. A place where people with different forms of enquires, questions are addressed. This will also provide access to valuable sources of information and assistance on difficult to understand blockchain concepts on our website. The platform would be community-driven, where people can freely share their ideas, thoughts, and concerns.
Main challenge
• The main challenge is the creation of multiple accounts by existing users. As part of ensuring the security of our platform, there would be a KYC requirement to help avert the incidence of users exploiting the system by creating multiple account. The platform would require a cardano address to which incentive payment would be made.
• The other challenge for this project is the issue of funding.In that regard, we consider that because this project is solely towards the advancement of the growth of the Cardano ecosystem, project catalyst will be our primary source of funding. However, we'll also apply for funding from organization that share in our vision of providing education on blockchain to a large group of the African population. Aside that, we'll also welcome donations from benevolent individuals willing to help, by providing crypto addresses on our website.
The central objective of the startups and student onboarding challenge is to focus on startups and students.Education is essential for startups; therefore, ideally if students are well-informed about blockchain technology, it will transition into the generation of blockchain-based ideas. Because of this, our project focuses on providing an online education on blockchain technology, its benefits and potentials. There are several online blockchain technology learning platforms, but our platform fills a gap, especially in Africa where the inequality gap in education keeps widening. We’re convinced that an incentivized learning platform, which also serves as a library, is the way to bridge this gap and drive students into learning blockchain technology.
The focus is to provide well-streamlined, standardized, and easy-to-understand web-based video lessons on blockchain technology and the cardano ecosystem that can easily be accessed by the student community in Ghanaian Universities. The ownership of smartphones by a significant number of Ghanaian students makes them a viable entry point for this project. The complex nature of the blockchain space is not an easy area for new users, especially secondary school or college students, which is why there is a lack of interest. Through this initiative, we intend to introduce the concept of blockchain and the cardano catalyst platform via a series of easy to understand, short theoretical and video-based lessons on blockchain technology to a large audience of young Ghanaian students who are new to the cardano network. This would also include a short assessment after which the completion of each lesson participants would be rewarded.
In addition to simple educational materials, we are planning to focus on more comprehensive guidelines for new users, developers, and start-ups, which will help increase their interest in Cardano. Students are often motivated by incentivized learning, therefore, this initiative would provide the motivation for students not only to earn but also to invest in the cardano coin and eventually increase the number of Cardano coin holders. The blockchain project presents a new way for students to navigate the blockchain space and earn value from their time and resource investment in knowledge acquisition through our platform. Our platform would provide users with a system of value that rewards them and makes it easier to onboard students who are to the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.
Why an incentivized Approach?
This approach is an effective hand on and learning platform that focuses on simplifying the complex nature of the blockchain space via the provision of a video-based learning lessons. This is an efficient incentivized way for a lasting learning experience that will help onboard students into the Cardano ecosystem. We’ll create a web-based platform that will be accessible to everyone with a phone and internet. The platform will aggregate blockchain information, separating it into various areas of study in theory with attached short videos for each lesson. The content of the theory and video-based lessons on blockchain and the Cardano ecosystem will cover several areas (not limited to those listed below) such as:
• What is Blockchain?
• What’s the history of bitcoin?
• What is Cardano?
• How to create a cardano wallet?
• How does the Public Key and Private Key of the blockchain work?
• The concept of project catalyst and the various role?
• What is NFT?
• What is Smart Contract?
• What is DApp?
• What's DAO?
The proposed Gateway to Blockchain - Student Learning Center has the potential to provide valuable educational resources, onboard new users, foster community engagement, and contribute to the long-term growth of the Cardano ecosystem by creating a knowledgeable and skilled user base. The primary goal of the project is to provide educational resources on blockchain technology and the Cardano ecosystem to Ghanaian students and incentivize their learning journey by rewarding them with digital assets on the Cardano blockchain. Here are the potential benefits of this proposal to the Cardano ecosystem:
Education and Awareness: The project aims to provide educational resources to students in Africa by providing a well-streamlined, standardized, and easy-to-understand web-based learning platform. By offering educational lessons on blockchain technology and the Cardano ecosystem, the proposal intends to raise awareness among students about the potential of Cardano and cryptocurrencies. This will contribute to expanding knowledge and understanding of the Cardano ecosystem.
