Last updated a year ago
Cardano blockchain is currently underutilised and represented in Australian mainstream education at multiple levels.
This is the total amount allocated to Articulate Cardano CBCA to Diploma of Applied Blockchain AUS.
Create an articulation pathway between Cardano CBCA and the Australian Accredited Diploma of Applied Blockchain at no cost.
No dependencies.
The output of the proposal will provide full open-access to anyone who completes the Cardano CBCA and will obtain the articulation mapping unit with our Australian accredited Diploma of Applied Blockchain 10849 NAT [1].
Goals 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goals 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Before submitting and going through a lengthy audit and screening process by ASQA and industry experts for a specific course, the RTO must fully develop all necessary training materials and be ready to deliver based on the submitted documentation. This is where RTO is reluctant to invest or needs a lot of assistance from industry consultation to develop the content of those courses.
By articulating from the Cardano CBCA course directly into the Australian Accredited Diploma of Applied Blockchain, we can accelerate the uptake and development of meaningful projects built on the Cardano ecosystem by providing robust frameworks that have been accredited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).
This will result in the further adoption of Cardano through government-approved education channels across the vocational and higher education sectors in the Eastern Hemisphere, starting with Australia.
In what way will the success of your project bring value to the Cardano Community?
How will you measure this impact?
How will you share the outputs and opportunities that result from your project?
Our team comprises technical writers/editors, lecturers, and professor who have worked for a number of years in Australian education for both the vocational education and training (VET) sector and higher education providers (Universities). Please see more details of our team members in [RESOURCES] below.
In relation to fund management, as a core team member of Eastern Town Hall [3] for the last 2.5 years as Co-host and Moderator, I have assisted the team in most possible ways to complete funded proposals since Fund6, and despite there being always an inevitable fluctuation or up/down factor or risk of delay in proposal delivery. See more details in [Project Milestones] and [BUDGET & COSTS] for funding breakdown against tasks completion.
Begin mapping of Cardano and Diploma of Applied Blockchain
Milestone Outputs
Identify and align the Cardano CBA modules to the assessable outcomes of the accredited units.
Acceptance criteria
The identified outcomes showcasing the alignment between both courses will be documented for potential articulation.
Evidence of milestone completion
A public viewable GitHub or Google Doc link will be provided for review.
Design and create course elements
Milestone Outputs
Design any missing learning elements and assessment criteria required to ensure Cardano CBCA graduates meet the articulation requirements.
Acceptance criteria
Create components required to meet the assessment frameworks.
Evidence of milestone completion
A public viewable GitHub or Google Doc link will be provided for review.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) using the Cardano CBCA modules
Milestone Outputs
Establish a clear RPL framework that allows accredited providers of the Diploma of Applied Blockchain to accept and credit graduates of the Cardano CBCA with articulation.
Acceptance criteria
Complete an RPL framework
Evidence of milestone completion
A public viewable GitHub or Google Doc link will be provided for review.
Revision of the RPL framework
Milestone Outputs
Revision of frameworks and preparation for publishing of the proposal outputs
Acceptance criteria
Complete the revision and sign-off
Evidence of milestone completion
A public viewable GitHub or Google Doc link will be provided for review.
Deploy to existing RTOs and onboard new ones globally
Milestone Outputs
Publish the course and articulation pathway
Acceptance criteria
Publish the proposal on our website, and notify the Cardano Foundation and communities about the articulation of the Diploma of Applied Blockchain (10849 NAT) by the Australian Skills Quality Authority with Cardano Blockchain Certified Associate (CBCA) Course.
Publish Cardano CBCA articulation through RTO’s offering the accredited Diploma of Applied Blockchain.
Publish Cardano CBCA articulation as a recognised entry pathway to the Diploma of Applied Blockchain (Displayed on the accredited course framework document)
Evidence of milestone completion
A public viewable GitHub or Google Docs link contains all mapping, content, and assessment development.
The Project Closeout Report and Project Close-out Video will be a part of the evidence of this final milestone.
