Last updated 11 months ago
Cardano has a lack of approachable open-source full-stack decentralized application code and documentation to attract new developers and makers.
This is the total amount allocated to Python Based Open Source Permissionless Marketplace and Documentation.
Milestone 1 - CodeBase
Cost: ₳ 21,930
Delivery: Month 1 - Apr 2024
Milestone 2 - Documentation
Cost: ₳ 21,930
Delivery: Month 2 - May 2024
Final Report and Video
Cost: ₳ 29,240
Delivery: Month 3 - Jun 2024
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Publish the code and documentation for a fully functioning hybrid marketplace application currently running on Cardano mainnet ( - including onchain,offchain and UI software.
No dependencies.
All elements of the project will be open-source under a MIT License, the on-chain validator code, the off-chain processing code, the front-end application and the guide/documentation.
This project will increase resources and reduce developer friction through publishing full-stack dApp code and documentation for a fully functioning permissionless marketplace application currently running on Cardano mainnet. The code and documentation would encompass all parts required for a functioning dApp – offchain code written with pycardano, on-chain validator code written in Opshin and the front-end developed with nextJS (typescript).
This project can engage experienced developers and new Cardano entrants or makers. Our approach is filling a gap in the current cardano landscape - there are limited resources for developing in python on Cardano. Python is one of the most widely used and approachable programming languages in existence. Increasing open-sourced guides and code based on python encourages a broad set of developers and hobbyists to explore Cardano. Our submission is unique and valuable as we already have a working and tested application.
Our codebase on github will provide a basis to track project impact.
Our solution adds to the Knowledge base and documentation, increases availability of resources for developer productivity, and includes usable samples/examples for DeFi. As an open source project and an active SPO I aim to interact with developers/community members to clarify/help address all questions related to our project outputs. Funding has been allocated from the budget to ensure community questions can be answered.
By using gitHub to publish the code we can use the available metrics/forks to monitor code use, and will track any community interactions to asses project impact.
I have developed multiple smart contracts and dApps using Opshin (python smart contracts). The proposed dApp is already live on mainnet and can be used/viewed currently. As a small business operator and Cardano Stake pool operator I will be able to allocate my time and funds appropriately to ensure timely delivery of the project objectives and milestones.
Refactor and Publish dApp Code (50%): Current codebase to be reviewed and cleaned for general consumption, clarity and concision - add comments to code where required.
As the single developer of the project it will not be difficult to comment and document my own code for use by other developers.
Milestone completion can be verified through github commit/publication
Create documentation(50%): Documentation and guides explaining individual functions, overarching concepts for each domain, descriptions of stack interactions, deployment guidelines (pm2,nginx,systemd,DNS) and smart contract security considerations.
Milestone completion can be verified through github commit/publication
Completion report and final hand-over obligations will be completed after delivery of first 2 Major Milestones. Catalyst representatives can verify through reception/viewing of github repo of final milestone deliverables.
All code was written tested and deployed by the proposer. All work and deliverables/handover/closeout including project management will be completed by Marc.
Project Management: Manage time and Deliverables/correspondence - 2500 ADA
Milestone 1: Review/Refactor/Publish codebase for clarity/concision/readability - 30 000 ADA
Milestone 2: Write/Publish documentation and guides - 30 000 ADA
Handover/Final Milestone: Final Project report and video submission - 2100 ADA
Community Engagement: Project upkeep/community interaction/Assist developers using codebase/Marketing - 8500 ADA
This project is unique as the dApp is already built and functioning on mainnet - The cost of hiring 4 developers (front-end, back-end, Smart contract engineer, system Admin) to complete and deploy a functioning marketplace dApp would far exceed this proposals 73100 ADA cost.
This project not only open-sources the complete codebase for a working marketplace but also delivers comprehensive documentation to increase education and provide tools for new developers to leverage.