Last updated a year ago
There aren't enough technically skilled entrepreneurs in Cardano. As a consequence, projects run out of funding because outsourcing development is expensive.
Make partnerships with Software engineering universities to onboard technically skilled entrepreneurs to the Cardano ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Onboarding Software engineering students to Cardano..
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
Cardano startups face a funding challenge, constantly outsourcing projects to professionals makes it very hard to sustain during current market conditions. However, a solution lies in partnering with Argentina's most prestigious universities.
These institutions offer technically skilled individuals who can develop projects themselves. With lower living costs, funding entrepreneurs from Argentina becomes cost-effective.
This proposal aims to foster relationships between these universities and the Cardano ecosystem, starting with entrepreneurship departments and Project Catalyst. Ultimately, it paves the way for a wave of skilled founders and a thriving startup landscape within Cardano.
The proposal is directly aligned with the purpose of the challenge by providing direct support to qualified students to build startups in Cardano.
The proposal fits into this category by preparing software engineering university students to set up their own startups and catalyst proposals.
The main goal of the project is to onboard engineering students to Cardano, the KPIs for this proposal will be the following:
As for qualitative KPIs, there are also:
As for establishing initial relationships with universities, the progress would be shared via the main proposer's Twitter account via pictures with representatives from the different universities.
The virtual workshops and presentations could also be corroborated via picture submissions every week these take place. These could also be uploaded and stored on a Public Drive for anyone to audit.
As for the upload of proposals, these could be easily audited by the community, I would be a co-proposer of the proposals I've helped with.
The approval of these proposals could be also an easy way of double-checking the KPIs of these proposals that were currently reached.
I've been 3 years working on Marketing in the Cardano ecosystem, and 2 years working as a team member at Token Allies, a startup that has successfully raised funds in and out of Catalyst and is currently very active in the Cardano ecosystem.
I've also had experience mentoring Marketing professionals at SnapBrillia and as an SMM for another project working on improving Cardano's governance, Consenz.
I'm a student of the National Technological University of Argentina, currently studying systems engineering, which makes me eligible to participate in the challenge and also means I have connections inside of the University and easy access to other universities in the same city.
All and all, I have, experience mentoring people, writing Catalyst proposals, connections with the respective universities, vast knowledge of the Cardano ecosystem, and also fulfilling the requirements to be part of this challenge.
The main goal is to onboard technically skilled entrepreneurs to Cardano.
This goal will be considered complete if:
Month 1:
During the 1st month of this proposal, the proposer will arrange onboarding meetings with the entrepreneurship departments of several universities, letting them know about the vision and mission of Cardano, blockchain technology, project catalyst, and the Cardano ecosystem.
The following universities will be UTN, UADE(BA, Economics and Informatics branches), ITBA, UNLP (engineering and informatics branches), and UNC.
Month 2-4:
from the second month until the 4th, the proposer will be giving 2 in-person and virtual presentations per week to the members of the aforementioned universities' about the Cardano ecosystem from a business POV, introducing them to Project Catalyst, and inviting them to workshops.
Month 4-5
During the fourth and fifth months workshops would be held once every week for all the entrepreneurs interested in taking part in them. These would serve as onboarding to the Cardano ecosystem, and an introduction to Cardano's developer tools and Catalyst.
Month 5-6
During the final phase of the proposal, the proposer will help teams set up proposals for projects, social media accounts, whitepapers, and Catalyst proposals for F11.
The deliverables for my proposal are the following:
As a single proposer, the funds asked to reflect the time spent with an hourly rate of $65/hrs
Total amount of hours spent: 93hrs X $65/hrs = $6045
At the current price of 0.28 ADA/$ => 21.589 ADA
I'm a marketing professional with 2 years of experience working on Technology startups, according to, the $65 per hour fits inside a reasonable range for one.
On top of that, consultors usually charge even more hourly for individual projects but decided to stick with the $65 for consistency's sake.
I am the sole member of the proposing team.
Here're my LinkedIn and Twitter accounts