Last updated 7 months ago
Educating students about Cardano in a way that can enrich their lives. With Oxford being such a research heavy institution, the principles of Cardano aligned incredibly with the university.
We will run Cardano events for University of Oxford students and researchers (including postdocs).
We have been operating successfully as a Cardano student hub for over a year now.
This is the total amount allocated to Oxford University student hub ‘CardanOx’ events and student onboarding. 2 out of 3 milestones are completed.
Oxford 1st Academic Term Events and Onboarding
Cost: ₳ 11,000
Delivery: Month 2 - Dec 2023
Oxford 2nd Academic Term Events and Onboarding
Cost: ₳ 11,000
Delivery: Month 6 - Apr 2024
Oxford 3rd Academic Term Events and Onboarding
Cost: ₳ 17,480
Delivery: Month 8 - Jun 2024
Simon Sällström (@salen)
Adaku Agwunobi (@adaku)
No dependencies
Project is fully open source
At our events, we aim to educate students on Cardano especially through effective collaborations such as with women focused societies.
SDG goals:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
SDG subgoals:
By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women
We will run Cardano events for University of Oxford students and researchers (including postdocs). We have been operating successfully as a Cardano student hub for over a year now and have run a magnitude of events over this time, ranging from tech and non-tech workshops, to webinars/seminars and much more. Being a workstream of the Oxford Blockchain Society also adds prestige to our approach and offering. We have successfully organised a scholarship program and several events introducing blockchain including strengths, weaknesses and use cases of the Cardano blockchain technology.
Our solution is clear: each of our events have 'lunch n learn' vibes with free sushi in a non-judgemental way, meaning anyone in the Oxford ecosystem is free to learn about Cardano. Fund 10's goals are to continue with events, accelerate our social media following, and to engage with Oxford University students right from the beginning via the Freshers Fair (October 2023).
Cardano events for University of Oxford students and researchers are offered as a solution with the potential to improve the ecosystem in a number of ways. The goal of this project is to expand the Cardano community by holding events aimed at students at the University of Oxford. Academic interest and participation can be increased through these events, which will provide attendees the chance to find out more about Cardano, blockchain technology, and the applications. We have successfully ran Cardano events at the university and we would like to take that to the next step.
The goal of the project's education and awareness components is to familiarise participants with Cardano and its benefits, limitations, and potential applications through a series of workshops, webinars, and seminars. This effort will help spread the word about Cardano blockchain, its features, and the many uses it has to offer. By doing so, the blockchain community will benefit from more collaboration between academic institutions and private businesses.
The project's emphasis on University of Oxford students and academics will help to foster and nurture future leaders in the blockchain industry. The initiative will enable participants to improve their abilities and contribute to the Cardano ecosystem through the organisation of events that give hands-on experience, technical workshops, and networking opportunities. The increased creativity and usage of Cardano will benefit from this investment in the community's human capital.
CardanOx has both thanks to its status as a working group of the Oxford Blockchain Society, which is affiliated with one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Cardano's ecosystem benefits from the university's association with it since it forges a link between academia and business. It raises Cardano's profile and authority in the academic community, which could lead to new collaborations, research partnerships, and general interest in the project.
Several metrics can be used to evaluate this project's contribution to the Cardano ecosystem:
We always upload any hybrid events onto our YouTube channel: and other social media channels.
Additionally, the fund 10 budget would allow us to contribute more into marketing of events and social media management, so all of our events will be covered throughout all our social media accounts.
Examples of successful events we have organised previously include:
As well as several additional events that formed collaborations with student societies such as Women In STEM related, Oxford Society for International Development, Oxford University Africa Society and many more.
You can explore full footage of our hybrid events here on our YouTube.
We've succesfully delivered more than 10 in-person workshops and events over the past 1.5 years. We're the only consistent student group that has delivered year on year and have continuously improved the reputation of Cardano within the broader Web3 ecosystem in Oxford, leading to the Cardano Foundation's attendance at the Oxford Blockchain Conference 2023, Oxford Blockchain Conference 2023
The team consists of CS student, one post-doc and now graduated master's in economics.
Nishen. Engineering 3rd year. Treasurer. Gimbalabs Plutus Project-Based Learning student.
Adaku. Post-doc fellow in Said Business School, Postdoc from Engineering Sciences and also Primary Care Health Sciences. Operations.
Simon. MPhil Economics. Marketing.
We'll be having the funds in a multi-sig for security reasons. The money will be converted to stablecoins to avoid volatility risk. We'll keep the funds in 2 stablecoins to reduce smart contract risk.
