Despite all the blockchain education initiatives, there are no mechanisms to bring this knowledge to people with no technical backgrounds.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardamania - educative board game.
Create a boardgame that teaches basic concepts of blockchain in a didactic and fun way without the need for technical jargon
“No dependencies.”
Project will be fully open source.
Cardamania Educational Game is a board game that uses traditional elements such as dice, an hourglass, a board and puzzle cards, and can be played in teams or individually. The objective is to overcome puzzles and certain activities in order to simulate the operation of the blockchain, and more!.
It’s Educational Board Game with dynamic difficulty where participants draw cards from different decks in order to advance through the board in the fastest way possible, all while earning rewards as they progress and affecting the board mechanics by means of "Smart Contracts"
If you want to know more details of the game mechanics, look at the attached file called “game mechanics”.
But the proposed solution is not limited to the creation of the board game, this proposal extends to bringing events designed to teach basic blockchain concepts to 200 Colleges / Technical Institutes in Ecuador in the span of a year.
It should be noted that in order to carry out the educational events, we have created a scaled replica so that students can learn in a fun way and grouped into teams
If you want to know more details of the events designed to teach basic blockchain concepts, see the attached file called “mechanics of the game”.
We will bring education to at least 5 thousand people directly in Ecuador, this will undoubtedly be good to improve the adoption and massification of cardano
I believe one of the main objectives of the Challenge is to onboard new members into the world of blockchain and Cardano; this game will do exactly that! And not just technical people, it's aimed to get everyone educated about the technology in a fun manner
Our strategy is based on making a connection with the rectors of the colleges / universities to inform them of what the project is about, an activity that is planned throughout the project cycle.
The main beneficiaries are the students, since they participate in a learning process
All documentation, schedules, planning, challenges and achievements will be published on the project website
Our ability to deliver our project with high levels of confidence and accountability is based on the following:
Team expertise: We have successfully carried out +20 talks similar to those of this project in Ecuador and Paraguay
We have an experienced and competent team that possesses in-depth knowledge in the field of blockchain technology, electoral systems, and IT security.
Transparency in execution: We are committed to carrying out the project in a transparent manner, providing regular updates on progress, milestones achieved and obstacles overcome
Establishment of accountability mechanisms: We will implement clear accountability mechanisms at all stages of the project, both the source code and the documentation will be 100% available.
Administration of the funds: All the invoices of the expenses made with the found 10 funds will always be public on the website and the Github repository of the project
Preparation and launch
This milestone is intended for the design and manufacturing of the 200 copies of the game, as well as teaching material that will be distributed in conjunction with the game.
The acceptance criteria are:
Execution: first phase
Events to teach basic concepts of blockchain and distribution of 200 games in 200 schools and institutes in the country.
Nro | Province | Colleges / Technical Institutes
1 | AZUAY | 11
2 | BOLÍVAR | 3
3 | CAÑAR | 4
4 | CARCHI | 3
5 | COTOPAXI | 7
7 | EL ORO | 6
The acceptance criteria are:
Execution: second phase
Events to teach basic concepts of blockchain and distribution of 200 games in 200 schools and institutes in the country.
Nro | Province | Colleges / Technical Institutes
10 | GUAYAS | 16
11 | IMBABURA | 9
12 | LOJA | 9
13 | LOS RÍOS |4
14 | MANABÍ |16
16 | NAPO | 8
The acceptance criteria are:
Execution: third phase
Events to teach basic concepts of blockchain and distribution of 200 games in 200 schools and institutes in the country.
Nro | Province | Colleges / Technical Institutes
17 | ORELLANA | 3
18 | PASTAZA | 2
19 | PICHINCHA | 39
20 | SANTA ELENA | 5
22 | SUCUMBIOS | 2
23 | TUNGURAHUA | 12
The acceptance criteria are:
Final report with project closure report plus a video summary of all project activities
1.- Cost to create 200 games (C1)
2.- Events to teach basic concepts of blockchain and distribution of 200 games in 200 schools and institutes in the country (C2).
TOTL= 130.000,00
3.- Go to the schools (C3)
TOTAL: 16.765,00
4.- TOTAL (C1)+(C2)+ (C3)
34.909,00 + 130.000,00+16.765,00 = 181674
Impact on the ecosystem (adoption):
Our project has a significant impact on the ecosystem, as it presents an innovative and entertaining way of delivering knowledge to people without technical backgrounds. Through this initiative, we aim to promote the adoption of blockchain-related concepts in an accessible manner for everyone.
our project does not have a large budget, and despite that we have a plan to attract more people to the ecosystem
Justification of the costs:
The prices detailed in the budget align with average values both in the production of a board game and in the hourly rates of the instructors who will conduct the blockchain events and conferences. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that we will be providing a copy of the game to 200 schools in Ecuador. This will not only contribute to the widespread dissemination of blockchain technology in the country but also provide students with a valuable and enjoyable educational tool to learn about this emerging field