[GENERAL] Name and surname of main applicant
DataScience plc
[GENERAL] Are you delivering this project as an individual or as an entity (whether formally incorporated or not)
Entity (Incorporated)
[GENERAL] Co proposers and Additional applicants
Tadesse Duressa
- Computer Science student at Admas University
- +251 92 193 1796
- Admas University contact
- Address: Addis Aabba, Ethiopia
- Fax: 0115-50-89-01/0115-50-89-01
- Email: info@admasuniversity.edu.et
- Website: http://www.admasuniversity.edu.et
Esubalew Amenu
[GENERAL] Please specify how many months you expect your project to last (from 2-12 months)
[GENERAL] Please indicate if your proposal has been auto-translated into English from another language.
[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem (200-character limit including spaces)
Empower students by integrating Cardano-related contents into our educational app with 100k+ downloads (50k+ active users) and organizing meetups to bridge the knowledge gap and advance participation
[GENERAL] Does your project have any dependencies on other organizations, technical or otherwise?
[GENERAL] If YES, please describe what the dependency is and why you believe it is essential for your project’s delivery. If NO, please write “No dependencies.”
No dependencies.
[GENERAL] Will your project’s output/s be fully open source?
[GENERAL] Please provide here more information on the open source status of your project outputs
The project will be fully open source under the MIT License. All code, documentation, and associated elements will be publicly accessible, allowing the community to copy, inspect, and contribute to the development. The chosen license ensures transparency, collaboration, and adherence to open source principles.
Quality Education: Our project provides comprehensive courses on Cardano blockchain, promoting knowledge and skills development.
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: The content will contributes to the development of innovative technologies in blockchain through education.
Partnerships for the Goals: Our project fosters collaboration within the Cardano community for sustainable development.
Decent Work and Economic Growth: Our project enhances skills for potential employment in the blockchain industry.
[SOLUTION] Please describe your proposed solution.
Proposed Solution Overview:
- Integrating Cardano educational resources into our existing educational mobile app with 100k+ downloads (50k+ active users) and organizing meetups with ranked #13 in best African university students to bridge the knowledge gap and foster blockchain knowledge and advance participation.
Approach Rationale:
- Leveraging our existing educational mobile app, which already has a user base of over 100,000 students, to deliver Cardano educational resources directly to the target audience.
- Combining offline accessibility through the mobile app with interactive meetups to engage and foster discussions among students.
Engagement Strategy:
- Engaging high school and #13 in best African university students in Ethiopia by providing quality educational resources and facilitating in-person interactions through organized meetups.
Demonstrating Impact:
- Measuring the increase in awareness and understanding of blockchain technology through pre- and post-intervention assessments.
- Assessing the engagement and participation levels of students in meetups as indicators of enthusiasm and active involvement.
Uniqueness of the Solution:
- The comprehensive approach combining offline accessibility through the app and interactive meetups sets our solution apart. It ensures students have access to educational resources and fosters engagement and collaboration among peers and experts.
Beneficiaries and Importance to Cardano:
- Beneficiaries: High school and university students in Ethiopia who gain access to educational resources and opportunities for blockchain exploration.
- Importance to Cardano: Aligns with Cardano's goals by promoting education, fostering community engagement, and expanding the reach of blockchain technology to untapped regions. Empowering students contributes to Cardano's ecosystem growth and drives socio-economic progress in Ethiopia.
[IMPACT] Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community.
- Supporting Student Blockchain Startups: By integrating Cardano educational resources into our educational mobile app and organizing meetups, we empower student entrepreneurs to leverage blockchain technology for their startup ideas. This support enables them to access funding opportunities and build their businesses within the Cardano ecosystem.
- Onboarding Students to the Cardano Community: Through our app and meetups, we educate high school and university students about Cardano and the Catalyst program, increasing their awareness and understanding of blockchain technology. This encourages their active participation in the Cardano community, fostering a new generation of blockchain enthusiasts and contributors.
