Last updated a year ago
CBDC is used by government to control, monitor the financial spending of ordinary citizens and regulate private digital currencies including crypto. How do we create awareness on this motive in Ghana?
This is the total amount allocated to CBDC in Ghana, Policy Initiative to Safeguard Crypto Space - Awareness.
Hold Policy Initiative to create awareness on dark-side of CDBC in Ghana to create awareness and educate the citizenry to ensure safeguarding of financial freedom, CardanoADA and crypto in General.
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The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is seen as an alternative to the ever-rising adoption of cryptocurrencies across jurisdictions. The global crackdown against Cryptocurrencies is due to the fact that governments all over the world have not found out how to control them. In response, the Central Bank Digital Currency has been rolled out and most countries have undertaken research in this dystopian currency and are about to launch in more countries.
CBDC is considered to be both an evolving new form of central bank money (alongside cash and
central bank’s reserves) and an innovative payment instrument with its own infrastructure. What makes CBDCs unique is that it is not just any digital currency because CBDCs have the ability to control and limit individuals’ financial freedom.
In Canada, it is shocking to witness how the government froze millions in convoy funds. The general freedom we have to digital currency is the ability to choose. For instance, if your bank puts restrictions on your transaction, you can deal with another bank. If you find Ethereum gas fees expensive, you can choose Cardano. However, with CDBCs, you don’t have the freedom to choose or opt-out. This is because your money will be stored with the Central Bank and there is only one Central Bank in every country. The centralization of CBDCs gives the government and central bank the ability to decide what you will do to your money thus ending financial freedom.
The General Manager for Banks for International Settlement, Agustin Carsten, outlined a key feature of CBDC as ‘‘a key difference with the CBDC is that Central Bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of the expression of Central bank liability and also, we will have the technology to enforce that’. In simple terms, Central banks control your transactions. Therefore, people cannot opt-out to use cash, because CBDC is here to replace cash, Nigerian’s E-Naira is a case for reference.
Also, the President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, admitted that CBDC would be used for control in a video chat with fake Zelensky. (See: The Brazilian Central Bank after sharing the code for its CBDC (D-Rex) revealed that it contained codes to freeze transaction. (See:
In all these backlashes with the risk associated with CBDCs, others have taken drastic step to ban the Central Bank from having such power in the issuance of CBDCs. It is worth mentioning that North Carolina passed a law to ban the use of CBDCs which was followed by the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, signing a bill into law that sought to restrict the use of use of CBDCs. (See:, House Republicans is moving a step closer to passing the ‘CDBC Anti-Surveillance State Act’ aimed at preventing the Federal Reserve from issuing CBDCs. (See:
In Africa, Nigeria is the first African country to launch its CBDC on 25th October 2021 called the E-Naira. After launching, adoption of it was slow and not as anticipated. According to Bank for International Settlement, voluntary adoption of CBDCs by citizens is between 4-12%. However, this figure is low compared to the 0.5% adoption rate in Nigeria after a year of launching its CBDC (E-Naira). The government of Nigeria had to employ stringent measures including cash restriction and putting a cap on the maximum amount one can withdraw from ATM just to increase adoption. The youth of Nigeria took to the streets to protest against the E-Naira amid cash shortage. (See: , ,
Despite the risk associated with CBDCs and the desire to use the centralized digital currency to control and limit financial freedom, the Central Bank of Ghana is working actively to launch its CBDC called E-Cedi. What is interesting is that despite everything happening with CBDC around us, the awareness of the Ghanaian population is low.
This proposal seeks to undertake a policy initiative that would focus on creating risk awareness of CBDCs in Ghana. The project would undertake policy dialogue to have stakeholder buy-in and also undertake mainstream media interviews and education that would promote consciousness in safeguarding financial freedom and crypto space in Ghana.
The Bank of Ghana Policy Paper on E-Cedi (Ghana’s CBDC) titled ‘Design paper of the digital Cedi (eCedi)’, has stated as part of its motivation for rolling out eCedi to include;
(Our focus here is to present motives for ensuring control and curtailing financial freedom in the policy document of the Bank of Ghana [BoG])
The quotations above are the direct motivation behind the Central Bank of Ghana’s CBDC (eCedi) and its boldly stated in its policy paper.