Broadly speaking, the proposed goals for fund 10 is to run Cardano related events at Oxford University, starting with engagement at the freshers fair (October 2023).
Freshers' fair Oxford in autumn of 2023
Success criteria:
Cost (see budget breakdown)
Other Considerations:
Breakdown of 6 months:
Q4 2023:
Q1 2024:
Q2 2024:
Timeline: October 2023 to April 2024.
In Oxford, term dates are as follows:
Michaelmas 2023: Sunday 8 October to Saturday 2 December
Hilary 2024: Sunday 14 January to Saturday 9 March
Trinity 2024: Sunday 21 April to Saturday 15 June
Though 'Trinity 2024' is exam season so, we have perfectly placed our fund 10 plans to finish in April before students focus on exams later in trinity.
Milestone 1: Attending Freshers' Fair at Oxford in Fall 2023
Success/Acceptance Criteria:
Milestone 2: Workshop 1 (Q4 2023)
Success/Acceptance Criteria:
Milestone 3: Workshop 2 (Q1 2024)
Success/Acceptance Criteria:
Milestone 4: Mini Hackthon (Q2 2024)
Success/Acceptance Criteria:
Milestone 5: Workshop 3 (Q2 2024)
Success/Acceptance Criteria:
Overall Project Outcome:
Measurement of Project Progress:
The project's progress will be tracked through both quantitative measures (e.g., attendance numbers, YouTube metrics) and qualitative feedback from the participants. Regular communication with attendees and workshop participants will provide insights into their understanding, interest, and potential for further engagement with Cardano.
See above
We are budgeting for merchandise, food and drinks costs and our staffing
Merch / give-aways
Food for events
Preparation, marketing and delivery of 3 workshops / lectures and 3 social events
Mini Cardano Hackathon Prize
Transportation reimbursements
Registration fee for freshers' fair
Total = $5340
Roughly 39480 ADA
As one of the leading crypto ecosystems in the world (currently main stage prize winners at 8 of the most recent ETH Global hackathons), Cardano's presence here matters.
Haskell is a mandatory course for all 1st year Computer Science students.
Oxford is one of the epicentres for discourse on social and economic questions of our time. Maintaining presence here is therefore of utmost importance.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Nishen Menerapitiya
University email address:
Oxford University Engineering Science Senior Student (Progressing to 4th year)
Oxford University Blockchain Society CardanOx work stream treasurer.
CardanOx Gimbalabs Plutus Scholar.
PA on Fund9
@Quantum_black on Telegram
Lead organiser of incubator and recruiter of talent
Adaku Agwunobi
University email address:
Postdoc, University of Oxford
Dr Adaku Agwunobi is an Entrepreneur and Postdoc at the University of Oxford, she is also an Early Career Research Fellow at the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School (University of Oxford) as well as a Research Associate at Wadham College. Dr Agwunobi was the first Black doctoral researcher to obtain a PhD at Loughborough University London, where her PhD focused on Entrepreneurial Health and Wellbeing in the Digital Economy, using Intersectionality as a Theoretical Lens. She has two Masters degrees: an MSc Health Economics and MSc Marketing (with Distinction). Additionally, her first degree was BSc Economics. She is a highly motivated individual with 4 degrees and a diverse background in technology, digital economy, fashion, music and health economics. Adaku did her first Postdoc at the University of Oxford within the Department of Engineering Science, working on orthopaedic clinical tooling to improve quality of life. She is passionate about exploring tech from all angles and has also successfully launched creative projects such as concerts where she educated local communities on web3 and music NFTs. She has also been president and active committee member of several student societies. also volunteered at her local youth centre for 10 years teaching dance to young people and adults. Part of 2 previously Project Catalyst funded proposals (fund 7 and fund 8) for CardanOx.
Simon Sallstrom
Mphil Economics graduate, University of Oxford
Founder and CEO, DirectEd Development Foundation, with several open-source contributions to the Cardano ecosystem including NFT gating, wallet-connect and two general-purpose smart contract primitives. PA and vPA in Catalyst F6-F9. Chair, Cardano RealFi Consortium Spring 2023. Workstream lead at Oxford Blockchain Society. Founder, Oxford Cardano Student Hub. Speaker at NFT.NYC, with ADAgurl, Chadi, Finley. 5 completed Catalyst proposals, 3 pending completion (2 for CardanOx). Most recent close-out:
DirectEd Development Foundation