Last updated 3 months ago
It is hard for open-source development projects to achieve a sustainable level of contribution and financial support, even though many developers rely on open-source libraries.
This is the total amount allocated to Open-Source Cardano Go Libraries + Docs + Andamio CLI.
Workflows and Contributor Onboarding
Cost: ₳ 54,000
Delivery: Month 1 - Apr 2024
Building Background Knowledge and Community Contribution
Cost: ₳ 36,000
Delivery: Month 2 - May 2024
Contribution Management Features
Cost: ₳ 35,998
Delivery: Month 3 - Jun 2024
Release Cardano Go Project-Based Learning Course
Cost: ₳ 36,000
Delivery: Month 4 - Jul 2024
Proof of Short and Long-Term Impact
Cost: ₳ 32,002
Delivery: Month 5 - Aug 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Build the open-source Andamio CLI App in public. Along the way, contribute to the open source tooling the project depends on. Demonstrate innovative systems of incentives for open source contributors.
For this proposal, we are relying on open-source libraries like Apollo and Bursa. As we will show in this proposal, our intention is to support these projects by contributing to their future success.
Apache 2.0
Perception + Approach
We believe that the open source funding problem is a symptom of a larger issue. Because Web2 made it possible for large corporations to make lots of money while providing services that seem “free” to end-users, the economics of sustainable open-source development are hard to adapt to decentralized ecosystems. We must illustrate new funding models while continuing to develop open-source projects. Andamio is built to support this work.
Andamio is a platform for contributor onboarding and collaborative treasury management built on the Cardano blockchain. Our intention is for the Andamio Network to be as open and decentralized as Cardano itself. One of the core technical components of Andamio is Andamio CLI, which provides an industry standard command-line interface for interacting with the Andamio Network. Andamio CLI is also the backbone of a growing array of API services that support anyone to use Andamio.
Andamio CLI is written in Golang. With this project, we will build Andamio CLI in public. To do so, we will rely on other open source Go libraries like Bursa, Snek and gOuroboros from Blink Labs, and Apollo from Edoardo Salvioni (
Who Will Your Project Engage:
This project will engage with the Cardano Go developer community and anyone who wants to build contributor onboarding solutions with Andamio.
This project will also engage with Developers who want to contribute to high-impact open-source projects – while also getting paid.
What is Unique & Why is this Important?
This project will show that blockchain tooling makes it possible to fund open source work in new ways.
Andamio and Blink Labs are building for-profit businesses on Cardano. We are also building open source libraries. The Andamio Team is creating open source tools so that anyone can get started building on Andamio. The Blink Labs Team has a long track record of building open source repositories and of delivering scale-able solutions for paying clients.
Andamio needs the tooling that Blink Labs has built as part of its solution. Blink Labs is sowing the seeds of massive open source developer communities. This collaboration will show developers - of both open and closed source projects - a unique approach to sustaining critical work.
Short Team Impact
A new funding model for open-source development will require people to understand new possibilities. To understand these possibilities, people need examples. By continuing to build in public, we will set an illustrative example of how this new model works.
Longer Term Impact
If we are successful in the short-term, then we’ll be ready to focus on the longer-term outcome that inspires our work. We intend to set an example that opens opportunities for other developers, and that can be implemented by other development teams, while providing software to support their goals.
Global Impact
Blockchain enables new economic models. Our model will attract developers who understand the open source funding problem + illustrate how open source development can work. We predict that these outcomes will drive a new wave of blockchain adoption by illustrating how the technology can be used in the real world.
Our teams are fully committed to building publicly, in ways that support other developers to learn and to start contributing. We have a track record of delivering education and engaging developers even without viable funding. We're a group of open-source devs and teachers, after-all: lacking sufficient funding is something we've experienced since well before blockchain entered the picture. Now, our goal is change these historical patterns. We intend to show how funding can be used effectively to catalyze open source development efforts.
The Andamio and Blink Labs teams are already collaborating, and we really like working together. We've built high levels of trust over time, and we value being held accountable to the Catalyst Community.
Workflows and Contributor Onboarding
An open source project is successful when it can onboard additional contributors. We will initialize the processes for building the project, by using Andamio to facilitate collaboration.
Outputs + Acceptance Criteria
Building Background Knowledge and Community Contribution
We will provide examples of how the Blink Labs libraries support this project. Documentation Modules (including text, video, and code examples) will be published. Developers will be invited to give feedback, learn, and start contributing.
Outputs + Acceptance Criteria
Contribution Management Features
With our processes in place, it will be easier to specify how Andamio CLI will support the work. We'll apply collective decision-making processes to prioritize features, and set to building.
After completing Milestones 1 and 2, we will be in the cycle of using Andamio, Bursa, and Apollo, while also contributing to their development. By being embedded users of the tools to which we are contributing, we'll gain insights into what we want to do next.
Outputs + Acceptance Criteria
Proof of Short and Long-Term Impact
At the end of this project, we will have:
If we are successful, we will have a story to tell that resonates beyond the Cardano Ecosystem, about how the software and processes we are building help people to spend more time contributing to meaningful projects.
Blink Labs Team
Our team includes Principal / Staff Engineers, with more than 40 years combined experience. This project will be primarily assigned to Chris Gianelloni ( ) for development completion, with Aurora Gaffney ( ) providing code review, documentation, and support.
Edoardo Salvioni
Edoardo (aka
Andamio Team
You can find more information about our team here
PBL Design Team
James Dunseith - Teacher, Coach, Smart Contract Developer and Facilitator
Sebastian Pabon - Social Entrepreneur and Educator
Software Engineering Team
HongJing (Jingles) K - Innovative Solutions Developer
Nelson Kshetrimayum - Software Engineer
Juan Salvador Magán Valero - Software Engineer
Smart Contract Design Team
M.Ali Modiri - Smart Contract Developer
Adrian Hüetter - Smart Contract Developer
Business Strategy and Product Development Team
Roberto Mayen-Hess - Business and Innovation Manager
Yoram Ben Zvi - Business Models Lead
Nori Nishigaya - Software Development Expert
Budget Summary:
Click here to view a detailed description of these budget items.
Building technical tools to support open-source development
Telling the story:
Message to Devs