Last updated 2 months ago
ReclaimProtocol uses ZKPs to enable users generate verifiable credentials
Atala Prism can scale 100X faster with Reclaim!
This is the total amount allocated to Growing Atala Prism 100X faster with self-issued credentials. 4 out of 5 milestones are completed.
Technical Specifications
Cost: ₳ 15,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Apr 2024
Integrate Reclaim Protocol with Cardano
Cost: ₳ 60,000
Delivery: Month 2 - May 2024
Documentation & Social Media campaign
Cost: ₳ 50,000
Delivery: Month 3 - Jun 2024
Integration with Atala Prism
Cost: ₳ 45,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Jul 2024
Launch Dapps on Cardano ecosystem using Reclaim
Cost: ₳ 30,000
Delivery: Month 5 - Aug 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Reclaim is a ZKP enabled attestation infrastructure. When the user logs into their user profile on the web, Reclaim generates an attestation on only selected data on the page
No dependencies
We currently open sourced the Reclaim SDK and in the process of outsourcing the entire ZKP circuits and the other parts of the project in the next 3-5 months. We will be using AGPL license for the same.
Reclaim Protocol - Bringing Web2 Identity to Web3
Reclaim Protocol makes https traffic verifiable using Zero-Knowledge Proofs, enabling users to generate verifiable credentials from any of their online user profiles. This unlocks unlimited possibilities as no APIs are required or no changes to be made to the websites to extract user private data, while guaranteeing data integrity. Web2 user data which was elusive to Web3 till now will be available across dapps on Cardano. Dapp developers can leverage Reclaim protocol to build multiple use cases related to Identity, sybil resistance, proof of personhood, etc on top of Cardano.
Technical Overview
Reclaim empowers users to generate Zero-Knowledge Proofs for any online user profile. To generate a claim, users first need to log into the relevant website. This login process, involving an HTTPS request and its subsequent response, is channeled through an HTTPS Proxy Server known as an 'attestor'. This attestor oversees the encrypted data exchange between the user and the website. Subsequently, users provide keys that disclose non-sensitive parts of the request to the attestor. With this, the attestor can view the request in its entirety, barring confidential details like authentication data, and can confirm its legitimacy.
The website's encrypted response is then processed by a zk-circuit, which identifies a regex match within the encrypted data using a decryption key as a confidential input. The attestor further validates that the zk-circuit's public input was indeed the encrypted data sourced from the website. With these attestations on both the request and the encrypted response, coupled with the zk-proof, any third-party application, whether on-chain or off-chain, can verify the existence of data that exists on the user’s profile.
User credentials in Reclaim Protocol are generated and stored completely on the client side. Using Reclaim, users can generate Proofs(Groth16) in less than 10 secs even on a 2015 Android Device!
Demo: Establishing Proof of Personhood by proving that you are a uber rider with >25 rides.
Reclaim enables composability of Web2 data on Cardano and breaks the barriers of data exchange between web3 and web2.
Enhanced Interoperability:
Applications can access user data without the need for APIs. By empowering Dapps in Cardano ecosystem to access user data from Web2 platforms, we can significantly expand the range of applications and use cases that can be developed on Cardano, especially those focussed around KYC, sybil resistance, proof of personhood, thus driving significant ecosystem growth.
User-Centric Data Access:Reclaim’s commitment to self-sovereignty and user consent in data access aligns with the decentralized and user-centric principles of the Cardano ecosystem. This ensures that Dapps built on Cardano utilizing Reclaim Protocol are adhering to robust data privacy and user consent norms.
Enabling New Use-Cases:By facilitating access to off-chain user data, Reclaim Protocol can enable the development of new, innovative use-cases on Cardano, such as Skill IDs, P2P onramp/offramp, Gossip marketplaces, or social Dapps that utilize user data from Web2 platforms.
Enhanced Developer Mindshare:By facilitating new and unique use cases that leverage off-chain data, Reclaim protocol will attract a broader developer community to Cardano enriching its ecosystem and increasing its competitive edge
Reclaim is already in production and in the last two months of coming out of stealth, we have made the following progress:
We built, an on-chain grants management tool and have been successfully running it for nearly 2 years managing grants for large L1/L2s including Polygon, Compound, Arbitrum, Ton etc. Questbook platform has disbursed more than $3 Mn to more than 250+ developers and engaged with more than 25000 developers.
Written more 100 tutorials for web2 developers to transition to web3 ( More than 20000
Built DAuth a decentralized OAuth alternative (
Authored EIP 1361 (
Retroactive funding in education mechanism design research (
Technical Specs
Integrate Reclaim Protocol with Cardano
Social Media campaign
Launch 2 Dapps on Cardano using Reclaim
We will also provide ongoing development support post-integration led by Integration Support Developer from Reclaim.
Integration with Atala Prism
Reclaim Protocol is built by the team at CreatorOS Inc. We are a 35+ member engineering and web3 product development & research team including ZKP researchers and with previous affiliations to Stanford, Microsoft, Meta and Google . We have also built -, an industry leading on-chain grants management tool that is used by some of the major L1/L2s including Polygon, Solana, Compound, Arbitrum, Ton, among others. CreatorOS is a YC W21 company.
Total funding requested: $75,000 or ~200,000 ADA (assuming $0.38 = 1 ADA)
To accomplish the milestones outlined above, the entire project will require 1 Project Manager, 3 Developers, 1 BD manager, 1 Dev Relations Lead, and 1 Integration Support Developer.
Reclaim is a result of deep research for the last 18-24 months and we are working to make the ZKP implementation as user friendly as possible even on mobile applications. Our efforts to integrate with Cardano includes deeper understanding of zero-knowledge proofs, Cardano architecture and user centric design that matches Web2 experience.
Once Reclaim is deployed on Cardano, it will unlock numerous disruptive use-cases and expand the user adoption of Cardano applications multifold. And we have designed our milestones to align with this success of adoption.