User Onboarding: Through this reward system, the project seeks to attract and onboard more students into the Cardano community. By rewarding students with ADA tokens, the project aims to motivate them to actively participate in the learning process and explore the Cardano platform. Increased user adoption and engagement can help the Cardano ecosystem grow and thrive.
Developer Engagement: The proposal recognizes the importance of developers in the Cardano ecosystem and aims to introduce more developers to the Cardano catalyst community. By providing comprehensive guidelines for new users, developers, and startups, the project intends to attract developers and enhance their skills. Increased developer engagement can lead to the creation of innovative applications, smart contracts, and decentralized projects on the Cardano platform.
Long-Term Growth: The project hopes to collaborate with educational institutions to integrate the learning platform into their curricula or extracurricular activities. By partnering with educational institutions, the project can achieve sustainable growth and ensure the continuity of educational initiatives beyond the initial implementation phase. The integration of blockchain education into academic settings can contribute to the widespread adoption and utilization of Cardano technology in various sectors.
Ultimately, in monitoring and evaluating these metrics and gathering feedback from students and users, you can validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the project in achieving its goals. This information will help you make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate the project's success to the Cardano community. The success of this project will be measured in two fold; both long and short term.
Short term metric.
The project's success hinges on some key indicators with specific target for each indicator. After the first three months of the project being rolled out, an assessment would be conducted to adjust these targets under each indicator based on the assessment report. The assessment report would include a SWOT analysis on data gathered from our platform. And at the end of a successful implementation of this project, we’ll measure the success of this event by;
Based on these key performance indicators, we anticipate that, a successful implementation of the project will help achieve the following milestones;
• Have at least 50 students trained
• Project that 100 students will view the page.
• At least onboard 20 students into the Cardano community
• Create Cardano wallet accounts for at least 20 students.
• Create a Cardano social media community on WhatsApp, Telegram, and YouTube with at least 20 active followers.
Long-term metric
By continuously monitoring and evaluating these metrics and gathering feedback from students and users, you can validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the project in achieving its goals. This information will help you make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement, and demonstrate the project's success to the Cardano community. The success of the project can be measured through various key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics. Here are some ways to measure the success of the proposed Gateway to Blockchain - Student Learning Center project:
Number of Students Trained: Measure the number of students who successfully complete the educational lessons and assessments provided by the platform. This metric indicates the reach and engagement of the project among the target audience.
User Engagement: Monitor user engagement levels, such as the frequency of platform visits, time spent on the platform, and interaction with educational materials. This metric helps assess the level of interest and active participation of students in the learning process.
Number of Cardano Wallet Accounts Created: Track the number of new Cardano wallet accounts created by students as a result of their engagement with the learning platform. This metric indicates the project's effectiveness in onboarding new users into the Cardano ecosystem.
Feedback and Satisfaction Surveys: Conduct surveys or feedback sessions to gather insights from students about their learning experience, the quality of educational resources, and their overall satisfaction with the platform. This feedback helps assess the project's impact on students and identify areas for improvement.
Growth of Cardano Social Media Community: Measure the growth and activity level of the Cardano social media community established by the project, such as the number of active followers, engagement in discussions, and sharing of ideas. This metric indicates the project's success in fostering a vibrant and collaborative community within the Cardano ecosystem.
Collaboration with Educational Institutions: Evaluate the success of collaborations with educational institutions, such as the integration of the learning platform into curricula or extracurricular activities. Measure the number of institutions that adopt the platform and the level of student engagement facilitated through these partnerships.
