Last updated a year ago
1-Wellness services are costly
2-Catalyst members don’t have support system & struggle with variety of health problems such as stress & burnout
3-Cardano needs new DAO use cases to grow the ecosystem
This is the total amount allocated to Adawell DAO: Wellness Initiatives on Cardano DAO Tools.
Adawell will run wellness initiatives using Cardano DAO tools: improving community member's wellness, providing feedback to DAO tool makers and attracting new users to Cardano DAO tools.
No dependencies.
Wellness initiatives for community by community.
3 -> Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Wellness Initiatives using Cardano DAO Tools
What are wellness initiatives?
1-The need for a Wellness DAO: Wellness Challenges in the Digital Era.
1.1-Web3 Challenges:
1.2-Systemic Challenges:
2-The Needs of Cardano DAO Tool Makers and DAOs in General
2.1-Cardano DAO Tools are now live, but they don’t have many DAOs using them
There are now several DAO Tools live on mainnet, ranging from full on governance protocols like Clarity and Summon Platform, to other tools such as Consenz, Voteaire, and Hazelbot which fulfill different needs of DAOs, and have different use cases.
The problem is, there is little activity on these platforms, because there aren’t many DAOs or communities looking to use these tools. The crucial thing these tools need is use. They need users to use these tools and provide critical feedback so the builders can understand their users’ needs better, and iterate their product.
2.2-New DAO use cases need to be experimented
DAOs are a new type of organization and they need to explored with fresh eyes and experimented with to fulfill their potential as a breakthrough organizational technology. As of 2023, there emerged several types of DAOs. Most notably:
Alchemy has identified a total of 8 types, though these are the most prevalent today:
What is certainly missing is anything that goes beyond these DAO types. New experiments are needed to explore the potential of DAOs to organize people.
Wellness Initiative Categories:
We already have initiatives such as meditation and yoga sessions, 4-week sleep intervention programs as well as workshops on gut health and time management, ready to be provided by professionals. Additionally, the community can suggest more initiative categories and sub-initiatives to be added.
How do DAO Tools come into play?
To decide which of such initiatives we as a community want, and to deliver the funding to the providers, we will test and use Cardano DAO Tools.
DAO tools will be used to:
What DAO tools will we use?
With this proposal we aim to build the most reputable and prestigious Wellness DAO on any blockchain, and the leading DAO on Cardano. We will help the DAO ecosystem on Cardano by delivering a unique DAO use case and providing structured feedback to DAO tool builders on their products.
We will directly improve the challenge metrics below in two ways:
As the wellness of the Adawell community grows, it will have an impact on Project Catalyst, the Cardano Community, and Web3 members who are seeking to improve their wellness. It will be a hub for all to benefit.
Benefits to the Cardano ecosystem:
We are Adawell, the first Wellness DAO on Cardano. We were funded in Catalyst Project at Fund 9 for a very small amount to build a wellness knowledge base, a community, and a team. In this time we have:
Vision and Mission
At Adawell, we believe wellness is a necessity, not a luxury. Our vision is to make wellness accessible and affordable for all.
We start with our own community. Our mission today is to improve the wellness of our community members.
Our team is made up of experts in wellness industry and DAO/DeSci governance.
I'm Ada Raimova, a wellness and mental health advocate and the founder of Adawell. I received funding from Catalyst in Fund 9 and delivered the MVP. I have created a knowledge base and community focused on wellness. Within the web3 space, my team and I have hosted more than 20 wellness sessions. My goal is to make wellness accessible to everyone and I have extensive knowledge and a strong network within the wellness and science ecosystem.
Oriana Gamrot has a background in biomedical science, while Martina Glibo has a degree in Kinesiology and 15+ years of experience teaching yoga. Cha Khan is a governance expert and founder of the littlefish Foundation on Cardano, and Praveen Kumar is a software developer with a special interest in wellness for Gen-Zs, using the latest technologies available. Healthspan Sage works for well-known decentralized autonomous organizations.
Together, we have the expertise and capability to deliver wellness initiatives and implement DAO tools to build the most prestigious Wellness DAO on Cardano.
We have attracted wellness service providers who have already done demo sessions and are ready to increase wellness initiatives in the community.
Also, you can find what people think of us here. Goal: positive impact on larger population.
Proposed work
1-Wellness of Adawell community improves
2-More than 5 Cardano DAO tools will be used, reported on, documented and videos watched
Success metrics
Outputs share
All links to outputs will be easily accesses via our Linktree and knowledge base.
Milestone 1: Community onboarding
Acceptance Criteria: 3+ wellness initiatives proposed, voted on and 1 launched.
Milestone 2: Wellness initiatives
Acceptance Criteria:
Final Milestone: Deliver wellness initiatives
Key Activities:
Acceptance Criteria:
I'm the project lead and I will make sure that our proposal is delivered successfully.
