Last updated a year ago
How do we build competent journalists in sub-saharan Africa especially Ghana, to influence public debate and set the tone for blockchain discourse for adoption, innovation and financial inclusion?
This is the total amount allocated to African Journalists for Blockchain - AJEOT 2024.
Use African Journalists for Economic Training (AJEOT) to develop journalists knowledge and competent skills to engage and influence blockchain education, and onboarding for financial inclusion
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The training modules and curriculum will be open source for others planning similar ecosystem development project could learn from our unique content
SDG - 1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere
SDG - 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG - 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
SDG - 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
The media and journalists set various agendas to educate, drive for change and innovation, share light on trending technologies and financial policies in different countries. However, the understanding and competence of journalists are important to set the correct drive for blockchain/cryptocurrency-based projects in Africa. The AJEOT program seeks to build the competence of African journalists by making them understand, appreciate and become ambassadors of web3, blockchain solutions, dApps and DAO integrated into various conversations as well as ask hard questions when engaging the public and policymakers for innovations. in Details
AJEOT over the years has been a credible platform inviting journalists across the African countries who travel to Ghana to undertake a 3-day intensive residential training in public policy, innovations, education and ideas for economic development.
The role of journalism is important to create and sustain freedom to trade, do business, improve the climate of ideas, lead adoption strategies and leadership. Democratically, Freedom of the press is enshrined in nearly all constitutional governments, and journalists as the 4th arm of government have had difficulties appreciating their primary roles in shaping policies and driving agendas for change. The obvious function of journalists is to report the news; big events and small events. Some are boring but must be made interesting, more than the facts. Renowned journalists go beyond the norm.
An important function is to ruffle feathers, dissect the policies of states, engage the public, discuss trends, ask hard questions, and demand answers to enhance economic freedom for a prosperous society. As people want to know what is going on in all parts of the world, reporting events of interest to create a free society for prosperity Will depend on the publications journalists work for and their understanding in economics, property rights, Technology trends, decentralization, freedom to create wealth, and public policy frameworks.
There is a complete ignoring of emerging technologies like blockchain that has the potential to create transparency, accountability for democracy and financial inclusion. Journalists in Africa have little to no competence in blockchain technology and its overwhelming impact for development. As a result, African Journalists rarely lead conversations on blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption for Africa’s development. There are fewer to no blockchain developers in Africa, laws and legislations to drive for adoption and virtually no regular conversations in the media on the transformations of blockchain.
There will also be one virtual webinar for journalists to participate in to benefit from the training. This will broaden the subject and increase the number of blockchain journalist ambassadors.
Through this 3 days training camp in Ghana, journalists will be trained on the evolving blockchain technology and cryptocurrency adoption ideas and its impact to drive for adoption, onboarding, expand cryptocurrency users, build and innovate for financial inclusion. The conversations initiated by journalists through their media would improve public opinion on blockchain adoption, develop and code on the blockchain and have journalist ambassadors of blockchain and cardano for social and economic prosperity. With cardano leading the way of improving blockchain adoption and its particularities, journalists will blog, onboard onto catalyst, create journalists town halls or join other existing town halls, write proposals, and innovate on the cardano blockchain.
Target Audience
The training is targeting the African journalists, especially Ghanaian journalists to understand how they could report on blockchain innovations, cryptocurrency analysis and its integration into their reportage to enhance public debate, driving for legislations, financial inclusion and infrastructures that create the environment for blockchain funders and asset holders to operate freely. Ghana is the gateway to Africa and such trainings and its impact will have a positive ripple effect on the continent.
This is a Knowledge-based and practically provocative educative workshop to enhance the works of journalists in Ghana to lead the conversations on blockchain for innovations, adoption and onboarding, and blockchain ambassadors that allow for blockchain innovators, asset holders and enthusiasts to operate freely.
Approach - The Builder Model
AJEOT uses the builder model to develop journalists’ analytical abilities to do more than just reporting. This model helps to equip journalists by developing the ability of journalists in key areas that are lacking. In Africa, most journalists set the agenda for the next election, and completely ignore the emerging future. We believe that the digital future should build readiness for journalists through training with a specific focus on blockchain, web3, and the digital future.
