Last updated 4 months ago
We see the need for a central community managed compatibility matrix for ecosystem tools.
This is the total amount allocated to CBIA - Add Developer Tool Compatibility Matrix to Cardano Developers Portal.
Cost: ₳ 14,325
Delivery: Month 2 - May 2024
Cost: ₳ 14,325
Delivery: Month 4 - Jul 2024
Cost: ₳ 11,937
Delivery: Month 6 - Sep 2024
Cost: ₳ 7,163
Delivery: Month 7 - Oct 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Pedro Lucas - 45B
Create a system for easy gathering of dependency/compatibility data across Cardano tools and expose it through insightful visualizations that enable one to browse and foresee downstream impacts.
Cardano Foundation: To discuss changes and collaborate in moderating PRs to the Developer Tools repository.
This proposal is an enhancement to the Cardano Development Portal which is licensed under an MIT license.
This proposal is CBIA’s first official mission of contributing to the Cardano developer ecosystem. From our initial calls, we identified a need to foresee update issues by having better visibility of infrastructure components’ compatibility and interdependence in the Cardano ecosystem.
The Cardano Foundation Developer Portal already includes an extensive list of Cardano infrastructure components and other tools or dApps.
The proposed solution will enhance this list’s format with details about compatibility and interdependencies between the listed items.
This will be done through attributes, such as Protocol version compatibility, that will be recorded as a ‘Trait’ of each component.
The new data will enable projects to clearly see updates for the components they depend on, and identify which other components depend on themselves.
We will then use this data to construct explorable visualizations and a Trait matrix table to facilitate insights across tools and dApps.
We believe this solution will make the Cardano network’s tooling relationships more comprehensible, and contribute to making our ecosystem considerably more versatile.
IOG’s Cardano node, although important, is not the only root for all downstream updates. Some tools start depending on alternative implementations of protocol clients. Between CBIA members there is a Rust implementation [Tx.Pipe], a Go implementation [Blink Labs], and a TypeScript implementation [hLabs] in the making that we trust will contribute to diversifying the communities of developers contributing to Cardano, strengthening our network’s foundations.
Also, further downstream, this solution will enable dependency insight at an intermediate level of tools (e.g. data providers), identifying and documenting relevant ‘Traits’ at this level. More about Traits and data+viz mocks here.
Our main point of alignment is to “make it easier to build and scale.” By having a clear and declared view to the community of what each tool is reliant upon and compatible with, we will make it a lot easier for all to make decisions about upgrading a version of a tool, foreseeing in what downstream impacts may incur, and facilitate bridging and communicating between project authors to align and support each other to propagate compatibility faster where it may bring value.
CBIA is composed of several Infrastructure providers on Cardano with extensive experience in building complex solutions. From infrastructure tools and services, to smart contract tooling and complete SDKs for web3 development on Cardano. Namely:
CBIA members run and are the authors of many widely adopted tools for which we are aiming to document compatibility. Therefore, CBIA deeply understands how to document, articulate and present this data and information.
Also, we are in close contact and will rely on collaboration from the Cardano Foundation to collaborate in improving their Developer tooling website. Other partners and participants of CBIA are Emurgo and IOG.
Goals and Feasibility
Dataviz source code and documentation - To facilitate extending it and building on this project
Trait matrix table code and documentation - To facilitate extending it and building on this project
CBIA internal workgroup to collaborate during the project
Data structure and implementation on CF Dev Portal
Cardano infrastructure components and tooling insight
DataViz implementation
Project management and communication
Bridge to Cardano Foundation, articulating about the Development Portal
Milestone 1
Milestone 2
Milestone 4
$14 325 at $0.30/ADA = 47 750 ADA
The value of having more visibility of interdependencies between Cardano tooling will come from the resulting better management and foresight of impacts, less or more controlled risk when community members are updating their tools, and ease of communication between the right tooling authors.
It will be the value in having developers and toolmakers updating their tools and using each other’s latest features in a more reliable way, to more rapidly deliver their own products.
The cost we request from Catalyst is strictly needed to sponsor our time and costs, validating the project. The services budget is according to or below standard rates for these professional services in Europe or the USA.