I'm a wellness advocate and the founder of the Adawell: Wellbeing DAO. I received funding from Catalyst during Fund 9 and delivered the MVP, established a knowledge base, build a community and a team. I'm passionate about holistic wellness, health optimization, the web3 and blockchain technologies. I firmly believe that wellness should not be a luxury, but rather a fundamental necessity accessible to all individuals. I am dedicated to creating an inclusive space where wellness becomes attainable and achievable for everyone. My dream is to build the first web3 wellness DAO with a great community benefiting a large population. I possess extensive knowledge and a well-established network within the wellness ecosystem and Decentralized Science communities. My areas of expertise and interests encompass Science Communication, Blockchain, Wellness in web3, Creator Economy, and longevity. I was a panelist in different events including Women of Cardano event.
I hold a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree and have non-degree education in holistic wellbeing, glucose revolution, sleep deprivation, hormone health, and health optimization. Before founding Adawell DAO, I gained experience including contributing as a wellness researcher in a longevity startup, a researcher in a defense think tank, and working in a public research company. I've also gained valuable insights into the corporate world through roles in HR, finance, and marketing intern at a marina. I am multilingual and fluent in English, Turkish, and Russian. Feel free to connect with any questions you may have about Adawell DAO via:
Martina is our lead wellness service provider who will help deliver the project.
Master of kinesiology and yoga teacher, founding member of Adawell DAO. As a passionate yoga instructor with 15+ years of experience, I share the knowledge and help people transform their lives on all levels physically, mentally and spiritually. Yoga has taught me discipline, appreciation, self awareness, patience it made me stronger, bolder, healthier and happier. I am joyful, positive person, I love my job, I love learning, traveling, meeting new people, new places. Education University Zagreb - Faculty of Kinesiology.
Facebook of Martina's Studio in Zagreb.
She will be helping deliver the wellness initiatives, engaging the community, promoting initiatives and community growth.
Utilising my science background to conduct in-depth research and curate a holistic view of health ailments, while empowering individuals to an awareness of all possible approaches to tackle their concerns. I am passionate about Science Communication and collating information in a comprehensive way to ensure attainability for all. My most recent endeavour has been to master the breath work modality to guide others to return their body to a healing state of being and equip them with tools to hack their nervous system. Education: Integrated Master's Biomedical Science (Manchester Metropolitan University); Psychology, Biology, Sociology (Worcester Sixth Form College)
He will guide us in implementing DAO tools and establishing effective governance structures.
Governance Geek. Tech monk, Advisor and Founder of littlefish Foundation. Electrical and Electronics Major. Researching, testing, and using Cardano DAO tools as part of funded Fund 9 project.
I love learning about History, Politics, and Economics. I think economists have betrayed the world with their focus on optimizing meaningless situations over optimizing the wellbeing of most people.
Co-founder of the multimedia studio Suki editions
Founder of Dyana, an imaginary network nation ( )
Transdisciplinary artist and creator on Cardano since 2021
Active member of Project Catalyst since 2021
Known community contributor in several Cardano Projects
LinkedIn :
He helps with operations and integrating technologies into our wellness initiatives.
Tech Monk at Adawell || Software Developer Education: Electrical Engineering (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur)) I want to solve problems related to wellness industry in this era of Gen-Zs using the latest technologies available to us and am firm believer of the statement “Software is eating the World”. In the past, I have been part of a local organization and learnt the Vedic sciences of nutrition which fascinated me to delve deep into this space and would like to create a dent in this space as I personally feel most of the people have limited knowledge in this domain as there is no visible metrics to assess. On a journey to find the hidden metrics and create a platform to make people live happier and longer.
He works in the well-known DeSci and has a passion for practical implementations of longevity research. This includes regular cardio, mobility, balance and strength sessions. After exercise, he believes in implementing the healthiest possible diet that is also practical and tailored for the individual. Healthspan Sage has been working full-time in DeSci since Nov 2021 and prior to that he worked for startups and advised startups on growth and sales.
Adawell community:
Admin, and Community Management Costs:
Wellness Initiatives Budget
Total USD = 9,000 || Total ADA = 9,000*0.40 = 22,500 ADA
With a minimum budget of 15K ADA, Catalyst gets
The budget covers two items: Admin&community costs and wellness initiatives.
Admin and community management costs cover the day-to-day operations of running the DAO and delivering the proposal:
Wellness initiatives are the main focus of the proposal. They will cover the costs of proposals made by community members and service providers. For example:
The budget for the wellness initiatives will be used sparingly, as is demanded and voted on by the community. If ADA/USD increases, or we use a smaller amount than the monthly budget proposed, we will extend the duration of the services and provide free-of-charge wellness services to our (Adawell|Catalyst|Cardano) community for a longer time.