The builder model helps to educate, impact and develop individuals who participate in the training for a better understanding of blockchain innovations including NFTs, DAOs, DeFi, and other functional blockchain innovations that drive blockchain adoption. Countries in Africa have put in place barriers aimed at curtailing innovation of individuals building projects on emerging technologies like the blockchain. This approach will enlighten and develop journalists' knowledge in blockchain to create the environment that accommodates blockchain technology innovations.
The AJEOT 2024
The African Journalist for Economic Opportunity training (AJEOT) is an existing initiative that has developed journalists’ competence to better understand economics ,technology, innovations, fiscal policy, and policy framework to set the right tone for policy discourse. Since 2016, the AJEOT has trained 135 selected journalists before COVID-19 and will like to continue this important training with journalists to build their capacity in cardano blockchain and its particularities.
This time, we seek to focus on impacting journalists and build competence to set the agenda for the digital future, blockchain, and web3. This would help journalists to ask hard questions regarding legal and financial policy that seeks to curtail innovations.
AJEOT participants are already leading radio and TV station programs as well as educating the public on issues of misconceptions. Recently, one of our participants in 2019 has won an award in South Africa for his project on land rights.
Another 2019 participant is the host of a renowned Radio Station in Ghana and the General manager of the Media Company.
African Journalists to report and set the agenda on blockchain and cryptocurrency-related news and projects. Often in Africa, journalists are fed by what regulators conclude or the negative news associated with pseudo blockchain projects or scams. The solution would build the competence of journalists to understand blockchain, its operations, and the function of cryptocurrencies so as to engage meaningfully and set the tone for inclusiveness in technology discourse creating the environment for blockchain innovators to operate freely. Journalists will report on blockchain innovations, ongoing projects, awareness and create contents that set the tone to embrace legal environments for smooth operations. They will also write rejoinders to government statements and help facilitate the enlightenment of blockchain innovations to take away the misconceptions around blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
This would be helpful for cardano projects and initiatives in Africa to drive for innovations, onboarding and enhance mass education on cardano particularities. This will lead to having journalists town halls, education a large number of audience during broadcasting. The training would guide journalists to appreciate how blockchain technology and cardano blockchain and its particularities offer quality decentralization and more democratization in every facet of our society. This would spark interest for financial inclusions and accelerate project execution with less difficulties in Africa as well as impact journalists to do their work well for the betterment of the society at large.
Measuring Impact:
Blogs of journalists will be shared on GitHub, LinkedIN, discord and twitter. A dedicated African Journalist website will be created to accept articles on cardano and ongoing projects. Journalists will create programs to educate their audiences with practical conversations.
The entire 3 days training will have the videos shared on YouTube, twitter, discord and LinkedIn. The videos will be two with one being 5 minutes and the other 10 minutes.
Peter Bismark Kwofie has worked with the Institute for Liberty and Policy Innovation (ILAPI) in Ghana since 2015 and has led the training project on AJEOT to trained selected journalists to be trained in law, public policy research and analysis, economics and technology. As the Executive Director at the Institute, I have led High-level dialogues on blockchain and brought in professors and other facilitators from the USA, Switzerland, Nigeria and Kenya to lead sessions and modules of the trainings. I have been a policy research analyst since 2015 and have engaged the media in research advocacy a go to person for public policy analysis. I have the competence in organizing trainings and high-level dialogues.
The Institute for Liberty and Policy Innovation (ILAPI) is credible organization, registered and incorporated in Ghana and recognized among journalists, policymakers, government institutions, media and civil society organization in Ghana and across the globe. Conversely, the project will be managed by myself as an individual who have developed the competencies to deliver with results. I have managed other projects as low as $30,000 and have delivered with results of satisfaction. I have worked with the German Government as a consultant to provide a research report on Ease of Doing Business in Ghana. I hold Mphil in Human rights, MBA in leadership and management, degree in education, diploma in education and host of certificates in fundraising, leadership, communication and research. I have written on blockchain in Africa, led panel discussions on blockchain and cryptocurrencies in Ghana and Africa.
Project KPIs:
Short-term KPIs:
JEOT training has speakers presenting modules designed to sharpen the skills of journalists for to educate, onboard and help in blockchain discourse. The following indicators would be helpful to track progress;
Medium term:
AJEOT is a three-day residential and intensive training for journalists. The team estimates executing the project within two months (8 weeks). The following timeline would be undertaken for successful implementation.