- Fostering Cardano Ecosystem Development: Our solution bridges the knowledge gap among students and equips them with blockchain knowledge and skills. This, in turn, enables them to actively contribute to the ecosystem through innovative projects, collaborations, and future proposals to the Catalyst Fund.
Our project brings substantial value to the Cardano ecosystem by increasing community engagement, strengthening the ecosystem through the contributions of knowledgeable students, and addressing the key problem of limited access to educational resources and awareness about blockchain technology among students in Ethiopia.
[CAPABILITY & FEASIBILITY] What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?
Track Record: Successful development of the Grade 1–12 Textbooks and Teachers Guide app with 100,000+ downloads
Collaboration: Our project has joined Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub.

Expertise in Educational Content: Experienced educators and subject matter experts ensure high-quality resources.
Transparent Financial Management: Clear budgeting, expense tracking, and reporting processes
Trustworthy Partnerships: Collaborations with Educational Institutions and Experts
User Feedback Integration: Actively collecting and addressing user feedback for continuous improvement
Well educated Leader: The project is owned and lead by BSc, MSc, BA and Cardano Blockchain Certified Associate (CBCA)
To manage funds properly, we follow:
Budget Planning
Transparent Expense Tracking
Regular Reporting
[Project Milestones] What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Milestone 1: Preparation of Cardano Educational Resources
- Tasks:
- Prepare educational resources and materials on Cardano and blockchain for high school and university students.
- High School students:
- Introduction to Blockchain Technology
- Exploring Cardano: A Beginner's Guide to Blockchain
- University students:
- Advanced Blockchain Development
- Cardano Ecosystem: Smart Contracts and Beyond
- Blockchain Security and Cryptography
- Decentralized Applications on Cardano
- Blockchain Governance and Consensus Mechanisms
- Develop a plan for integrating the resources into our mobile app.
- Collaborate with Cardano community and experts to ensure accuracy and relevance.
- Timeline: 6 weeks
- Success Criteria: Successful preparation of Cardano educational resources.
- Projected Cost: 21,000 ADA
Milestone 2: App Features Development and Integration
- Tasks:
- Implement and integrate the new feature within the app framework.
- Test and verify the functionality of the integrated feature.
- Timeline: 7 weeks
- Success Criteria: Successful integration of Cardano educational resources into the app, ensuring seamless access and usability for users.
- Projected Cost: 20,000 ADA
Milestone 3: Organize Meetups and Workshops
- Tasks:
- Identify target student organizations for collaboration.
- Plan and schedule meetups and workshops on Cardano and blockchain topics.
- Coordinate with guest speakers and experts for delivering sessions.
- Promote the events through online channels and social media platforms.
- Facilitate networking opportunities and hands-on activities during the events.
- Timeline: 9 weeks
- Success Criteria: Successful organization of meetups and workshops with active student participation and positive feedback.
- Projected Cost: 34,000 ADA
Final Milestone: Measure and Evaluate Impact
- Tasks:
- Design and conduct pre- and post-project surveys to assess knowledge increase.
- Gather feedback and testimonials from students regarding their engagement and learning experience.
- Analyze data and evaluate the impact of the project on student awareness and participation in the Cardano ecosystem.
- Timeline: 2 weeks
- Success Criteria: Clear evidence of increased knowledge, active participation, and positive student feedback.
- Projected Cost: 5,000 ADA
Implementation Plan:
- Initiation
- Research and Content Curation
- App feature Development and Integration
- Content Validation and Review
- User Engagement and Education
- Community Participation and Networking
- Evaluation and Iteration
[RESOURCES] Who is in the project team and what are their roles?
1 Faizur Reshid (PhD) - Content Research and Curation Specialist
2 Esubalew Amenu - Developer and Technical Lead
- LinkedIn Profile: Esubalew Amenu
- Manages technical aspects of the feature development.
- Creates and oversees the quality of educational content on the app.
- Has a strong background in Cardano blockchain education and content creation.