Developer Engagement: Assess the number of students who express an interest in becoming Cardano developers or participating in Cardano-related development projects. Monitor their progress, involvement in the developer community, and contributions to the Cardano ecosystem. This metric reflects the project's effectiveness in attracting and nurturing developer talent.
Certification Program Success: Measure the number of students who successfully complete all online training and receive digital certifications. This metric indicates the project's impact on the acquisition of blockchain knowledge and the recognition of students' achievements.
Project Reporting and Transparency: Evaluate the frequency and quality of project reports shared with the Cardano community. Monitor the community's engagement with these reports and their feedback. This metric demonstrates the project's commitment to transparency and accountability.
Output of the results from the project.
After meeting our targets, we expect to collaborate with policymakers in our educational institutions to create partnerships that will foster education and awareness among student communities.
To make the project more efficient, we plan to split it into two phases, each lasting four months.
To ensure that our team is accountable and transparent to the Cardano ecosystem, we will provide all of the necessary documentation from start to finish of the event, including video recordings where necessary. We will also post these documents on all of the Catalyst affiliate social media platforms, in addition to our monthly report to the Catalyst community.
Our team has been active in the catalyst ecosystem since fund 7. As a project lead, I am currently a team member of the development and infrastructure challenge team in fund 10. Since Fund 7, Fund 8, and Fund 9, I have been an active community advisor, voter, and proponent with two community funded and executed projects. From these credentials, it's worth noting that our contribution to the ecosystem has been immense, especially in spearheading the community goal of Catalyst.
Apart from our active involvement in the catalyst space, our team brings not only extensive experience but also a profound level of engagement in the Cardano Catalyst space, specifically in terms of implementing projects. We have led several initiatives that received funding from the Catalyst community. Through our active involvement in the Catalyst community, we have successfully executed three major projects, all of which are open source and can be verified by the community. By making these projects transparent, the community can see our ability to deliver on the current project. For reference, below are links to our projects:
In accordance with the project completion procedures for Project Catalyst, we always submit a report for community verification, allowing the community to validate the outcomes of our projects. We are dedicated to scaling up the advancement of the Catalyst goal, and we have consistently been committed to credibility throughout our past project completions. Our ultimate goal is to make a meaningful impact on the Catalyst space
Short term goals
In the short term, we intend achieving the following goals;
• To provide students access to educational resources, training, and opportunities to get involved with Cardano projects.
• Onboard more students into the Cardano community, by providing a general knowledge of the Cardano ecosystem so that each member can decide where to get involved and contribute, as reviewer, voter, Drep or a proposer.
• Create more awareness on the cardano blockchain Network, highlighting the potentials and the opportunities within the cardano ecosystem.
Long term goals
As part of our long-term goal, we consider that beginners need a simple-guidelines to become a Cardano developer. Therefore, the platform aims to introduce more developers to the Cardano community and ultimately develop and enhance their skills.
• This initiative will provide digital certification.
• Partner with educational institutions, such as schools, colleges, and universities, to integrate the student learning platform into their curriculum or extracurricular activities.
To validate the feasibility of your approach, you can assess the project's main goals against specific criteria. Here's a breakdown of how you can validate each goal
The budget breakdown is in line with the structure of the project roadmap. Our project is requesting for an amount of 394,860 ADA. This amount allocation is based on a price of 0.2 per ADA, this represents the market value at the time of the writing the proposal. However, please note that the actual costs may vary depending on the time of assessments. Therefore, for the purpose of clear understanding, the reviewers should use the price provided in the proposal.