Planning - 1st - 4th Week
Implementing - 4th - 11th Week
Execution - 12th - 20th Week
Milestone 1 - Build the Journalist Community
Key Activities:
Success Criteria:
Webpage for Journalists: Develop a webpage at ILAPI for journalists to blog and share their projects for rewards.
Audience Analysis: Put together audience analysis of the target group to reach out to journalists ready to use the knowledge and have interest to join the community including project catalyst.
Milestone 2: Selection of participants
Success Criteria:
Opening for Applications: The portal will be announced for applicants to apply for selections.
Facilitators and participants reached out with modules: All selected participants given concept notes, workshop modules and program outlines including date of reporting
Milestone 3: Workshops and learning together,
Key Activities:
Success Criteria:
Learning Modules: Make available tailored resources for journalists to help them create programs and blog for cardano and blockchain at large
Innovative learning: Journalists initiating discussions and joining Town Hall
Milestone 4 - Training Workshop
Success Criteria:
Promotion: The AJEOT workshop becoming the one-stop-shop for journalists to extract information for financial inclusion
Awardees: Leading projects in catalyst and discussions in Town Halls
Final Milestone:
The Preparation phase seeks to put together modules, resources and facilitators.
The specific objective is to equip journalists with the strong knowledge and competent skills to educate and become ambassadors of cardano blockchain in Ghana and Africa.
Peter Bismark Kwofie
Peter has 7 years experience as a private sector researcher and public policy subject matter expert. He is also a blockchain educator, trainer and conference speaker and was the first Ghanaian to host a blockchain radio show in Africa. He is a consultant on business development and real estate. Peter has consistently proven to have authority in free market economics and using blockchain to enhance transparency and accountability. Due to his huge networks, he is able to put together mammoth gatherings to create awareness on current trends on technology and poverty friendly policies of the state. Peter is known in the policy space and very eloquent. Peter was a CA in Fund7, Fund8, fund 9 and fund 10 with most of his reviewed proposals getting funded. Peter was contracted by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) of the German Government to conduct a study on red tape for doing business in Ghana and delivered with satisfaction. Peter has direct lines of communication with journalists in Ghana. Peter has organized trainings, high-level policy dialogues and public lectures huge participations.
Bismark Ebo Yankson
Yankson is a professional IT technician with specialities Software engineering, database management and administration, spreadsheet administration, network installation and administration, and system analysts. He has 6 years experience in web development and cyber consultancy, and had built systems for organizations that deliver results.
Budget (ADA)
Venue and Conference Cost - 3,000 ADA
Accommodation Cost for 3 days - 6,000 ADA
Feeding including snacks for the 3 days (participants and facilitators) - 7,000 ADA
Modules and Resources for Training - 2000 ADA
Local Transport - 1,000 ADA
Participant Traveling Grant - 5,000 ADA
Media Publicity - 2,000 ADA
Logistics & Training Materials - 4,000
Virtual webinar - 1000 ADA
Marketing - 3,000 ADA
Project Management - 5000 ADA
Reporting back to community - 2000
Free ADA for monthly best articles - 1500 ADA
Honorarium - 2500 ADA
All the amount is for the entire 5 months and we will need at least 8700 ADA monthly to execute this important project
Total - 45,000 ADA
With the journalists training we will be to influence discourse and educate a classes of persons with programs undertaken by the participants. This will also reduce and close the gap on misinformation and misconception on blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption and usage. The broadcasting of tailored blockchain and cardano programs on blockchain through the media will reach a huge number of listeners, callers to call in to contribute by demonstrating and appreciate the knowledge in blockchain innovation.
We will be awarding journalists with promising projects to help grow the cardano ecosystem and blockchain at large. Such innovative projects will submitted to project catalyst for support and further guidance. Journalists will join town hall meetings of interest and share experience with other individuals in the blockchain space.
Journalist will counter and challenge government's miscommunications on the application and use of blockchain tools and products by giving rejoinders with clarity, thereby influencing confidence and educating the businesses and general public. This AJEOT will be place of resources with links to cardano activities and innovation for other capacity building.