Last updated a year ago
Students are discovering the Blockchain world, and they might be unaware of some tool or some projects they could work with.
Make some content about the different events going on with the Catalyst project, make summaries of the town halls, create YouTube shorts, talk about fund 11 and all of that in French.
This is the total amount allocated to YouTube Content about Cardano and Catalyst dedicated for the French Blockchain community..
No dependencies
Project will be fully open source
French students can have a hard time understanding what project Catalyst is and how it works, which is a problem since in my opinion, everyone should be able to write proposals on the Catalyst platform and to understand the different aspects of it.
To solve this issue, I want to create some content on YouTube about project Catalyst and its different aspects. The content I am planning to do is :
The YouTube channel that will be used is a channel already created with 7 informative videos on how to make proposals on Catalyst as well as other aspects of it (how to be a reviewer, how to stake your ADA).
This channel already has 19 subscribers and the best videos has 45 views and I am planning to have more thanks to this project.
I do not necessarily have any experience in editing but thanks to the videos I already uploaded, I was able to learn how to edit well and I am still learning day after day.
To promote this channel, I am going to share it on a crypto project channel called GG crypto where there are around 600 members as well Bitget French-speaking community with over 5000 members. I am also in contact with WADA and see how I can support the French-speaking people from Africa. I am also looking for other French groups of students interested in Blockchain, but they are pretty rare from what I can find so far. This could be a big opportunity for Cardano to be one of the first.
Moreover, I am also counting on the Catalyst community to share the channel if they know any French person or community that could be interested in the Catalyst project.
The YouTube channel is not only for students, obviously anyone can come and watch, but for this project, I will mostly do marketing with students that have an initial interest in Blockchain.
The proposals on this challenge need to be made by students and/or for the students.
I am a 19 international student in a Business school in France and I already have some experience with catalyst as a CA and funded proposer from Fund 9.
Moreover, for this project I am aiming to help onboarding students in the Catalyst project since I believe that students are a really important aspect of the ecosystem and educating them is a great way to ensure a good future.
My project will be successful if these objectives are achieved :
These are only a start, if the videos work well and people like them, I will continue doing some advertising and try to reach more people.
The videos for the project will be in a public YouTube channel, so everyone will be able to access it.
Concerning the different data I get from the videos (Likes, shares, comments…), I will share them on the monthly report and I will gather all the information in an Excel file for the closing report.
As a young student, and an educational proposer from fund 9, I understand well what is needed for the people to understand what you are teaching them.
Moreover, I have already done a few videos on the YouTube channel which gave me some experience for the video editing.
I am in the Catalyst community since 2021 and I am still learning from it, but I believe that teaching people what I already know would be a really great initiative.
The main goal of this project is to ensure that students are more aware of the possibilities that they have with the Catalyst project and show them that if they have innovative and impactful ideas, they are able to realize them.
Thanks to my videos, the viewers will have the necessary content to do so, and I will also be open for question by sharing my personal email. In these videos, I will share some content about Catalyst as well as new that we got from the Town Hall, which is in my opinion a great way to incentivize the students.
This project will last around 10 months.
The project will start from the moment we get the voting results to 10 months after that.
I am planning to do a monthly video about the different news that we got from the Town Halls
I will also add some videos explaining different projects that were exposed in these Town Halls
I will do some quick YouTube shorts, at least 1 every 2 weeks in order to give some quick and easily accessible information about what is going on with Catalyst (about when will the fund 11 start for example).
During this whole time, I will do some marketing and advertising through different WhatsApp groups or even or Telegram or LinkedIn by posting regularly some news about the channel.
If the objectives are not met after the ten months, I will continue posting and making some advertising until we get to our objective.
Each video that I make will be publicly visible on my YouTube account :
And I will also share them on the monthly reports of the project.
Concerning the data that I get from the videos, which implies :
I will also share them on the monthly report and I will study the progress through time in order to understand better how the algorithm works and how to improve my marketing and advertising.
This project is not very costly since I will not be using any external tool, it is just for the time dedicated for it.
= 3000 ADA
Total = 20000 ADA
This project will be beneficial for the community since it will incentivize French-speaking people to join Catalyst and will feel represented.
I will also be open to help to get the people onboarded, which will be beneficial for the ecosystem since it will bring more people to the Catalyst community.
Moreover, if someone knows someone that speaks French and that would like to be onboarded on Catalyst, this channel can be shared and will give all the information needed as well as the news.
The only member of the team for this project is :
Benjamin Ben Zvi, a young 19 y/o international business student studying in Grenoble Ecole de Management in France.
I already worked in some projects in fund 8 as responsible for marketing for art projects from a caricature artist.
Moreover, I already got 3 funded proposals on fund 9 related to the education of the students about Blockchain. One is already closed and I am working to close the other two. (Closing video and report already there)
I will dedicate some time during my studies to finish this project, I will work after class in order to fulfill the project objectives.