Content Creation:
Total Content Creation: 6,000 ADA + 1,000 ADA + 1,500 ADA + 6,000 ADA + 500 ADA = 15,000 ADA
Platform Protection and Maintenance:
Total Platform Protection and Maintenance: 2,000 ADA + 2,500 ADA + 1,000 ADA = 5,500 ADA
Marketing and Outreach:
Total Marketing and Outreach: 500 ADA + 780 ADA + 800 ADA = 2,080 ADA
Student Incentives and Certifications:
Total Student Incentives and Certifications: 10,800 ADA + 2,500 ADA = 13,300 ADA
Administrative and Miscellaneous Expenses:
Total Operational expense and Miscellaneous Expenses: 900 ADA + 200 ADA = 1,100 ADA
Team incentives:
Total Team incentives: 1,500 ADA + 1,000 ADA = 2,500 ADA
Total Budget Breakdown:
Content Creation: 15,000 ADA
Platform Protection and Maintenance: 5,500 ADA
Marketing and Outreach: 2,080 ADA
Student Incentives and Certifications: 12,500 ADA
Administrative and Miscellaneous Expenses: 1,900 ADA
Team incentives: 2,500 ADA
Total Budget Breakdown: 15,000 ADA + 5,500 ADA + 2,080 ADA + 12,500 ADA + 1,900 ADA + 2,500 ADA = 39,480 ADA
By achieving these milestones and delivering the associated outputs, the intended outcomes include a well-established educational platform, engaged and knowledgeable students, increased awareness of the Cardano ecosystem, and the cultivation of a thriving community of learners and innovators within the Cardano network. Below is a description of the deliverables, outputs, and intended outcomes for each milestone:
Milestone 1:
Lesson Planning and Creation (Duration: 1 month)
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 2:
Incentive System Implementation (Duration: 3 weeks)
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 3:
Referral Program Setup (Duration: 2 weeks)
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 4:
Marketing and Promotion (Duration: 3 weeks)
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 5:
Platform Launch (Duration: 1 week)
Intended Outcomes:
Milestone 6:
Monitoring and Evaluation(ongoing)
Intended Outcomes:
The roadmap provides a general framework for the project implementation, allowing for flexibility and adaptation as needed. The content Creation and Platform Development phase will have the following activities and timelines as the roadmap for project execution:
Lesson Planning and Creation (Duration: 1 months)
Assessment System Development (Duration: 4 weeks)
Incentive System Implementation (Duration: 3 weeks)
Referral Program Setup (Duration: 2 weeks)
Marketing and Promotion (Duration: 3 weeks)
Platform Launch (Duration: 1 week)
Monitoring and Evaluation (Duration: on-going process after launch)
Ensuring cost-effectiveness and maximizing value for the Cardano ecosystem is at the forefront of our project proposal. With meticulous consideration of prevailing market prices, our budget breakdown reflects an accurate representation of the resources required. We understand the inherent volatility of ADA prices and have factored in this fluctuation when devising our budget, guaranteeing its adaptability to changes in the price levels of ADA. By incorporating strategies that are mindful of cryptocurrency market dynamics, we have setting our budget at a price of between 0.15 and 0.2. Therefore, we believe the budget remains resilient and capable of supporting the successful implementation of our project, regardless of any variations in the price levels of the Cardano coin.
Beyond financial considerations, our project offers substantial value to the Cardano ecosystem. The cost of the project is worth it because it promotes education, awareness, and active participation in the Cardano ecosystem. It aims to create a knowledgeable and engaged community that can contribute to the ecosystem's growth and long-term success. The cost of the project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem in the following ways:
Incentivized Learning: The project focuses on an incentivized learning platform that rewards students with digital assets on the Cardano blockchain as they progress in their learning journey. This approach motivates students to engage with the Cardano ecosystem and acquire valuable knowledge about blockchain technology. By providing incentives for course completion, the project encourages active participation and ensures that students are actively learning and engaging with the Cardano platform.
Educational Resources: The project aims to provide valuable educational resources on blockchain technology and the Cardano ecosystem. These resources will be accessible to students in Ghanaian universities through a web-based platform. By offering standardized and easy-to-understand video lessons, the project addresses the complexity of the blockchain space and introduces students to the Cardano network. This educational aspect adds value to the Cardano ecosystem by fostering a well-informed community of students who can contribute to its growth and development.