- Cardano Blockchain Certified Associate (CBCA) - Certificate ID 64a11f630d345a3a7c07d6cb
3 Samuel Birhanu Wada - Developer
4 Mohammed Ibrahim - UX/UI Designer
- Portfolio: Mohammed Ibrahim
- Computer Science student at Hope Enterprise University
- Responsible for creating intuitive and visually appealing user experiences.
- Proficient in user interface design principles and user-centered design methodologies.
- Experience in designing engaging and user-friendly interfaces for mobile and web applications.
5 Tadesse Duressa - Frontend Developer
- Computer Science student at Admas University
- Responsible for developing the user interface and user experience of the app.
- Experienced in recent frontend technologies.
- Experienced in creating responsive and intuitive interfaces.
Additional Team Members (to be recruited):
1. Content Validator
- Reviewing and validating the educational content for accuracy and relevance.
- Strong subject knowledge in the relevant academic areas.
2. Community Engagement and Networking Manager
- Organizing meetups, events, and community outreach efforts.
Engagement and Communications
The project team has engaged with relevant technical groups, including Cardano Ethiopa Group and CodeNight to communicate with the Cardano community, seek feedback, and collaborate with other developers and enthusiasts. Direct lines of communication have been established to ensure effective coordination and access to necessary resources.
[BUDGET & COSTS] Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources.
Milestone 1: Preparation of Cardano Educational Resources
- High School students:
- Introduction to Blockchain Technology - 2,500 ADA
- Exploring Cardano: A Beginner's Guide to Blockchain - 2,500 ADA
- University students:
- Advanced Blockchain Development - 3,200 ADA
- Cardano Ecosystem: Smart Contracts and Beyond - 3,200 ADA
- Blockchain Security and Cryptography - 3,200 ADA
- Decentralized Applications on Cardano - 3,200 ADA
- Blockchain Governance and Consensus Mechanisms - 3,200 ADA
- Preparation Cost: 21,000 ADA
Milestone 2: App Features Development and Integration
- Integration Development:
- Backend Integration: 8,000 ADA
- API Integration: 5,000 ADA
- Third-Party Service Integration: 1,500 ADA
- Testing, QA & Improvements:
- Functional Testing: 500 ADA
- Security Testing: 500 ADA
- User Acceptance Testing (UAT): 500 ADA
- Feedback Implementation: 1,000 ADA
- Documentation:
- Update Technical Documentation: 1,000 ADA
- Contingency Reserve:
- Unforeseen Issues: 1,000 ADA
- Total Cost: 19,000 ADA
Milestone 3: Organize 5 Meetups and Workshops
- Venue Rental: 5,000 ADA
- Event Promotion and Marketing: 5,000 ADA
- Materials: 11,000 ADA
- Printed materials for workshops
- Presentation materials
- Supplies: 10,000 ADA
- Tea and refreshments for attendees
- Stationery (pens, notepads)
- Miscellaneous: 3,000 ADA
- Total Cost: 34,000 ADA
Final Milestone: Measure and Evaluate Impact
- Survey Design and Analysis: 4,000 ADA
- Reporting: 1,000 ADA
- Total Cost: 5,000 ADA
Total Cost: 75,000 ADA
[VALUE FOR MONEY] How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?
- Meetup Events: The budget includes organizing meetup events to facilitate networking, and education among Cardano enthusiasts.
- User Engagement and Community Building: Budget allocation for community engagement, and networking activities fosters a vibrant Cardano user community.
- Skilled Project Team: Costs reflect the expertise of professionals in app development, content management, user engagement, and community building.
- Justified Cost Estimation: Costs are based on industry standards, market rates, and the complexity of tasks, ensuring a reasonable and value-driven budget.
- App Users Community: The project aims to build a strong community of Cardano Blockchain students, promoting collaboration, feedback, and knowledge sharing.
- Comprehensive Educational Resources: The project delivers valuable educational materials for students, representing a cost-effective investment in knowledge acquisition.
[IMPORTANT NOTE] The Applicant agrees to Fund Rules and also that data in the submission form and other data provided by the project team during the course of the project will be publicly available.
I Accept