Our policy initiative focuses on awareness that would sensitize the Ghanaian population to build consciousness and awareness of financial freedom and how eCedi would curtail this freedom. To have a credible voice for this policy initiative, the project would be directly under the Center of Technology and Digital Economy at YAFO Institute and the African Institute for Defi and Blockchain (AIDBLOCK). In the past, our efforts have pushed for the reduction of electronic transaction levy (E-Levy) from 1.7% to 1% in Ghana. (See: This is one of the major policy successes achieved in Ghana for crypto traders to have tax relief. Hence, the experienced team of the two think tanks would be helpful in achieving success going head-on against CBDCs in Ghana.
The awareness would focus on the following;
1. High Profile Policy Dialogue Event
2. Mainstream media Education
3. Mainstream media and Popular Political Talk Show Interviews
4. Op-Ed and Articles on CBDCs
Ghana is heading into Election 2024, therefore, this a favorable and opportune time to create awareness and mobilize support against CBDD policies that would threaten the existence of crypto in Ghana.
In conclusion, this policy initiative is one that would push for local policy and regulation formulation in Ghana. CBDCs come with the risk of controlling individual financial freedom and controlling their decision process with their earned capital in Ghana. Together, let’s safeguard the Cardano Community in Ghana and crypto at large.
Our Policy Initiative would help create awareness on the risk of CBDCs to its ultimate rejection by the Ghanaian populace. Here for the main positive impact of our project for Cardano Community;
Overall, the project would contribute to strengthening Cardano's position in Ghana as a leader crypto with growing community.
The capacity of our team has been phenomenal within the Ghanaian policy space. The teams great experience in research, advocacy, education and policy marketing and communication. This has helped the team chalked policy wins including transformation of Ghana's vehicle insurance space to make it responsive to market and advocating for the reduction of electronic transaction levy in Ghana. Our team has great media reach and communication experience to drive change in Ghana.
Our team maintain transparency and accountability with the catalyst community. We are committed to reporting and publication of work on our websites for easy access as well as maintain openness with progress through community reporting and media mentioning.
The credibility of our advocacy voice to create awareness for this project is critical for success. Therefore, undertaking the project under the auspices of the Center for Technology and Digital Economy, YAFO Institute and African Institute for DeFi and Blockchain (AIDBLOCK) leverages on the great track record within the Ghanaian policy space. We successfully undertook Policy Dialogue on Fintech and Blockchain Technology for Free Trade in Ghana. This brought prominent mainstream media awareness on how blockchain can be utilize to enhance free trade. Therefore, our proven expertise in influencing policies in Ghana would be leverage for the successful delivery of this project to safeguard the crypto space in Ghana.
Timeline for the Project
Month 1
• Organize a high-profile policy dialogue on CDBC to engage policymakers, government officials, and financial experts in a discussion about CDBC's potential risks and benefits.
• Identify and contact journalists from major Ghanaian news outlets to secure media interviews to discuss the negative aspects of CDBC.
Month 2
• Facilitate presentations and discussions on the potential risks of CDBC, such as increased government surveillance and control, at the organized policy dialogue.
• Prepare press releases and talking points for media interviews that effectively communicate the key messages of the Hold Policy Initiative.
Month 3
• During the policy dialogue and media interviews, highlight alternative forms of digital currency that are more decentralized and resistant to control.
• Write op-eds and articles that clearly explain the potential risks of CDBC as well as the advantages of other forms of digital currency.
Month 4
• Submit op-eds and articles to targeted Ghanaian publications in order to educate the public about the potential risks of CDBC and promote alternative solutions.
• On CDBC, create infographics, explainer videos, and other educational materials.
Month 5
• Distribute educational materials through online platforms, social media, and community events to provide the public with simple information about CDBC and empower them to make informed financial decisions.
• Form relationships with journalists and media outlets that cover CDBC developments.
Month 6
• Organize workshops and seminars to educate the public about CDBC and its potential consequences.
• Provide timely and insightful commentary on CDBC-related news and developments in order to establish the Hold Policy Initiative as a reliable source of information on CDBC and its implications for Ghana.
• Take part in media interviews and panel discussions to share your knowledge of CDBC.
Milestone 1: Hold a high-level policy dialogue on CDBC.
• Objective
Hold a discussion with policymakers, government officials, and financial professionals regarding the potential dangers and benefits of CDBC.
• Organize a panel discussion or roundtable discussion with important speakers from academia, industry, and government.
• Facilitate presentations and debates on the potential concerns of CDBC, such as increased government surveillance and control.
• Emphasize alternate types of digital currency that are more decentralized and resistant to centralization, example Cardano ADA.
Milestone 2: Obtain media interviews to address the negative aspects of CDBC
Reach a larger audience and raise public awareness of the potential dangers of CDBC.
• Identify and contact journalists from Ghana's major news outlets.