Onboarding and Awareness: The project's marketing strategy includes collaboration with the Opportunity Summit and leveraging social media channels to reach a large audience. By actively promoting the project and raising awareness about the Cardano blockchain, it aims to onboard more students into the Cardano community. This increased participation not only expands the user base but also introduces new perspectives and ideas to the ecosystem, enhancing its overall value.
Long-term Goals: The project's long-term goals include providing digital certification, collaborating with educational institutions, and introducing more developers into the Cardano community. By equipping students with the necessary skills and certifications, the project contributes to the growth of the Cardano developer community. This, in turn, enhances the ecosystem's capacity for innovation and development.
Team members and Roles for the project
Our team members have varied level of experience across various field which is well cut out for the project. Based on the expertise the team presents, we’re convinced that our team have the capacity to implement the project. However, there will be a few areas where we’ll outsource the services of expertise via hiring. Below are our team members with their accompanying roles:
Kingsley Mensah- Developer
Innocent Norvinu - Finance and Marketing Manager
David Mensah – Operations Officer
Background of team members
Asare Emmanuel
Emmanuel is currently in his final year at the University of Cape Coast, where he is studying Bachelor of Commerce, Accounting. He worked as a part-time administrative assistant at a firm called Concomitant Initiatives Ltd. His roles included scheduling and reminding the CEO of meetings, taking minutes of daily meetings, as well as filing, typing, and copying files related to research projects.
He also interned with the Audit section of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) at the North Kaneshie Area Branch. During his internship, he learned about the practical aspects of audit procedures and how to use Excel to enter and format client details. Finally, Emmanuel interned at Npontu Technologies in Accra. He was tasked with producing a manual for a newly developed enterprise resource planning (ERP) system called Kedebah.
U.C.C (school's) Email:
Kingsley Mensah
Kingsley Mensah is a blockchain enthusiast and his contributions to the field have been widely recognized. Kingsley is also the C.E.O of Kingscel and the Cofounder & CEO of Speso. In 2019, he was honored with the prestigious Star of Innovation Award by Hubei University of Technology in China for his groundbreaking work. The following year, he received the Young Achievers Award at the Pride of Africa Awards in Asia, presented by the Appreciate Africa Network, highlighting his remarkable accomplishments. He has also acquired a Master's degree in Computer Science & Technology. Kingsley combines his technical expertise with a passion for ideas that promote a free society, making him a prominent figure in the blockchain community.
LinkedIn -
Innocent Norvinu
A marketing expect with over 4 years of experience as a marketing and communication director at Young Africans for Opportunities (YAFO), a nonprofit organization. is a cryptocurrency enthusiast with a degree in Banking and Finance from the University of Professional Studies in Ghana. He is the Cofounder of gateway to blockchain. A former marketing specialist at Tech markets solutions. His over 7 years of experience within the finance industry as a risk and compliance officer has been key in ensuring that Unique Step Microfinance survive financial sanctions emanating from lack of regulatory compliance and also helping banks and micro-finance institutions survive various financial clean-up exercise in Ghana. He is a fund 7, 8 and 9 community Advisor, a voter and a proponent with two community funded and executed project. He also a fund 10 challenge team member.
LinkedIn -
David Mensah
David Mensah is a highly motivated professional with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Studies and Economics Education from the university of Education, Winneba. He has worked as a social studies teacher, research assistant, enumerator, and cocoa purchasing clerk at PBC Ltd. This diverse experience, along with the extensive knowledge of blockchain technology have shaped the foundation of my professional framework and allowed me to approach blockchain advocacy from a holistic perspective. Additionally, I am a member of WADA, an NGO spearheading innovative digital technology and blockchain advocacy in Africa. He is currently the Co-founder of Gateway to Blockchain, an online incentivized learning platform for blockchain technology. My passion lies in advocating for blockchain technology and its potential impact on various industries. My strong background in education and social services has provided me with the necessary skills to effectively communicate and educate others about the benefits of blockchain.