Dr Linh Pham is Australia-based, has completed his professional doctorate in information technology (DInfoTech), was a computer network and security consultant and turned to become an academic specialised in digital forensics and cybersecurity in 2004.
He is involved with Cardano Ecosystem and Project Catalyst in the following community roles: Fund 7 Challenge Team member for “Disarm cyber disinformation attacks”. Team Lead in Fund8 and Fund9 for “Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano” and Fund10 Team Lead for “Development & Infrastructure” challenges and Co-host and Moderator for Eastern Hemisphere Townhall since Fund 7 (2.5 years).
Linh will work on Cardano blockchain content mapping and assessment development in this project.
Telegram: @elpidanang
Nathan Burns
Nathan is the CEO of Blockchain Collective, who created the Diploma of Applied Blockchain 10747NAT, Advanced Diploma of Applied Blockchain 11241NAT and the Diploma of Applied Blockchain merging Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence 10991NAT.
Nathan has also led several blockchain projects and consulted on ecosystem start-ups.
Telegram: @NathanBCC
A/Prof Dr Chandana Withana is Australia-based and an experienced college/RTO's Dean, course coordinator and adjunct Senior Lecturer in Bachelor of Information Technology and Master of Information Technology programs with comprehensive experience in tertiary education, research and course development.
He will look at all of the concept-based content developments.
Angelika Maag: MLing; MCom; MIntRel (MQ) GCT&LHE (CSU)
Angelika has been a professional language teacher, editor, and proofreader for more than 20 years. In this project, Angelika will work as a proofreader and editor, and this is a vital role for the project as she is excellent in technical content editing.
Milestone 1: Begin mapping of Cardano and Diploma of Applied Blockchain
Mapping CBCA content against units of accredited course: 96h * 300 ADA
Analyse and form required assessment requirements: 58h * 300 ADA
Editing, layout and publishing: 8.5h * 300 ADA
Subtotal: 48750 ADA
Milestone 2: Design and create course elements
Developing content and assessment materials to ensure adequate competency for articulation to the accredited course units. Training material and resources: 130h * 300 ADA
Subtotal: 39000 ADA
Milestone 3: Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) using the Cardano CBCA modules
Develop a comprehensive RPL framework to recognise Cardano CBCA modules. This will meet the Accredited course standards used by Register Training Organisations: 130h * 300 ADA
Subtotal: 39000 ADA
Milestone 4: Revision of RPL framework
A comprehensive review of the RPL Framework to meet accredited standards: 60h * 300 ADA
Quality assurance review of mapping: 37.5h * 300 ADA
Subtotal: 29250 ADA
Final Milestone: Deploy to existing RTOs and onboard new ones globally
As an organisation with an existing courseware development team, part of our risk management strategy is to accommodate the risk of ADA price fluctuation. We have taken this into account when preparing the budget costing of the project to ensure on-time delivery and to meet all commitments.
Engagement with new and existing Registered Training Organisations to communicate and implement articulation pathways and RPL framework. 60h * 300 ADA
Publish content and update Learning Management portals for all existing providers: 30h * 300 ADA
Update and submit entry requirement changes to Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA): 20h *300 ADA
Final closeout report and other administration work such as Milestone and Proof of achievement back and forth, emailing RTOs for feedback, engaging and cost involve with for training package details: 20h *300 ADA
Subtotal: 39000 ADA
Total: 195000 ADA
In line with Australia Government Treasury Token mapping 2023 [4] consultation submissions, currently, only 12 RTOs are accredited to deliver Diploma of Applied Blockchain and only two head-run Universities, Sydney University [5] and RMIT [6], provide some courses with a small portion of the smart contract (non-Cardano), for instance.
Therefore, the proposal outcomes would be feasible steps for RTOs wishing to accelerate the uptake of the Cardano blockchain usage and for the Cardano ecosystem itself. It would provide a significant position in marketing, onboarding and awareness in Australia and the 161 countries where international students come from. Education is Australia’s third greatest export [7] by GDP, and this would help spread the Cardano blockchain even further once these students return to their home countries [8].