• Create press releases and talking points that effectively communicate messages on risk of CBDCs
• Participate in media interviews to address the potential risks of CDBC and the value of financial independence.
Milestone 3: Have op-eds and articles published in prominent Ghanaian publications.
Inform the public about the potential dangers of CDBC and promote alternative solutions.
• Locate trustworthy Ghanaian newspapers, magazines, and online publications.
• Write op-eds and articles that clearly explain the potential risks of CDBC as well as the advantages of other forms of digital currency example Cardano ADA.
• Submit op-eds and articles to targeted mainstream media for publication.
Milestone 4: Create CDBC media education materials.
To provide the public with simple information about CDBC and to empower them to make informed financial decisions and contribute to public debates.
• On CDBC, create infographics, explainer videos, and other educational materials.
• Make educational materials available via online platforms, social media, and community events.
• Hold workshops and seminars to educate the public about CDBC and its potential consequences.
Final 5: Provide expert commentary on CDBC developments to the media.
Establish the Hold Policy Initiative as a reliable source of information on CDBC and its implications for Ghana.
• Provide timely and insightful analysis of CDBC-related news and developments.
• Take part in media interviews and panel discussions to share your knowledge of CDBC.
He has Bsc in Business Administration option in Finance. He is the regional business developer and specialize in utilizing digital platform for product distribution. He undertake research and develop advocacy project project with focus on improving business and financial regulations in Ghana.
A researcher with years of experience in think tank development and non-profit management. He was part of the team contracted by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ Ghana) to conduct a study on red tapes for doing business in Ghana. He has a background in project management, think thank Management, and is a graduate of Atlas Leadership Academy, USA. He has founded several non-profit organizations including Young Africans for Opportunities and Africa Human Right Forum. He successfully completed think tank training in Nigeria and project management training in Kenya which aided in his successful graduation from the Atlas Leadership Academy, Atlas Network (USA). He has written several Op-Eds that have contributed to public policy debate and engaged with credible media houses in Ghana. He is also a member of WADA Ghana and Konma and a speaker at blockchain events in Ghana. He is also an active catalyst member, fund 7 community advisor, and co-proposal.
LinkedIn Profile -
He is an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Ghana. She has an interest in the intersection between the law and Intellectual Property (IT) especially as regards the internet, privacy, and the law, Blockchain, Corporate Governance and Artificial Intelligence. She served as Speaker of Parliament during her time at the Law Faculty at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. She is an eloquent public speaker and focus her career in bring about positive change. She is currently the Head of Legal Affairs at YAFO Institute.
Budget for the Project
Organizing a high-profile policy dialogue on CDBC – 21,000 ADA
Securing media interviews to discuss the dark-side of CDBC – 5,000 ADA
Publishing op-eds and articles in prominent Ghanaian publications – 11,000 ADA
Developing media education materials on CDBC – 16,000 ADA
Engaging with the Public & media to provide expert commentary on CDBC developments – 15,000 ADA
Miscellaneous – 2,000 ADA
Grand Total – 70,000 ADA
The Cardano Ecosystem gains significant value from the Policy Initiative with a focus on awreness by promoting CardanoADA as a secure and decentralized alternative to CDBC, protecting financial freedom and individual autonomy, educating the public about digital currency, and fostering collaboration between the Cardano community and local policy initiatives to safeguard our space. The project provides value for money in the following areas;
Promoting CardanoADA as a secure and decentralized alternative to CDBC: The Policy Initiative would encourage individuals and businesses to consider CardanoADA as a more secure and decentralized alternative for their financial transactions by raising awareness of the potential risks of CDBC. This would result in increased CardanoADA adoption, which would benefit the Cardano Ecosystem by increasing demand for ADA tokens and strengthening its position in the crypto space.
Protecting financial freedom and individual autonomy: CDBC has the potential to centralize financial system control and erode financial freedom. By raising awareness of the risks of CDBC and advocating for alternative forms of digital currency that are more decentralized and resistant to control, the Policy Initiative would help to protect financial freedom and individual autonomy. This is consistent with Cardano's fundamental principles of decentralization and empowering the marginalized as well as support for local policy and regulatory framework that champion growth and innovations.
Educating the general public about digital currency and empowering informed decision-making: The Policy Initiative would assist in educating the general public about digital currency and empowering them to make informed financial decisions. This includes informing people about the potential risks and benefits of CDBC, as well as alternative forms of digital currency such as CardanoADA. The initiative would help to reduce the risk of scams and fraud in the cryptocurrency space by increasing financial literacy.